Sprint confirms unlimited data plans for iPhone subscribers



  • Reply 41 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Oh yeah, this chart is over a year old but in that time neither Sprint nor Verizon's '3G' speeds have increased whilst AT&T and T-Mobile's '3G' speeds have gone up considerably. How 'bout them Apples?

    PS: Good luck with Sprint. You should be happy not everybody is as smart as you as it will keep Sprint's network free and clear. Feel free to trick as many people as you want to move from a faster '3G' network to a slower one. You seriously have my blessing on that.

    I think people need to choose the best carrier for them based on a number of criteria. Sprint suits my needs because it is very reliable in terms of voice and data coverage, offers far more value in their plans for much less money. Obviously you seem to think that AT&T is better for you which is fine. Just don't try and criticize Sprint if you have never even used it. I was with AT&T and still have friends on AT&T with an iPhone that have to borrow my phone to make calls. It is true that goind with an iPhone 4s means I will lose my fast WiMax speeds that I was used to, but that is Apple's fault for not including WiMax like every other high end phone on Sprint. I much rather have my slower but reliable 3G than no signal half the time on AT&T.

    Funny that the chart you posted proved my point. Where are all those 14.4Mbps speed you touted? I will enjoy my unlimited calls, data, and texts for $50 a month on my new iPhone 4S. I hope you enjoy yours as well at whatever price you are paying for your inferior carrier.
  • Reply 42 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    I think people need to choose the best carrier for them based on a number of criteria. Sprint suits my needs because it is very reliable in terms of voice and data coverage, offers far more value in their plans for much less money. Obviously you seem to think that AT&T is better for you which is fine. Just don't try and criticize Sprint if you have never even used it. I was with AT&T and still have friends on AT&T with an iPhone that have to borrow my phone to make calls. It is true that goind with an iPhone 4s means I will lose my fast WiMax speeds that I was used to, but that is Apple's fault for not including WiMax like every other high end phone on Sprint. I much rather have my slower but reliable 3G than no signal half the time on AT&T.

    Funny that the chart you posted proved my point. Where are all those 14.4Mbps speed you touted? I will enjoy my unlimited calls, data, and texts for $50 a month on my new iPhone 4S. I hope you enjoy yours as well at whatever price you are paying for your inferior carrier.

    You should take your advice. You're the one that have been pooh-poohing every carrier that isn't' Sprint while I've stated, verbatim, "For my needs?" and "If you make a lot of calls, send a lot of text, and don't care so much about fast data speeds then Sprint sounds like it would be a good option."

    It was also you that stated HSPA+ (14.4Mbps - 84Mbps) is comparable as EV-DO Rev. A. (!5Mbps - 15Mbps) despite 1) that clearly not being true, 2) Sprint not offering EV-DO Rev. B, and 3) only the assumed Qualcomm chipset in the iPhone 4S having the option for EV-DO Rev. B with evidence to suggest it won't have it.

    Why you need to make up reasons you like Sprint is pretty pathetic. Again, I'm the one that stated. "If you make a lot of calls, send a lot of text, and don't care so much about fast data speeds then Sprint sounds like it would be a good option." yet all you've done is say how AT&T sucks because you don't get theoretical data speeds of 14.4Mbps on a phone that isn't yet on the market.

    Tell you what. You find me a SpeedTest rating for any Sprint phone with '3G' downstream that is faster than this AT&T '3G' rating from nearly 1.5 years ago and I'll buy you a Sprint iPhone 4S.
  • Reply 43 of 80
    Apple will sell a ridiculous number of phones this quarter due to having more carriers. This is such good news for me because I just bought more shares of AAPL and Sprint is my carrier. I will finally switch from my android samsung. A good phone but I really want Siri.
  • Reply 44 of 80
    The quality of your service is 100% rooted in where you live and where you are at that moment. Everything else is absolutely meaningless.

    My iP4 is on Verizon, and the service is good, but the company is awful. Their billing practices are criminal.

    AT&T sucks, and hasn't a prayer of getting a dime of my money ever. I lump them in with Chase bank and Comcast...meaning satan's trifecta. Ma Bell should be starved, and never fed.

