I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
Amusing that your government charges 10% import duties and 20% VAT. Every time I go to London, I'm shocked at how high pricing is for all electronics (and food, and well, pretty much everything else).
But that's London prices. A lot more expensive than the rest of the UK. Next time you should do a bit of exploring; it's a small island we inhabit, but rich in history!
You're right though, and this has become the "why no verizon?" UK users like to repeat ad nauseum despite many wise folk explaining the obvious. If it was up to Apple, I'm sure they'd oblige! Lion, for example, is priced closer to the exchange rate.
Re: MacBook Airs: Now being the proud owner of the only generation MBAs without a Backlit Keyboard hurts a little.
Has anyone noticed the keyboard's changed?!
No eject button anymore.
Makes space to put volume in the right place (no more volume down one notch instead of mute!)
Has redesigned mission control key instead of Exposé
New "Home"/Apps key replaces Dashboard (poor Dashboard )
And the specs and all that look rather cool too. Not sure entirely necessary given MacBook Pro prices, but still nice for those that like to have a bigger engine.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
How do I do this?
I'm not sure about AppleInsider's policy in this, but I'm pretty sure most people would agree that Google, not here, is the place for that kind of information.
Thunderbolt can easily be adapted to support legacy connections such as FireWire and Gigabit Ethernet.
Is that actually true today? Can one go out and buy either a Thunderbolt -> FireWire cable or adaptor or hub? I ask because I sold off my 2010 Macbook Air a few weeks ago due to the fact that it did not have a FW port on it. I actually need one in order to use a legacy medium format digital back that only has a Firewire connection to connect it to a computer for tethered photo shoots.
If it is possible to go Thunderbolt to FW, I'll pick up the new MBA, otherwise it's most likely going to be a MBP for me.
Amusing that your government charges 10% import duties and 20% VAT. Every time I go to London, I'm shocked at how high pricing is for all electronics (and food, and well, pretty much everything else).
Yes, but that's as much due to the weak dollar as VAT and import duties.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
How do I do this?
Maybe not steal software, kid. How about that?
Wipe your machine and install Snow Leopard. Then buy it again.
Nope. If you have legacy PowerPC software (which is the only reason I could think of to actively not want Lion over Snow Leopard) you may want to pick up a refurb of an older model now.
If you run the numbers ... 14% more that Apple is charging.
...perhaps that's another reason why 32% of all Apple's non-US stores are in the UK.
Fair, but thy have no reason to decrease the price, remember when people complained in the UK about the price of CD music/albums compared to the US? No longer an issue. Apple's economics are probably very intelligently calculated, not just randomly inflated out of greed, they probably surmise that it would either drop their margin too low, including expenses, or it would not significantly increase unit sales. Despite being a software giant, most of their earnings depend on hardware. Amazon don't really care about hardware, they just want to provide access to their walled garden; this is claimed of Apple, but financials show otherwise.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
How do I do this?
Don't download from torrents anymore. You can't delete the OS your machine is running. This isn't Windows.
You will have to start from a different drive, and do a new install. But first, backup all your data, and everything you need. Then you might have to wipe the drive and start over. There is likely a way to go into terminal and change the date, but it's dangerous. Sometimes putting a retail version over a beta doesn't work, and who knows with a torrent copy? Anything can happen.
But that's London prices. A lot more expensive than the rest of the UK. Next time you should do a bit of exploring; it's a small island we inhabit, but rich in history!
You're right though, and this has become the "why no verizon?" UK users like to repeat ad nauseum despite many wise folk explaining the obvious. If it was up to Apple, I'm sure they'd oblige! Lion, for example, is priced closer to the exchange rate.
Re: MacBook Airs: Now being the proud owner of the only generation MBAs without a Backlit Keyboard hurts a little.
Has anyone noticed the keyboard's changed?!
No eject button anymore.
Makes space to put volume in the right place (no more volume down one notch instead of mute!)
Has redesigned mission control key instead of Exposé
New "Home"/Apps key replaces Dashboard (poor Dashboard )
And the specs and all that look rather cool too. Not sure entirely necessary given MacBook Pro prices, but still nice for those that like to have a bigger engine.
No eject button? Well, they're really discouraging the optical drive. I guess it will just have to be dragged to the trash.
I do enjoy going to the audio show. Last one I went to was in September in Milton Keynes.
If you run the numbers of importation from China and zero shipping (...China is a lot nearer to the UK than the US, so surely no additional shipping charges...), and you get a total cost of £743. I also have a bit of a problem with the 'cost of doing business' argument. While I accept that it might be higher than the US, it surely isn't higher than other EU countries like Germany & France (and you should have seen the anomalies between the UK and France & Germany the iPad launched).
