HP outlines "difficult but necessary" decisions spurred by success of iPad

in iPad edited January 2014
After just nine months on the job, HP's chief executive Léo Apotheker announced plans to radically shift the company away from the shrinking PC market, drop its mobile competition to the iPad and iPhone entirely, and instead focus on its online services, printing and software businesses.

In the company's quarterly earnings conference call, Apotheker stated that after careful consideration about "what needs to be fixed, what needs to be shut down, and what needs to be separated," the company would begin an effort to shift priorities in multiple respects.

The first, affecting HP's PC and mobile hardware business, acknowledges a competitive landscape and changes in how consumers are using PCs, a clear nod to Apple's blockbuster iPad sales. Apotheker said HP's Personal System Group, which builds PCs, needed 'the flexibility and agility" to explore its options independently.

HP is now looking at a "range of options that include a spin-off" of the company's PC manufacturing business, which is expected to take 12-18 months to complete. Apotheker still described PSG as being a profitable business, however, noting $9.6 billion in revenues and profits of $569 million in the most recent quarter.

Asked about why HP wasn't announcing an immediate spinoff of its PSG unit, Apotheker stated that the company's board had so far only committed to "looking at all strategic options," and would continue to look at what it needed to do.

Asked about whether HP was still investigating the concept of putting webOS on its PCs as an alternative to Windows, Apotheker similarly described various options of using of webOS internally or licensing it to third parties as all being options on the table, but had no specific decisions to announce.

Just six months ago in February, PSG head Todd Bradley indicated during the company's webOS tablet event that HP's PCs would be a target for the new OS, saying, "Do the math on two PCs per second. You easily exceed 100 million devices with WebOS deployed annually. That's the start of something pretty big."

Out of TouchPad

However, the company presented a very dim view of its webOS-based mobile devices, including the TouchPad tablet and Pre smartphones. Due to market dynamics and intense competition, Apotheker said the company would be taking the "difficult but necessary decision to shut down WebOS hardware in Q4 2011."

Apotheker said HP is "tracking market opportunities," and exploring how best to use the webOS platform it acquired last year as part of its $1.2 billion purchase of Palm. Sales of TouchPad and webOS phones "did not meet milestones," and "would require significant investment over one to two years" to continue to develop, taking on increasing risk in a very competitive market.

HP said it would take a billion dollar restructuring charge to cover the costs of shutting down its fledgling webOS mobile devices business after determining that sales of the TouchPad were simply "not meeting our expectations" after the new hardware was "poorly received" by the market.

Focusing on software, services

The company is now "focused on transforming services," part of a "multiple quarter journey" to focus on delivering cloud solutions and "software accessible to any type of device," as well as existing printing hardware and software businesses. Apotheker also said HP would also be lowering its Q4 guidance "to be realistic about where we are."

In addition to issues related to its PC PSG business and WebOS hardware, Apotheker also described the company's squabble with Oracle, which has pulled support for Intel's Itanium processor from its database and ERP software. That decision hit HP hard, because it forces its customers with HP-UX Itanium-based servers to either buy new equipment to run Oracle's latest software, or to continue to use their existing software knowing that existing bugs won't be fixed.

Oracle, which recently acquired Sun, is now recommending its own Sun hardware, and claims that while HP tried to negotiate a contract with Oracle that would guarantee continued support for Itanium, Oracle never agreed to those terms. Further, Oracle says HP knew that Intel eventually planned to terminate its Itanium hardware platform, and that HP's lawsuit demanding that Oracle reverse its decision to support Itanium servers was "utterly malicious and meritless."



  • Reply 1 of 82
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Somehow I think this "spin-off" will be less Frasier and more AfterM*A*S*H.
  • Reply 2 of 82
    Palm couldn't hack it as Palm. Who on earth, why on earth, thought they could suddenly, magically, somehow hack it as 'HP'?