    I'm looking forward to consolidating everything to Sprint with the iP4S.
  • Reply 45 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm personally sticking with the carrier that offers me 14.4Mb/s down, 5.8Mb/s up, and gives me simultaneous voice and data.

    LOL, you posted a random speedtest photo from Anandtech? Why can't you post an actual one from your phone instead of the fastest one you can find on the internet?


    Why don't you post a speedtest screenshot showing us these fabulous 14.4Mb/s down, 5.8Mb/s up that you brag about? I know because you can't. You would be really lucky to even get 4Mbps on AT&T let alone anything close to 14. You will never admit it but I bet your actual speed are a hell of a lot slower and certainly not consistent. Otherwise you would have posted a screenshot from your actual phone. You were the one that came to a Sprint thread to passively/aggressively belittle and demean Sprint. All you had to do was ignore this thread completely if you are happy with AT&T but you couldn't do that could you. You just had to get your little dig in didn't you.

    I might not have that many posts but I have been reading these forums for a while and noticed a pattern to your posts. Maybe it is just your style, but you really come across as a sanctimonious ass. Had you come to this thread and said something like, welcome to the fold Sprint users and I hope you enjoy your new iPhone on Sprint or something similar that would have been fine. Instead you have to be a braggart and tout the superiority of AT&T that anyone on Verizon or Sprint knows to be complete hogwash.

    I don't need you buy me an iPhone. I already ordered mine this morning. I will be paying half as much as you for the same phone with a far more reliable and consistent network with practically unlimited everything. In fact, with the money I save I can even keep my Evo 4G and use it as a WiMax hotspot for my iPhone and continue getting 7 to 11Mbps if I desired and still pay less than most people on AT&T for one iPhone. I won't do that since Sprint's 3G speed is plenty fast.
  • Reply 46 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Sometimes I can't tell if asshats are trolling or really do lack the requisite reading comprehension needed to be on an internet forum.
  • Reply 47 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You should take your advice. You're the one that have been pooh-poohing every carrier that isn't' Sprint while I've stated, verbatim, "For my needs?" and "If you make a lot of calls, send a lot of text, and don't care so much about fast data speeds then Sprint sounds like it would be a good option."

    It was also you that stated HSPA+ (14.4Mbps - 84Mbps) is comparable as EV-DO Rev. A. (!5Mbps - 15Mbps) despite 1) that clearly not being true, 2) Sprint not offering EV-DO Rev. B, and 3) only the assumed Qualcomm chipset in the iPhone 4S having the option for EV-DO Rev. B with evidence to suggest it won't have it.

    Why you need to make up reasons you like Sprint is pretty pathetic. Again, I'm the one that stated. "If you make a lot of calls, send a lot of text, and don't care so much about fast data speeds then Sprint sounds like it would be a good option." yet all you've done is say how AT&T sucks because you don't get theoretical data speeds of 14.4Mbps on a phone that isn't yet on the market.

    Tell you what. You find me a SpeedTest rating for any Sprint phone with '3G' downstream that is faster than this AT&T '3G' rating from nearly 1.5 years ago and I'll buy you a Sprint iPhone 4S.

    In DC I don't see anywhere near these results on my 3gs. Typically 1-2 Mps download, 0.1 upload.
  • Reply 48 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Sometimes I can't tell if asshats are trolling or really do lack the requisite reading comprehension needed to be on an internet forum.

    Doctor heal thyself. Still waiting on your actual speedtest results and not one you used from Anandtech.

    Put up or shut up Mr. AT&T apologist.
  • Reply 49 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacInsider2 View Post

    In DC I don't see anywhere near these results on my 3gs. Typically 1-2 Mps download, 0.1 upload.

    Speeds will vary but the bottom line is still that the UMTS HW in the iPhone 4S allows for much faster downloads than the CDMA HW in the iPhone 4S, despite gwmac's claims that EV-DO "far faster data speeds comparable to HSPA+" despite that not being true with even Rev. B and evidence to suggest the iPhone 4S has no Rev. B.

    For your area Sprint might offer the fastest data, but that has nothing to do with the potential of the iPhone 4S, it the nature of cellular networks.
  • Reply 50 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Doctor heal thyself. Still waiting on your actual speedtest results and not one you used from Anandtech.

    Put up or shut up Mr. AT&T apologist.

