Wall Street impressed by 'evolutionary' improvement in Apple's iPad 2



  • Reply 21 of 47
    rabbit_coachrabbit_coach Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post


    The iPad 2 is worth buying just because of Apple's sense of humor. Frankly, no keynote in the world was as impressive as Steve's one... Supernatural.

    Right! I can think of no TV show that is as entertaining as SJ's keynotes. If he wouldn't be so involved

    being the worlds most successful CEO he'd probably be the worlds greatest show master. Happy to see him back.
  • Reply 22 of 47
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    The tech-heads appear to be very unhappy with the latest iPad incarnation. It's claimed that the specs are too weak and too many missing features such as no USB port or Retina display and lower spec'ed cameras and core RAM than what Android tablets have. I doubt consumers will feel the same way. I honestly believe they'll be very pleased with the iPad 2. Tech-heads really don't have a clue about consumers' needs at all. From what I've seen in video, the iPad 2 runs blazingly fast and the display is very good. I think Apple did a good job. Good enough to keep customers buying iPads over rival tablet vendors. The $100 price drop in price of last year's iPad model will also help to slow down Android tablet sales.

    Rule #1 of Apple product releases... If the tech-heads are unhappy success in the marketplace is guaranteed!
  • Reply 23 of 47
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    I don't get it. If you need to cover your display, put it to sleep when you close it and prop it up for typing, why not just buy one of these?

    If you're serious - you're right - you don't get it. The people that come on here bashing the form factor don't get it at all. They make no sense because they're saying they'd prefer NOT to have the choice of an alternate form.

    Watch the video of the doctor showing a patient something on an iPad, while they're flat on their back in bed. Then picture the doctor doing that with a laptop, holding it over the person's face while trying to zoom using what, a trackpad?

    And it's not just doctors - there are plenty of examples of where the iPad form is better. But people who slam this form are probably too short-sighted to think of other examples. They prefer a world where everyone needs the same exact equipment. i can't imagine why.
  • Reply 24 of 47
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    If you're serious - you're right - you don't get it. The people that come on here bashing the form factor don't get it at all. They make no sense because they're saying they'd prefer NOT to have the choice of an alternate form.

    Watch the video of the doctor showing a patient something on an iPad, while they're flat on their back in bed. Then picture the doctor doing that with a laptop, holding it over the person's face while trying to zoom using what, a trackpad?

    And it's not just doctors - there are plenty of examples of where the iPad form is better. But people who slam this form are probably too short-sighted to think of other examples. They prefer a world where everyone needs the same exact equipment. i can't imagine why.

    Excellent reply! Agreed!
  • Reply 25 of 47
    Originally Posted by acslater017 View Post

    I agree. Steve Jobs said it right when he noted that other companies are looking at it like the next PC market. They're pushing specs, specs, specs and lagging behind in user interface, design, and integration - Apple's specialties. OK, webOS has great multitasking and notifications. Android has customization. I've used the Xoom in person and it's pretty bad - one of those things that looks great on paper or in a demo but feels half-baked in your hands. iPad/iOS is imperfect but it's got the best overall package.

    When will these companies realize that 90 percent of consumers don't care about specs! They care about experience! A droid commercial says, "It'll turn you into a texting machine! It's got a 1.2 GHz processor and a 7 megapixel camera!!".

    An iPhone commercial says, "Look at all these apps we've got. The screen is the sharpest ever, so your photos will look great and reading is a lot easier."

    90% of consumers don't care if a tablet has USB ports, how many MB of RAM it has, or how fast its clock speed is. They wanna know, is it fun to use? Is it comfortable? Does it look cool? Does it have good apps? I'm a techie, and those are my concerns too.

  • Reply 26 of 47
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by leiwei View Post

    Heh. I registered because I had to make this one comment about Apple products.

    I work retail and I see Apple consumers having a swell time browsing through the accessories department and getting what they want. So I see the new cover for the iPad 2 and I'm thinking that our store will likely get a whole slew of iPad 2-ready accessories. Great stuff. Really.

    Consumers with Apple products can customize their device with these accessories. The way they want it.

    Now, I get Android customers too and usually they're the ones that leave with a \ face. They'll come in, search around, and ask if we have any cases for their phone or for their Galaxy Tab. For that, I shake my head and they start looking .

    So what do I tell them? I tell them it's easier to find an accessory for Apple products because accessory companies know they can make bulk and expect a profit in return. Android on the other hand? Would you as a company create a case for a Company X Android device that will probably be replaced by yet another Company X Android device a few months down the line? Probably not worth the trouble.

    So when I see the iPad 2 and Apple's new case solution for it. I knowing that Apple still thinks of accessories in mind for the consumers. Because consumers like to dress up their purchases. Not because they have to but because they want to.

