Apple fans, I need your help.



  • Reply 21 of 41
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Baako View Post

    It's the University of Glamorgan, I'm not sure if they have campus-wide wifi.

    Maybe you could find out?


    Regardless, I'm not buying an iPad, my question was about potentially buying a Macbook Pro.

    Isn't it clear you're totally sold on the MBP, whatever anyone says?

    So get one already!

    And live with it.

    It's a good machine.

    It's a bit like the wife wanting a Range Rover to get the kids to school, when a Mini would be far more sensible for that application. But hey, there's no arguing with taste and emotion.

    You'll like the MBP.
  • Reply 22 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    Maybe you could find out?

    Isn't it clear you're totally sold on the MBP, whatever anyone says?

    So get one already!

    And live with it.

    It's a good machine.

    I'm not totally sold on a MBP, I just know I don't want an iPad.
  • Reply 23 of 41
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Baako View Post

    I'm not totally sold on a MBP

    You're not fooling anyone but yourself, mate.


    I just know I don't want an iPad.

    It's called prejudice. But that's fine in this case. If it is your money you'll be spending.
  • Reply 24 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    You're not fooling anyone but yourself, mate.

    It's called prejudice.

    Umm okay? o_0 I think you'll find it's called a preference.

    Thanks for your opinion though.
  • Reply 25 of 41
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Baako View Post

    Umm okay? o_0 I think you'll find it's called a preference.

    Not if it is based on emotion and unsupportable from an objective point of view. Then it's a prejudice. Or a bias, if you prefer...

    As I said: that's fine as long as it's your money you are spending.
  • Reply 26 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    Not if it is based on emotion and unsupportable from an objective point of view. Then it's a prejudice. Or a bias, if you prefer...

    As I said: that's fine as long as it's your money you are spending.


    I've told you why I don't want an iPad, could you stop badgering me about it?
  • Reply 27 of 41
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Baako View Post


    I've told you why I don't want an iPad, could you stop badgering me about it?

    So what are you waiting for? What do you still need to know? You want an MBP! Dearly! You're drooling over it. You want it so bad that you can taste it! So get one!
  • Reply 28 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    So what are you waiting for? What do you still need to know? You want an MBP! Dearly! You're drooling over it. You want it so bad that you can taste it! So get one!

    Not quite, I like the hardware, dislike the software and dislike the price tag, I'm an indecisive person so I came here for the opinion of some Apple fans.
  • Reply 29 of 41
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Yeah, don't mind Parttimer, none of know what's he's doing here.

    I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the Air, especially since the recent refresh. Might ask around to see how some of the games you're interested in are fairing. Despite the relatively weak integrated graphics the SSD make it feel like a much faster machine-- it benchmarks better than last years MBP.

    If it meets your needs (and if you can live wither a smaller screen) there is a huge upside to having something so light and small when you're going to be carrying around with you all the time. And, as you say, battery life isn't critical since you'll never be far from AC.

    Really, borrow one or try one out in a store. Many a doubter have picked one up and never put it down.
  • Reply 30 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Yeah, don't mind Parttimer, none of know what's he's doing here.

    I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the Air, especially since the recent refresh. Might ask around to see how some of the games you're interested in are fairing. Despite the relatively weak integrated graphics the SSD make it feel like a much faster machine-- it benchmarks better than last years MBP.

    If it meets your needs (and if you can live wither a smaller screen) there is a huge upside to having something so light and small when you're going to be carrying around with you all the time. And, as you say, battery life isn't critical since you'll never be far from AC.

    Really, borrow one or try one out in a store. Many a doubter have picked one up and never put it down.

    I do like how the Air looks much more than the Pro, but I'm worried that whilst it may be able to play my games admirably, the specs will be outdated far quicker than the specs of the current MBPs in say 3 or 4 years (Which is how long I hope a device costing as much as it does will last me.)
  • Reply 31 of 41
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Baako View Post

    I do like how the Air looks much more than the Pro, but I'm worried that whilst it may be able to play my games admirably, the specs will be outdated far quicker than the specs of the current MBPs in say 3 or 4 years (Which is how long I hope a device costing as much as it does will last me.)

    The CPU is current, and the SSD is certainly as good as it gets, disc speed wise. It has a Thunderbolt port, so I/O speed is ahead of the curve. So if you want an external drive you can get one with Thunderbolt and have extremely fast transfer speeds. The Intel integrated graphics are the latest generation as well, and while not barn burners work well with the system.

    The thing is, any computer's specs will be outdated in 3 to 4 years, and getting outdated "quicker" is largely a matter of psychology. How likely is it that you're going to be running software that challenges this machine? How likely is it that new software will come to market that challenges this machine, that you need to run? Sure, there may be some massive game that brings custom gaming rigs to their knees, but you weren't going to be doing that on any laptop.

