Apple unveils iPhone 4S with A5 CPU and 4G-like data speeds



  • Reply 121 of 641
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    Investors not impressed w iPhone 4S-

    Dumping AAPL stock!

    Apple's stock sank almost 10% in the first 2 weeks that iPhone 4 was released and then stayed flat for another 2 months (actually sinking another 2%).

    If Apple's stock woes today were only from the release of the 4S you'd think that Google would benefit to some degree. Nope... GOOG is down almost 3%.
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  • Reply 122 of 641
    Uhh... shouldn't that be 16/32/64GB in the Storage section of that spec slide, not MB?
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  • Reply 123 of 641
    richwlrichwl Posts: 30member
    I can't believe that people are getting so emotional about this! It's a PHONE people! And it's nearly entirely new where it matters the most which is INSIDE. Why should Apple redesign the outside every time they upgrade the phone? They don't do that with their computers do they? I think that the problem is that they have moved so quickly on both fronts that people simply expect it to always be that way. It was inevitable that they would slow down on changing the form factor. I'm typing this on a late 2008 15" MacBook Pro. It looks virtually identical to a 2011 15" MacBook Pro. Big deal! It's funny because this makes me think of how people are with cars. They think a car is so different/better if the sheet metal gets changed significantly, but the internals are all the same as there previous model. Car companies take advantage of this all the time! Apple most likely feels that the current design of the iPhone 4 is good enough to stick with for another year. And you know what? They'll sell MILLIONS of them! So stop crying like a bunch of babies that just got their lollipops stolen. The iPhone 4S is a serious upgrade where it really counts and that's in performance!
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  • Reply 124 of 641
    roboduderobodude Posts: 273member
    I have to wait a week until iOS5!

    Happy to keep the iPhone 4. Big upgrade, but no particular features I can't do without. I'll have to watch later to see how Tim fared on stage.

    BTW - is the Apple site back up yet?
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  • Reply 125 of 641
    sargessarges Posts: 94member
    disappointing this how Tim Cook first presentation as CEO will be remembered. I hope the specialised press will kick them hard over the next months for this disappointing damp squib of announcement. And they waited 16 months for this? Tim do you really believe that iPhone 4 users will upgrade to this?
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  • Reply 126 of 641
    Originally Posted by LogicNReason View Post

    Really? Because my Evo consistently lasts a day and half without needing a charge, and still goes a full day when I'm using 4G to surf the web. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the iPhone 4S will continue the trend of amazing battery life, but you did NOT return the Evo after 3 days because you never purchased one. I'm not sure why you would need more than a day of battery life to be quite honest.

    On that note: For the idiots claiming this isn't a great upgrade, it is. Apple has never been a "bleeding edge technology" company.They've consistently been an "optimize the current technology so it runs better than bleeding edge" and that's exactly what they've given.

    On that note, Siri look amazing. Even for beta.

    Really? I know two people here in the office with Evos and they're constantly charging them. One of them even changed the battery. Those things are big, ugly, the display looks faded out and despite the higher megapixel, the pictures look way inferior to the ones I take with the iPhone. Everything from color accuracy to shadows to fill light.....
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  • Reply 126 of 641
    Originally Posted by scottdreed_fsi View Post

    So I waited a year to buy the same iPhone I waited a year not to buy? What in the world are they doing over there besides making money? Boys I love ya but, what in the world guys? Final Cut X anyone?

    Same phone?! Hardly.

    Go buy something from HTC or Samsung then... please.
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  • Reply 128 of 641
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    OMG, seriously. All you whiners who got all pumped up on baseless rumors. And now you sound like this.....

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  • Reply 129 of 641
    So, plan B it is.
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  • Reply 130 of 641
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by razyboy View Post

    so 18 months later i can buy the same iphone 4 i have now, only with an antenna that allows me to actually make phone calls?

    Antennagate! Love it! I missed those arguments.

    Cut it out.

    Originally Posted by MrMan365 View Post

    People like you with low expectations are easily pleased. What's wrong with expecting better things.

    Nothing. And you GOT a better thing.


    I'm disappointed.

    So there's no excuse for this.

    Originally Posted by mercury99 View Post

    Wow. All of these was available on HTC EVO 4G 1.5 years ago

    And the iPhone 3GS from 2.5 years ago still sells better than that pile of trash. It IS funny, isn't it?

    Originally Posted by therealestmc View Post

    does anybody how much the 4s has? i am guess it's the same since they did not mention it.

    They never mention it, though.

    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    Not Apple's finest moment.

    Stock is tanking.

    Which happens after every keynote.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I think if they add LTE (and perhaps WiMAX) they might call it the iPhone 4G.

