is iMac due to update?



  • Reply 21 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    It's not about the E7 series.

    It's about the Xeon E3-1200 series that offer slightly different models from the desktop i5/i7-2000 series, at similar prices. Same socket.

    The nice thing here is that I believe we will have SB cores without the GPU. Right now the SB GPU just wastes power in my opinion. Especially on the desktop where you will want more powerful graphics.
  • Reply 22 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by jslovic View Post

    I'm ready to upgrade my core 2 vintage imac. I'd apprecaite some opinions on the timing of this.

    Honestly I can't say anything about timing as a simply don't know! However the products Apple needs are either on the market now or are coming soon. So I don't think an overhaul is that far off.


    I do mostly database OCR and voice recognition work, very little video, no gaming.

    I hate a slow machine and generally upgrade every 3-4 years.

    It is nice to be able to do that.


    I've been looking at the refurb 27" i7 units- in particular the mid 09 model. I don't feel I need the extra graphics hp for what I do.

    Honestly a refurb 2009 model isn't much of a step up over a 3 to 4 year old model.


    My specific questions are:

    when the upgraded imacs are announced do you think they will be further discounts on the older models?

    Well some stock does get sent to the refurb store at lower prices.


    Would the SB upgrades be worth waiting for even for the i3/i5 models?

    That is a very good question. If Apple tries to bone us with a SB processor and no discrete GPU then no they won't be worth waiting for.


    many thanks for your advice

    Note that the info here is an opinion it is not advice. Advice costs money, the meanderings here are free and worth all that is being charged for them.

    As a side note with respect to the need for attention to the GPU in your future machine I think you discount the need for a good GPU to much. In a modern machine a good GPU goes a long way to making the machine feel snappy, especially a machine with a lot of pixels like the 27" model. Beyond that you need to know about GPU acceleration in WebKit and the use of OpenCL by developers. Unless you have very specific uses where you are absolutely sure you will never be running future versions of Mac OS, WebKit or other system software I'd strongly recommend more GPU horse power than Sandy Bridge provides. Especially if you intend to keep the machine for 4 or more years as your primary user machine.

    You might see this as a none issue for you, that is you have yourself convinced a good GPU isn't needed. You may very well be right today or based on past experience, just realize that GPU's are becoming more important to overall system performance. Even things like Safari are getting GPU acceleration. Further it isn't always easy to determine if software you will be using in the next 4 years will make use of OpenCL. It may pay to research your current software suite and find out which vendors will be using GPU acceleration in the future or for that matter already are. If you do go the used/refurb route I'd go so far as to say a good GPU is even more important as the CPU is already dated.
  • Reply 23 of 45
    I'm disappointed that there is still no announcement for the new iMacs I suppose I should keep waiting and hope there will be a 24" SB i5...
  • Reply 24 of 45
    alsaysalsays Posts: 1member
    I have a PC that's barely hanging on and I've decided to go with a Mac. I need to make a purchase within the next few weeks. Hopefully something will be announced soon.
  • Reply 25 of 45
    The iMac is imminent by the sounds of it. Always nice to see them get an update.

    A couple of weeks tops?

    I just see an evolutionary spec bump.

    Thunderbolt will be nice.

    But until there's 6-8 cores, 8 gigs of ram standard and a decent GPU that can throw around the 27 inch resolution? Doubt we'll see 6-8 cores on an iMac until next year. And I expect this year's gpu to underwhelm as it has done for the last several revisions.


    It will be 'nice.' But hardly essential update. I guess it upto the individual.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 26 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by alsays View Post

    I have a PC that's barely hanging on and I've decided to go with a Mac. I need to make a purchase within the next few weeks. Hopefully something will be announced soon.

    I'd stretch that machine for at least a couple of more weeks. Indications are that iMac inventory is being drawn down, this is one of the better signs of a coming update.
  • Reply 27 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Even if we end up with the same number of cores we should still see a significant boost in CPU performance.

    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    The iMac is imminent by the sounds of it. Always nice to see them get an update.

    A couple of weeks tops?

    I just see an evolutionary spec bump.

    Well it is a well established platform, pretty much anything they would do would be evolutionary. Especially considering that Thundrbolt has already been introduced.


    Thunderbolt will be nice.

    But until there's 6-8 cores, 8 gigs of ram standard and a decent GPU that can throw around the 27 inch resolution? Doubt we'll see 6-8 cores on an iMac until next year. And I expect this year's gpu to underwhelm as it has done for the last several revisions.

    You never know. However Apple can only ship what intel has to sell



    It will be 'nice.' But hardly essential update. I guess it upto the individual.

    Lemon Bon Bon.

    There is really no such thing as an essential update.
  • Reply 28 of 45
    I am excited for this update. I need to replace my dying early 2006 iMac. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for new models hit the refurb store from the release date? Also, has Apple allowed refurbs to qualify for the annual back to school iPod rebate?
  • Reply 29 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by dcrjerry View Post

    Does anyone know how long it usually takes for new models hit the refurb store from the release date?

    1-3 months.


