According to what I was told there, the UK charges 10% import duty for products not assembled there, or from parts made in the EU.
Whoever told you doesn't have a very good knowledge of UK/EU tax law. Import duty is the same across the whole EU and it never applies to importation of items made in another part of the EU. In the case of personal computers imported from outside the EU, there is no import duty payable.
Corporate tax is much lower in the UK than the US, employer's payroll tax is probably no higher in the UK than the US. Maybe Apple is subsidising the shrinking middle class you have over there in America with its expensive UK/EU pricing compared with the US?
1 bus/core ratio (which I think is not too relevant, as it's linked to the clock speed)
So if you want to upgrade to the i7, but to do that you must go from the 1299 to the 1599 then get the $100 upgrade to the i7 to make the total cost 1699. Even if it includes the extra 128gb hdd. I don't think it's worth the additional $400 cost.
However this is my opinion, and not everybody is the same.
Whoever told you doesn't have a very good knowledge of UK/EU tax law. Import duty is the same across the whole EU and it never applies to importation of items made in another part of the EU. In the case of personal computers imported from outside the EU, there is no import duty payable.
Corporate tax is much lower in the UK than the US, employer's payroll tax is probably no higher in the UK than the US. Maybe Apple is subsidising the shrinking middle class you have over there in America with its expensive UK/EU pricing compared with the US?
Imsaid that it doesn't apply for stuff from the EU.
But you're nuts. Despite what you may think, out of jealousy, no doubt, you're still much poorer over there, and will continue to be.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
I've placed my order for the 13 inch with the 1.8GHz Core i7
My order says:
1.8GHz Core i5!!! What is going on? There is no 1.8GHz Core i5!
Okay, I contacted Apple Support and apparently there is a bug with their ordering system where it is displaying the Corei5 instead of the Core i7. The CPU is still being delivered as the Core i7.
Bah. None of the stores in the Toronto area have the new hardware yet. I immediately ordered online but I am hoping the stores get it before the weekend.
It was quoted as not being available until Thursday in the stores.
Wow, that's a blast from the past. Even back in the 90's, I only ever heard a couple people say "Open" before Apple. I guess if you're super-legacy, there was a difference between the open and closed apple keys on the Mac 512, Plus and SE. But there's really been no reason to use an "Open" prefix since at least the era of the New World ROM, as the left and right keys became equivalent. And it's been called "Command" since that time too. Then the apple logo went away entirely about 5 years ago.
Thus, odds are good that a significant % of readers had no idea what you meant by "Open Apple" at all.
This is a very minor issue to most I know, and I looked for it but could not find it among the options, but do you know if there will be available an anti-glare matte screen on the display of the new MBA? Thanks.
Anyone else find it goofy that the Thunderbolt port isn't next to the MagSafe on these new models? The "ultimate docking station" looks kind of silly with wires coming out of both sides of the machine. Would look much cleaner if those ports had swapped positions.
Is that actually true today? Can one go out and buy either a Thunderbolt -> FireWire cable or adaptor or hub? I ask because I sold off my 2010 Macbook Air a few weeks ago due to the fact that it did not have a FW port on it. I actually need one in order to use a legacy medium format digital back that only has a Firewire connection to connect it to a computer for tethered photo shoots.
If it is possible to go Thunderbolt to FW, I'll pick up the new MBA, otherwise it's most likely going to be a MBP for me.
Yes, but it is called the Thunderbolt equipped Apple display. It has wired Ethernet, firewire, usb, audio....
I chatted with an Apple Rep who says it DOES have a FaceTime HD camera.
It's on the product page, but only under the Thunderbolt I/O paragraph. Guess they forgot to update the page. I expect it'll be changed in a couple days.
I think this is in reference to the new Thunderbolt-equipped 27" display. The 27" display comes equipped with a HD Facetime camera, not the Air.
