is iMac due to update?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Mac rumors marked iMac as "Do not buy". But how long this "Do not buy" will be?

Macbook Pro has been updated 3 weeks ago now.


  • Reply 1 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Yes. Please search. Or look around. These threads are RIGHT BELOW yours.
  • Reply 2 of 45
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Yes. Please search. Or look around. These threads are RIGHT BELOW yours.

    I did saw those but they were before MBP was released.
  • Reply 3 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by chinese_ys View Post

    I did saw those but they were before MBP was released.

    The iMac doesn't use the same chips as the MacBook family. The iMac uses desktop chips, which are also out now, I believe. They'll be updated sometime next month (gotta let the iPad halo run down).

    And those threads were from after the release of the MacBook Pros.
  • Reply 4 of 45
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    The iMac doesn't use the same chips as the MacBook family. The iMac uses desktop chips, which are also out now, I believe. They'll be updated sometime next month (gotta let the iPad halo run down).

    And those threads were from after the release of the MacBook Pros.

    Thanks for the info anyway.
  • Reply 5 of 45
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    I would imagine the iMacs will be updated by July. Possibly with the launch of LION OSX.

    It's apple, so u never know, but they are due for an update. It could be in May. But if not, and you can hold out to July, I would.
  • Reply 6 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    Possibly with the launch of LION OSX.

    Nope. But yes, it will be before. Likely next month. March is iPad month now.
  • Reply 7 of 45
    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    I would imagine the iMacs will be updated by July. Possibly with the launch of LION OSX.

    It's apple, so u never know, but they are due for an update. It could be in May. But if not, and you can hold out to July, I would.

    That's an interesting time for Lion?

    iPad is March.

    iPhone 5 is June.

    Guess it's April, May or July.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 8 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    That's an interesting time for Lion?

    iPad is March.

    iPhone 5 is June.

    Guess it's April, May or July.

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    iMac BEFORE LION, not with or after.

    Before WWDC is likely. July is less likely. Developers'll get a near-final release of Lion at WWDC, have a few months to play with it, release in fall (I know Apple said summer; they're never on time).
  • Reply 9 of 45
    macmaniacmacmaniac Posts: 184member
    At a local place that sells Macs(not an Apple store) my father was advised by the manager to wait a few days and a quad core 21" iMac would available(at the same price as the current model). Interesting for itself and that a) the manager would know about these things, and b) he informed a customer of that instead of selling him a current iMac to pare down inventory ahead of the upgrade.

    'Course, it's been 3 days since then and no upgrade yet........\
  • Reply 10 of 45
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by macmaniac View Post

    At a local place that sells Macs(not an Apple store) my father was advised by the manager to wait a few days and a quad core 21" iMac would available(at the same price as the current model). Interesting for itself and that a) the manager would know about these things, and b) he informed a customer of that instead of selling him a current iMac to pare down inventory ahead of the upgrade.

    'Course, it's been 3 days since then and no upgrade yet........\

    Apple store employees are strictly forbidden to EVER comment or speculate on possible upgrades. It is a fireable offense. Apple sends spies into stores to test their employees. I have friends who work in the NYC Apple stores who tell me this. But I have tested apple employees myself, and TRUST me....their lips are sealed. Even if they KNOW they have palettes of new computers in the back, they will NOT comment or talk ANYONE out of a sale. Because not only would they be fired, but they also know that if anyone ever wants to return the older model, they still could if they want.

    I am a total Apple head and keep up with all the rumors....and I KNOW the majority apple employees know the rumors too....even if they are kept in the dark by management. But they will NEVER let on EVER.

    Anyway....having said that....There are strong rumors that the iMacs will indeed see an update soon. We have 3 weeks left in April....and it COULD happen one tuesday this month. I'm thinking May or June at the latest now tho.

    But hey...I'm just guessing like everyone else. If you can hold out I would. None of us know the exact date, but they are coming....that much is fo' sho.
  • Reply 11 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    Apple store employees are strictly forbidden to EVER comment or speculate on possible upgrades.

    No, they can speculate away. It's just that they know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING at all until the night before release when they get the new machines shipped to them.


    Because not only would they be fired, but they also know that if anyone ever wants to return the older model, they still could if they want.

    Anyone can do that up to 14 days after the new models come out, which is meaningless for the previously stated reason.


    But they will NEVER let on EVER.

    Again, sure they will. They just WILL NOT tell you about the new computers if it happens to be the day before launch and they're sitting in the back. They know absolutely nothing prior to this.



    Won't be June, that's WWDC/iPhone month.
  • Reply 12 of 45
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No, they can speculate away. It's just that they know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING at all until the night before release when they get the new machines shipped to them.

    Anyone can do that up to 14 days after the new models come out, which is meaningless for the previously stated reason.

    Again, sure they will. They just WILL NOT tell you about the new computers if it happens to be the day before launch and they're sitting in the back. They know absolutely nothing prior to this.

    Won't be June, that's WWDC/iPhone month.

    Dude. I have friends who work in several flagship Apple stores here in's not just the Day BEFORE a release. The POLICY coming from Steve Jobs is to NEVER dissuade a customer from buying now because Apple this or that product is due for an update.

    I was talking to a knowledgable sales manager at the upper west side store the other day who was not some dopey kid....about the upcoming iMacs getting thunderbolt....and he got all....Well we don't know that. Lol. Come on. OF COURSE some of the staff KNOWS about upcoming models and what is most likely going to be included.....but they will NOT comment and are specifically trained to change the subject back to what they DO have.

