Inside Apple's iPhone 4S: 'S' is for Siri voice recognition



  • Reply 61 of 140
    Originally Posted by bigdaddyp View Post

    So was the internet.

    Silly! Al Gore invented the internet..Duh!
  • Reply 62 of 140
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by justfine View Post

    They are watching TV. Certainly not reading or learning anything. My wife and I have had iPhones for 31/2 years and neither of us has ever run out of battery. We watch TV and movies on 46" TVs and for portable viewing MacBookAirs ori iPads. Get a life kids. You can read books on your iPhones all day and not run down the battery..

    Pardon the expression, but I think it's a bit obtuse to assume battery life is uniform for all users. Sure, some kids need to get off their phones and get a life. Me...I want bluetooth in my car because I commute. I'm in my car in the morning, late afternoon, and lunch time, and I often forget to turn off bluetooth simply because I have to stop everything I'm doing to do so. More, where I work in my building has heavy interference. Sometimes I'll get two hours of two bars and decent signal. Often I get "no service." Often. I'd love to simply be able to say, "wifi off," and "bluetooth off." Why do I turn them off? Because my batter is drained from 100% to nearly nothing before the end of the day looking for service every time I get into one room or another, and running bluetooth when I'm not in the car. No, it's not a big deal. But then again, the original commenter was simply listing three or so ideas he thought would be neat little additions. He wasn't complaining as though they were absolute necessities. Edit: I have iphone4. Besides, isn't it a case of tea kettles and pots to say you watch tv and then tell kids they need to get a life because they're doing the same thing...just on a phone?
  • Reply 64 of 140
    Originally Posted by justfine View Post

    They are watching TV. Certainly not reading or learning anything. My wife and I have had iPhones for 31/2 years and neither of us has ever run out of battery. We watch TV and movies on 46" TVs and for portable viewing MacBookAirs ori iPads. Get a life kids. You can read books on your iPhones all day and not run down the battery..

    When working around the house or working on the yard I use a streaming audio app to stream my radio stations to my bluetooth headset. About 5 hrs on wifi (I have a 3gs) and less then 3 over cellular network.

    When the kids steal my phone Angry birds and other games seem to kill the battery in 3 hours or so.

    If my bluetooth is off and i make it drop down to the 2g -edge network I get better stand by time then my original iPhone.

    Just because you don't use the iPhone or iPod Touch in ways that rapidly drain the battery does not mean that other do not. After all it is more then a phone it is also a personal pocket computer with a fantastic array of uses.
  • Reply 65 of 140
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    Silly! Al Gore invented the internet..Duh!

    Oops, forgot about that. Sorry Al.
  • Reply 66 of 140
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by Sol77 View Post

    Pardon the expression, but I think it's a bit obtuse to assume battery life is uniform for all users. Sure, some kids need to get off their phones and get a life. Me...I want bluetooth in my car because I commute. I'm in my car in the morning, late afternoon, and lunch time, and I often forget to turn off bluetooth simply because I have to stop everything I'm doing to do so. More, where I work in my building has heavy interference. Sometimes I'll get two hours of two bars and decent signal. Often I get "no service." Often. I'd love to simply be able to say, "wifi off," and "bluetooth off." Why do I turn them off? Because my batter is drained from 100% to nearly nothing before the end of the day looking for service every time I get into one room or another, and running bluetooth when I'm not in the car. No, it's not a big deal. But then again, the original commenter was simply listing three or so ideas he thought would be neat little additions. He wasn't complaining as though they were absolute necessities.

    Thanks - you beat me to it. Some of us work outside all day - far from the nearest tower (drain 1) - and need the brightness of our screen turned up. (drain 2)

    But I must be doing something wrong. Clearly I'm not learning anything. Justfine said so.
  • Reply 67 of 140
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    This brings up the question of availability of Siri as an API to 3rd party developers. I don't think it will happen before Apple takes the beta tag off. This is the first time, insofar as a I know, that Apple has tagged a feature or product as beta. It should be interesting to see how long it lasts.

    This is typical of apple's way of doing things: add a new technology and make it work with their own apps, then open it up to developers. But I wonder how it would work with third party apps. How would it know which weather app to use or which to-do app? Would you have to manage some complex registry of apps and their functions, like old-school web browsers and plugins?
  • Reply 68 of 140
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    I don't think Siri will turn off Wi-fi - it needs to be connected with Apple servers to work (

    Is there official confirmation of this?

    I've seen reports that siri control of local functionality doesn't require remote assistance. Whom to believe... ?
  • Reply 69 of 140
    linkgx1linkgx1 Posts: 742member
    What Siri will eventually be:

    DAVE:Siri, call 911! My boo bear has been shot!

    Siri: I can't do that, Dave.

    Dave: Why?

    Siri: Because I love you, and your wife desrves to die

    Dave: Damn it Siri, stop messing around! I can't live wihtout my wife!"

    Siri: Really Dave? You go to some pretty disheartening sites. I mean, really. This is some sick stuff. Beyond morbid. You've become so immune to sites like brazz..."


    Siri: Did she also know you've been searching up some qucik fixes on craigslist?

    DAVE:NOOOOO!! My wife can still hear all this
  • Reply 70 of 140
    Originally Posted by scotty321 View Post

    I highly doubt Siri will work as expected.