    To what end? You can't seem to separate the HW from the network. You can't seem to see that Verizon and AT&T are viable networks for a great many users. You simply can't see that all carriers have their pros and cons, but that saying EV-DO is comparable to HSPA+ is not one of them.
  • Reply 51 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Speeds will vary but the bottom line is still that the UMTS HW in the iPhone 4S allows for much faster downloads than the CDMA HW in the iPhone 4S, despite gwmac's claims that EV-DO "far faster data speeds comparable to HSPA+" despite that not being true with even Rev. B and evidence to suggest the iPhone 4S has no Rev. B.

    For your area Sprint might offer the fastest data, but that has nothing to do with the potential of the iPhone 4S, it the nature of cellular networks.

    You are correct, theoretically AT*T is a lot faster. But the problem is that only in certain areas do you get these speeds, and the network is very unreliable in my travels over the last 2 years. (LA, Atlanta, Orlando, Chicago, NYC)

    Let me be clear, I REALLY want to stick with AT&T as I like the data and voice simultaneously and the theoretical speed. The problem is the theory never seems available where I have used it, and many times I came close to throwing my phone against the wall due to mysteriously missed calls, dropped calls, and just internet timeouts despite "full bars"
  • Reply 52 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Speeds will vary but the bottom line is still that the UMTS HW in the iPhone 4S allows for much faster downloads than the CDMA HW in the iPhone 4S, despite gwmac's claims that EV-DO "far faster data speeds comparable to HSPA+" despite that not being true with even Rev. B and evidence to suggest the iPhone 4S has no Rev. B.

    For your area Sprint might offer the fastest data, but that has nothing to do with the potential of the iPhone 4S, it the nature of cellular networks.

    Stop making straw man arguments. I never said EVDO was faster than the various GSM 3G protocols. I did say that EVDO Rev. B is much faster than Rev A and puts it in the ballpark with GSM 3G in ACTUAL usage speeds for REAL people. I also acknowledged that Rev. B is not yet deployed so AT&T's CURRENT 3G is indeed faster than Sprint or Verizon's CURRENT Rev. A. I just took issue with you touting theoretical maximum speeds instead of the typical speed most AT&T users would actually experience. Verizon's LTE is also very fast but how much slower will it be once they have many more million users accessing that data? Right now it is like an empty super highway, but wait till there is more traffic. But I do think Verizon is probably the best network by far and better than Sprint. I would consider switching if they could come anywhere close to matching what I pay on Sprint, but I will not double my monthly bill when I am happy overall with the service on Sprint. And unlike you I can roam for free out in the boonies on Verizon so I can basically take advantage of Verizon's great network without paying Verizon prices. AT&T on the other hand seems to have worse service and coverage with slightly better data speeds in some areas, but a lot of inconsistency and is just as expensive as Verizon.

    For people not tied to the iPhone, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile all offer far faster data speeds on Android phones. I had that with my Evo but decided to sacrifice slower data speeds for the iPhone experience.

    You seem completely fixated on theoretical maximums. That also seems to be the reason you refuse to post an actual speedtest from your phone in your city to back your claims up. Why are you so afraid to post a speedtest from your phone? Hmm.....

    Still waiting...tick tock
  • Reply 53 of 80
    BTW, the AT&T numbers I just mentioned are in the last day! Will post the screen shot if I get a chance.

    AT&T seems to be about 2Mps download OUTDOORS, indoors the numbers in DC get below 1Mps

    I read once that the problem is the frequency AT&T uses wavelength doesn't penetrate buildings as well as the frequencies allocated to other carriers?
  • Reply 54 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Stop making straw man arguments. I never said EVDO was faster than the various GSM 3G protocols. I did say that EVDO Rev. B is much faster than Rev A and puts it in the ballpark with GSM 3G in ACTUAL usage speeds for REAL people. I also acknowledged that Rev. B is not yet deployed so AT&T's CURRENT 3G is indeed faster than Sprint or Verizon's CURRENT Rev. A. I just took issue with you touting theoretical maximum speeds instead of the typical speed most AT&T users would actually experience. Verizon's LTE is also very fast but how much slower will it be once they have many more million users accessing that data? Right now it is like an empty super highway, but wait till there is more traffic.