    Ask around-- people consistently describe their Airs as feeling faster than their MacBook Pros, even more so since the refresh. Apps launch instantly, boot times are twice as fast, every interaction is that much faster. That's really where the rubber hits the road when you're using a laptop as a daily work machine, not some abstract idea of where it stands vis-a-vis the latest and greatest.
  • Reply 32 of 41
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by Baako View Post

    I like the hardware, dislike the software and dislike the price tag

    Well, the hardware is settled then.

    You can run whatever you like on it, so the software is settled too.

    If both are what you want, what's wrong with the price?

    Can you get the same for less elsewhere? Then go get it there? But you know you can't. So stop fretting about it.

    If price is the overriding factor you should go with the tricked out iPad/Teamviewer combo. Otherwise it's a done deal for the MBP.
  • Reply 33 of 41
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    Well, the hardware is settled then.

    You can run whatever you like on it, so the software is settled too.

    If both are what you want, what's wrong with the price?

    Can you get the same for less elsewhere? Then go get it there? But you know you can't. So stop fretting about it.

    If price is the overriding factor you should go with the tricked out iPad/Teamviewer combo. Otherwise it's a done deal for the MBP.

    You sure do flog Teamviewer a lot. Like really a lot. I wonder why.
  • Reply 34 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    The CPU is current, and the SSD is certainly as good as it gets, disc speed wise. It has a Thunderbolt port, so I/O speed is ahead of the curve. So if you want an external drive you can get one with Thunderbolt and have extremely fast transfer speeds. The Intel integrated graphics are the latest generation as well, and while not barn burners work well with the system.

    The thing is, any computer's specs will be outdated in 3 to 4 years, and getting outdated "quicker" is largely a matter of psychology. How likely is it that you're going to be running software that challenges this machine? How likely is it that new software will come to market that challenges this machine, that you need to run? Sure, there may be some massive game that brings custom gaming rigs to their knees, but you weren't going to be doing that on any laptop.

    Ask around-- people consistently describe their Airs as feeling faster than their MacBook Pros, even more so since the refresh. Apps launch instantly, boot times are twice as fast, every interaction is that much faster. That's really where the rubber hits the road when you're using a laptop as a daily work machine, not some abstract idea of where it stands vis-a-vis the latest and greatest.

    Well I own a 1.66Ghz netbook which doesn't perform too great when it comes to gaming, the Air will undoubtedly perform much better, but I'm still worried that it wont be enough.

    I'll ask around and see if any of my friends have been able to game well on it, getting an Air would make my bank account cry a bit less than a Pro would so that's good.
  • Reply 35 of 41
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Here's a review that addresses gaming a bit, for what it's worth, and here's a YouTube video with some benchmarks.
  • Reply 36 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Here's a review that addresses gaming a bit, for what it's worth, and here's a YouTube video with some benchmarks.

    Thanks for that, I'll check out those links now. o/
  • Reply 37 of 41
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You sure do flog Teamviewer a lot. Like really a lot. I wonder why.

    Because I think it is excellent at what it does! And it's FREE too! I use it daily, as I am the 'SysAdmin' and helpdesk for a couple Macs 10 miles from here, and for a couple Macs on the other side of the ocean. Teamviewer let's me provide my clients with instant 'service', wherever I am. From my iMac, my MBP, or even from my smartphone. I even run the occasional Windows 7 PC remotely with it! It runs on all platforms.

    Saves both me and my clients a lot of time and money: I don't have to get in my car and drive there. Or fly there! Probs are usually solved within 5 minutes instead of complicated rescheduling of appointments, an hour's driving in traffic, polluting the environment, social talk, and all the associated costs.
  • Reply 38 of 41
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Also here's a really long, exhaustive and somewhat technical review from a well respected site, tons of benchmark comparisons.
  • Reply 39 of 41
    parttimerparttimer Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Also here's a really long, exhaustive and somewhat technical review from a well respected site, tons of benchmark comparisons.

    But not a word on MBPs, or iPads, or Teamviewer...

    I think you're barking up the wrong tree here.

    MBAs are not powerful enough for gaming.

    They can run Teamviewer, though...
  • Reply 40 of 41
    baakobaako Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by Parttimer View Post

    Because I think it is excellent at what it does! And it's FREE too! I use it daily, as I am the 'SysAdmin' and helpdesk for a couple Macs 10 miles from here, and for a couple Macs on the other side of the ocean. Teamviewer let's me provide my clients with instant 'service', wherever I am. From my iMac, my MBP, or even from my smartphone. I even run the occasional Windows 7 PC remotely with it! It runs on all platforms.

    Saves both me and my clients a lot of time and money: I don't have to get in my car and drive there. Or fly there! Probs are usually solved within 5 minutes instead of complicated rescheduling of appointments, an hour's driving in traffic, polluting the environment, social talk, and all the associated costs.

    You really should try it.

    You've already flogged it several times in this thread. We get that you're either a really big fan or being paid to advertise it but really, you've done so enough in my thread. :/
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