Apple ships over 1 million MacBook Airs in new notebook's first quarter



  • Reply 61 of 207
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Right.. and AAPL will "never" hit $270 in this economy as you've said in the past.

    You wish you owned my shares. Seeing Steves Jobs looks about as healthy as the crypt keeper with a black shirt on hopefully they will still be worth something next year.
  • Reply 62 of 207
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    The iPad 1 and 2 both use ARM Cortex-A that ARM designs and licenses. The iPad 1 uses the Cortex-A8 reference design and the iPAd 2 uses the Cortex-A9 reference design. If you have a source that says they aren?t using ARM?s designs then please make a case for it, but until you do the only feasible dual-core chip is from ARM.

    I already gave you the spec sheet via a link. Can you not read it?
  • Reply 63 of 207
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You wish you owned my shares. Seeing Steves Jobs looks about as healthy as the crypt keeper with a black shirt on hopefully they will still be worth something next year.

    Your posts are getting nastier and tiresome.

    Stop it.
  • Reply 64 of 207
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Your posts are getting nastier and tiresome.

    Stop it.

    Sure no problem as long as people stop actlng like asses. How many times do we have to hear about a stock comment that was made how long ago?

    Want respect then its a two way street.
  • Reply 65 of 207
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You wish you owned my shares. Seeing Steves Jobs looks about as healthy as the crypt keeper with a black shirt on hopefully they will still be worth something next year.

    So your stock picking knowledge is no better than your computer knowledge. Gotcha.

    If you think that the shares might be worth nothing next year, why in the world do you still have them?

    Other than the obvious explanation that you're simply lying, of course.
  • Reply 66 of 207
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 518member
    Originally Posted by jbernard703 View Post

    I was one of those who bought one of the 1,000,000 MacsBooks Airs. Great computer. I got the top of the line 11" and it is the best electronic device i have ever purchased.

    Without question. It's the first portable computer that really is both an excellent spec'ed machine and superbly portable. The original Air was nice, but I needed 4GB of RAM, and having the SSD as a default / lower prices / faster GPU and the 'magical' form factor of the 11" version sealed the deal. I had had been drooling all over it at the store, and couldn't be happier now owning one.

    Heavy lifting at my desk is still on my Mac Pro, but I can't replace that with any laptop since I don't want to give up the performance for rendering, but then my laptop should be a real portable since it's not competing with a tower on raw specs. And it doesn't have to - I can't drop the Pro in a bag and not even notice it.
  • Reply 67 of 207
    tipttipt Posts: 36member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    So your stock picking knowledge is no better than your computer knowledge. Gotcha.

    If you think that the shares might be worth nothing next year, why in the world do you still have them?

    Other than the obvious explanation that you're simply lying, of course.

    I'll go with simply lying.
  • Reply 68 of 207
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post

    IMO, the Air is now much less of a value now that the iPad 2 is out. Still a great computer, though.

    I agree with you now that Apple has also released iMovie and GarageBand for iOS. It is becoming more and more useful and we don't need the traditional laptop as much anymore. The A5 should leave no doubt that Apple is all-in for "post-PC" products - in other words OSX's days are numbered.

    iOS will eventually replace OSX. 10.7 is the last OSX release as beyond that OSX and iOS will merge leaving iOS. This is just like the Server and Client versions of OSX 10.7 being the same as there won't be a separate Server release.

    It is clear that Apple wink with the "post-PC" message means we'll soon be seeing iOS in other form factors. Built into televisions, automobiles, and appliances anyone? That refrigerator could use a touchscreen and iOS.
  • Reply 69 of 207
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    So your stock picking knowledge is no better than your computer knowledge. Gotcha.

    If you think that the shares might be worth nothing next year, why in the world do you still have them?

    Other than the obvious explanation that you're simply lying, of course.

    No just making the point that the guy that wanted to keep bragging about stock prices doesn't own a single share. In my book that makes him the fool not me. There isn't a person on here that hasn't made a prediction or given an opinion that has been wrong at some point. So while I was wrong about the stock price increase in this economy at least I have skin in the game. I don't have too or feel the need to lie about anything.

    If people think they can get me to leave they can't, if you think you can get under my skin, you can't I will get under yours first and stay there. Like I said in my preious post if you want respect you better be willing to give it in return.

    As far as my computer knowledge I do pretty well in that area.

    Now maybe we can actually get back to talking about technology.
  • Reply 70 of 207
    Originally Posted by tipt View Post

    I'll go with simply lying.

    Do you guys all live in the same basement?
  • Reply 71 of 207
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    Hey! I'm an Apple fansboy!

    Best post this week.
  • Reply 72 of 207
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    This is in sharp contrast to the old AIRs where the design didn't even bother with usability factors.

    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Really? 180 degrees? What "opposite direction" are you referring? What failure are you referring? Anecdotally I know plenty of people that loved their original MBAs.

    Yes many did like them. However many did not resulting in a glut of second hand units. The thermal throttling problems that the originals had was a big issue.

