Cupertino mayor certain Apple's 'spaceship' campus will be approved



  • Reply 61 of 81
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Whether or not the Mayor is gay determines what... that the spaceship won't be built... will be built... shouldn't be built... should be built... should have a disco bar installed... ???!!!

    Thanks for the first sane post in an otherwise weird, repressed thread.
  • Reply 62 of 81
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I think that most of the time it does mean that somebody is gay. Maybe this Asian guy on the council is a small exception to the rule.

    Even though I am not German, if I decided to all of a sudden speak English with a German accent, then I shouldn't be surprised if strangers asked me if I was German when they spoke to me. If somebody speaks in a gayish tone, then it's not a stretch to conclude that there are going to be people who think that person is gay.

    There is definitely a gay tone that exists and I think that I would even be able to scientifically prove it using my audio skills and my pro audio software on my Macs. The fact is that quite a few gay people, the kind that is very feminine and likes to greatly exaggerate everything (basically the flaming gay type) shares a very similar way of speaking. These people go out of their way to let everybody know that they're a flaming gay.

    your obsession with this man's sexual orientation, and your desperate need to characterize him as being of a particular sexual orientation, is nothing less than pathetic. Frankly, I don't think people like you should even be ALLOWED to use apple products. You just don't deserve them.
  • Reply 63 of 81
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    Apparently you know something we don't? I agree he sounded tired, though.

    If you had to deal with the council members insipid questions you would be tired too... that one woman needed to give it a rest already!

    Edit - OK, maybe her "request" wasn't as smarmy as it first appeared:
  • Reply 64 of 81
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by davestall View Post

    Great idea. Build a glass building over a fault line. At least this way Apple's building will be as fragile as the phones they make.

    It must really suck living in a glass half empty world...


    Consistency is important.

    and tiring
  • Reply 65 of 81
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    The city doesn't get taxes from Apple directly.

    You might find this interesting:
  • Reply 66 of 81
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by keyboard View Post

    Frankly, I don't think people like you should even be ALLOWED to use apple products.

    Frankly, I don't think you have the ability to say what things his "type" of person can and cannot do any more than he can stereotype one's sexual proclivities by a mode of speech.

    Summary: You're both wrong, this has nothing to do with the topic, and please stop for everyone's sake.
  • Reply 67 of 81
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Wow you guys waste two whole pages speculating about the mayor's sexuality and/or "manliness" when in the other "Spaceship" thread I get lambasted for asking about solar energy for the new campus and how "green" the new campus really is? Bloody hell.

    Go and watch some My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic, revel in the 26-episode epicness and come back to this thread better informed about "manliness":
  • Reply 68 of 81
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I agree, she seemed to be joking with Steve... but one can never tell with a politician.

    I couldn't tell because of her English. My Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) is horrible but I'd hope I would improve it if I was on the city council of somewhere in China/ Taiwan.

    If I didn't improve, you can post on the Chinese and Taiwanese forums making fun of my Mandarin and Cantonese.

    I think it is amazing the opportunities you are given in the USA, UK and Australia. Truly in most cases if you have the will and the dream you can achieve anything. Accents are okay (mine would be considered different yet strangely charming in a mysterious kind of way ) but at certain levels of corporate and public life a bit of clarity of English wouldn't go amiss.

    Here's her response in full to her questions and her level of English. Looks like her grasp of English may be lacking, but her aptitude for politics is top-notch.

    Thanks for your email and taking the time to ask me about my question to Steve Jobs when he presented at the Cupertino City Council meeting the other night. I've had a chance to read through some of the public's comments, and I think if I provided some context to the situation and explain what I actually intended to ask, it might help clear up some of the confusion. As I'm sure you know, Apple and the City of Cupertino have enjoyed a fruitful, long-term relationship for quite awhile, and I've been lucky to have met Steve a number of times through his interactions with the city during my last 7 1/2 years of service on the council. It was just about 5 years ago when he first told us about Apple's intentions to build a new campus in Cupertino (, and only a couple months ago that Mayor Gilbert Wong and I spent time with him privately discussing the company's plans in further detail.

    So, to be clear, I am certainly well aware of the tremendous benefits that Apple provides to our city as the largest tax payer, and I have always expressed my enthusiasm for Apple to choose to remain in Cupertino (,

    My question about how residents can benefit from the new campus was primarily meant to be a softball question for Steve to talk more about Apple's long-term relationship with Cupertino and its residents. I was hoping he would talk not only about the fact that they are the city's largest tax payer, but also that Apple reciprocally enjoys calling Cupertino its home, as our city attracts phenomenally talented individuals and families with our vibrant and diverse community, safe neighborhoods, top-notch education districts, and extremely supportive business environment (as evidenced by numerous other tech companies that call Cupertino their home). Believe me, I know how much our residents benefit from having a $300B company in their backyard, but I was hoping to draw out more dialogue on Cupertino and Apple's mutually beneficial relationship.

    Steve, in his answer, joked about moving up to Mountain View - Google's hometown where they provide the residents there with free wifi. For some background context, I've joked with Steve in previous conversations (unrelated to Apple's new campus) about Apple doing the same for Cupertino. So, my follow-up was admittedly a flat attempt at going along with the same joke, and Steve replied the same way he did previously to me, which was he believes the city should provide those services. It was intended to be a joke and nothing more.

    Regarding the iPads - again, another flat follow-up joke that if Apple pays its taxes, Cupertino can use those taxes to buy people free iPads, but they would then need free wifi from Apple to use them, so a win-win for all. Again, it was a joke, and I obviously wasn't trying to ask Steve for free iPads for residents.