    You know, I completely buy that for some reason. I can see them milking the "iPhone 4" part of the name for ANOTHER year.
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  • Reply 131 of 641
    cash907cash907 Posts: 893member
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    I don't want a brick in my pocket and neither does the general consumer. The only way Apple can make the iPhone screen bigger without fragmenting the market is to scale it up (rather than increasing its resolution). It might have been nice on an edge-to-edge screen, but nowhere near as important as the speed/graphics updates. I'm glad they don't believe I want a brick in my pocket.

    P.S. No, not like 'every other smartphone'.

    An elegant redesign on the back would have been neat.

    (Again, not an overly important feature).

    P.P.S. If you're looking for a huge screen, give up on Apple. Not going to happen.

    If you think the Galaxy S II is a "brick," you've obviously never used one or put it in your pocket. The 4, on the other hand... now THAT is a brick.
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  • Reply 132 of 641
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    It IS a new phone. Virtually everything in the phone is new except for the case and screen.

    Funny how if Apple focuses on outside appearances, you are the first to claim that people who buy Apple products are shallow and only concerned about appearances. But if Apple completely redesigns the product and improves almost everything except the external appearance, you're STILL complaining.

    I see your point my man, but really, you didn't think after the past 3 product launches being home runs that Apple would debut a totally new iPhone? The stock is diving it seems. That's a shame!
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  • Reply 133 of 641
    I'll be happy if the new iPhone 4S sports these features:

    1) doesn't drop calls

    2) doesn't inform me of missed calls hours later

    3) doesn't pass texts, but fail to receive calls

    4) doesn't fail to operate reliably even with three bars

    ...oh wait... Maybe ditching AT&T would help all of those things. Wassup Sprint?

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  • Reply 134 of 641
    simtubsimtub Posts: 277member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    It IS a new phone. Virtually everything in the phone is new except for the case and screen.

    Funny how if Apple focuses on outside appearances, you are the first to claim that people who buy Apple products are shallow and only concerned about appearances. But if Apple completely redesigns the product and improves almost everything except the external appearance, you're STILL complaining.

    Agreed. Most people cover their beautifully designed iPhones with cases anyway..
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  • Reply 135 of 641
    alienzedalienzed Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    All this whining amazes me. I realize that there are a lot of people who like nothing better than attacking Apple, but this is absurd.

    The new phone has:

    - much faster processor

    - much faster data speeds

    - new antenna

    - greatly improved camera

    - incredible voice recognition

    - Improved software

    - World phone capability

    - up to twice the storage capacity

    In fact, virtually everything is new except the case.

    Faster processor? I4 wasn't slow, useless

    Faster data speeds? Yah because we all bit torrent on our phones, useless

    New antenna? Wasn't ever a problem before so who faking cares

    Greatly improved camera? It's a phone! And the camera was already great, fun maybe, useful, no.

    Incredible voice recognition? That remains to be seen buddy

    Improved software? Yes but all iPhones and iPads are getting that, invalid argument.

    World phone capability? What your phone didnt work before? Seriously useless for 95% of people, maybe better for Apple and carriers.

    Up to twice the storage capacity: 16 months for a chip they could have put in 16 months ago? So they arent holding back anymore, not exactly a positive note.

    Everything is new except the case...

    If you have a 40" Sony TV and sony releases a new 40" Tv with a faster processors, faster wireless speeds, improved cabling, voice-enabled features with slightly better UI that should have been that way from the start, are you going to upgrade? F*ck no. It's still just a 40" tv
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  • Reply 136 of 641
    What are the AT&T store going to do with their cheap silicone iPhone 5 cases now?
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  • Reply 137 of 641
    I think it's great! Contracts are two years anyway so that puts everybody in two camps (not counting early up graders ) those who get the NEW model and those who get the S series. I think this makes it easier to swallow not upgrading till your contract is up. I am happy two be on the S schedule because I'm getting the more refined version. My 3GS has held up great but I have liked the form factor of the 4, can't wait for my new 4s.
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  • Reply 138 of 641
    Originally Posted by Granmastak View Post

    Really? I know two people here in the office with Evos and they're constantly charging them. One of them even changed the battery. Those things are big, ugly, the display looks faded out and despite the higher megapixel, the pictures look way inferior to the ones I take with the iPhone. Everything from color accuracy to shadows to fill light.....

    Yeah, the Evo is so awesum, Sprint bet the company on it. Oh, wait, that was the iPhone 4S.
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  • Reply 139 of 641
    airnerdairnerd Posts: 693member
    Originally Posted by Sierrajeff View Post

    Amazing - you draw a line in the sand; Apple slams through it - and somehow you still turn that into a fail by Apple!

    As for who wants 64GB - well, a lot of people - especially all those who were whining on here a few days ago about the iPod Classic going away...

    How did AAPL slam through it?
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  • Reply 140 of 641
    What will you say when the iPhone 5 has a bigger screen? ... ... ... Exactly. Good job guys.
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