Apple will begin taking online iPad 2 orders at 1 a.m. PT, 4 a.m. ET Friday

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in iPad edited January 2014
Apple on Thursday reminded customers that the iPad 2 will go on sale at retail locations at 5 p.m. on Friday, but those who want to purchase from the comfort of their home will be able to order online starting at 1 a.m. Pacific, 4 a.m. Eastern.

Those who don't want to wait for delivery will be able to buy an iPad 2 at 5 p.m. local time at all 236 Apple retail stores in the U.S. The multi-touch tablet will also be available at 5 p.m. local time at AT&T, Best Buy, Target, Verizon Wireless, and Walmart stores, as well as select Apple Authorized resellers.

The company also revealed that iMovie and GarageBand for iPad are available in the App Store starting today for $4.99 each.

Every customer who buys an iPad 2 at an Apple retail store will be offered free Personal Setup service, helping them customize their iPad 2 by setting up email, loading new apps from the App Store and more, so they?ll be up and running with their new iPad 2 before they leave the store.

iPad 2 with Wi-Fi will be available in the U.S. on March 11 for a suggested retail price of $499 for the 16GB model, $599 for the 32GB model, $699 for the 64GB model. iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G will be available for a suggested retail price of $629 for the 16GB model, $729 for the 32GB model and $829 for the 64GB model.

iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G compatible with the Verizon network will be available in the US only for a suggested retail price of $629 for the 16GB model, $729 for the 32GB model and $829 for the 64GB model.

iPad 2 will be available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK on March 25; and in many more countries around the world in the coming months. Further international availability and pricing will be announced at a later date.


  • Reply 1 of 37
    huntsonhuntson Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple on Thursday reminded customers that the iPad 2 will go on sale at retail locations at 5 p.m. on Friday, but those who want to purchase from the comfort of their home will be able to order online starting at 1 a.m. Pacific, 4 a.m. Eastern.

    I swear they said midnight Pacific last time I checked.
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  • Reply 2 of 37
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Asst. Prof. View Post

    I predict record-breaking lines, and record-breaking first-day sales.

    I predict that the iPad2 is going to sell more in the first few hours than the XOOM has sold for it's entire lifespan up until now.

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  • Reply 3 of 37
    I'll wait until a civilized 7.30 AM and a good cup of coffee. Thank you.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 37
    I?m not seeing a pre-order online with in-store pickup this year. Is that correct?

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I predict that the iPad2 is going to sell more in the first few hours than the XOOM has sold for it's entire lifespan up until now.

    I bet Apple?s flagship store in NYC will sell more iPads the first 24 hours than all actual Xoom sales for its entire Xoom life throughout all its markets.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 37
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    I?m not seeing a pre-order online with in-store pickup this year. Is that correct?

    Sure is. I was looking for that option since last Wednesday. I've even called 2 different reps, but both said no.

    I'm thinking they still might, but it would be something silent they just turn on on their website sometime tonight.

    Sooo... 230+ stores, and how many do you guys think they'll have in stock? I'm in LA right now (and no, not that one), so I'm hoping for minimal competition.

    White 32gb 3G FTW
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  • Reply 6 of 37
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    I've got to wait two weeks. Jealous.
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  • Reply 7 of 37
    I don't think you'll see record lines anywhere. Keep in mind that the iPad 2 will be going on sale tomorrow through all the following outlets: Apple Stores, Verizon Wireless, AT&T Wireless, WalMart and Best Buy.

    That should keep the lines pretty muted compared to the iPad 1 and iPhone launches.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 37
    Originally Posted by Jugernuts View Post

    I don't think you'll see record lines anywhere. Keep in mind that the iPad 2 will be going on sale tomorrow through all the following outlets: Apple Stores, Verizon Wireless, AT&T Wireless, WalMart and Best Buy.

    That should keep the lines pretty muted compared to the iPad 1 and iPhone launches.

    I agree... and muted is a good descriptor for what I see in tomorrow's launch.

    On the other hand... I also believe that iPad2 will sell at least 100:1 over the Xoom.
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  • Reply 9 of 37
    bedouinbedouin Posts: 331member
    A lot of people think, "Go to the Apple store" anytime an Apple product is mentioned and do not even think of the other options. You still might find some lines, but I guess one person waiting will spoil the publicity by telling everyone Best Buy has them too and no line. Crowd suddenly dissipates.
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  • Reply 10 of 37
    ronsterronster Posts: 153member
    I wonder if the 3G will be SIM unlocked? for the 32GB, $729 USD + 6% Washington Sales tax is way cheaper than approx $779 + 13% HST here in Canada.

    I might take a spin down to Bellingham to get one if it's SIM unlocked. Or Order it and send it to my US mailbox...
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  • Reply 11 of 37
    rkrickrkrick Posts: 66member
    Originally Posted by ronster View Post

    I wonder if the 3G will be SIM unlocked? for the 32GB, $729 USD + 6% Washington Sales tax is way cheaper than approx $779 + 13% HST here in Canada.

    I might take a spin down to Bellingham to get one if it's SIM unlocked. Or Order it and send it to my US mailbox...