It also amazes me that other companies (like Amazon) don't seem to be afflicted to the same degree by the same 'higher cost of doing business' issue. Take the Kindle 3G: $189 in the US. Run it through Her Majesty's Government calculator and you get a cost of £140.59 including VAT and all duties (of 3.7%). And the actual cost from Amazon in the UK? £152 - 8% more, rather than the 14% more that Apple is charging.
...perhaps that's another reason why 32% of all Apple's non-US stores are in the UK.
According to what I was told there, the UK charges 10% import duty for products not assembled there, or from parts made in the EU.
I found pricing for almost everything to be much higher. For example, I bought an AtHome device for my daughters' iPhone for her dorm. It cost £99. The same model here costs $99. I saw the same disparity with many goods. A Samsung Tv, don't remember the model, that costs $849 here, cost £879 there.
Even restaurants were at least 30% higher. That's for chains that are in the USA and there, and food in other restaurants.
As far as the Kindle goes, last year, I saw the Wifi version advertised all over for £139. But Amazon is widely assumed to be making no money on the Kindle, and possibly subsidizing it slightly.
Is that actually true today? Can one go out and buy either a Thunderbolt -> FireWire cable or adaptor or hub? I ask because I sold off my 2010 Macbook Air a few weeks ago due to the fact that it did not have a FW port on it. I actually need one in order to use a legacy medium format digital back that only has a Firewire connection to connect it to a computer for tethered photo shoots.
If it is possible to go Thunderbolt to FW, I'll pick up the new MBA, otherwise it's most likely going to be a MBP for me.
I was amazed upon reading that. But the store only has a USb to Ethernet adapter cable.
Bah. None of the stores in the Toronto area have the new hardware yet. I immediately ordered online but I am hoping the stores get it before the weekend.
How do I do this?
I actually would like 12GB or 16GB. 8GB isn't really enough for me anymore.
you have no page outs. how can you claim you need more RAM when you aren't even overworking what you got?
i was being sarcastic about apple and the 4gig btw....
Amusing that your government charges 10% import duties and 20% VAT. Every time I go to London, I'm shocked at how high pricing is for all electronics (and food, and well, pretty much everything else).
But that's London prices. A lot more expensive than the rest of the UK. Next time you should do a bit of exploring; it's a small island we inhabit, but rich in history!
You're right though, and this has become the "why no verizon?" UK users like to repeat ad nauseum despite many wise folk explaining the obvious. If it was up to Apple, I'm sure they'd oblige! Lion, for example, is priced closer to the exchange rate.
Re: MacBook Airs: Now being the proud owner of the only generation MBAs without a Backlit Keyboard hurts a little.
Has anyone noticed the keyboard's changed?!
No eject button anymore.
Makes space to put volume in the right place (no more volume down one notch instead of mute!)
Has redesigned mission control key instead of Exposé
New "Home"/Apps key replaces Dashboard (poor Dashboard
And the specs and all that look rather cool too. Not sure entirely necessary given MacBook Pro prices, but still nice for those that like to have a bigger engine.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
How do I do this?
I'm not sure about AppleInsider's policy in this, but I'm pretty sure most people would agree that Google, not here, is the place for that kind of information.
Surprising that this thread hasn't blown up yet considering that the rumormill threads always do..
Thunderbolt can easily be adapted to support legacy connections such as FireWire and Gigabit Ethernet.
Is that actually true today? Can one go out and buy either a Thunderbolt -> FireWire cable or adaptor or hub? I ask because I sold off my 2010 Macbook Air a few weeks ago due to the fact that it did not have a FW port on it. I actually need one in order to use a legacy medium format digital back that only has a Firewire connection to connect it to a computer for tethered photo shoots.
If it is possible to go Thunderbolt to FW, I'll pick up the new MBA, otherwise it's most likely going to be a MBP for me.
Amusing that your government charges 10% import duties and 20% VAT. Every time I go to London, I'm shocked at how high pricing is for all electronics (and food, and well, pretty much everything else).
Yes, but that's as much due to the weak dollar as VAT and import duties.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
How do I do this?
Maybe not steal software, kid. How about that?
Wipe your machine and install Snow Leopard. Then buy it again.
Can you get one without Lion?
Nope. If you have legacy PowerPC software (which is the only reason I could think of to actively not want Lion over Snow Leopard) you may want to pick up a refurb of an older model now.
I actually would like 12GB or 16GB. 8GB isn't really enough for me anymore.
