3 lbs sub-PowerBook



  • Reply 61 of 62
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    I don't think a small screen on a sub note would suite OSX.

    The apps we use need decent screens, the dock would take up too much acerage. The fonts would be difficult to read.

    Things that would be no good on a sub note:-






    Need I go on.

    If you want word an and email get a PDA. BUt you don't like the ones on the market right now...

    Well I think you will find that we are going to get some really good PDA-Phones which will sync with outlook/Entourage/Eudora etc. They are going to be so good they are going to kill the sub note market for both platforms. IMO.
  • Reply 62 of 62
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>But really now. HOW WEAK ARE YOU PEOPLE. 3 pounds doesn't go anywhere 5 can't. You still need to put it in a bag: it's not as though you could put youe 3 pound book in your back pocket. You still need to set a 3 pound notebook on a stable surface to type on it, same as a 5. All you do is sacrifice a useful optical drive, and often, HDD performance, keyboard size and screen quality to boot.

    If the iBook is too big and heavy, you really need to lift some weights, grasshoppers. And please don't say, "but the Japanese market..." They need to lift some weights too, or eat some steak and potatoes. I've taught a lot of Japanese students, and experienced their fascination with miniaturization. Especially the women: they're always complaining that this or that book is too heavy to lug between class and home. They struggle with doors everywhere. Come on! I realize some peoples are smaller than others but this is ridiculous. Eat something fer chrissakes! Anorexic waifs!

    My bag routinely weighs between 10-25 pounds, and if I take home some marking or hit the library/study hall during mid-term/finals time, that can nearly double. WTF? If I had a notebook with me, I'd easily chuck it's equivalent in papers out of my bag and be no worse off. Sorry, but a two pound savings in exchange for a drive, extra speed and greater storage just doesn't cut it. A 5 pound (but complete) solution is much better.

    Eat Protien. Take Vitamins. Do exercise. Buy iBook.


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