    Because if they are caught telling customers that an update is coming, or speculating on what most likely will be included in the next update that ISNT in the current models in an attempt to dissuade a potential customer from buying now instead of waiting....THEY CAN BE FIRED.

    My friend has seen it happen. Has read the internal memos and signed the employee rulebook which clearly states the above.

    I've talked with some really cool Apple employees about all sorts of technology advances....but if the conversation steers towards potential upgrades and features of Apple products....they will change the subject quickly.

    And YES....they are kept in the dark. But most of them are just as tuned into these rumor sites as we are....and they are also privy to info we are not from within their inventory, inter office memos, etc etc.

    So you can say they are in the dark all you want....they know things we don't have access to.
  • Reply 13 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    Dude. I have friends who work in several flagship Apple stores here in's not just the Day BEFORE a release. The POLICY coming from Steve Jobs is to NEVER dissuade a customer from buying now because Apple this or that product is due for an update.

    No, of course not. Doesn't mean they don't talk about rumors with customers.


    OF COURSE some of the staff KNOWS about upcoming models and what is most likely going to be included.

    They know no more about upcoming products than anyone here.
  • Reply 14 of 45
    archer75archer75 Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by regan View Post

    Apple store employees are strictly forbidden to EVER comment or speculate on possible upgrades. It is a fireable offense. Apple sends spies into stores to test their employees. I have friends who work in the NYC Apple stores who tell me this. But I have tested apple employees myself, and TRUST me....their lips are sealed. Even if they KNOW they have palettes of new computers in the back, they will NOT comment or talk ANYONE out of a sale. Because not only would they be fired, but they also know that if anyone ever wants to return the older model, they still could if they want.

    I am a total Apple head and keep up with all the rumors....and I KNOW the majority apple employees know the rumors too....even if they are kept in the dark by management. But they will NEVER let on EVER.

    Anyway....having said that....There are strong rumors that the iMacs will indeed see an update soon. We have 3 weeks left in April....and it COULD happen one tuesday this month. I'm thinking May or June at the latest now tho.

    But hey...I'm just guessing like everyone else. If you can hold out I would. None of us know the exact date, but they are coming....that much is fo' sho.

    You're assuming he's talking about an apple store, which he's not. Though you are correct, apple employees cannot say a word or even speculate to consumers.

    Also I know a store employee(family) and he says they don't even know when anything is coming out until they actually get the shipment and are allowed to open it. They don't know any more than any of us and sometimes less as they tend to avoid the rumor sites.
  • Reply 15 of 45
    macmaniacmacmaniac Posts: 184member
    [QUOTE=archer75;1844171]You're assuming he's talking about an apple store, which he's not. Though you are correct, apple employees cannot say a word or even speculate to consumers.

    That's right, archer, this is NOT an Apple retail store, tho it could be under the same restrictions re this issue.
  • Reply 16 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Very wide power line up with extremely good performance at the top end.

    Oh it is nice that you guys used up half the thread to discuss something that was neve said!

    In and event Sandy Bridge is so good I'd suggest waiting a day or a half year. Whatever it takes, because SB should be a significant performance boost.
  • Reply 17 of 45
    commoduscommodus Posts: 270member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Very wide power line up with extremely good performance at the top end.

    Oh it is nice that you guys used up half the thread to discuss something that was neve said!

    In and event Sandy Bridge is so good I'd suggest waiting a day or a half year. Whatever it takes, because SB should be a significant performance boost.

    They won't get Xeons. The E7 line is power hungry even relative to fast desktop chips, and even the base ones cost a bloody fortune. You should expect Sandy Bridge equivalents to the existing i3, i5, and i7 models.
  • Reply 18 of 45
    mjteixmjteix Posts: 563member
    Originally Posted by Commodus View Post

    They won't get Xeons. The E7 line is power hungry even relative to fast desktop chips, and even the base ones cost a bloody fortune. You should expect Sandy Bridge equivalents to the existing i3, i5, and i7 models.

    It's not about the E7 series.

    It's about the Xeon E3-1200 series that offer slightly different models from the desktop i5/i7-2000 series, at similar prices. Same socket.
  • Reply 19 of 45
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Very wide power line up with extremely good performance at the top end.

    Oh it is nice that you guys used up half the thread to discuss something that was neve said!

    In and event Sandy Bridge is so good I'd suggest waiting a day or a half year. Whatever it takes, because SB should be a significant performance boost.

    I'm ready to upgrade my core 2 vintage imac. I'd apprecaite some opinions on the timing of this.

    I do mostly database OCR and voice recognition work, very little video, no gaming.

    I hate a slow machine and generally upgrade every 3-4 years.

    I've been looking at the refurb 27" i7 units- in particular the mid 09 model. I don't feel I need the extra graphics hp for what I do.

    My specific questions are:

    when the upgraded imacs are announced do you think they will be further discounts on the older models?

    Would the SB upgrades be worth waiting for even for the i3/i5 models?

    many thanks for your advice
  • Reply 20 of 45
    mode 5mode 5 Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    It's about the Xeon E3-1200 series that offer slightly different models from the desktop i5/i7-2000 series, at similar prices. Same socket.

    They look great, similar pricing, possibly a faster option for the 21" and integrated graphics is optional.

    What's the catch?

    Do they need mega expensive ram, or some other Xeon specific bits that would force the price of the iMac up?
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