Apple's iCloud will automatically store, sync data for free



  • Reply 101 of 155
    mpw_amherstmpw_amherst Posts: 565member
    I too will add my voice to those concerned over the loss of iDisk. I've never come to close to using my 20GB but it has been invaluable to me to have a local iDisk on my two computers and to be able to access the latest version of a backed up folder wherever I am, including a read-only on my iPhone and iPad. As far as I can tell Document Backup on iCloud does the same thing for all iWork programmes but what about all my Word documents and my existing documents? That's a big lot of functionality lost for me until/unless Microsoft implement it in a revision to Office and then it would have to be done in a year's time. That functionality made MM worth the subscription fee alone.
  • Reply 102 of 155
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    By... syncing between computers that you have, too...

    You really think this will get much use from people who don't own a single mac or iOS device? I guess it's possible, but probably a small enough group that Apple just doesn't care.
  • Reply 103 of 155
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by MadIvan View Post

    So far I am getting the run around from Apple support. They won't offer a refund without canceling the account. This account renewed 1 week prior to the free extension. How many times do we have to see this pattern from Apple? They are going to end up giving the refunds to people, but first it gets to blow up into a needless PR storm.

    - Why would you think you deserve a refund if you aren't going to cancel your account?

    - Why does the fact that you missed the cut-off date by a week (or a year, month, minute, whatever), mean you should be in the same group as the folks that *didn't* miss the cut-off?

    - The only reason there might be a "shit storm" is people like you creating one out of nothing.

    Even if you bought the product on Wednesday and they removed it from service on Thursday and gave you no refund at all, you don't actually have a case or any legal recourse. You are just bitching.

    Here's a life hint:

    People who bitch about everything rarely get anywhere, whereas those that don't usually get all kinds of sweet deals. You can go through life complaining (and having your food spit in by waitresses or your luggage sent to Siberia), or you can smile and move on, and people might even give you stuff for free just because you are so damned pleasant.
  • Reply 104 of 155
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    They will need lots of storage and I see NetApp in that picture.

    Originally Posted by gareth_moore

    I hope they are using NetApp. Ever since the company I work for upgraded to NetApp, the speed increase has been amazing

    Yep, seems they are using the NetApp storage boxes.

    The box that tiny Steve is walking towards appears to be this model:

    But there's also a mix of these:

    They ordered 12PB of storage it seems. 200 million users x 5GB = 1000PB. I guess people shouldn't all try using their allocation all at once before they can upgrade.
  • Reply 105 of 155
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    I wish I could set some smart control for my iPhone's wifi, so it connects when i want it to but doesn't run down the battery when I don't.

    Maybe it could check the GPS location of the networks in my fixed list and only check for wifi when the 3G cell tower says it's in the right general area, otherwise go to sleep as there's no point otherwise. I'm sure some clever tech can figure it out - I don't want to have to remember to switch wifi back on each time I return home or to a hotel room, then switch it back off to save battery the rest of the time.

    There are two wonderful apps in Android that someone needs to port over, one is Locale and the other is Tasker. With both you can set up your device to do just about anything based on time and/or location.
  • Reply 106 of 155
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    It's apple's fault you didn't activate it and use it for the past 12 months?

    I like how you think I said it was Apple's "fault" that I hadn't activated something that has no date of expiry.
  • Reply 107 of 155
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by gareth_moore View Post

    It seems like aliases are part of iCloud but you can't change them until then which is a bit rubbish

    Yeah, this stinks. No warning at all.

    Also, I tried to edit mine last week and it said I had to wait 30 days to do it. So I couldn't have edited them even if I wanted to. Now they are frozen forever.
  • Reply 108 of 155
    madivanmadivan Posts: 45member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    - Why would you think you deserve a refund if you aren't going to cancel your account?

    - Why does the fact that you missed the cut-off date by a week (or a year, month, minute, whatever), mean you should be in the same group as the folks that *didn't* miss the cut-off?

    - The only reason there might be a "shit storm" is people like you creating one out of nothing.

    Even if you bought the product on Wednesday and they removed it from service on Thursday and gave you no refund at all, you don't actually have a case or any legal recourse. You are just bitching.

    Here's a life hint:

    People who bitch about everything rarely get anywhere, whereas those that don't usually get all kinds of sweet deals. You can go through life complaining (and having your food spit in by waitresses or your luggage sent to Siberia), or you can smile and move on, and people might even give you stuff for free just because you are so damned pleasant.

    I could address your individual points above, some of which are reasonable questions, but I won't for two reasons. The most obvious would be the personal attacks and presumption that you know something about me which you do not. The second reason is, as I have stated elsewhere, that the purpose of my post is not to debate anything. I am sharing information with others who may be in the same situation and who may be interested in knowing how Apple is handling it. I agree that I vented a little frustration in the post you responded to. That was my mistake, and it has clearly drawn the typical internet response of baseless accusations, ad-hominem attacks, and argument for the sake of argument. I presume nothing about you and ascribe no motives to you to explain your post. I merely respond to it for what it is and do you the courtesy of assuming that you are a human being with feelings and opinions and a right to be treated with a modicum of respect.
  • Reply 109 of 155
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Yep, seems they are using the NetApp storage boxes.

