Apple's iPad 2 prompts Samsung to improve 'inadequate' parts of Galaxy Tab 10.1



  • Reply 121 of 222
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Apple should do a fake keynote sometime!

    Steve Jobs would get on stage and talk about an upcoming product which is due to ship in the future, and we all know as soon as he's done talking, the competitors will immediately get to work in copying the design and specs of the product. Like a bunch of monkeys, they copy, they don't innovate.

    Then a couple of months later, Apple has another keynote, and Steve Jobs says that they were only kidding, and this is really what our product is going to look like. It would be hilarious and it would cost the competitors many millions of dollars of wasted money in their attempts to copy something that turns out to be not the actual product with bogus specs.

  • Reply 122 of 222
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I didn't realize that Mouse was that close to Steve... I'm jealous!

    As for Extreme he seems to be very concerned about people sucking male genitalia and items shoved up the male posterior.... not that there is anything wrong with that... I think...

    ... hmmmmmm

    I am very concerned I just want to make sure everyone is practicing safe sex. I know Mouse might forget seeing is always in battle against the poor morals of companies like Google. I just want to make sure that when Mouse is flying around the world in his spandex suit he is well protected from the evils of the world.
  • Reply 123 of 222
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    He will make the argument that you need to try it before expressing your opinion.

    Every time Skater hears the phrase, "race to the bottom", he gets excited... it means an entirely different thing to him...
  • Reply 124 of 222
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Apple should do a fake keynote sometime!

    Steve Jobs would get on stage and talk about an upcoming product which is due to ship in the future, and we all know as soon as he's done talking, the competitors will immediately get to work in copying the design and specs of the product. Like a bunch of monkeys, they copy, they don't innovate.

    Then a couple of months later, Apple has another keynote, and Steve Jobs says that they were only kidding, and this is really what our product is going to look like. It would be hilarious and it would cost the competitors many millions of dollars of wasted money in their attempts to copy something that turns out to be not the actual product with bogus specs.

    I think they accomplish the same effect through leaks and certain patent applications.
  • Reply 125 of 222
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Every time Skater hears the phrase, "race to the bottom", he gets excited... it means an entirely different thing to him...

    Yeah but unlike most of the guys on this forum I do that to women that don't need to be blown up.
  • Reply 126 of 222
    crift2012crift2012 Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Yeah but unlike most of the guys on this forum I do that to women that don't need to be blown up.

    yea but can you not answer how flash-based input interactivity on .swfs can work on touch-based systems
  • Reply 127 of 222
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    It is just a big iPod Touch. I still hold to that comment. Unlike many of you I like the iPad because it is a toy. Listen to music, play games, surf the net and watch videos. If I wanted to do something productive I have to use a MBP because the iPad simply does not support the software I use. Which is the case for most people.

    Mouse I am the as honest as they get because unlike you I just don't walk around sucking Steve Jobs nut sack. You are a bias fanboy wuss which doesn't make you honest. Just because you love everything that Apple makes and bash everything else doesn't make you honest in fact it's quite the opposite.

    People like you bash Google, Microsoft and everyone else when 99% of the time you haven't even touched their products or services. That doesn't make you honest. At least when I have something negative to say I make an effort to use the product first. My opinion of the iPad still stand its a toy.

    Just because it has sold to millions doesn't mean its some great productivity device. If its such a great educational tool like Steve Jobs says then why doesn't it get an educational discount like all other Apple products that are seen as educational tools? Love to hear your answer on that one.

    You are one of the most bias people on this forum it's beyond a joke for you to try and call anyone else out on being honest.

    What gets me about commentary like this is this: why aren't you banging your spoon against your tin pan and screaming 'xoom is just a big droid'?

    There is precious little intellectual honestly in arguments like 'it's just a bigger <x>' - all that really tells us is you've found a convenient way to dismiss something that you'd rather not acknowledge. But if truth be told, sometimes the entire experience is changed because the device affordances have changed. And guess what? Size is an affordance.

    The absurdity of your argument is really clear if you start applying it to other products. "Hey, an SUV is just a bigger hatchback." "Hey, a 737 is just a bigger Cessna". "Hey, a 52 inch TV is just a bigger 25 inch TV" - you can go on and on and on, and there will be one commonality among every example: each is utterly banal and carries within it not even the hint of a thoughtful examination.

    Even if these devices really were just 'bigger iPod touches' (which is factually incorrect to begin with), that analysis would still not form the basis of a reasonable argument.
  • Reply 128 of 222
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    Originally Posted by IKnowThat2 View Post

    Everyone talks about apps, but seems to ignore that ipad was out about a year ago and honeycomb came out only few weeks ago.

    Within no time most of the android apps will be upgraded by developers to use for tablet OS.

    Apple fanboys made similar argument for apps when Droid came out first time.

    And there are still about 2x more apps for the iPhone than there are for Android. In fact, since the droid was released, there have been more new apps released for the iPhone than Android by a rate of about 300,000 to 200,000. Android isn't closing the gap in number of apps, Apple is expanding the lead in total number of apps available.
  • Reply 129 of 222
    hunabkuhunabku Posts: 55member
    Originally Posted by crift2012 View Post

    lol... mean talk about spinning the truth...

    you do realize, you have to ship it back to motorola to get the "4G" to work right? The Xoom is not shipped with 4G. That is after you fork the 800 for not one native So i guess you might be sitting around playing with the Honeycomy UI-ey. Yea! a custom lock screen! And exactly how fast is this "4G"? Is it 100 Mbit/s? or 10-15 Mbit/s? That's not even 3.5G, more like 3.15G man.

    Which network supplies 100 Mbits/s? Until then the Xoom and Sprint are only 3G+

    Easy tiger - 4G seems to be very competitive upgrade when it gets more widely rolled out. And you'll only have to wait one week for your Xoom to return with the 4G upgrade.

