iPad 2 line wraps around the block in downtown San Francisco



  • Reply 61 of 78
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member
    Originally Posted by Alladdinn View Post

    Putting these people down improving your self-image, is it?

    Alladdin, these guys just want to see responses to their ill-intentioned posts - ignore them and they'll go away... \
  • Reply 62 of 78
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Yes, but watching morons wait in line when I simply purchased my movie tickets in advance, with no extra fees, and pick them up at an automated kiosk thus saving me 30+ minutes of my time is not much different.

    At least it didn't look like they camped out there a week in advance.

    They didn't right?

    I mean, can that guy with the iphone, macbook air and whatever else keep himself away from anything apple or electronic for 5 bleeping minutes?

    I see now. Everyone who behaves differently than you is a moron. I'd LOVEEEE to be your friend.
  • Reply 63 of 78
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by wheeles View Post

    I think the poster meant that a bunch of sad losers queuing to buy the latest electronic toy is not newsworthy. There are more important things in life.

    Glad to know there's another one here who think anyone who behave differently is a loser. Would LOVEEE to be your friend too.
  • Reply 64 of 78
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    I see now. Everyone who behaves differently than you is a moron. I'd LOVEEEE to be your friend.

    Sorry. I didn't know that today's normal people now sit at their macbooks 16 hours a day posting on facebook, their insignificant lives, and the rest of the time on their iphone twittering and using an ipad for those times they just can't lay back otherwise.

    Oh well. I gotta go to bed to get up to service someones a/c equipment at 8 am and earn a living cause I have a life.
  • Reply 65 of 78
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    4th picture, on far left, next to building...
  • Reply 66 of 78
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by nkalu View Post

    From today onwards, Xoom and the rest of them will be forgotten contrary to what the bloggers say.

    But wait!

    The Xoom has Android.

    And it will play Flash!

    Sometime soon...

  • Reply 67 of 78
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Oh well. I gotta go to bed to get up to service someones a/c equipment at 8 am and earn a living cause I have a life.

    ....while the rest of us will simply take our rich parents' or spouses' money, or our inherited wealth, hang around in line with our lattes, and plonk down the few hundred dollars to buy an iPad so that we can file our nails with it.

    Go sprockkets! Keep the economy moving!
  • Reply 68 of 78
    archosarchos Posts: 152member
    Originally Posted by wheeles View Post

    You called him out on it? I think you are missing the point. A country suffered a serious natural disaster today, and people are more concerned about what place they are in a queue to buy the latest electronic gizmo.

    That's bullshit right winger-type nonsense. Like saying waa, we can't worry about civil rights and the constitution and health care, we have to worry about the deficit!!!

    Only a troll would suggest that Apple and its customers should shut everything down and go home because there was a serious, tragic disaster that had nothing to do with the US launch of the iPad 2. It's not even launching in Japan.

    While the situation there (and everywhere else effected) is awful and deserves the attention it is getting, there are always tragic things going on. This troll is just trying to rain on Apple's parade, because there isn't anything bad you can say about iPad, and it's clearly another mega-hit, even as all the promised iPad killers are pooping out as flawed, expensive, unfinished bad products.
  • Reply 69 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    C'mon guys. Enough already. Can't we have a thread without it becoming a free for all?
  • Reply 70 of 78
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by 2992 View Post

    who really cares about "SMART" people queuing up to pay big money for something they can wait few more days and buy it comfortable from pretty much everywhere? lame.

    To use your own word, if they are they are the "SMART" people -- you must be part of the DUMB people. Not only dumb, but arrogant and narrow-minded.

    In case you never heard of a Dictionary, try to improve your knowledge. Look at the word: Diversity. It is what makes Nature, and Ecosystems stable. Oh no, you may never have heard of those words either. Too much for the size of your brain.

    Dumbness, arrogance and narrow-mindedness can be a state of bliss also -- they do not tax the mind too much.

  • Reply 71 of 78
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by foofan View Post

    sad thing is, they can run in most walmarts and pick one up. But i guess its like starbucks, a place to be seen

    Do you know what you lose when you buy something at Walmart when you can buy at directly at any Apple Store. Or, buying through the Online Apple Store, as many did, do, or may do?

