Apple may offer free iCloud services with aggressively priced Mac OS X Lion



  • Reply 21 of 119
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Originally Posted by Psobuzz View Post

    One more thing, I have a pro and an air. Does anyone know if I will have to buy two copies?

    Or a way of getting it on both without paying twice?

    You get to install App Store iPhoto on all 5 iTunes-authorized computers. That bodes well for you. And me.
  • Reply 22 of 119
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Psobuzz View Post

    One more thing, I have a pro and an air. Does anyone know if I will have to buy two copies?

    Or a way of getting it on both without paying twice?

    There's absolutely no way we could possibly know this.

    Originally Posted by justfine View Post

    My MobileMe auto renewed today and my wife's will in 2 weeks. At $99 each as there's no longer a boxed version to buy at Amazon for $70. So, $200 and in a few weeks they will be giving it away free? After 5 years of buying 2 subscriptions a year I'm going to be pretty annoyed if it's all free and I don't receive a rebate/credit of some sort. Especially as subscribed calendars have cost us seemingly dozens of hours of frustration and aggravation (and missed appointments as well).

    Isn't that what I said? Everything stays paid. I didn't say "they would be giving it away free".

    And you've wasted $250. Family packs are cheaper.
  • Reply 23 of 119
    hal 9000hal 9000 Posts: 101member
    One thing that wouldn´t help Lion addoption is if Core Solo Macs and/or Core Duo Macs were not supported by Lion.

    There is a host of older iMacs and Mac Minis that should be supported. (hec even if its not your main Mac, maybe you use it as a backup server and Lion´s server software would be perfect for that)

    Any news on what the minimum system requirements for Lion will be?
  • Reply 24 of 119
    BuffyzDeadBuffyzDead Posts: 358member
    Originally Posted by rhyde View Post

    Why haven't you been buying the family plan for $149?

    Or there are dozens of Brand New MobileMe Family Packs all over eBay for ~$100 to your door.

  • Reply 25 of 119
    I like the part about it maybe being free to Mac users while others have to pay. What about the name "MyCloud" ?
  • Reply 26 of 119
    hal 9000hal 9000 Posts: 101member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    There's absolutely no way we could possibly know this.

    Most probably the Family Pack option will remain.
  • Reply 27 of 119
    justfinejustfine Posts: 61member
    Originally Posted by rhyde View Post

    Why haven't you been buying the family plan for $149?

    Because I was paying $140 for 2 separate accounts and their greater storage capacity on iDisk which we use for cloud backup. A much better deal for 2 persons.
  • Reply 28 of 119
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    SL is actually free.

    Crap, made the change. Sorry, I mean Lion.
  • Reply 29 of 119
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    You get to install App Store iPhoto on all 5 iTunes-authorized computers. That bodes well for you. And me.

    I wonder if Lion plus iCloud could pull a lot of that non-music authorisation into Lion as a more generic licensing framework that various apps would plug into. So a movie-watching app would have to check in with Lion that it's authorised, ditto iTunes for music (only), and for running apps, etc. It's time for iTunes to get some refactoring treatment, if that's the right term.
  • Reply 30 of 119
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by webfrasse View Post

    Everything you buy in the Mac App Store is installable (and licensed) on all machines attached to the same account.

    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    You get to install App Store iPhoto on all 5 iTunes-authorized computers. That bodes well for you. And me.

    I think all App Store content you buy with your iTunes account work any device tied to that account. I think the 5 authorized rule is for the iTunes Store proper (i.e., music, videos, and audiobooks).

    That said, an OS via the Mac App Store is a different beast than an app running on an OS. So far we've seen Apple use the Mac App Store to distribute Lion but it was done using a redeem code. If they are going to have the developers use a redeem code it seems possible that they'd have consumers use it, too.

    Also, the redeem is not unlike how they have sold .Mac and MobileMe subscription for years. This would allow Apple to sell Lion to 3rd-party retailers who can then sell it to users. Instead of paying $29 for Lion users can pay Amazon $23.99, for example and have a box with the redeem code mailed to them.

    PS: Having a redeem code doesn't mean the OS is locked down like Windows. It's a not a license key.
  • Reply 31 of 119
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    I swear Ireland. If you ever post one thing positive I will have a heart attack and die.

    Don't you ever look at the bright side of things?

    He used to. Then the forum turned on him during antennagate. The rest... is history.
  • Reply 32 of 119
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by EverNoticeThat View Post

    I like the part about it maybe being free to Mac users while others have to pay. What about the name "MyCloud" ?

    Or "Baron Von Cloudington"
  • Reply 33 of 119
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I don't need iCloud, but I would like the price of Lion to be close to 80 bucks retail, 50 on the Mac App Store.

