Sprint confirms unlimited data plans for iPhone subscribers



  • Reply 61 of 80
    Couple real results from today, iphone 3GS, in middle of DC, outdoors from 12:40-13:15.

    Download: 2.08 Mps

    Upload 0.16 Mps

    Ping 111 ms

    Download: 1.23 Mps

    Upload 0.05 Mps

    Ping 189 ms

    Download: 1.71 Mps

    Upload 0.10 Mps

    Ping 372 ms
  • Reply 62 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacInsider2 View Post

    Couple real results from today, iphone 3GS, in middle of DC, outdoors from 12:40-13:15.

    Download: 2.08 Mps

    Upload 0.16 Mps

    Ping 111 ms

    Download: 1.23 Mps

    Upload 0.05 Mps

    Ping 189 ms

    Download: 1.71 Mps

    Upload 0.10 Mps

    Ping 372 ms

    HSUPA will make a big difference in your user experience.
  • Reply 63 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    HSUPA will make a big difference in your user experience.

    Well, we already have HSUPA CAT 5 in the iphone 3gs and I am barely at 1/3 download capabilities of the supposed AT&T network for this device. How will Cat 10 of HSUPA make any difference given these lousy transmission speeds?
  • Reply 64 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacInsider2 View Post

    Well, we already have HSUPA CAT 5 in the iphone 3gs and I am barely at 1/3 download capabilities of the supposed AT&T network for this device. How will Cat 10 of HSUPA make any difference given these lousy transmission speeds?

    The iPhone 3GS still only has 384Kbps upload rate. It wasn't until the iPhone 4 that HSUPA (Category 6) was introduced.
  • Reply 65 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The iPhone 3GS still only has 384Kbps upload rate. It wasn't until the iPhone 4 that HSUPA (Category 6) was introduced.

    Thanks, interesting. I am going to wait for some real world tests of the 4s across the various networks which should be out within a week or so.
  • Reply 66 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacInsider2 View Post

    Thanks, interesting. I am going to wait for some real world tests of the 4s across the various networks which should be out within a week or so.

    I would expect about the same performance seen for the HTC Inspire earlier this year.
  • Reply 67 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I would expect about the same performance seen for the HTC Inspire earlier this year.

    That's performance, but will it help make the AT&T service with the iphone more reliable -- stop dropping calls and endless data time outs?

    What about this article which shows the signal receiving capabilities are stronger in the 3gs than in the 4?


    and here

  • Reply 68 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Sprint nor Verizon will be as fast as AT&T for 3G data but for me at least Sprint has a lot more reliable service when it comes to actually making calls and using data. I rather have a little bit slower but steady and reliable than faster but erratic. Every city is different and even within a city, some areas are better or worse depending on the carrier. Thanks to free WiFi being so prevalent now it really is not that big of a deal. Even 3G at 1Mbps seems damn fast to me on a cell phone. After all it is not like I am downloading 2GB torrent files. I am just web surfing, facebook, Pandora, youtube, Sprint TV, and other typical things that work perfectly well at 1Mbps.

    I guess I have a very bad opinion of AT&T from my own personal experience with so many dropped calls. For people that have good AT&T coverage and are grandfathered in with unlimited data I can see why you would stay. But for anyone else I would advise you consider Sprint or Verizon.

    Here is a test I just ran last night on Sprint. I don't expect Mr. AT&T to do the same since he seems preoccupied with theoretical maximums and national averages as opposed to his actual speeds. Even though he claimed to personally get 14.4Mbps and cited that as his reason to stay. Just don't buy into the hype about AT&T. No one will get anywhere close to 14.4Mbps on the iPhone 4S except with a Verizon or Sprint MiFi device or on WiFi.

  • Reply 69 of 80
    linkgx1linkgx1 Posts: 742member
    Too bad I'm dropping Sprint as they've pissed me off!

    Also, Sprint has some EXPENSIVE surcharges.
  • Reply 70 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Sprint nor Verizon will be as fast as AT&T for 3G data...