    Analyst say that the Xoom is the first true competitor for the iPad and it will truly shine someday when apps get written for it. Some geeks will buy it now because they're geeks and can wait for someday. The only danger i see is that the non-geeks who do not know any better will buy it and have a sub-par experience, especially when they use it next to their friends or families ipad running garageband, imovie, etc.

    Those non-geeks will remember their crappy experience and here-in lies the biggest problem that not many are talking about - > All these companies flooding the market with half-baked andriod products are causing harm to their brand. I guess they know that and are making a conscious choice to get in the market as soon as possible and at all costs.

    There may be a significant backlash and drop over the longer haul for these brands. Time will tell how it all shakes out and whether or not Xoom will cause their client base to go boom as in blowed up and tattered, or boom as in booming success.
  • Reply 130 of 222
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    I think they accomplish the same effect through leaks and certain patent applications.

    Yeah, that's probably true.

    The CEO's of the competitors probably visit Apple rumor sites more often than we do. It's the first bookmark in their browser.

  • Reply 131 of 222
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by Urinal Mint View Post

    Anyone who's in the market for a specifically Android tablet isn't going to be concerned with a tenth of an inch - they want the internal hardware (CPU/GPU) upgrades.

    Anything else you're willing to compromise on? Build quality? Display quality? OS that works?
  • Reply 132 of 222
    nkalunkalu Posts: 315member
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Apple's competitors have their heads so far up their butts that they can't see straight. They have no ability to think for themselves or innovate on their own. A pathetic lot.

    I concur. You got it absolutely right.
  • Reply 133 of 222
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by crift2012 View Post

    yea but can you not answer how flash-based input interactivity on .swfs can work on touch-based systems

    Dude really thats the best comeback you have? Maybe something with a bit more humor?

    I mean really Shock Wave Flash. Yeah thats really high tech. Glad your mom finally got you that copy of CS5.
  • Reply 134 of 222
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by tt92618 View Post

    What gets me about commentary like this is this: why aren't you banging your spoon against your tin pan and screaming 'xoom is just a big droid'?

    There is precious little intellectual honestly in arguments like 'it's just a bigger <x>' - all that really tells us is you've found a convenient way to dismiss something that you'd rather not acknowledge. But if truth be told, sometimes the entire experience is changed because the device affordances have changed. And guess what? Size is an affordance.

    The absurdity of your argument is really clear if you start applying it to other products. "Hey, an SUV is just a bigger hatchback." "Hey, a 737 is just a bigger Cessna". "Hey, a 52 inch TV is just a bigger 25 inch TV" - you can go on and on and on, and there will be one commonality among every example: each is utterly banal and carries within it not even the hint of a thoughtful examination.

    Even if these devices really were just 'bigger iPod touches' (which is factually incorrect to begin with), that analysis would still not form the basis of a reasonable argument.

    Xoom is a big Droid. No arguement here.
  • Reply 135 of 222
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Before the iPad was released, you crapped all over it. According to your own account, the only reason you have an iPad is that they gave it to you at work, and you still claimed it was just a big iPad Touch. No, you don't bash products because they aren't made by Apple, you bash products because the are made by Apple. You are not in any way an avid supporter of Apple and its products. Quite to the contrary, based on your posting history.

    Have the decency to at least be honest here.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Ouch. Called him out there! (Let's see if it makes any differences, though -- I doubt it very much).

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Who gives a shit. Like I was the only one that had an opinion on the iPad before it was released? Are you guys serious. Get a life.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Oh and Mouse one more thing, I will still be getting my iPad from my company about an hour after it comes out. When you grow up to be a big boy and are actually important to the company you work for you might get the same. However I am not really expecting that to happen for you in this lifetime.

    Good lord people... leave skater alone... he's still thinks AAPL will never reach $270 ferchrissakes!
  • Reply 136 of 222
    munciemuncie Posts: 47member
  • Reply 137 of 222
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    Originally Posted by Hunabku View Post

    Easy tiger - 4G seems to be very competitive upgrade when it gets more widely rolled out. And you'll only have to wait one week for your Xoom to return with the 4G upgrade.

    So at some unannounced and unknown time in the future, you send your xoom back so they can finish building it (if you buy it with a 2 year data contract that gives you a $200 discount, but has a $350 early termination fee)?
  • Reply 138 of 222
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    When the iPad has an actual file system, can print to more then a few select HP printers that no one uses and doesn't need another system to truly work correctly then it will be on the road to not being a toy.

    AirSharing Pro on the iPhone works pretty well as a file manager, including linking to and other storage services like that as well as printing (limited). I've heard the AirSharing HD for the iPad is a bit buggy though.

    I would love Apple to release something similar, either as an App or something built into iOS 5 that all Apps can access. AirSharing works ok, but it can be painfully slow, even over WiFi.
  • Reply 139 of 222
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Good lord people... leave skater alone... he's still thinks AAPL will never reach $270 ferchrissakes!

    In this economy I didn't think it would hit above that. I never feel bad about saying I was wrong. Only difference its hard to use that against me seeing I am heavily invested in AAPL.

    So really who is the fool, Quadra who said it would and doesn't own a single share or me that owns a shit load. I'll be wrong like that all day long.

    Good try though.
  • Reply 140 of 222
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    iPads aren't anything we assign to them, it's just something they do on their own. In general, they use Citrix. As for what circlepix does for the builders they host virtual tours for, that's up to them. I am sure html5 can be used, but will they spend the time to do it? Idk.

    Well if they use citrix to show them since the ipad doesn't have flash, they can still do that on the ipad. Citrix is available in the app store.
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