2002 Baseball Playoffs thread



  • Reply 141 of 161
    I can't believe no one's posted here yet tonight.

    BRING ON TEH GAME 7!!!!!!!!111
  • Reply 142 of 161
    That was one of the most stressfully insane games I've ever watched. I hope the momentum stays.

    Troy Glaus is badass.

    Go Angels!
  • Reply 143 of 161
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mikey Offender:


    How is it absurd, little boy?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    perhaps because my life revolves around baseball... from birth until this day...

    I attended 17 straight Yankee opening day games from the age of 2 months to 16... the streak only ended because I traveled to Myrtle Beach for 10 days to play in the Hawaiin Tropic High School Baseball Tournament.

    I've attended easily over 400 Yankee games in my life... have been in attendance at David Well's perfect game, David Cone's Perfect game, Doc Gooden's No Hitter, Game 6 of the 96 World Series in which the yankees won..... I was also had countless other memorable moments such as Don Mattingly Day, every old timers day except this past one because I was in California, Joe Dimaggio Day, Mussina's near perfect game in boston, etc....

    My mother works at Yankee stadium and has worked there for many years now.... last summer I was a fill in batboy for the Yankees although never got a chance to actually work in a game situation due to poor timing on my part with other activities. Yankee ticker tape parades down the canyon of heroes in manhattan? I was in em on a float and had breakfast and dinner with the players... I have the photos to prove it... and yes, it was nice ya bastard.

    I have played baseball competitively since the age of 7, being an all-star in little league every year from the age of 9 to my final year at the age of 16. I went to the number one baseball catholic high school in NYC and still attend there... freshman year I started for JV and sophomore year I was moved up to varsity for the first half the year.... that summer I also pitched at Shea Stadium as part of the connie mack league metro all-stars.... unfortunately tendonitis in my elbow sidelined me for junior year... but I'm back playing again and will be going to Cal State Fullerton this Christmas for a division 1 camp... and will likely play division 1 ball for college.

    so, yes, I know baseball .... know it very well.... baseball is my life.... can you say the same for yourself jackass?

    [ 10-27-2002: Message edited by: applenut ]</p>
  • Reply 144 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    perhaps because my life revolves around baseball... from birth until this day...

    I attended 17 straight Yankee opening day games from the age of 2 months to 16... the streak only ended because I traveled to Myrtle Beach for 10 days to play in the Hawaiin Tropic High School Baseball Tournament.

    I've attended easily over 400 Yankee games in my life... have been in attendance at David Well's perfect game, David Cone's Perfect game, Doc Gooden's No Hitter, Game 6 of the 96 World Series in which the yankees won..... I was also had countless other memorable moments such as Don Mattingly Day, every old timers day except this past one because I was in California, Joe Dimaggio Day, Mussina's near perfect game in boston, etc....

    My mother works at Yankee stadium and has worked there for many years now.... last summer I was a fill in batboy for the Yankees although never got a chance to actually work in a game situation due to poor timing on my part with other activities. Yankee ticker tape parades down the canyon of heroes in manhattan? I was in em on a float and had breakfast and dinner with the players... I have the photos to prove it... and yes, it was nice ya bastard.

    I have played baseball competitively since the age of 7, being an all-star in little league every year from the age of 9 to my final year at the age of 16. I went to the number one baseball catholic high school in NYC and still attend there... freshman year I started for JV and sophomore year I was moved up to varsity for the first half the year.... that summer I also pitched at Shea Stadium as part of the connie mack league metro all-stars.... unfortunately tendonitis in my elbow sidelined me for junior year... but I'm back playing again and will be going to Cal State Fullerton this Christmas for a division 1 camp... and will likely play division 1 ball for college.

    so, yes, I know baseball .... know it very well.... baseball is my life.... can you say the same for yourself jackass?

    [ 10-27-2002: Message edited by: applenut ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You think you're the only one who ever picked up a bat and hit a ball? I played from my t-ball days til HS when I dropped it to play guitar in a band. You have no clue, and that makes you a jackass.
  • Reply 145 of 161
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    you're pathetic

    it's hilarious..

    enjoy the Angels winning...

  • Reply 146 of 161
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]My mother works at Yankee stadium and has worked there for many years now<hr></blockquote>

    I thought your Mom was an educator? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 147 of 161
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    I thought your Mom was an educator? :confused: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's what I thought too.
  • Reply 148 of 161
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    depends on the kind of "work" she is doin' at the stadium..... g
  • Reply 149 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    perhaps because my life revolves around baseball... from birth until this day...

    I attended 17 straight Yankee opening day games from the age of 2 months to 16... the streak only ended because I traveled to Myrtle Beach for 10 days to play in the Hawaiin Tropic High School Baseball Tournament.