    It's about time you finally admit it. I'd congratulate for actually admitting you're wrong but I see it's a rouse to lead into your other fallacy.


    I rather have a little bit slower but steady and reliable than faster but erratic.

    Show a me a steady reliable data stream with a MNO? It doesn't exist. They don't build out wireless networks that way, the number of users per tower and area very causing different congestion at different times, and since it's radio waves you can get interference. If you want steady and reliable data rates go ask your telco for dedicated frame relay.


    Every city is different and even within a city, some areas are better or worse depending on the carrier.

    Making the point I originally made that you disagreed with. How trollish of you.


    I am just web surfing, facebook, Pandora, youtube, Sprint TV, and other typical things that work perfectly well at 1Mbps.

    1Mbps down may be good enough for you but you might also think Top Raman is a quality meal. For me and many others neither of those are suitable.


    I guess I have a very bad opinion of AT&T from my own personal experience with so many dropped calls.

    So now we get to the bottom of it. You are anti-AT&T, pro-Sprint fanboy. When did these carrier fanboys start to pop up? At any rate the iPhone on multiple carriers is really bring you goons out of the woodwork. Back to my original statement: If you make a lot of calls, send a lot of text, and don't care so much about fast data speeds then Sprint sounds like it would be a good option.


    Here is a test I just ran last night on Sprint. I don't expect Mr. AT&T to do the same since he seems preoccupied with theoretical maximums and national averages as opposed to his actual speeds. Even though he claimed to personally get 14.4Mbps and cited that as his reason to stay. Just don't buy into the hype about AT&T. No one will get anywhere close to 14.4Mbps on the iPhone 4S except with a Verizon or Sprint MiFi device or on WiFi.

    1) For starters, you ran the test at 1:21am. That's suspicious. Try running one during a peak usage hour or at during the day.

    2) As previously stated ad nauseum one person's up/down/latency at a particular moment in a particular spot means nothing to the overall network speed. Hence, I've posted an aggregate chart that did multiple tests all over the country. If you have a problem with their testing methods you need to bring it up with them instead of blaming me for Sprint coming in last.

    3) I could show you results with 3907, 340, 2897 and 4349Kb/s downloads and 959, 1888, 1095, 1053kb/s uploads with latency between 200-300ms. These were just performed. Again, there is no point. You either act like an ass and say that I doctored the photos , or you act like a passive-aggressive fuck and make some comment about how I'm lucky and others aren't, or you act civil and say that those are pretty good speeds and you wish you had them where you live, but we since you think 1Mb/s is more than enough you won't.

    4) When talking about the HW used by carriers and vendors you talk in terms in theoretical speeds. Phil Schiller did this in the keynote, but that's beside the point because you also talked in theoretical terms when claiming "EV-DO- Rev. B is faster than HSPA+" making your comments not only whiny but hypocritical.
  • Reply 71 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Here is another Solip.

    Where is your screenshot You claimed you were sticking to the carrier that would give you 14.4Mbps. Post your fabulous AT&T speeds. After all that is the reason you cited for staying with AT&T.

    I am hardly a Sprint fanboy. I guess you missed my post where I said I would switch to Verizon if they came even close to the features and price that I pay on Sprint. But they don't and I am pretty happy with Sprint so I stay put.

    And by the way I am on EST not GMT moron. Can you subtract?
  • Reply 72 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Here is another Solip.

    Where is your screenshot You claimed you were sticking to the carrier that would give you 14.4Mbps. If you are even getting a third that speed I would be shocked. Post your fabulous AT&T speeds.

    And they offer the HW that can support it, along with T-Mobile who also has raised the bar with 21Mbps, Sprint and Verizon don't have any '3G' that can compare. Are you really that ignorant of the technology or are just trolling? You lost the argument. You said EV-DO Rev. B was faster than HSPA+ and you were proved wrong.