    You hit the nail on the head. The ecosystem (including the software ecosystem) that Apple created around iOS is something that competitors can only dream of.
  • Reply 27 of 47
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    This is why one simple little spec, the amount of RAM, is so important. When an iPad and Safari fail to open a web site due to the lack of RAM it leads to a bad user experience. Apples hiding this one simple data point makes it impossible to say if the device will be a better platform for cursing the web or for that matter suitable for corporate use.

    In the end many of Apples customers do not understand specs well at all. This can be seen here due to the number of people that don't understand the difference between RAM and flash memory. What they do care about though is the performance of the apps supplied with the device. They simply want things to work and are not happy to find out that Apple boned them.

    Originally Posted by acslater017 View Post

    I agree. Steve Jobs said it right when he noted that other companies are looking at it like the next PC market. They're pushing specs, specs, specs and lagging behind in user interface, design, and integration - Apple's specialties.

    Honestly is that an excuse to hide the specs from the consummer? Think hard about that one. I agree that some of the design issues are important and from a marketing stand point need to be focused on. The problem is that those that need to knowshould be able to find out by reading the spec sheet. Frankly a RAM spec is more useful than info already posted on Apples spec page and easier for the consummer to understand.


    OK, webOS has great multitasking and notifications. Android has customization. I've used the Xoom in person and it's pretty bad - one of those things that looks great on paper or in a demo but feels half-baked in your hands. iPad/iOS is imperfect but it's got the best overall package.

    Well iOS has had the ability to mature over several years now and it is based on existing tech that is again several years old. Android and the others are starting from the begining so have much potential. If you need specific features they can be viable solutions where an iOS device might not be. You can discount webOS, Android and the others all you want but I have to say I was involved in the beta release of the iPhone SDK and have to say it took Apple a long time to turn that crap into the platform we have today.


    When will these companies realize that 90 percent of consumers don't care about specs! They care about experience! A droid commercial says, "It'll turn you into a texting machine! It's got a 1.2 GHz processor and a 7 megapixel camera!!".

    Are those not specs? The great mystery here is why Apple markets the processor specs but not the all important RAM. For that matter the market many other specs too. One can only assume they intend to mis lead the consummer.

    In any event consummers do care. Maybe not always up front but after the fact is a real issue. When an iPad fails to handle a web site that an owner has no problem with on a laptop it is a huge black eye for iPad. It is far worst to disappoint somebody after a purchase than before.


    An iPhone commercial says, "Look at all these apps we've got. The screen is the sharpest ever, so your photos will look great and reading is a lot easier."

    I hope you aren't saying Apple diesnt publish screen specs.


    90% of consumers don't care if a tablet has USB ports, how many MB of RAM it has, or how fast its clock speed is. They wanna know, is it fun to use? Is it comfortable? Does it look cool? Does it have good apps? I'm a techie, and those are my concerns too.

    Well if you are a techie you should realize that RAM is a significant problem on iPad 1 thus the interest in what is in iPad 2. RAM is so closely coupled to iOS device capability that I'd have to say it is the most important spec going.
  • Reply 28 of 47
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    If you're serious - you're right - you don't get it. The people that come on here bashing the form factor don't get it at all. They make no sense because they're saying they'd prefer NOT to have the choice of an alternate form.

    Watch the video of the doctor showing a patient something on an iPad, while they're flat on their back in bed. Then picture the doctor doing that with a laptop, holding it over the person's face while trying to zoom using what, a trackpad?

    And it's not just doctors - there are plenty of examples of where the iPad form is better. But people who slam this form are probably too short-sighted to think of other examples. They prefer a world where everyone needs the same exact equipment. i can't imagine why.

    Concur whole heartedly.

    I would like to add as well, that everybody watch the entire keynote as well as the videos associated with it.

    I have just ordered the new Macbook Pro 15 and hopefully will be getting the iPad 2 on day one. (My wife considering; however, her reluctance should be offset by the fact that she gets her iPad back.)

    It seems to me as a developer that the iPad is now well on its way to replace the pc, not entirely, but for most of the masses and that includes enterprise. This is particularly evident after seeing what can be done as demonstrated with the new iMovie and Garageband apps. Why we can't develop the likes of a uncompromised Word, Excel, heck even all the Adobe programs, for the iPad is beyond me.

