Gartner cuts 2011 PC forecast; Microsoft considering own-brand Windows 8 tablet



  • Reply 41 of 49
    8002580025 Posts: 179member
    I just saw the new MajorCrap braded tablet at the Dollar Store. It's 8.5" x 11" (21.6 cm x 28 cm) and available in blue or white. Made in China it's billed as a "Dry-Erase Board in Assorted Frame Colours".
  • Reply 42 of 49
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    [...] "Microsoft plans to copy its branding strategy from product lines such as Xbox 360, Zune, Kin smartphone and TV, to compete in the tablet PC segment," DigiTimes reports. [...]

    Wow. I guess Microsoft has run out of competitors to copy. They're resorting to copying themselves these days.
  • Reply 43 of 49
    8002580025 Posts: 179member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Salty ? (from BawlBaby Ballmer's incessant teary-eyed whining)
  • Reply 44 of 49
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    I'm guessing MS soda would be Cola+Orange+Lemon+Apple+Barbecue+HotSauce+...

    More features means better right?

    Might be difficult getting the cheese flavour in though.

    MS Soda recipes will be available under licensed use, but each company will add more ingredient to differentiate them self.
  • Reply 45 of 49
    8002580025 Posts: 179member
    [QUOTE=IQ78;1879367]This says it all. MS is paying the price for all the years and years of frustration people have had to suffer using Windows 3.0 thru Windows Vista. Sure MS has made a fine OS with Windows7... but it's too late. I think Windows is viewed much like people view cable companies... many people are neutral toward them and the rest loath them, yet the product is necessary and the options are greatly restricted, so they are put up with.

    And already the new jingle promo for Windoze 8 has been released:

    "Windows 8

    It's not great,

    Windows 8

    You'll really hate,

    WIndows 8

    We have to state,

    Windows 8

    Makes you irate"
  • Reply 46 of 49
    Originally Posted by fecklesstechguy View Post

    Since the PC/Mac "will just be another device" on iCloud, maybe its time to consolidate our desktops into a single desktop supporting a cluster of iPads. Either a top end Mac Mini, or a 27" iMac for whatever heavy-hauling we might need. Sep. user accounts for everyone, remote control to the iMac when I don't need to be at the desk. You know, that sounds very workable. Add in Apple TV for content in the family room - I potentially could drop cable TV as well.

    Chime in folks - downsides? Something I'm missing?

    I've touted exactly this setup, which I have had at home now for 6 months after trashing two Windows 7 laptops in January - one Mac mini server, two Apple TV's (bedroom and living room) and two iPad 2's (plus an airport extreme base station) - as ideal! Every time I do there is someone who chimes in with, "Well, you can't play Crisis (or insert a mac/pc or console only game here) with that setup!"

    Blah blah blah, every serious Mac/PC use is there - you name it, I can do it on the iPad - especially now with iOS 5 coming out - it is going to be even more self evident - the laptop in a personal environment is going to die sooner rather than later - and the workplace won't be that far behind...combine airplay mirroring with a bluetooth keyboard and I could run my office of 15 sales people with our web-based CRM system and VoIP telephone system using 15 iPad 2's, 5 permanent workstations with Apple TV's and cinema displays with BT Keyboards, a Time Machine base station with 3 airport expresses to extend the network, and a Mac Mini Server, all at a fraction of the cost and complexity of our current top heavy MS based Lenovo setup, where the blue screen of death is a (no exaggeration) daily occurance for someone in the office.

    Hell, with iCloud, you might even get by without the Mac Mini Server! Oh, and as for the "Serious" gaming limitation: SOLVED
  • Reply 47 of 49
    jexusjexus Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by MyopicPaideia View Post

    Oh, and as for the "Serious" gaming limitation: SOLVED

    And once again, the service outdoes in the traditional sense of choice.

    Onlive already works on PC's, TV's and Intel based macs.

    It's soon to come to Android tablets, Ipad, and Mobile phones.

    All of which will have the controller support. Gamers are still free to choose rather than get locked up with one hardware platform.
  • Reply 48 of 49
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I would advise Microsoft to come out with a brown ZunePad, it can't fail.

    How about a KinPad running WinPhone 7. It CAN'T EPIC fail.

    Originally Posted by xSamplex View Post

    Apple should release a soda, just to watch MS decide to slavishly copy the idea. Apple soda would obviously be apple flavored. MS I'm not quite sure...

    Hmmmm..... Apple apple cider! Epic taste.
  • Reply 49 of 49
    isomorphicisomorphic Posts: 199member
    Originally Posted by 80025

    "Windows 8

    It's not great,

    Windows 8

    You'll really hate,

    WIndows 8

    We have to state,

    Windows 8

    Makes you irate"

    Windows 8 my computer.
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