    But you don't because you may never have been to an Apple Store, or perhaps you entered and felt out of place, and just slithered out.

    There are so many services that you may avail of, e.g., the "One-to-One" offer a very key part of the Apple Ecosystems that is very useful for many non-technies or even smart people who may want to learn new things. But, I will not go into that.

    I started relating the story of one person to share what kind of people actually line up for Apple products, but I decided to delete it. You are not likely to understand or even if you could, you are likely to ignore because of your attitude and perspective.

  • Reply 72 of 78
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Is Xoom on sale yet!?

    Not yet. They are working on a new pathos-based advertising campaign.
  • Reply 73 of 78
    tsatsa Posts: 129member
    Originally Posted by 2992 View Post

    who really cares about "smart" people queuing up to pay big money for something they can wait few more days and buy it comfortable from pretty much everywhere? lame.

    Yeah. Look at this guy in the last picture, showing off his MacBook Air, his iPad and his iPod Touch. Ooooh you're a cool guy man, with your blue chair! It's pathetic.
  • Reply 74 of 78
    wtfwtf Posts: 4member
    At one of the few SF penisula Apple stores, the stock of iPad2s was so poor that after waiting in line 5 hrs with only 150 people in front of me when the doors reopened at 5pm (with a max of 2 units purchased per person), I went home empty handed because the 2 people in front of me bought the last 32 Mb Wifi only models. All 16Mb models were sold out well before I got to the front and there were only a few 64Mb (overkill) models with 3G left when I got to the front.

    I was not amused and think the 500+ people behind me were similarly annoyed. If I had known that they'd be stocking their own stores with so few a stock I would have ordered online and saved a day waiting in line.

    This is a very poor lauch. Yes, they can say they had long lines but if you can't meet at least most of the demand, what is the point. You just piss people off. I think they just lost a customer. This may just be a sign I should save my money
  • Reply 75 of 78
    I am going to wait for a couple months to make sure there are no glitches with the Ipad2

  • Reply 76 of 78
    citycity Posts: 522member
    Originally Posted by acslater017 View Post

    Haha I guarantee those 3 Chinese ladies are not there to pick up an iPad... I think they're there to get free food before hopping on the bus to Chinatown.

    (I'm Chinese-American from the Bay, so please don't think I'm racist...)

    So what? Is it your point that, "Chinese ladies" are more likely to take advantage of free food? I think the Apple staff is happy to provide a serving of the attractive food to anyone that wants it. It's just a part of the event festivities. I've been known to accept samples at Trader Joe's with no preconceived plan to buy the product. People like free stuff! Don't be embarrassed.
  • Reply 77 of 78
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    Just got back from the Willow Bend mall near Plano TX. At least several hundred people waiting in line at the Apple Store there, it was 5:30 and the line wrapped most of the length of the mall itself. I would say it was at least 500 people waiting, no joke.

    I just can't help but thinking if its that crazy there, imagine what the Cube store is like in NYC right now. I was there for the original iphone release, and that was pretty nuts.

    I was #19 in line there and I got there at 10am
  • Reply 78 of 78
    Originally Posted by wtf View Post

    At one of the few SF penisula Apple stores, the stock of iPad2s was so poor that after waiting in line 5 hrs with only 150 people in front of me when the doors reopened at 5pm (with a max of 2 units purchased per person), I went home empty handed because the 2 people in front of me bought the last 32 Mb Wifi only models. All 16Mb models were sold out well before I got to the front and there were only a few 64Mb (overkill) models with 3G left when I got to the front.

    I was not amused and think the 500+ people behind me were similarly annoyed. If I had known that they'd be stocking their own stores with so few a stock I would have ordered online and saved a day waiting in line.

    This is a very poor lauch. Yes, they can say they had long lines but if you can't meet at least most of the demand, what is the point. You just piss people off. I think they just lost a customer. This may just be a sign I should save my money

    I agree with you in that I think Apple may have misjudged the potential bad will from people going home empty handed. I waited 4 hours and came home empty handed. I joined the line in Boston at 3:30PM and there were a good 200 people in front of me. But there had to have been a good 200-300 people behind me as well, many who cannot have gotten what they wanted.

    Sure I'm man enough to admit I will still buy an iPad 2. But it has tarnished my image of the 'customer experience' at Apple a bit.
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