    I've attended easily over 400 Yankee games in my life... have been in attendance at David Well's perfect game, David Cone's Perfect game, Doc Gooden's No Hitter, Game 6 of the 96 World Series in which the yankees won..... I was also had countless other memorable moments such as Don Mattingly Day, every old timers day except this past one because I was in California, Joe Dimaggio Day, Mussina's near perfect game in boston, etc....

    My mother works at Yankee stadium and has worked there for many years now.... last summer I was a fill in batboy for the Yankees although never got a chance to actually work in a game situation due to poor timing on my part with other activities. Yankee ticker tape parades down the canyon of heroes in manhattan? I was in em on a float and had breakfast and dinner with the players... I have the photos to prove it... and yes, it was nice ya bastard.

    I have played baseball competitively since the age of 7, being an all-star in little league every year from the age of 9 to my final year at the age of 16. I went to the number one baseball catholic high school in NYC and still attend there... freshman year I started for JV and sophomore year I was moved up to varsity for the first half the year.... that summer I also pitched at Shea Stadium as part of the connie mack league metro all-stars.... unfortunately tendonitis in my elbow sidelined me for junior year... but I'm back playing again and will be going to Cal State Fullerton this Christmas for a division 1 camp... and will likely play division 1 ball for college.

    so, yes, I know baseball .... know it very well.... baseball is my life.... can you say the same for yourself jackass?

    [ 10-27-2002: Message edited by: applenut ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    wow, you are one spoiled lil bastard. i'm afraid im gonna have to agree w/ mikey here. stop rubbing yer advantages in other people's faces. i've played competitive ball too and coulda played in college. that's cause i'm the best player of all time. i love the yankees. they're the best. i'm the best. all other teams such cause they aren't the yankees. any other team that wins musta cheated. blah blah blah.

    dude, i'm sorry, but shut up already.
  • Reply 150 of 161
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    I thought your Mom was an educator? :confused: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    you do know school is out during the summer right? you do know baseball is primarily played during the summer... you do know that teachers are underpaid... you do know many people work 2 jobs or a part time job on the side..... you do right?

    [quote]depends on the kind of "work" she is doin' at the stadium..... g<hr></blockquote>

    not really but cute

    [quote]wow, you are one spoiled lil bastard. i'm afraid im gonna have to agree w/ mikey here. stop rubbing yer advantages in other people's faces. i've played competitive ball too and coulda played in college. that's cause i'm the best player of all time. i love the yankees. they're the best. i'm the best. all other teams such cause they aren't the yankees. any other team that wins musta cheated. blah blah blah.

    dude, i'm sorry, but shut up already.<hr></blockquote>

    uh... agree with Mikey? he began it when he tried to be a bigshot after I said Loue Gehrig's speech was number one moment of all time.... I didn't rub any of my "advantages" in until he said so.

    as usual you need to learn how to read everything and not just what you want... it's been the same with you for years... all you ever do is tell me I need to grow up... you need to get a ****ing life because if you think you saying the same thing 100X in response to me is a sign of maturity and class you're wrong... and instead you look like an ass.
  • Reply 151 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    I didn't rub any of my "advantages" in until he said so.

    as usual you need to learn how to read everything and not just what you want... it's been the same with you for years... all you ever do is tell me I need to grow up... you need to get a ****ing life because if you think you saying the same thing 100X in response to me is a sign of maturity and class you're wrong... and instead you look like an ass.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    exactly. if you feel the need to brag about yerself, do it to him privately in PM or email, cause i dont think anyone wants to hear how wonderful you are. that was my point. or...maybe you can start your own thread about things to brag about, that way we can make sure not to accidently read it all in other threads. thanks.

    [ 10-28-2002: Message edited by: _ alliance _ ]</p>
  • Reply 152 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    uh... agree with Mikey? </strong><hr></blockquote>

    oh and i said i agreed with mikey in response to his post after yer lil speech about how much you know more than anyone else. you know, the one where he said you're not the only one who's ever played baseball? just cause you live in a city where the team always "manages" to win doesn't mean you're the only one who knows something about the game. get it now?
  • Reply 153 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by _ alliance _:


    ... get it now?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Okay let's backup for a minute.

    ColanderofDeath complained that Lou Gerhig's speech wasn't a true baseball moment because it didn't happen during a game. This is technically true, but it's still a fairly retarded comment. What Jackie Robinson means to baseball is not confined to what he did on the diamond. That speech by Gerhig was significant because of the honor and dignity Gerhig brought to the game. It took a terrible disease to force him from the field which is what that speech was about.