    The box that tiny Steve is walking towards appears to be this model:

    Since they are using NetApp disk shelves the controllers are more likely FAS6200s
  • Reply 110 of 155
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by techno View Post

    Look out politicians and athletes! I foresee many "Oops! Did I just post that?" moments

    The original "Weiner Waggin" [sic]

  • Reply 111 of 155
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don't understand the complaining a sale previously agreed that people were happy about. Even ignoring the extended utility being offered the sale would have been completed and utilized before today. I understand that the iPhone 3GS is only $49 from AT&T yet I paid $199 out of pocket. I'm not beating down AT&T and Apple's door demanding the difference in return.

    1) No one paid $100 at the MobileMe site yesterday.

    2) Hasn't it been over a month since MobileMe signup has been stopped and sold, at least by Apple.

    3) Apple offers returns with no restocking fees for HW so would it seems feasible to me that if you have a (MobileMe or .Mac) that was oddly purchased from a 3rd-party recently you'll get a refund. However, I know I bought and used .Mac serials long after MobileMe came about so they will have to sort about potential abuse hence my mention of "purchased recently."

    In 33 years (July) of dealing with Apple, I have found them to be fair and reasonable -- one of the reasons I continue to buy their products and invest in their stock

    Discontinuing a product or service is difficult! Apple realizes this! They bend over backwards to try to satisfy the majority of users with a formal, published policy -- that's, as it should be, IMO.

    But they do realize that they (Apple) do not have all the answers -- especially on the day they announce the policy.

    That's what the extended time period is for -- for you to figure out what you need to have done so that you are treated fairly -- to your satisfaction.

    Once you have had the time to review and consider all the options (of the old and new services), you may decide that you have been treated fairly.

    If not, contact Apple Support through the normal channels and present your case in a reasoned and mature fashion.

    If you are still not satisfied, then Contact Customer Relations at Apple Headquarters.

    As I said, every legitimate issue I've had with Apple has been resolved to my satisfaction.
  • Reply 112 of 155
    ltcompuserltcompuser Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    So that copy of MobileMe I didn't activate that I got with my 1st-gen iPad on launch day... now just a relic of a bygone age, then?

    Originally Posted by 1984 View Post

    I just renewed MobileMe and now it's free? Mother@#$%^*S

    Originally Posted by KindredMac View Post


    I would like to know why those of us that just renewed our MobileMe's in the past 2-3 months did it...

    Apple, I would love to get an Apple Gift card for the difference!

    Originally Posted by MadIvan View Post

    At a minimum, they should offer a pro-rated refund. Perceived value is what matters to a company like Apple.

    Check out:
  • Reply 113 of 155
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Was there any mention of iCloud using delta encoding? To be clear, I know they mentioned delta updates for both iOS and iOS App Store app updates, but I'm talking about a Dtopbox-like service.

    I think for delta data, you will need an iCloud-Local box at the user end -- especially Pro users -- like FCPX users -- in July...


    The "In July" reminds me of an Orson Wells commercial:

    In July
  • Reply 114 of 155
    madivanmadivan Posts: 45member
    Originally Posted by ltcompuser View Post

    Check out:

    Here is what Apple seems to be offering currently:

    If it has been less than 45 days, you can get a full refund. Otherwise you can get a partial refund.

    In either case, however, if you cancel, you will lose access to the account, including your email address.
  • Reply 115 of 155
    ltcompuserltcompuser Posts: 219member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    In 33 years (July) of dealing with Apple, I have found them to be fair and reasonable -- one of the reasons I continue to buy their products and invest in their stock

    If not, contact Apple Support through the normal channels and present your case in a reasoned and mature fashion.

    If you are still not satisfied, then Contact Customer Relations at Apple Headquarters.

    As I said, every legitimate issue I've had with Apple has been resolved to my satisfaction.

    I think most people's questions are answered at
  • Reply 116 of 155
    madivanmadivan Posts: 45member
    Originally Posted by sandor View Post

    somebody has to get the short end of the stick.

    Everyone should get the amount of stick that they deserve.

    (This is a complete aside from my other posts on this topic, but I couldn't leave a straight line like that alone.)
  • Reply 117 of 155
    madivanmadivan Posts: 45member
    Originally Posted by ltcompuser View Post

    I think most people's questions are answered at

    But not all \
  • Reply 118 of 155
    tontontonton Posts: 14,067
    Will I still be able to host websites and photos and other documents for HTTP access? I don't see any mention of that, and that's a huge part of what I use Mobile Me for.
  • Reply 119 of 155
    ramkofframkoff Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    So that copy of MobileMe I didn't activate that I got with my 1st-gen iPad on launch day... now just a relic of a bygone age, then?

    they are refunding those
  • Reply 120 of 155
    ramkofframkoff Posts: 6member
    they will refund you for that.
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