Amusing that your government charges 10% import duties and 20% VAT. Every time I go to London, I'm shocked at how high pricing is for all electronics (and food, and well, pretty much everything else).
import duties on computers is 0 % in the UK. But you are right that VAT is now 20 % and we have stronger consumer laws and other things that make doing business in the UK more expensive.
Do even half of the PC notebooks out there have backlit keyboards? This is what, one of two Apple models that doesn't? And for it's size and battery capacity, I can easily see them ditching a luxury feature like a backlit keyboard.
It's a machine of trade offs. If you want it all, head over to the MacBook Pro.
Originally Posted by Mazda 3s
Was a stupid move to remove it anyway. Yet a good portion of the people here on these boards backed the move
Now those same people will probably be praising the move to bring it back
1 bus/core ratio (which I think is not too relevant, as it's linked to the clock speed)
So if you want to upgrade to the i7, but to do that you must go from the 1299 to the 1599 then get the $100 upgrade to the i7 to make the total cost 1699. Even if it includes the extra 128gb hdd. I don't think it's worth the additional $400 cost.
However this is my opinion, and not everybody is the same.
The i7 also has hyperthreading which allows it to simulate 8 cores vs 4 for i5. However this will improve the performance of only those apps that use multipke threads.
The new MacBook Airs deliver most of what they should, with two big exceptions:
8GB or even 16GB RAM option
SDXC slot
To include only an SD slot, and then only on the 13" model, is a joke.
An SDXC card could hold easily another 128GB of slow storage, enough to store e.g. the iTunes library or other mostly static content, to bring up storage capacity to a useful 384GB.
8GB RAM would significantly reduce paging, and thus wear on the SSD.
This means more paging and a faster road to hardware failure.
Otherwise, particularly the 11" model, would be just what's needed for a small, ultra-portable machine.
Open Apple+E also works.
Open Apple does not exist (pun intentional)
I do enjoy going to the audio show. Last one I went to was in September in Milton Keynes.
Not exactly rich in history!
According to what I was told there, the UK charges 10% import duty for products not assembled there, or from parts made in the EU.
Whoever told you doesn't have a very good knowledge of UK/EU tax law. Import duty is the same across the whole EU and it never applies to importation of items made in another part of the EU. In the case of personal computers imported from outside the EU, there is no import duty payable.
Corporate tax is much lower in the UK than the US, employer's payroll tax is probably no higher in the UK than the US. Maybe Apple is subsidising the shrinking middle class you have over there in America with its expensive UK/EU pricing compared with the US?
All the information I gathered was from this intel page:,54620
Differences the i7 has over the i5:
100mhz on stock clock speed.
200mhz on turbo clock speed.
1mb l3 cache
1 bus/core ratio (which I think is not too relevant, as it's linked to the clock speed)
So if you want to upgrade to the i7, but to do that you must go from the 1299 to the 1599 then get the $100 upgrade to the i7 to make the total cost 1699. Even if it includes the extra 128gb hdd. I don't think it's worth the additional $400 cost.
However this is my opinion, and not everybody is the same.
Not exactly rich in history!
The hotel the show was held in, Whittlebury Hall, was very nice.
Whoever told you doesn't have a very good knowledge of UK/EU tax law. Import duty is the same across the whole EU and it never applies to importation of items made in another part of the EU. In the case of personal computers imported from outside the EU, there is no import duty payable.
Corporate tax is much lower in the UK than the US, employer's payroll tax is probably no higher in the UK than the US. Maybe Apple is subsidising the shrinking middle class you have over there in America with its expensive UK/EU pricing compared with the US?
Imsaid that it doesn't apply for stuff from the EU.
But you're nuts. Despite what you may think, out of jealousy, no doubt, you're still much poorer over there, and will continue to be.
I am running the developer preview of Lion downloaded from a torrent. When I try to download the new version it says I can't because the version i have is newer than the OS available for download. if i delete my current version i have no operating system. In fact when i try to delete it to the trash i get a message saying it can't be done.
How do I do this?
Ha Ha!
My order says:
1.8GHz Core i5!!! What is going on? There is no 1.8GHz Core i5!