    Anyway, Applenut responded that ColanderofDeath couldn't love the game of baseball and say that. I agree with him. Mikey Offender is the one who then jumped in with how much more ColanderofDeath knows about baseball than Applenut "will EVER know. EVER." At that point it?s hardly surprising that Applenut would then talk about how central baseball is to his life. I don?t doubt that other people are very knowledgeable too but Mikey?s comment is the one that can?t be defended. What?s so special about ColanderofDeath that Applenut couldn?t EVER know as much as him? EVER?
  • Reply 153 of 161
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]you do know school is out during the summer right? you do know baseball is primarily played during the summer... you do know that teachers are underpaid... you do know many people work 2 jobs or a part time job on the side..... you do right?<hr></blockquote>

    Ok, calm down there applenut.

    First of all, I thought your Mom was in administration and those type of jobs (at least around here) are year round.

    Second of all, April, May, June, and September (not to mention October) are generally months that have school.

    Not only that, but your Mom never mentioned working for the Yankees. Sounds pretty cool, though.

    I also know all too well that teachers are underpaid. My Mom is an elementary school teacher. She has to bake pies, cakes, etc. for my aunt's restaurant on the side.

    So there's no need to overreact, it was a simple question.

    Edit: Lou Gehrig's speech was definitely a 'moment'. Unfortuantely, I wouldn't exactly call it a 'great moment'. After all, it was probably the worst time in his baseball career, not to mention his life.

    He'd probably be the first to agree that he would have skipped the experience had he been given the chance. The others on the list such as Cal Ripken, Hank Aaron, etc. wouldn't have given the experience up at all. Just my thoughts.

    [ 10-28-2002: Message edited by: Fran441 ]</p>
  • Reply 155 of 161
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    _ alliance _,

    ColanderofDeath and Mikey Offender both made moronic statements to set applenut off. As evidenced in Moog's worthless "Ba-a-a-a-rry, Ba-a-a-a-rry!!" thread, Mikey has a skewed perspective on Barry, baseball, and life in general.
  • Reply 156 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by spaceman_spiff:


    Okay let's backup for a minute.

    ColanderofDeath complained that Lou Gerhig's speech wasn't a true baseball moment because it didn't happen during a game. This is technically true, but it's still a fairly retarded comment. What Jackie Robinson means to baseball is not confined to what he did on the diamond. That speech by Gerhig was significant because of the honor and dignity Gerhig brought to the game. It took a terrible disease to force him from the field which is what that speech was about.

    Anyway, Applenut responded that ColanderofDeath couldn't love the game of baseball and say that. I agree with him. Mikey Offender is the one who then jumped in with how much more ColanderofDeath knows about baseball than Applenut "will EVER know. EVER." At that point it?s hardly surprising that Applenut would then talk about how central baseball is to his life. I don?t doubt that other people are very knowledgeable too but Mikey?s comment is the one that can?t be defended. What?s so special about ColanderofDeath that Applenut couldn?t EVER know as much as him? EVER?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    CoD knows more about baseball than most people I've ever talked to. Prolly knows more about sports period than most people I've talked to.

    You don't have to play ball 'competitively' to know your sh!t, and that guy knows his sh!t.
  • Reply 157 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>_ alliance _,

    ColanderofDeath and Mikey Offender both made moronic statements to set applenut off. As evidenced in Moog's worthless "Ba-a-a-a-rry, Ba-a-a-a-rry!!" thread, Mikey has a skewed perspective on Barry, baseball, and life in general.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The perspective you may think I have is the one I WANT you to see. Do I appreciate BB's accomplishments? Sure I do. I think he's amazing. But talking sh!t is part of the game. Deal with it. The whole lot of you.

  • Reply 158 of 161
    [quote]Originally posted by Mikey Offender:


    CoD knows more about baseball than most people I've ever talked to. Prolly knows more about sports period than most people I've talked to...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, that's one thing but that's not quite the same thing as saying he knows more about baseball than Applenut will EVER know. And I guess his comment about Gerhig shows that even people who know their "sh!t" are capable of making dumb comments.
  • Reply 159 of 161
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    <a href="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/sfgate/object.old.cgi?object=/news/pictures/2002/10/28/celebrate5.jpg&paper=chronicle&file=dip.DTL&direct ory=/gate/archive/2002/10/28&format=dip" target="_blank">WE WON!!! LET'S DESTROY STUFF!!!</a>

    Reminds me of the first game in the last Giants/Dodgers series this year in LA...when the game lasted over 5 hours because some jerks kept throwing batteries, bottles, cigarette lighters, and other things at Bonds...or tossing beachballs and other trash on the field. At the end of the game there was a huge mound of trash by one of the ball boy's seats.
  • Reply 160 of 161
    Anaheim. The whitest place in America.
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