    You seem completely fixated on theoretical maximums. That also seems to be the reason you refuse to post an actual speedtest from your phone in your city to back your claims up. Why are you so afraid to post a speedtest from your phone? Hmm.....

    Still waiting...tick tock

    1) I've quoted you verbatim on several occasions: "here are a lot of rumors that both Sprint and Verizon are upgrading their EVDO to Revision B and/or 1XAdvanced. That would mean far faster data speeds comparable to HSPA+."

    2) I used theoretical speeds across the board because I'm 1) honest, 2) actually understand the technology. You claimed EV-DO Rev. B — which isn't in the iPhone as far as we know — is "far faster" than HSPA+, which I've pointed out as being patently false.

    3) Why spread the lies? Why not just accept that EV-DO isn't the fastest data network technology. You get better voice quality with Sprint over AT&T and Sprint is better for voice-heavy uses, as I've previous stated. Why so much dismissal of every carrier that isn't Sprint? What do you fear by not having everyone crowd your network? As I stated I welcome you tricking others into thinking AT&T's '3G' network potential is worse than Sprint's. Take all you can. Give me more bandwidth.
  • Reply 55 of 80
    Could someone clearly explain why AT&T is so inconsistent with their service reliability?

    I really don't believe years after they have had the iphone that voice calls and data are just so unreliable due to "heavy volume"
  • Reply 56 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) I've quoted you verbatim on several occasions: "here are a lot of rumors that both Sprint and Verizon are upgrading their EVDO to Revision B and/or 1XAdvanced. That would mean far faster data speeds comparable to HSPA+."

    I meant far faster data speeds compared to their previous Rev. A. Looking back I could have worded that more clearly. I also meant that if it is deployed and could offer speeds up to 10Mbps it would put it in the ballpark. True HSPA+ which can go as high as 42Mbps and even much higher is not deployed by AT&T, so why are you even mentioning that? Why not talk about what is actually possible now? Even the old iPhone 4 could reach 7Mbps and I am sure no one on AT&T will even come close to that speed with even the new 4S. So yeah, 10Mbps would definitely qualify as being in the same ballpark.

    2) I used theoretical speeds across the board because I'm 1) honest, 2) actually understand the technology. You claimed EV-DO Rev. B — which isn't in the iPhone as far as we know — is "far faster" than HSPA+, which I've pointed out as being patently false.

    If you are so honest, why do you keep distorting my words to make straw man arguments? If you are so honest why won't you post an actual speedtest result from your phone or even tell us what speed you get on AT&T? Again, I never claimed Rev. B was faster or even as fast as HSPA+, you misunderstood my meaning.

    3) Why spread the lies? Why not just accept that EV-DO isn't the fastest data network technology. You get better voice quality with Sprint over AT&T and Sprint is better for voice-heavy uses, as I've previous stated. Why so much dismissal of every carrier that isn't Sprint? What do you fear by not having everyone crowd your network? As I stated I welcome you tricking others into thinking AT&T's '3G' network potential is worse than Sprint's. Take all you can. Give me more bandwidth.

    God you are a broken record. EVDO IS SLOWER THAN HSPA+ Are you happy now? I also admit that AT&T's POTENTIAL IS faster than even EVDO Rev. B. I am simply saying that in the real world, very few if any iPhone AT&T customers are seeing your mythical speeds. That is also the reason you refuse to post your speedtest results. Because if you did you would lose the argument.

    I am done arguing with you until you can post your speedtest results. Stop arguing theory and show us what speeds you actually get that are so superior to us idiots on Verizon and Sprint with our antiquated and slow EVDO iPhones. I admit it is probably faster, I am just saying you are lying at how much faster it really is in the real world we live in and not your HSPA+ nirvana that AT&T may someday build. I am betting you won't even post again because you are backed into a corner and have to offer proof which you can't do. After all, you don't strike me as the kind of person that likes to admit he is wrong. Arguing theory is much easier than offering proof of your actual real world AT&T data speeds.
  • Reply 57 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    God you are a broken record. EVDO IS SLOWER THAN HSPA+ Are you happy now? I also admit that AT&T's POTENTIAL IS faster than even EVDO Rev. B.

    It's about fucking time.