    What Apple has demonstrated is that we don't need massive programs, massive amounts of RAM or massive boxes. Right now, we have the option to view on larger screens and with a Bluetooth keyboard there isn't much more we need to satisfy most needs of most people that sit in front of a computer. If anything, a touchpad is really all that is missing to keep me from tiring my arms from reaching up and dirtying my screen.
  • Reply 29 of 47
    pi31416pi31416 Posts: 6member
    [QUOTE=2 cents;1821312]+1

    What we have here is a paradigm shift that Jobs saw and helped create/QUOTE]

    A story from the early Plus days. My sister, a middle school teacher, got a new mac through the generosity of our mother. She began using it right away to write lesson plans and make other things for her classes. She lived in Seattle, I lived in Salt Lake City, so tech support was not easy but was thankfully rare. One day she called, upset because she could not find something she had been working on. I asked her, "Well, where do you keep your files?" Sister: "I don't have any files on this computer." Brother: "Well, what application do you use to write things with?" Sister: I don't have any applications either." We did solve the problem, as I recall.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    I don't get it. If you need to cover your display, put it to sleep when you close it and prop it up for typing, why not just buy one of these?

    Because I can buy two units instead of one (or rather 10 instead of 5) and they serve the needs of my business better by offering a more manageable and secure platform, a keyboard in most any language and they will run all day and into the night without needing to charge them.

    Then, when our other business operates I can switch them into different tasks, door list, point of sale, driving projection.

    And I pack them into a small box at the end of the night. Take them home, safe from theft plug em into a power board for the next morning. But mostly management and security.
  • Reply 31 of 47
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Rule #1 of Apple product releases... If the tech-heads are unhappy success in the marketplace is guaranteed!

    You are absolutely correct. I observed the tech heads in my office grimace yesterday, stating they will wait for IPad 3. I showed my wife last night the IPad2 video and she is already trying to figure out how to sell IPad1 and get a new IPad2. White of course! Plus a cool cover to boot... Time to unload some of my other stock and buy more AAPL.
  • Reply 32 of 47
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post


    What we have here is a paradigm shift that Jobs saw and helped create. People are scrambling to catch up and most don't get it--including many here. Let me explain. Used to be, geeks bought computers. They'd examine specs and all sorts of stuff that "normal people" don't understand or care about. When normal people bought computers, they'd ask geeks what to get. Geeks gave them horrible advice and that's why aunt Martha is terrified of her email program to this day. That's why DOS won out over the Mac back in the 80s. That's why a 5 person company needs one of those employees to do full time tech support. That's why computers became something you "program" instead of a tool you just use like another tool. Geeks, there's your problem.

    Now, along comes Steve v2 and he cuts through all that. Anyone can buy a Mac and run their stuff with a minimum of tech assistance. But Steve went a step further. Hands on road testing and friendly tech assistance is as close as your nearest apple store. When you get there, you try out an iPhone or iPad and realize that it's not really a computer at all. You can pick it up and use it without knowing much of anything about computers. Now add the ecosystem (and believe me, MobileMe will end up being a HUGE factor here in the near future) and Steve's you uncle.

    Most geeks can't really understand what a revolution this is for regular folk. I see people I know using apple products that are deady afraid of computers and illiterate of all things tech. Apple has huge mind share among them and the young as well--because the young are unburdened by the history of the stuff. They are post-OS wars.

    No other tech company even has a clue at this point as to how to compete with this. The most often thought of competitor, google, is a clueless clown by comparison. Their offerings are disjointed and that's being kind. That's why google and MS geeks are so frustrated by apple. In the end, they think it's all marketing. Why else would people buy apple products? They must be dumb and succeptible to marketing. Yeah, that's it! (best Jon Lovitz voice)

    I look for apple to actually expand it's dominance in the foreseeable future. They can use their mind share, ecosystem, cash reserves, and buying power as formidable weapons. Now, what a turnaround that is for apple pre-2000! In my mind, this makes Jobs the most brilliant CEO of our time.

    PS. For anyone that brings up the android market share argument, think again. It's is very flawed. Hardware companies get a free spyware OS they have no control of and make cheap hardware to sell with it--with no tech support or ecosystem. Many will go broke, few will understand why. CEOs, prepare your golden parachutes.

  • Reply 33 of 47
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post


    What we have here is a paradigm shift that Jobs saw and helped create/QUOTE]

    A story from the early Plus days. My sister, a middle school teacher, got a new mac through the generosity of our mother. She began using it right away to write lesson plans and make other things for her classes. She lived in Seattle, I lived in Salt Lake City, so tech support was not easy but was thankfully rare. One day she called, upset because she could not find something she had been working on. I asked her, "Well, where do you keep your files?" Sister: "I don't have any files on this computer." Brother: "Well, what application do you use to write things with?" Sister: I don't have any applications either." We did solve the problem, as I recall.

    Riight! We've all been through it. I gave my old SE30 to a friend. He called me in a panic one day. He thought he backed up all his files by making an alias of his work folder onto a floppy. Now tell me why Aunt Martha needs control of her file system again.
  • Reply 34 of 47
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In a note to investors, JP Morgan's Mark Moskowitz suggested that the firm's forecast of Apple holding 68 percent of the tablet market in 2011 "may be conservative" in light of Wednesday's iPad rollout.

