IDC: Apple's iPad 2 took market share from Android tablets in Q2 2011

in iPad edited January 2014
Apple's iPad 2 took the lion's share of global tablet shipments in the second quarter of calendar 2011, with a 68.3 percent share, while Android's share of tablets slipped, according to the latest figures from IDC.

Total "media tablet" shipments in the second quarter of 2011 were 13.6 million units, an 88.9 percent sequential increase and 303.8 percent year-over-year rise, IDC said on Wednesday. Apple reported its own shipments of 9.25 million iPads in July, giving the Cupertino, Calif., company a 68.3 percent worldwide share, up from 65.7 percent in the previous quarter.

Apple's gains came as Google's Android platform lost some traction in the tablet market, slipping to 26.8 percent of total shipments. In the previous quarter, Android devices represented 34 percent of tablets shipped.

Going forward, IDC sees Android losing even more ground in tablets, dropping to 23 percent in the third quarter of 2011. But Android is predicted to grow at the end of the year, with a forecasted 25.9 percent share in the fourth quarter of 2011.

"Media tablet shipments grew at a solid pace in the second quarter, led by continued strong demand for Apple products," said Tom Mainelli, research director, Mobile Connected Devices. "We expect shipment totals to continue to grow in the third and fourth quarter, as additional vendors introduce more price-competitive Android products into the market and Apple works to maintain its dominance in the category."

IDC expects to see continued demand for the iPad lineup, as Apple's touchscreen tablet is predicted to maintain its dominance in the market.

"Apple's iOS share will continue to lead by more than 40 percentage points over Google's Android for the remainder of the year, but we expect Apple's share to fall closer to 50% by the end of the forecast period as manufacturers bring new tablets to market," said Jennifer Song, research analyst, Worldwide Trackers.

The research firm also predicted that close to a million HP TouchPads will be shipped before the end of the year, giving the webOS platform a 4.7 percent share in the third quarter of 2011. Sales of the TouchPad skyrocketed after HP discontinued the device, and consumers flocked to the $99 fire sale price HP adopted to clear out its remaining inventory.

Earlier this year, IDC's research concluded that the iPad took an 83 percent share of all tablets shipped in 2010. And in July, the firm predicted that a total of 53 million tablets would be sold in 2011 with Apple's iPad 2 carrying the market.

This month, a report from the Far East claimed that Apple's overseas manufacturing partner Foxconn was prepared to ship a massive 20 million iPads this quarter. If Foxconn were to meet that estimate, it would represent 60 percent sequential growth in shipments.


  • Reply 1 of 103
    jcozjcoz Posts: 251member
    Shipping numbers only give you a baseline. Considering how poor sell through and returns have been, android has a much lower share in units actually sold.
  • Reply 2 of 103
    Other tablet makers have until Apple releases a 2048x1536 iPad to capture a decent share of the market or I don't think this will solidify into another iPod-like market for Apple.
  • Reply 3 of 103
    The iPad has only 68% of the tablet market? 95% is a much more accurate estimate.
  • Reply 4 of 103
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    The iPad has only 68% of the tablet market? 95% is a much more accurate estimate.

    Other sites have had more accurate article titles noting that it's shipments, not sales.
  • Reply 5 of 103
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    The iPad has only 68% of the tablet market? 95% is a much more accurate estimate.

    I totally agree. Does anyone remeber the number of HP tablets Best Buy had rotting on the shelves until they gave them away? They sold maybe 1 in 10 that were shipped. Do you think the Samsung or Motorolla tablets did that much better? I think a more reasonable assesment is that Apple has somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of the market share and 98% of the profits.

    Is it me or is every "info" release from IDC strongly biased to pasting a positive glow on Andriod?
  • Reply 6 of 103
    this is IDC correcting for shipped vs sold numbers. the android tablets never sold and over time realigns as shipments are cutback; Apple didn't gain market share at the expense of android; they already had it as others have pointed out
  • Reply 7 of 103
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ... Foxconn was prepared to ship a massive 20 million iPads this quarter. If Foxconn were to meet that estimate, it would represent 60 percent sequential growth in shipments

    If they shipped 9.25 M last quarter, and are shipping 20M this quarter, isn't that a more than 100% growth?
  • Reply 8 of 103
    One could only imagine what the sales would be if we weren't in a recession and more people had money to spend.
  • Reply 9 of 103
    I work in the IT department of a large (30k student) university, and for administrative and enterprise functions, we are mostly still a Microsoft shop. However, when it comes to tablets and laptops, Apple is making HUGE inroads, even among the MS shills and hangers-on in the department (who are all toting around iPads).