    I am simply saying that in the real world, very few if any iPhone AT&T customers are seeing your mythical speeds.

    1) These aren't unicorns tears and faireydust. There is nothing mythical about the specs, they are theoretical. Lab speeds based on the tech on the HW, not speeds achieved in the real world. If you're going to be on a tech forum you need to learn this.

    2) Be consistent! Be honest! If you mention the theoretical speeds of EV-DO Rev. B don't counter it with a speed test of a friend of a friend of some guy you know that uses AT&T.


    That is also the reason you refuse to post your speedtest results. Because if you did you would lose the argument.

    Use a little common sense and think this through. What would me posting an AT&T '3G' speed for a specific location at a given time prove in relation to Sprint's '3G' speed in that same location at that same time? Now remember that you don't want Sprint's speed, you only want a single metric.

    PS: There is a comprehensive comparison of '3G' speeds for multiple cities list above, courtesy of me.
  • Reply 58 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    By the way, the iPhone 4 uses the MDM6600 Gobi chipset. The MDM6600 is the only current Gobi chipset with CDMA support for mobile devices and it supports Rev. B, thus the iPhone 4S will support Rev. B. The only other CDMA-capable Gobi chipsets are the unreleased model with LTE (and Rev. B) support and the MDM1000 which is designed for notebooks. Whether the Rev. B network is deployed remains to be seen, but if it does the iPhone 4S will be ready along with the Evo 4G, Evo Shift, Evo 3D, Photon 4G.

    I know all about averages for various cities and concede AT&T is faster than Verizon or Sprint's 3G averages but not 4G and is slower than T-Mobile's 3G. That is not the point. You came on here touting how fast your speeds are with AT&T. Let's not talk averages for cities, tell us your typical speeds averaged out over a week or two. I freely admit that I only average between 700k to about 1.1Mbps on Sprint 3G which is not fast, but fast enough for my needs.

    Why can't you answer a simple and direct question about the speed you actually get? After all in your very first post you used that as the reason YOU stick with AT&T. You seem to be a clever enough man so I would assume you base your carrier decisions on your actual usage and not by average results across the nation. Or am I wrong?
  • Reply 59 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    By the way, the iPhone 4 uses the MDM6600 Gobi chipset. The MDM6600 is the only current Gobi chipset with CDMA support for mobile devices and it supports Rev. B, thus the iPhone 4S will support Rev. B. The only other CDMA-capable Gobi chipsets are the unreleased model with LTE (and Rev. B) support and the MDM1000 which is designed for notebooks. Whether the Rev. B network is deployed remains to be seen, but if it does the iPhone 4S will be ready along with the Evo 4G, Evo Shift, Evo 3D, Photon 4G.

    Already mentioned that the MDM660 supports EV-DO Rev. B. Also mentioned Apple doesn't list EV-DO Rev. B on their iPhone spec sheet. Also mentioned that having Rev. B on the chipset doesn't mean the iPhone 4S will ever support Rev. B even if Sprint and Verizon upgrade their network.
  • Reply 60 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    These were your very first two posts in this thread. Can you not see how they were antagonistic?

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    LOL Good luck with that Sprint customers. To each their own.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm personally sticking with the carrier that offers me 14.4Mb/s down, 5.8Mb/s up, and gives me simultaneous voice and data.

    In your words you said you are sticking with the carrier that offers you 14.4Mb/s down. You didn't say anything about averages or theories. You used the word "me". It seems when push comes to shove you retreat like a scared little girl.

    Did you really feel the need to start this thread off with a slight against Sprint and bragging about speeds you most certainly don't even get? Did that make you feel better about yourself or in someway superior?

    Since you refuse to divulge your actual speeds and guard it like a missile launch code I will assume your are full of crap. So stick with pretending you get anywhere close to 14.4Mb/s down on AT&T and we will pretend like we believe you. I also very much doubt you ever need to use that simultaneous Voice and data (that is also available on WiMax, LTE, and WiFi by the way) since with over 24,000 posts on this forum that would appear to be how you spend all your time.

    Usually senior members in a forum with a lot of posts tend to have a lot of knowledge and are very helpful. You certainly appear to be the exception and just want to belittle, flame bait, and thread crap. Maybe once you crossed the 20,000 post barrier something just snapped in you.
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