    Just watch. GOOG-MMI will be a replay (in slow motion).
  • Reply 3 of 82
    Please pardon the schadenfreude here, but having Jon Rubinstein fall on his ass just one more time thrills me to the core. To be sure, I sympathize with TouchPad purchasers and all those who fell for Rubinstein's bullcrap, but watching him eat another heaping helping of crow is most gratifying.
  • Reply 4 of 82
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post

    Please pardon the schadenfreude here, but having Jon Rubinstein fall on his ass just one more time thrills me to the core. To be sure, I sympathize with TouchPad purchasers and all those who fell for Rubinstein's bullcrap, but watching him eat another heaping helping of crow is most gratifying.

    Completely agree Hahahah
  • Reply 5 of 82
    laleslales Posts: 34member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    noting $9.6 million in revenues and profits of $569 million in the most recent quarter.

    A little proof-reading please...
  • Reply 6 of 82
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Somehow I think this "spin-off" will be less Frasier and more AfterM*A*S*H.

    You are absolutely correct, but I get no joy from it. HP is blowing away like a dandelion in the breeze and it is a sad sight to see. HP made the first calculator that I ever owned. HP was a major test equipment company. It was the place that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak got their starts. It was one of the companies that made Silicon Valley Silicon Valley.

    HP, we hardly knew thee.
  • Reply 7 of 82
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Palm couldn't hack it as Palm. Who on earth, why on earth, thought they could suddenly, magically, somehow hack it as 'HP'?

    Just watch. GOOG-MMI will be a replay (in slow motion).

    Would not be surprised to see GOOG make an attempt to buy HP's PC business. No more Windows on HP PC's. Make 'em all ChromeBooks !!

    And, Larry Page can fancy himself as "Son of Steve." With the hope of outdoing Apple at Apple's game.
  • Reply 8 of 82
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,323member
    They should make webOS open-source... that would be the secret.
  • Reply 9 of 82
    Originally Posted by Mr. Me View Post

    You are absolutely correct, but I get no joy from it. HP is blowing away like a dandelion in the breeze and it is a sad site to see. HP made the first calculator that I ever owned. HP was a major test equipment company. It was the place that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak got their starts. It was one of the companies that made Silicon Valley Silicon Valley.

    HP, we hardly knew thee.

    HP was a great company in its day. So were Digital Equipment, Polaroid, and Eastman Kodak. The world changes. Companies need to adapt and tackle the challenges with vision. Apple, of course, is a great example. But, IBM has done remarkably well, too.
  • Reply 10 of 82
    Nicely done, DED. Much better than the last one. Keep it up!
  • Reply 11 of 82
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Apple should make an offer for Palm's IP.
  • Reply 12 of 82
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    HP is smart to surrender from a position of weakness rather than wait until they reach a point of desperation. I'm sure kodak wishes it would have been this smart.
  • Reply 13 of 82
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member

    HP outlines "difficult but necessary" decisions spurred by success of iPad

    I'm confused. Where in this article (or the conference call notes) does HP CEO even talk at all about Apple, let alone the iPad?

    This seems like a case of the title already being written, and formulating an article to fit that title.
  • Reply 14 of 82
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Apple should make an offer for Palm's IP.

    I think the current high valuation for patents is a big part of the reason HP is scrapping WebOS so quickly. They now know WebOS products are money losers and probably hope to get some of that original $1.2 billion Palm purchase back by selling the patents ASAP.
  • Reply 15 of 82
    In other words, the game of commoditizing computer hardware has claimed another victim.
  • Reply 16 of 82
    I always liked HP printers. Software sucked though. I always thought they should get back to their core business and stop chasing everybody else's tail.
  • Reply 17 of 82
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Apple should make an offer for Palm's IP.

    It would probably be seen as anticompetitive. But it might be worth a shot.
  • Reply 18 of 82
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    I think the current high valuation for patents is a big part of the reason HP is scrapping WebOS so quickly. They now know WebOS products are money losers and probably hope to get some of that original $1.2 billion Palm purchase back by selling the patents ASAP.

    I wonder how much extra it would cost to have the patents tastefully presented on a platter bearing Jon Rubenstein's head.
  • Reply 19 of 82
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Now if only Apple's other competitors would see the light we could rule the world! Mwah-ah-ahhhh.
  • Reply 20 of 82
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Surprisingly there is a winner in all this: Palm stockholders. They cashed out on WebOS (to the order of $1.2 billion) before it was hit by the Apple & Android steamroller.
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