    PS: Enjoy your slow speeds. I was just downloading tonight's Dexter from a newsgroup at 1.5Mbps tethering from my iPhone? on an airplane. Of course, you'll claim that unless you can that data rate everywhere planes fly that it doesn't count, but I'm happy to be able to watch my stories when I got to my hotel.

    edit: Since you seem to enjoy being a sadist I've decided to go out of my way to upload a screenshot to show you how much worse your EV-DO Rev. A is over a modern '3G' network. I've had faster speeds but these are from today at the Phoenix airport. I've had as much as 6Mbs downa dn 3Mbps up which is what is expected for 7.2Mbps/5.8Mbps HW. That's the way this stuff works. Thoerectical speeds are real world speeds. The 14.4 Mbps HW int the iPhone 4S will be even faster in areas that support it. Seriously! It can't be that hard to learn and I have trouble believing anyone can be as dense as you're acting.
  • Reply 73 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    And they offer the HW that can support it, along with T-Mobile who also has raised the bar with 21Mbps, Sprint and Verizon don't have any '3G' that can compare. Are you really that ignorant of the technology or are just trolling? You lost the argument. You said EV-DO Rev. B was faster than HSPA+ and you were proved wrong.

    PS: Enjoy your slow speeds. I was just downloading tonight's Dexter from a newsgroup at 1.5Mbps tethering from my iPhone? on an airplane. Of course, you'll claim that unless you can that data rate everywhere planes fly that it doesn't count, but I'm happy to be able to watch my stories when I got to my hotel.

    Why do you defend AT&T so much? In most cities in the USA, people all complain about AT&T. In the non-urban areas AT&T does better, but in urban areas JD Power, Consumer Reports, etc all rank AT&T dead last in terms of drop calls and maintaining data connection. In fact, in some tests AT*T couldn't even finish because it kept dropping connection. So yes, in theory AT*T is faster, but it's only faster if you can keep the connection going... There is a reason people used to call Cingular - Suckular.
  • Reply 74 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm personally sticking with the carrier that offers me 14.4Mb/s down, 5.8Mb/s up, and gives me simultaneous voice and data.

    You are so unbelievably FOS. I never said Rev. B was faster than HSPA+. You have a reading comprehension error and I explained that is a prior post. Wow, streaming Dexter to a phone. Am I supposed to be impressed? I was out having dinner with friends, then shot some pool and had a great time playing poker. You know, living life? Maybe you have seen people actually having fun while streaming videos on your super fast data speeds.

    Look, it is obvious you are a loud mouth wanker that refuses to post an actual screen shot and wants to pretend you may one day, eventually, possibly get close to 14.4Mbps. And that is fine. I pay $50 a month for unlimited everything for the same damn phone. If it helps you sleep at night believing you are on the best network, then keep on believing it.

    I know and many other people know how bad AT&T sucks for many people around the country. If you are in one of the few areas with excellent service, bully for you.
  • Reply 75 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacInsider2 View Post

    Why do you defend AT&T so much? In most cities in the USA, people all complain about AT&T. In the non-urban areas AT&T does better, but in urban areas JD Power, Consumer Reports, etc all rank AT&T dead last in terms of drop calls and maintaining data connection. In fact, in some tests AT*T couldn't even finish because it kept dropping connection. So yes, in theory AT*T is faster, but it's only faster if you can keep the connection going... There is a reason people used to call Cingular - Suckular.

    I haven't defended a single carrier, ever. I have clearly stated the merits os all carriers and technologies along with their shortcomings. What I have defended is against asshats spreading FUD that EV-DO Rev. B is faster than HSPA+.
  • Reply 76 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    You finally posted a screenshot. Wow!!!! But guess what, I have been getting speeds averaging between 6 and 11Mbps for over a year and half now. So that really doesn't impress me. It also must suck for AT&T iPhone 4S owners in Atlanta, one of only 4 cities in the country with an LTE network up and running that they can't use that speed.

    I had the high speed data, much faster than yours and really it is not that big of a deal. I decided to get the 3G only iPhone 4s for the phone itself. WiMax, at least in Atlanta, is very fast. I might miss it occasionally, but life will go on. On a cell phone as long as you can get speeds of at least 1Mbps you are fine. Videos even on 3G stream for me very well.