I've placed my order for the 13 inch with the 1.8GHz Core i7
My order says:
1.8GHz Core i5!!! What is going on? There is no 1.8GHz Core i5!
Okay, I contacted Apple Support and apparently there is a bug with their ordering system where it is displaying the Corei5 instead of the Core i7. The CPU is still being delivered as the Core i7.
Bah. None of the stores in the Toronto area have the new hardware yet. I immediately ordered online but I am hoping the stores get it before the weekend.
It was quoted as not being available until Thursday in the stores.
Open Apple+E also works.
Wow, that's a blast from the past. Even back in the 90's, I only ever heard a couple people say "Open" before Apple. I guess if you're super-legacy, there was a difference between the open and closed apple keys on the Mac 512, Plus and SE. But there's really been no reason to use an "Open" prefix since at least the era of the New World ROM, as the left and right keys became equivalent. And it's been called "Command" since that time too. Then the apple logo went away entirely about 5 years ago.
Thus, odds are good that a significant % of readers had no idea what you meant by "Open Apple" at all.
Is that actually true today? Can one go out and buy either a Thunderbolt -> FireWire cable or adaptor or hub? I ask because I sold off my 2010 Macbook Air a few weeks ago due to the fact that it did not have a FW port on it. I actually need one in order to use a legacy medium format digital back that only has a Firewire connection to connect it to a computer for tethered photo shoots.
If it is possible to go Thunderbolt to FW, I'll pick up the new MBA, otherwise it's most likely going to be a MBP for me.
Yes, but it is called the Thunderbolt equipped Apple display. It has wired Ethernet, firewire, usb, audio....
Actually, good news!
I chatted with an Apple Rep who says it DOES have a FaceTime HD camera.
It's on the product page, but only under the Thunderbolt I/O paragraph. Guess they forgot to update the page. I expect it'll be changed in a couple days.
I think this is in reference to the new Thunderbolt-equipped 27" display. The 27" display comes equipped with a HD Facetime camera, not the Air.
Amusing that your government charges 10% import duties and 20% VAT. Every time I go to London, I'm shocked at how high pricing is for all electronics (and food, and well, pretty much everything else).
import duties on computers is 0 % in the UK. But you are right that VAT is now 20 % and we have stronger consumer laws and other things that make doing business in the UK more expensive.
People still have to look at keyboards? Hmph...
Do even half of the PC notebooks out there have backlit keyboards? This is what, one of two Apple models that doesn't? And for it's size and battery capacity, I can easily see them ditching a luxury feature like a backlit keyboard.
It's a machine of trade offs. If you want it all, head over to the MacBook Pro.
Was a stupid move to remove it anyway. Yet a good portion of the people here on these boards backed the move
Now those same people will probably be praising the move to bring it back
I compared what you get from the i7 cpu and the standard i5.. it's not much..
All the information I gathered was from this intel page:,54620
Differences the i7 has over the i5:
100mhz on stock clock speed.
200mhz on turbo clock speed.
1mb l3 cache
1 bus/core ratio (which I think is not too relevant, as it's linked to the clock speed)
So if you want to upgrade to the i7, but to do that you must go from the 1299 to the 1599 then get the $100 upgrade to the i7 to make the total cost 1699. Even if it includes the extra 128gb hdd. I don't think it's worth the additional $400 cost.
However this is my opinion, and not everybody is the same.
The i7 also has hyperthreading which allows it to simulate 8 cores vs 4 for i5. However this will improve the performance of only those apps that use multipke threads.
8GB or even 16GB RAM option
SDXC slot
To include only an SD slot, and then only on the 13" model, is a joke.
An SDXC card could hold easily another 128GB of slow storage, enough to store e.g. the iTunes library or other mostly static content, to bring up storage capacity to a useful 384GB.
8GB RAM would significantly reduce paging, and thus wear on the SSD.
This means more paging and a faster road to hardware failure.
Otherwise, particularly the 11" model, would be just what's needed for a small, ultra-portable machine.