    I'm wondering the same thing. I travel to Europe all the time and would like to have a local data plan over there. Then I could just swap sims.
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  • Reply 12 of 37
    So if you order online and they have next day delivery as an option -- would you get it Sat or is it considered next Business Day -- Monday?
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  • Reply 13 of 37
    Originally Posted by RKRick View Post

    I'm wondering the same thing. I travel to Europe all the time and would like to have a local data plan over there. Then I could just swap sims.

    I'm not entirely sure here, but I contacted Vodafone in the UK about playing the sim swap game for iPad 1 and they made it sound like it would be no problem for my US iPad. Like I say though, at the time I asked, only the iPad 1 was available. So this becomes more of a question of whether or not they changed something on the iPad 2.

    Also, if you're curious then check out and look at their 3G iPad 2 page. It lists tons of carriers. It would be incredibly lame for Apple to release an unlocked version there and a locked one here-- We're paying full-price, aren't we? I think that may be the key argument here.

    Just my thoughts. I'm ready for tomorrow.

    Originally Posted by lance60031 View Post

    So if you order online and they have next day delivery as an option -- would you get it Sat or is it considered next Business Day -- Monday?

    I'm guessing no. I just pretended to buy an iPad 1 from their clearance section and the only paid option they had was 2-3 day shipping for $12. Then again, a new MBA shows a next-day option for $20.

    Just a guess, but I'd say no Saturday delivery in either case. I think we'll both find out tonight.
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  • Reply 14 of 37
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I agree... and muted is a good descriptor for what I see in tomorrow's launch.

    On the other hand... I also believe that iPad2 will sell at least 100:1 over the Xoom.

    While Android phones seems to be doing well the Tablets so far are not. I think its going to be closer to 1000:1 ratio.

    One things I did find funny is looks like Microsoft actually made a prediction that came true. They said the Kinect would be a bigger seller the the iPad and they were right. Made it into the world record books with the fastest selling consumer electronic device ever.

    Guess Ballmer gets to keep his job for a few more months.
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  • Reply 15 of 37
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    While Android phones seems to be doing well the Tablets so far are not. I think its going to be closer to 1000:1 ratio.

    One things I did find funny is looks like Microsoft actually made a prediction that came true. They said the Kinect would be a bigger seller the the iPad and they were right. Made it into the world record books with the fastest selling consumer electronic device ever.

    Guess Ballmer gets to keep his job for a few more months.

    I wonder if the Kinect continues to sell well or if it will hit an early saturation point.
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  • Reply 16 of 37
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I wonder if the Kinect continues to sell well or if it will hit an early saturation point.

    My guess would be unless they start to put out more games that are supported by Kinect it will hit a wall. They will need a Halo, Call of Duty or some major title to support it soon to keep it going. Dancing to Micheal Jackson is only going to last so long.
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  • Reply 17 of 37
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by evolvingmunki View Post

    Sure is. I was looking for that option since last Wednesday. I've even called 2 different reps, but both said no.

    I'm thinking they still might, but it would be something silent they just turn on on their website sometime tonight.

    My sources tell me that no they will not be doing reservations. It has been deemed more trouble than it is worth. Reservations means separating stock to ensure you don't sell a reservation unit to a walk in. Dealing with pissy customers cause they have been waiting all day and you let some guy with a reservation cut the line, or some guy with a reservation is pissed cause for every how many reservations you let a walk in go in. The malls don't like the added complaints from there being two lines etc.

    The only thing still not decided is if they will do reserves after Friday or the weekend. That is still a possibility. But they are hoping that a fair number of folks willing to wait a few days will just order online
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  • Reply 18 of 37
    I sold my iPad on Gazelle. For the iPad 2 I think I'll forego the 3G this time and stick with WiFi only. I have a MiFi card with Verizon. It's a bit of a hassle but since I already have it, I might as well use it.

    Funny, the week period without the iPad was supposed to be an evaluation period to see if I could go without it and that lasted about a day. Bring on the iPad2. The one thing I found I couldn't do without was reading with iBooks and Kindle. Surfing too, but not so much.
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  • Reply 19 of 37
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by bedouin View Post

    A lot of people think, "Go to the Apple store" anytime an Apple product is mentioned and do not even think of the other options. You still might find some lines, but I guess one person waiting will spoil the publicity by telling everyone Best Buy has them too and no line. Crowd suddenly dissipates.

    If the people are already in line they won't leave. Because those other places never get huge stock amounts and by the time you get there, it could be gone.

    In fact I predict there will be lines on Saturday, at least in the morning from folks that went somewhere else first and there wasn't enough stock.

    Plus regardless of the lines, when Apple turns around and releases sales numbers that are 100:1 over the Xoom, slate and tab put together, no one is going to remember the lack of lines

    Originally Posted by ronster View Post

    I wonder if the 3G will be SIM unlocked?

    I can't see them courting a hurricane of bad PR changing that.
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  • Reply 20 of 37
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I can't see them courting a hurricane of bad PR changing that.

    It has already been stated that it is not.
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