Bizarre lawsuit connects Apple, US presidents, Oprah Winfrey in conspiracy



  • Reply 61 of 71
    I remember this guy. Back in 1996, I was the light board operator at the "world premiere" in Washington, DC of "The Big Bad Wolf vs. Miss Little Red Riding Hood - The Mike Tyson Story." It was the most horribly written theatre production that I ever had the misfortune to work on. A couple people showed up to the preview performance. Not a soul showed up for opening night. The performance was canceled that night along with the entire two week run. We never got paid. After this production, "It's not my problem" became the mantra of the entire tech crew for the theatre. I thought the guy was nuts then, but this takes it to a whole new level.
  • Reply 62 of 71
    Originally Posted by Masteric View Post

    ...and this will continue until this country does something to penalize those who file frivilous lawsuits. If he loses, he should be forced to pay for court costs for the defendants.

    Actually there maybe a way of penalising such people - even under the insane US legal system.

    There is a current 'crime' of 'Vexatious Litigation' which unfortunately does not appear to fully apply to this case. It would allow the victim(s) to counter-sue for Malicious Prosecution. However there is an older apparently no longer enforced crime of 'Barratry' which would seem more applicable in this case.

    Barratry was unfortunately repealed as an offense in 1967 in the UK but I believe is still on the law books in the US although not actively enforced. Clearly it is time it was applied once more.

    By the way, I agree with others that simply making the loser pay is not the right answer. The legal system especially here in the UK is already biased heavily in favour of the rich. Not just in the matter of getting legal representation but also in the penalties the rich get compared to those less well off.
  • Reply 63 of 71
    Originally Posted by ezduzit View Post

    the only way to stop this crap is to make the loser pay.

    force the parties to the law suit to show adequate assets in the event they lose.

    The problem is if that were required most wronged parties would never have any legal recourse especially if the nature of the damages they are seeking caused a financial hardship.

    In other words If I defraud you out of a million dollars and that was all your net worth you would never be able to sue me to recover it no matter how strong the case was against me.
  • Reply 64 of 71
    I think it's just easier to call this "Stuff the Internet Fights About: the Lawsuit."
  • Reply 65 of 71
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    no smoke without fire.
  • Reply 66 of 71
    What do you expect when non-violent nutjobs are no longer incarcerated in mental asylums but instead allowed to roam the streets?
  • Reply 67 of 71
    I think Mr.Crazy needs to pop a few pills and go back to sleep.

  • Reply 68 of 71
    bc kellybc kelly Posts: 148member

    Careful what you say about this guy in your postings

    We could be next ?


    Here?s to the crazy ones

    The round pegs in the square holes

    The ones who see things different



  • Reply 69 of 71
    Originally Posted by ezduzit View Post

    the only way to stop this crap is to make the loser pay.

    force the parties to the law suit to show adequate assets in the event they lose.

    We have something in California state courts called vexatious litigant. If some crazy keeps filing bogus complaints he could be declared a vexatious litigant and would be forced to post a bond in order to file any future complaint. But even if he had filed here, and lost, odds are the best someone could get against him would be a judgment that he would never pay.

  • Reply 70 of 71
    axualaxual Posts: 244member
    Charlie Sheen has to be involved somehow ...
  • Reply 71 of 71
    This guy owes me money... He told me all about this crazy lawsuit... He is crazy.... Everytime I asked for my money he had this excuse about this lawsuit he is trying to get paid all this money.. He needs to be put in jail for this foolishness. If anyone wants me to testify against him...I will.... I invested into one of these so called plays 3 years ago. $2500.00... I even travelled to Louisiana to meet him and his so called promoter.

    Musical Play "Miles Davis Narration and Tunes" for the Strand Theatre;topic=12110.0

    He is a scam artist....
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