    Besides the few Android tablets and the BB Playbook we received for testing and support purposes, I have neither seen nor heard of a single non-iPad tablet device in use by either IT staff or any of our clients. For that matter, even walking around campus and seeing hundreds of students on a daily basis, I have yet to see ANYTHING else but iPads in the "wild."

    OK, OK, I do know a guy that bought an HP Touchpad for $65, but he only uses it to run Ubuntu.
  • Reply 10 of 103
    Originally Posted by Jcoz View Post

    Shipping numbers only give you a baseline. Considering how poor sell through and returns have been, android has a much lower share in units actually sold.

    Watch what you say or you'll have Gatorguy asking you to provide a link to iPad "sales".
  • Reply 11 of 103
    IDC's numbers are a joke.
  • Reply 12 of 103
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Watch what you say or you'll have Gatorguy asking you to provide a link to iPad "sales".

    In which case, tell him to look up the segment data that Apple reports every quarter. iPad unit sales are always reported in all their glory.
  • Reply 13 of 103
    Originally Posted by Jcoz View Post

    Shipping numbers only give you a baseline. Considering how poor sell through and returns have been, android has a much lower share in units actually sold.

    7 months of channel inventory compared to 3-5 weeks. Wonder why IDC does not report this.
  • Reply 14 of 103
    IDC has been notoriously inaccurate, with virtually everything, I don't remember exactly the figures, but weren't they the guys who predicted that RIM and Nokia would still be relevant in 2014 when in fact, RIM will be filing for bankruptcy protection in 6 quarters with Nokia not far behind. I've yet to see a non-iPad tablet in the wild, and one wag on this very site said he'd buy a $99 HP for his morning communion with the porcelain convenience; last I checked, people don't often do number 2 in the wild. I agree with whoever said 95%; let's be kind and say 90%. This would be an iPad market for another 5 years even if apple didn't update the hardware?it's the ecosystem, stupid
  • Reply 15 of 103
    Originally Posted by markb View Post

    Is it me or is every "info" release from IDC strongly biased to pasting a positive glow on Andriod?

    Companies like Motorola, Samsung, HTC, Sony, LG...

    You don't want to tell the people paying you that "Dude, you are loosing and getting your backside kicked by a company that does not use our services."
  • Reply 16 of 103
    shenshen Posts: 434member
    "Apple's iPad 2 took market share from Android tablets"

    Exactly what percentage of nothing did they take?
  • Reply 17 of 103
    Maybe Android manufacturers will come up with something usable with ICS. Current Honeycomb tablets, sadly, are nothing to write home about.
  • Reply 18 of 103
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    IDC only reports shipments, not sales. How many times does that have to be said.

    Oh, BTW... Media Tablets? MEDIA TABLETS???????
  • Reply 19 of 103
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's iPad 2 took the lion's share of global tablet shipments in the second quarter of calendar 2011, with a 68.3 percent share, while Android's share of tablets slipped, according to the latest figures from IDC. ...

    I wish it were possible to find a way to measure not how many tablets shipped, or even how many sold, but how many are actually in active use for day to day tasks.

    I would suspect that there are a lot of iPads being bought simply because it's the latest cool thing to have. I would similarly suspect that perhaps only one or two Android tablets are actually in daily use, even though many more were purchased.

    It would be interesting to see which one does the largest amount of actual work and what that percentage of work actually is versus laptops and desktops.
  • Reply 20 of 103
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,363member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Watch what you say or you'll have Gatorguy asking you to provide a link to iPad "sales".

    Thanks for the shout-out, but it's safe to assume that 80-90% of the shipped numbers (the numbers Apple reports) are actually sold thru. No need to produce a link. I trust you guys.
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