Actually, according to your screenshot, 8GB is plenty.
If you run the numbers ... 14% more that Apple is charging.
...perhaps that's another reason why 32% of all Apple's non-US stores are in the UK.
Fair, but thy have no reason to decrease the price, remember when people complained in the UK about the price of CD music/albums compared to the US? No longer an issue. Apple's economics are probably very intelligently calculated, not just randomly inflated out of greed, they probably surmise that it would either drop their margin too low, including expenses, or it would not significantly increase unit sales. Despite being a software giant, most of their earnings depend on hardware. Amazon don't really care about hardware, they just want to provide access to their walled garden; this is claimed of Apple, but financials show otherwise.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
How do I do this?
Don't download from torrents anymore. You can't delete the OS your machine is running. This isn't Windows.
You will have to start from a different drive, and do a new install. But first, backup all your data, and everything you need. Then you might have to wipe the drive and start over. There is likely a way to go into terminal and change the date, but it's dangerous. Sometimes putting a retail version over a beta doesn't work, and who knows with a torrent copy? Anything can happen.
But that's London prices. A lot more expensive than the rest of the UK. Next time you should do a bit of exploring; it's a small island we inhabit, but rich in history!
You're right though, and this has become the "why no verizon?" UK users like to repeat ad nauseum despite many wise folk explaining the obvious. If it was up to Apple, I'm sure they'd oblige! Lion, for example, is priced closer to the exchange rate.
Re: MacBook Airs: Now being the proud owner of the only generation MBAs without a Backlit Keyboard hurts a little.
Has anyone noticed the keyboard's changed?!
No eject button anymore.
Makes space to put volume in the right place (no more volume down one notch instead of mute!)
Has redesigned mission control key instead of Exposé
New "Home"/Apps key replaces Dashboard (poor Dashboard
And the specs and all that look rather cool too. Not sure entirely necessary given MacBook Pro prices, but still nice for those that like to have a bigger engine.
No eject button? Well, they're really discouraging the optical drive. I guess it will just have to be dragged to the trash.
I do enjoy going to the audio show. Last one I went to was in September in Milton Keynes.
Only partially correct - there is no import duty. (Don't take my word for it: http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-im...etails/353109/)
If you run the numbers of importation from China and zero shipping (...China is a lot nearer to the UK than the US, so surely no additional shipping charges...), and you get a total cost of £743. I also have a bit of a problem with the 'cost of doing business' argument. While I accept that it might be higher than the US, it surely isn't higher than other EU countries like Germany & France (and you should have seen the anomalies between the UK and France & Germany the iPad launched).
It also amazes me that other companies (like Amazon) don't seem to be afflicted to the same degree by the same 'higher cost of doing business' issue. Take the Kindle 3G: $189 in the US. Run it through Her Majesty's Government calculator and you get a cost of £140.59 including VAT and all duties (of 3.7%). And the actual cost from Amazon in the UK? £152 - 8% more, rather than the 14% more that Apple is charging.
...perhaps that's another reason why 32% of all Apple's non-US stores are in the UK.
According to what I was told there, the UK charges 10% import duty for products not assembled there, or from parts made in the EU.
I found pricing for almost everything to be much higher. For example, I bought an AtHome device for my daughters' iPhone for her dorm. It cost £99. The same model here costs $99. I saw the same disparity with many goods. A Samsung Tv, don't remember the model, that costs $849 here, cost £879 there.
Even restaurants were at least 30% higher. That's for chains that are in the USA and there, and food in other restaurants.
As far as the Kindle goes, last year, I saw the Wifi version advertised all over for £139. But Amazon is widely assumed to be making no money on the Kindle, and possibly subsidizing it slightly.
No eject button? Well, they're really discouraging the optical drive. I guess it will just have to be dragged to the trash.
Open Apple+E also works.
Is that actually true today? Can one go out and buy either a Thunderbolt -> FireWire cable or adaptor or hub? I ask because I sold off my 2010 Macbook Air a few weeks ago due to the fact that it did not have a FW port on it. I actually need one in order to use a legacy medium format digital back that only has a Firewire connection to connect it to a computer for tethered photo shoots.
If it is possible to go Thunderbolt to FW, I'll pick up the new MBA, otherwise it's most likely going to be a MBP for me.
I was amazed upon reading that. But the store only has a USb to Ethernet adapter cable.
Hopefully, we'll see more soon.
you have no page outs. how can you claim you need more RAM when you aren't even overworking what you got?
i was being sarcastic about apple and the 4gig btw....
There are no page outs because I have recently rebooted.
Open Apple+E also works.
I never do that so I forget.