    The reason analysts ALWAYS underestimate their projections for Apple's market share is that when Apple's competitors roll out their vaporware, the analysts predict the impact of said vaporware against Apple's existing products as if Apple will never ever update them. Do they think that Apple's innovation train stopped dead on its tracks after the last product introduction? And they get paid for such fundamentally shoddy analysis?
  • Reply 35 of 47
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by acslater017 View Post


    90% of consumers don't care if a tablet has USB ports, how many MB of RAM it has, or how fast its clock speed is. They wanna know, is it fun to use? Is it comfortable? Does it look cool? Does it have good apps? I'm a techie, and those are my concerns too.

    Well said ... mostly. The tablet market is not just about consumers. Businesses are rapidly adopting them too. The impressive thing about business adoption is the rate at which this has taken place. When was the last time businesses as a whole adopted a new technology so fast?

    But, businesses do care about specs, justifiably or not. So, time will tell how much of the pie the other tablets eke out. In the end, that may not matter to Apple. What I admire most about Apple is that they do not aim to please everyone. Instead, they aim to make products that they themselves really really like, and then they offer it to the world and bet that many share their taste. More often than not, we do.

    Speaking as a consumer myself, or rather a prosumer, the only spec I am disappointed by is the rear camera. I was really looking forward to carrying a high-res, flash-enabled (flash, not Flash), book-size iPad camera in the streets just like a ghetto-blaster. Oh well, perhaps iPad 6.
  • Reply 36 of 47
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by acslater017 View Post

    ... 90% of consumers don't care if a tablet has USB ports, how many MB of RAM it has, or how fast its clock speed is. ...

    I think you are seriously underestimating the percentage of people who don't care about these things.
  • Reply 37 of 47
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    ...In any event consummers do care. Maybe not always up front but after the fact is a real issue. When an iPad fails to handle a web site that an owner has no problem with on a laptop it is a huge black eye for iPad. It is far worst to disappoint somebody after a purchase than before.

    I hope you aren't saying Apple diesnt publish screen specs.

    Well if you are a techie you should realize that RAM is a significant problem on iPad 1 thus the interest in what is in iPad 2. RAM is so closely coupled to iOS device capability that I'd have to say it is the most important spec going.

    RAM should be a spec easily obtained in the tech specs area of Apple's web site. I'll give you that. But any web site that won't load on an iPad should probably be tweaked so that it does. There are a lot of iPads out there (and iPhones, etc). Apple is currently winning this tablet race and the world will bend to meet Apple's needs, not vice versa.

    Some of what you say is true. Apple does spout their preferred specs during keynotes while leaving some out. But the nice thing about the iPad is it is so popular, it's only minutes, often, before a site rips one apart and reveals all the parts. Or it's leaked and we know before the thing even ships.

    Apple is essentially correct, however. People just want the thing to work and they like to accessorize their kit and browse a thriving app store. Apple makes the whole thing. Read the post above about how a store can confidently carry Apple's accessories, knowing they can turn a handsome profit.
  • Reply 38 of 47
    yensid98yensid98 Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Well if you are a techie you should realize that RAM is a significant problem on iPad 1 thus the interest in what is in iPad 2. RAM is so closely coupled to iOS device capability that I'd have to say it is the most important spec going.

    Well I've been an iPad owner from day one and have never noticed a "significant problem" in it's design or technology. Something tells me it's only a problem for those that want it to be something else.

    I do photo editing, music creation, Numbers spreadsheets, Pages documents, finance tracking, game playing, video streaming, movie watching, iBook/comic reading, internet browsing, email, calendaring, app shopping, map viewing and more on this iPad with no "significant problem." That's not to say I don't have my list of refinements and see room for improvement, but I fail to see a "significant problem" with the device or it's operation.

    What is this supposed "significant problem" anyway?
  • Reply 39 of 47
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    If you're serious - you're right - you don't get it. The people that come on here bashing the form factor don't get it at all. They make no sense because they're saying they'd prefer NOT to have the choice of an alternate form.

    Who's bashing the form factor? I'll be buying an iPad 2 as soon as they're available (see sig). I just think the cover is dorky. It's giving a tablet 'notebook-like' functions that it doesn't need.

    Besides, Apple ripped off the Japanese http://www.tuaw.com/2011/03/03/new-i...bath-tub-lids/
  • Reply 40 of 47
    gxcadgxcad Posts: 120member
    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    I don't get it. If you need to cover your display, put it to sleep when you close it and prop it up for typing, why not just buy one of these?

    While I understand where you are coming from, the iPad 2 starts at $500 less and a FULL POUND lighter in weight. Sometimes, less is more.
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