    PRobably more like $80 MAS, $129 Retail (to encourage folks to go app store) and it will include the first year of iCloud for free.

    Then after that it will be like $59-69 to renew.

    Add a $30-40 surcharge for 'family' plans and hopefully the ability to buy more storage for any member ID as well as link existing Apple IDs to the Cloud ID for all services (so whether I log into [email protected] or XXXX@me/ I get to the same stuff) and auto mapping of existing, to any new cloud id.

    even at that kind of cost a lot of folks will buy it simply because it is Apple.

    Originally Posted by Hal 9000 View Post

    One thing that wouldn´t help Lion addoption is if Core Solo Macs and/or Core Duo Macs were not supported by Lion.

    It's very possible there will be. Because Apple is not required to support older hardware. Especially 4-5 year plus older hardware which is where some of those macs are starting to fall. It would be nice if they did but don't count on it.
  • Reply 34 of 119
    smiles77smiles77 Posts: 668member
    We're probably looking at $49 for a boxed copy and $29 for the Mac App Store download.
  • Reply 35 of 119
    hmayeshmayes Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by Robodude View Post

    As long as they make it somewhat easy to backup the OS to a flash drive (to reinstall it as needed), then there's little reason to buy a physical copy. Ads which actually show off Lion's apps and features, especially as it now resembles iOS, should see Mac sales dare-I-say "surge in the face of slowing PC growth".

    As an aside, while the app store is good for downloading apps on the Mac, they need to sort out the uninstallation side. Deleting apps via Launchpad still leaves files behind.

    Try out Hazel ( Works great at cleaning up all the stray files when you trash an application (among other awesome things). Don't know why Apple hasn't built that into the OS.
  • Reply 36 of 119
    macapfelmacapfel Posts: 575member
    Originally Posted by justfine View Post

    My MobileMe auto renewed today and my wife's will in 2 weeks. At $99 each as there's no longer a boxed version to buy at Amazon for $70. So, $200 and in a few weeks they will be giving it away free? After 5 years of buying 2 subscriptions a year I'm going to be pretty annoyed if it's all free and I don't receive a rebate/credit of some sort. Especially as subscribed calendars have cost us seemingly dozens of hours of frustration and aggravation (and missed appointments as well).

    Same with me - but if iCloud is free for those buying Lion, maybe Lion will be free for those having a MobileMe subscription?
  • Reply 37 of 119
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    If Lion + iCloud means syncing with the performance and reliability of say Dropbox, then I'm in for both and will happily switch my data upgrade from Dropbox to iCloud and upgrade my 2 macs to Lion.

    If it stinks like MobileMe, then I'll invest in a longer barge poll.

    I don't know why I'm being negative with this supposedly exciting announcement coming up, but... better start thinking about what colour you'd like that barge pole to be.
  • Reply 38 of 119
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    Or "Baron Von Cloudington"

    Cloudsdale! Cloudsville! Cloudahuhamama!
  • Reply 39 of 119
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Am I massively missing something about streaming of music, but I really can't understand why I need it? The fact that I can have my iTunes library on multiple devices means I already have all my music with me wherever I go. I really can't imagine a time I wouldn't have my music with me.

    Maybe there is a business out there for a subscription music plan like Netflix is for movies, but I can't see it. I think people are used to owning their music and Apple will have a hard time overcoming that.

    As for the pricing of iCloud, it will depend entirely on what it consists of. I've never paid for MobileMe, because Yahoo Mail is good and free. Web calendaring doesn't seem to fit for me, since my iPhone (which is always with me) synchs my Outlook calendar, so I just don't see the value proposition.

    Good luck to them though. There has been so much talk about Cloud computing that I wait to be blown away by it - but it's not happened yet......
  • Reply 40 of 119
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    FindMyMac will be free. As will the current MobileMe offerings.

    Everything else about the new MobileMe/iCloud? Paid. Plain and simple.

    Lion, though, I'd see $50-$80. Somewhere around there.

    I think the new features of iCloud if not all of it, will either be free or included in the price we already pay.

    The reason is because that's how it's already working for me. Ever since the Pages update yesterday, my Pages documents have been syncing themselves automatically with the cloud (iDisk), and the option to manually do it has been removed from the software.

    It seems unlikely to me that they will then take this new feature away next week.

    It also seems likely that what we are talking about here is a sort of file locker that's synced to all mobile devices and desktops automatically. If that's included in the current price (and it seems like it will be), then there's really nothing more to want IMO. I can't think of any wonderful new iCloud features beyond that that would be worth paying extra for.
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