    If you were really placed that much priority over data speeds you would have an LTE phone by Verizon. You must value something about the iPhone itself to choose it. That is the same reason I want to give it a shot. Sprint is building up their LTE network now and will have 150 million in 2012 and 250 million people covered by 2013. I can live with that for $50 a month.
  • Reply 77 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    You are so unbelievably FOS. I never said Rev. B was faster than HSPA+. You have a reading comprehension error and I explained that is a prior post. Wow, streaming Dexter to a phone. Am I supposed to be impressed? I was out having dinner with friends, then shot some pool and had a great time playing poker. You know, living life? Maybe you have seen people actually having fun while streaming videos on your super fast data speeds.

    Look, it is obvious you are a loud mouth wanker that refuses to post an actual screen shot and wants to pretend you may one day, eventually, possibly get close to 14.4Mbps. And that is fine. I pay $50 a month for unlimited everything for the same damn phone. If it helps you sleep at night believing you are on the best network, then keep on believing it.

    I know and many other people know how bad AT&T sucks for many people around the country. If you are in one of the few areas with excellent service, bully for you.

    1) I have a reading comprehension problem when you think I was streaming Dexter to my phone. Your comments would be funny if they weren't so damn pathetic.

    2) So you've lost your position so completely that you have no choice but to say I have to life because I was on a flight. Really?!

    3) You love Sprint. No one has said you shouldn't be a carrier fanboy despite that being an odd position to take. I countered your FUD about Sprint and you got offended despite my repeated remarks about the various pros and cons of all carriers. You lost. I decimated you on an internet forum because I choose to be objective and called you out. You either need to move on and get over it or I'll continue to break you down because this loudmouth wanker is smarter than you, more focused and would love to make you cry.
  • Reply 78 of 80
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    Since you were at an airport I assumed you worked for the TSA. You seem to have that mentality.

    The reason I took issue with you at all is you came to a Sprint thread and in your very first two posts made snide comments. There was absolutely no reason to do that. If you are not on Sprint, why would you even post in this thread? Oh that's right, you probably need to reach 30,000 posts by some arbitrary deadline you created for yourself.

    I am not a carrier fan. Once again, in case you missed the other three times I said this, I think Verizon is the best network. I stay with Sprint because I pay $50 instead of about $115 for a similar plan with them. I must also be idiotic to you for wanting to downgrade to a 3G only phone when I have had far faster speeds with my current phones.

    Since you seem to be so wealthy, why must you download shows illegally? Why aren't you buying episodes off of iTunes?
  • Reply 79 of 80
    linkgx1linkgx1 Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Since you were at an airport I assumed you worked for the TSA. You seem to have that mentality.

    The reason I took issue with you at all is you came to a Sprint thread and in your very first two posts made snide comments. There was absolutely no reason to do that. If you are not on Sprint, why would you even post in this thread? Oh that's right, you probably need to reach 30,000 posts by some arbitrary deadline you created for yourself.

    I am not a carrier fan. Once again, in case you missed the other three times I said this, I think Verizon is the best network. I stay with Sprint because I pay $50 instead of about $115 for a similar plan with them. I must also be idiotic to you for wanting to downgrade to a 3G only phone when I have had far faster speeds with my current phones.

    Since you seem to be so wealthy, why must you download shows illegally? Why aren't you buying episodes off of iTunes?

    Lindsay Loco steals necklaces...
  • Reply 80 of 80

    Until recently, the only phone carrier one could get an unlimited data plan from was Sprint. Most people do not use enough to warrant the cost, but avoiding overages is better, which makes the recently-announced T-Mobile unlimited data plans great for data hogs on that service. I've had Sprint for a long time mainly due to their unlimited data, but if T-Mobile is going to get into that market, then I think it may cause some interesting changes in the future. :3 Find out more about the https://personalmoneynetwork.com/ (:


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