How has AI affected your views?
Just wondering if AppleInsider has made a big difference in the way you see things. It's a great forum for Mac stuff but it also provides a place for good debate and differing views on many subjects.
Perhaps the opinion of others have made you more aware of the view of others and hence made you change your outlook on things. Maybe you're a more caring person, maybe more cynical.
Perhaps the opinion of others have made you more aware of the view of others and hence made you change your outlook on things. Maybe you're a more caring person, maybe more cynical.
No, not really. I think I have gotten a lot better at arguing with the wife. Thanks AI <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[oyvey]" /> <img src="graemlins/cancer.gif" border="0" alt="[cancer]" />
i use to like republicans....AI cured me of that...ha
Definitely less impressed with our education system in general. *sigh*
[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: der Kopf ]</p>
Edit: And it taught me how to use smileys.
[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: Towel ]</p>
But they're still as$h@l*s
(sorry, I had to say something so you wouldn't think I was getting all soft here.)
<strong>I learned that leftist a#$%)@#'s are people too, and even though I don't agree with them most of the time, that's okay. They help me to challenge why I believe what I do. They don't very often change my thinking, but they help me clarify why I think what I think (and sometimes reinforce it).
But they're still as$h@l*s
(sorry, I had to say something so you wouldn't think I was getting all soft here.)</strong><hr></blockquote>
I say we all hold hands and sing Kumbya...(sniff) I love all of you dammit! Quick...someone give me a hug. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
AI...bringing people togeter
He used to tell me this: " you can not change someone's point of view"
he would than always tell me about meeting communists on the trains that would argue about the none existence of God
or how the Croats could care less about killing Russians but only about the Serbs and vice a versa (1950s when he was in Yugoslavia)
Of course, he always meant that you could never change their point of view NOT that his point of view ever needed to be recalibrated in any way . . . that never entered his mind
after arguing on these boards I have come to see just how right he was: peoople's opinions are motivated not so much by logic or reason as they are by a kind of veneer of style:
or better, an imagined style,
or even better: an Image
an image of who they are when they take a position
an image that includes the image of imaginary peers who also support that fictitious image that they represent with their opinions
Forget reason and critical thought, when it comes up against that IMAGE of the adversary, the CORRECT thought. critique flies out the window
and you might as well shrug your shoulders and admit what my father always said: "you can not change someone's point of view"
I do believe however that therre is the possibitlity of widdling down that image:
I for one have openned my perspecctives a little towards recognizing some valid points in the camps of MY ENEMIES
But I have also come to see how profoundly wrong they are
And some fundamental flaws in Habermas theory about "Discurs Ethics"
plastics and cardiology...the only fields making money in medicene right people and money flee OB and Pediatrics....the heck with the next generation and the young, let's keep the old people around for 10 more years and let all the young women have tiny noses and large breasts....
yea the future....old, big breasted people with no kids....g
[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: der Kopf ]</p>
Here we have it...The ideal uncoerced "situation" . . . and what do we get......SDW!!!!..... so much for the "unforced force of a better arguement"
Affected my views ? well, a little bit:
1. This is a online discussion forum.
If I do not agree with someone, it's of no use to argue until the sun goes up, it's better to leave.
Also if you get pissed on from someone, it's better to stay calm and go out through the backdoor. Sure, you'll get pissed about that, but hey, don't you have lives to get on with ?!!? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
2. Car-drivers are assholes in every country. ( )
3. There are people who don't know that there is a thread about <a href=";f=6;t=002505;p=1" target="_blank">The hottest photo ever</a>.
4. People who are discussing matters with you over the internet still can hurt you.
5. Life is wonderful, no matter what you may say.
6. Looks isn't everything. I mean look at <a href="" target="_blank">murbot</a>. (oops, wrong picture... <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> one is right.)
7. Seven ? You go !
2. Car-drivers are assholes in every country. ( )
4. People who are discussing matters with you over the internet still can hurt you.
It taught me that there is a lot of wisdom in this world. The kind of wisdom that makes you wish you had a hot cup of tea within arms' reach.