    In any event the failure I'm speaking of is the original AIRs lack of success in the marketplace. Many companies would have simply dropped the machine. In Apples case though they refactored the AIR into a very desirable product.


    Are you not aware that Apple continued with the original MBA design, not went the other way with it, and even incorporated it into their other notebooks?

    Clearly you can't read for content.


    What other ultraportable 13" notebook sold better than the original MBA?

    Do you have sales numbers for the original AIRs? Nothing I've seen indicated great success, certainly not in the way we are hearing about the grand slam the new AIRs are. Beyond that very little of the new AIRs have not been completely refactored, they are like the old AIRs in name only.


    PS: Were you the poster that said Apple wouldn't be able to ship dual-core Cortex-A9 in the next iPad until late on the year?

    You either have me mixed up with someone else or are not reading for content again. I'm the one that said it would be stupid for Apple to deliver iPad 2 without a dual core Cortex A9 derived CPU. The question right now is what exactly is in the new A5 chip, it is dual core so there is a high probability that it is Cortex A9 derived.
  • Reply 73 of 207
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Also, the default 2GB RAM is woefully inadequate in 2011.

    Not for most MacBook Air uses that consider the MBA a fashion accessory....
  • Reply 74 of 207
    recrec Posts: 217member
    It's really time for Apple to retire the vanilla Macbook. If $1000 is the best that can be done with it, I really don't think it has a place in the lineup anymore. Eliminate it and direct people to getting MBA's instead.
  • Reply 75 of 207
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    I have been 3 times to the Apple Store since the release of the MBP and every times the Air table had a lot more people than the MBP table.

    I went today and there was 3 people over the MBP while the MBA table was pack. Its pretty obvious people want a notebook like the Air
  • Reply 76 of 207
    rtdunhamrtdunham Posts: 428member
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    ...MacBook is a noun. Air is used as an adjective. The noun gets the 's' and the adjective doesn't...

    Years ago, I anticipated the arrival of the MBAs (NOT MBsA!) I'd be walking down the street, watching the Fords Fairlane and Chevrolets Corvair drive by, and think, "someday, when mankind's reached a higher level of intelligence, i hope someone introduces something called a computer and gets the pluralizing process straightened out."
  • Reply 77 of 207
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    I don't agree. Apple used essentially the same design concept since the original MBA. The same design that countless of ranters on this forum assaulted Apple for. Why buy a crippled Macbook Pro? Can't play Crysis. It use's an "outdated" core2duo CPU!! Ghast!!

    The new AIRs are a totally new design. They are derived from the same concept but new machines are far more suited to the needs of the targeted users.


    I was totally happy with my 2.5 year old MBA. It was a solid machine. If the new MBA never came, I would still have been happy using it. I sold it two months ago for a very, very nice chunk of change and applied it to my new MBA. What other trashy ulta-mobile machine can say the same thing?

    It is fine that you are happy, however many AIR users weren't.


    Where are those ranters now? The MBA still has that same Core2Duo chip! Still has that same form factor. Still one of the more "expensive" (not much so) laptops around compared the garbage referred to as netbooks, and it is a ridiculously fast machine now.

    The new AIRs are vastly improved and only remotely resemble the old systems. That is what makes them the great machines that they are.


    With the huge success of the MBA, those critics are nowhere to be heard.

    Nobody is saying that the new MBAs aren't a great success. In fact praise for the new machines is almost universal. I'm not sure what your problem is here.


    Once again praise goes to Apple to ignoring those critics and moving forward on their beliefs head-on against the opposition.

    Now this is complete BS!!!!! The new AIRs are what they are because Apple did listen to critics as well as users. They then completely refactored the machine into wha we have today. They basically took a marginal machine and created a hot seller.


    We'd still be stuck with clunky lead-weights of the 90's if the geeks, nerds, and tech-heads called the shots.

    You really don't grasp what I've posted. I have nothing but respect for the current AIRs. That is good because the old ones where junk.
  • Reply 78 of 207
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    When do you think they will refresh the Air? I want one but need a faster CPU. I understand the SSD drive makes it "look" fast, but I need a more powerfull machine.
  • Reply 79 of 207
    Originally Posted by rtdunham View Post

    Years ago, I anticipated the arrival of the MBAs (NOT MBsA!) I'd be walking down the street, watching the Fords Fairlane and Chevrolets Corvair drive by, and think, "someday, when mankind's reached a higher level of intelligence, i hope someone introduces something called a computer and gets the pluralizing process straightened out."

    You have to forgive some of the people on here. They had to leave reading The Knight's Wife of Bath on their MacBooks Air in order to go singe the King's beard of Spain?They still think it's 1588.
  • Reply 80 of 207
    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    When do you think they will refresh the Air? I want one but need a faster CPU. I understand the SSD drive makes it "look" fast, but I need a more powerfull machine.

    It doesn't just look faster, it is faster. That SSD isn't an illusion of the drive being faster than a HDD, it is absolutely faster.

    If the small form factor ultra low voltage CPUs they are using now aren't powerful enough for your needs why expect the next generation MBAs to be powerful enough for your needs, especially when you haven't stated what those needs are?
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