    A long-winded response, but hopefully it clears up some of the situation. English is my third language, so I can tell from watching the clip again how viewers might have misunderstood what I said.

    Thanks for taking the time to ask me about it.
  • Reply 69 of 81
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    (Too Much Information. Removed By Myself)
  • Reply 70 of 81
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    ... I think it is amazing the opportunities you are given in the USA, UK and Australia. Truly in most cases if you have the will and the dream you can achieve anything. ...

    Those are just marketing claims, they aren't really true. The American Dream died a long time ago.
  • Reply 71 of 81
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008

    ... I think it is amazing the opportunities you are given in the USA, UK and Australia. Truly in most cases if you have the will and the dream you can achieve anything...

    EDIT: I think I was being a tiny bit sarcastic with that statement... As with most other people that watched the Cupertino video I was like hmm... how exactly do you get to be on a city council nowadays?

    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Those are just marketing claims, they aren't really true. The American Dream died a long time ago.

    I dunno if it really died. I guess it does depend more nowadays on luck, connections and initial investment to raise your standard of living in the USA. But the opportunities are there. The main problem is lack of a safety net if you fall on hard times. It seems like you can go as far as you can, but if you can't for some reasons out of your control, like sickness or mental illness, then it's really hard to go anywhere.

    Education I guess is also a big challenge. Having a fragmented K-12 school system and insanely high college fees for citizens/ green card holders limits a lot of youth from getting places.

    Following on from education is the retraining of those in the 30-60 age range when their jobs disappear due to globalisation.


    With regard to legal visits and immigration to the US, admittedly since 9/11 it's been tougher to even go and visit the US, let alone try to get work and so on.

    My dad has always been into astronomy. When I was a kid in the 80's (and I think even in the 90's), you could go into the library at the US Embassy here in Malaysia. My dad used to rent books and tapes on astronomy.

    Fast forward to today, it's all gated, big anti-ram blocks, tight security and forget about the library service. Same with the Australian Embassy, as kids my brother and I could wander in while our parents went through the long process of getting visas for living and working in Australia for a few years.

    Even *in* Australia, for example in Melbourne, the US Consulate has all the metal detector thingymajigs with staff all behind presumably bulletproof/shatterproof glass speaking through a mic and a drawer to hand in stuff. At least that's what it was like back in 2002/2003.


    I don't think the American Dream has died, but it sure has taken a heck of a beating.
  • Reply 72 of 81
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    This one from George Carlin is interesting, while we're on it:
  • Reply 73 of 81
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,598member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    This one from George Carlin is interesting, while we're on it:

    Thanks for that. Takes a funny guy to tell us the not-funny-at-all truth.
  • Reply 74 of 81
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Wow you guys waste two whole pages speculating about the mayor's sexuality and/or "manliness" when in the other "Spaceship" thread I get lambasted for asking about solar energy for the new campus and how "green" the new campus really is? Bloody hell.

    Heh - take it as a compliment. I think the grownups have mostly just seen the way this thread was going, rolled their eyes in despair and wandered off elsewhere. For my own part, I argued with you because you seemed amenable to reason
  • Reply 75 of 81
    gxcadgxcad Posts: 120member
    I can't stand this guy, simply for the reason that listening to him talk is EXCEEDINGLY annoying because of his HIDEOUS overuse of the word 'uh'.

    Its really terrible.
  • Reply 76 of 81
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    Heh - take it as a compliment. I think the grownups have mostly just seen the way this thread was going, rolled their eyes in despair and wandered off elsewhere. For my own part, I argued with you because you seemed amenable to reason

  • Reply 77 of 81
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Thanks for the link to the origins. I think the fact that people dance around the maypole waving colored handkerchiefs around and wearing bells on their socks is, shall we say, not really the most manly pursuit!

    Oh, you are so very wrong about that, you need to go look at this link about Morris Dance -
  • Reply 78 of 81
    Anybody know if they will be renting out any desk space?
  • Reply 79 of 81
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Joking, right? I'm going to assume so, otherwise you're a fairly ignorant individual.

    That area of the bay sits on very solid ground. The building is only four stories tall. Modern construction grade glass is a very, very strong material. Buildings can be built to accommodate shaking and rocking by not completely attaching every section (the skeleton is built in separate sections, none of which are structurally attached to each other). ... etc., etc.

    And I'm pretty sure the architects who were hired are very well aware that the surrounding area is prone to shake once in a while.

    The local earthquake in Christchurch took down a few normal buildings, and a number of older buildings. The fancy glass fronted ones in the middle of town were left pretty much intact.

    Building standards, not just for fun.

    Edit: Seeing as they had another 5.5, heres a picture

  • Reply 80 of 81
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Wow you guys waste two whole pages speculating about the mayor's sexuality and/or "manliness" when in the other "Spaceship" thread I get lambasted for asking about solar energy for the new campus and how "green" the new campus really is? Bloody hell.

    Go and watch some My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic, revel in the 26-episode epicness and come back to this thread better informed about "manliness":

    You got lambasted for making a host of unsubstantiated assertions and a holier than thou attitude surrounding your theme of ~I didn't hear solar, therefore Apple's building isn't green~. Really you are sounding a lot like the Greenpeace folks that said Apple was amongst the worst ecological computer makers because Apple wasn't kissing Greenpeace arse.

    All along Apple was the ecologocal leader, just because Apple didn't hand Greenpeace what they wanted didn't change that. Just like your not having the full planning documents doesn't suddenly make the new Apple building an ecological mess.
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