    Also, has Apple allowed refurbs to qualify for the annual back to school iPod rebate?

    Absolutely not.
  • Reply 30 of 45
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 862member
    IMAC is due. Only question is how soon and logic would dictate that somewhere around the release of LION (unfortunately apple doesn't use logic). In any case it should be soon and hopefully that besides a sandy bridge chip and a Thunderbolt port we see some other nice features like a standard configuration with an SSD.

    Not to much to ask is it?
  • Reply 31 of 45
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    New iMac between May and July probably... If you can wait, wait. If you can't, don't.
  • Reply 32 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    New iMac between May and July probably... If you can wait, wait. If you can't, don't.

    With SB and TB the new iMacs should be worth waiting for! As to your projections I'm thinking in terms of weeks or less. Mainly because of the big indicator which ia the inventory drawdown.
  • Reply 33 of 45
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    somewhere around the release of LION

    Before. They'll come with Snow Leopard.


    (unfortunately apple doesn't use logic).

    Sure they do... "Ship products with the current OS to make people pay for the upgrade like everyone else."
  • Reply 34 of 45
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,390moderator
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I'd stretch that machine for at least a couple of more weeks. Indications are that iMac inventory is being drawn down, this is one of the better signs of a coming update.

    Hopefully the Mini update will come with it. I wish they wouldn't hold the Mini back just so people don't go and spend their money on it first though. It uses laptop components so it should be updated whenever the 13" MBP gets a refresh. Not that this one will be a great upgrade with just dual i5 and HD 3000 graphics. NVidia seem to be pondering external graphics solutions:

    While Thunderbolt isn't ideal for running a high-end GPU, it can still run the highest-end GPUs at 85% of their maximum performance. If they brought out a $100-200 GPU specifically designed for this, I think they'd have a decent market. Imagine a Mac Mini with a small external GPU that has maybe a 35W GT 540M inside it with its own small PSU and hooked up to a 1080p TV via HDMI. It'll play most modern games on high quality.

    The iMac models will likely match the MBP line in that it will be dual-core in the smaller screen-size and quads in all the higher models. This at least means getting a quad-core 27" should be more affordable and will probably kill sales of the highest model.
  • Reply 35 of 45
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Even if we end up with the same number of cores we should still see a significant boost in CPU performance.

    Well it is a well established platform, pretty much anything they would do would be evolutionary. Especially considering that Thundrbolt has already been introduced.

    You never know. However Apple can only ship what intel has to sell

    There is really no such thing as an essential update.

    There is if you waited ten years for it.

    As for shipping what Intel or other companies have to offer.

    A comment dripping with irony.

    Apple could have had quad cores across the board in the imac range. They're cheap enough. They could ship better gpus but they don't. They could make a more affordable tower but they don't.

    There are cheaper and more affordable cpus and gpus than the ones they choose. They could offer more choice. But they don't.

    Apple. Does a lot of things well. But they play the politics of greed with their line up.

    I'd call it cynical. But hey, the shareholders are happy, I guess.

    *Looks at UK prices of the desktop range. A cosmic joke.

    Thinks back to when the entry iMac cost £675 inc VAT. Now it's £995?


    I'll upgrade when I can buy my 'essential upgrade' in a sale in 3 years time.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 36 of 45
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Hopefully the Mini update will come with it. I wish they wouldn't hold the Mini back just so people don't go and spend their money on it first though. It uses laptop components so it should be updated whenever the 13" MBP gets a refresh. Not that this one will be a great upgrade with just dual i5 and HD 3000 graphics. NVidia seem to be pondering external graphics solutions:

    While Thunderbolt isn't ideal for running a high-end GPU, it can still run the highest-end GPUs at 85% of their maximum performance. If they brought out a $100-200 GPU specifically designed for this, I think they'd have a decent market. Imagine a Mac Mini with a small external GPU that has maybe a 35W GT 540M inside it with its own small PSU and hooked up to a 1080p TV via HDMI. It'll play most modern games on high quality.

    The iMac models will likely match the MBP line in that it will be dual-core in the smaller screen-size and quads in all the higher models. This at least means getting a quad-core 27" should be more affordable and will probably kill sales of the highest model.

    Apparently, Nvidia are 'evaluating' the external GPU market for laptops. I guess that would include the likes of the iMac and Mac Mini as well. No firm plans as yet.

    Imagine being able to buy the latest hot (heh) Nvidia gpu and plug it into a thunderbolt iMac or laptop?

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 37 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Looks like a reasonable chance of a refresh next week.
  • Reply 38 of 45
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Looks like a reasonable chance of a refresh next week.

    I have my finger crossed...
  • Reply 39 of 45
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by QuadESL63 View Post

    I have my finger crossed...

    Myself I have to cross fingerS.

    Ok enough with the funnies. I can't imagine the new iMacs being much farther off than a couple of weeks. Let's hope they live up to our wishes.
  • Reply 40 of 45
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Looks like a reasonable chance of a refresh next week.

    Yes, there is a lot of chance to see Sandy bridges Macs the next week.
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