This is so sad. Steve was perhaps more significant than any American President in the last 50 years. His achievement was immeasurable and he is irreplaceable.
I never met him. But I felt I knew him. He was a very important part of my life since 1986. I feel like I have lost a close relative. Words usually don't fail me. But they do now. I will be toasting his memory tonight.
I guess there won't be another comeback. I have loved your computers since the 80s. My children grew up on movies you helped create and your devices make me smile every time I pick them up. Thank you.
I am stunned. I am going to pull out my old Apple IIc tonight ...
Also excuse me for the gallow's humor, I really don't wish to offend anyone, but with all the zombie movies and books lately I am waiting for Jobs to pull "One more thing..."
I'm totally broken. 56 is too young. Steve was one of a kind. He will be missed tremendously, but I'm glad that I was able to share, enjoy and embrace his vision. He has changed my life, my world, and the lives of many around me.
jerk! Troll!
Do not dignify trolls by engaging them in this thread. Just this once.
Also excuse me for the gallow's humor, I really don't wish to offend anyone, but with all the zombie movies and books lately I am waiting for Jobs to pull "One more thing..."
I knew it was bad, but didn't think it was this bad.
Is it better to live an amazing life, or a long life?
As the shock spreads, the sense of sadness grows
Yet he's enriched all our lives in many insanely great ways
The world will not soon forget
The man, the CEO, the innovator
We're greedy and want more
But look at all he's given
Steve Jobs, you will be deeply missed
And always remembered
I'm totally broken. 56 is too young. Steve was one of a kind. He will be missed tremendously, but I'm glad that I was able to share, enjoy and embrace his vision. He has changed my life, my world, and the lives of many around me.
Steve - you will not be forgotten, ever.
god speed Steve. Thanks for everything.
His vision has impacted my life and business in numerous ways, for the better.
I'm glad he had the chance to go out while Apple was on top.
It's a poignant reminder that we all have God-given talents and abilities that can be used to better the world in various ways,
and only a limited time in this life to do so. No amount of status or money changes that simple fact.
Rest in Peace Mr. Jobs