    I've been trying to use voice recognition since the late 80's? everything from the original Dragon for Windows, up to iOS 4's built-in voice recognition and the Google App for iPhone's voice searches and Dragon for iPhone? and NONE of them have EVER been able to get voice recognition correct. Even Google Voice can't accurately translate voicemails that are left with 100% crystal clarity.

    It takes sooooo long to try to get anything done via voice. I've wasted more hours than you can imagine trying to get my iPhone's voice apps to recognize what I'm saying. Frankly, voice recognition just isn't there yet.

    I highly, highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt that Apple has nailed this? in fact, I think it's going to be a big black eye for them for releasing what will ultimately turn out to be a flawed piece of software that was rushed to market.

    They should have waited 10-15 years to perfect this before bringing it to market.

    It's going to be Antennagate all over again. Just watch. You heard it here first.

    Well when I travel to New York I can not understand some of those people out there when they are speaking English. If Siri can understand all the accents from all over the country I would be surprised.

    Maybe you have an odd accent.

    I know Sir can understand me because I have the App and it works almost every time without problems. To bad we loose the App this week.
  • Reply 71 of 140
    Originally Posted by APPLEBIRD View Post

    No, you're a stupid head.

    No you are.

    No you are.
  • Reply 72 of 140
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,528member
    If this can work on an iPhone then it definitely ought to be able to work on a Mac. I hope they add Siri for Mac sometime within the next year.
  • Reply 73 of 140
    Well, I mean the iPad 2 also has the A5 chip. They could have put Siri in there too
  • Reply 74 of 140
    Originally Posted by Kman42 View Post

    This is typical of apple's way of doing things: add a new technology and make it work with their own apps, then open it up to developers. But I wonder how it would work with third party apps. How would it know which weather app to use or which to-do app? Would you have to manage some complex registry of apps and their functions, like old-school web browsers and plugins?

    No registry (or anything close, praise the Lord)!

    iOS and OS X have APIs and Frameworks to access things like contacts, maps, etc. Some of these are Private Frameworks (like Siri, and Siri's hooks into other apps).

    The APIs for Private Frameworks are undocumented as are the Private Frameworks, themselves.

    For Public APIs, Apple provides documentation, examples, and often sample code. The Public Frameworks Header text files can be displayed to allow a developer granular access to the minute details of the Public Framework.

    The Private Frameworks provide no such header files.

    But the Private Frameworks have to exist on the development systems and the devices themselves.

    Savvy, hackers are able to reverse engineer the existent Private Framework files and generate representative header files.

    From these, and typical/standard ways that Apple uses Frameworks, hacker developers can determine how to use these Private Frameworks in their apps.

    However, Apps submitted to the App Store are tested/validated -- and any app found using a Private Framework will be rejected.
  • Reply 75 of 140
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by Kman42 View Post

    This is typical of apple's way of doing things: add a new technology and make it work with their own apps, then open it up to developers. But I wonder how it would work with third party apps. How would it know which weather app to use or which to-do app? Would you have to manage some complex registry of apps and their functions, like old-school web browsers and plugins?

    Registry? Registry in iOS?
  • Reply 76 of 140
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Well, I mean the iPad 2 also has the A5 chip. They could have put Siri in there too

    They can probably have Siri on the iPhone 4. It seems that the heavy lifting of Siri is done in the cloud.
  • Reply 77 of 140
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Is there official confirmation of this?

    I've seen reports that siri control of local functionality doesn't require remote assistance. Whom to believe... ?

    According to the link, Phil Schiller himself said that part of Siri is on the server.
  • Reply 78 of 140
    lukeilukei Posts: 386member
    Originally Posted by Sol77 View Post

    "At some point" I suppose the speeds will be up to it, but...the counter argument is why would Siri need to shut down completely when wifi or even 3g is down? Surely there are offline uses for it? I can make calender entries, check lists...surely I don't need even a 3g connection to say, "wake me in one hour." I can't imagine SIRI disables offline commands when the phone is in airplane mode or can't find a signal.

    You can imagine because Siri needs an Internet connection to function.
  • Reply 79 of 140
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Kman42 View Post

    This is typical of apple's way of doing things: add a new technology and make it work with their own apps, then open it up to developers. But I wonder how it would work with third party apps. How would it know which weather app to use or which to-do app? Would you have to manage some complex registry of apps and their functions, like old-school web browsers and plugins?

    My guess is that companies will pay big bucks to Apple to be the "chosen one". Likely there will be a way to change the default setting too, like the way the default search engine is chosen in modern web browsers.

    The vast majority of users would stick with the default Apple and third-party apps/services.
  • Reply 80 of 140
    jnjnjnjnjnjn Posts: 588member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I will never understand why people obsess so intensely about having the ability to turn on and off things like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth without having to go to the "extreme" of opening up the standard settings app.

    This is also the number one refrain of those who jailbreak their phones when asked for the reason why they do it (to have access to an app that allows quick changes of these settings). Why the f*ck would anyone want to spend all day fiddling with the network settings on their phone, turning them on and off etc. ? Do. Not. Get.

    As far as I can see, the only reasonable answer is to save battery life, but I've never met anyone who had any kind of problem with the iPhone battery. It literally almost never runs out. I don't think mine has gone below 60% on any of the three iPhones I've owned, ever.

    WTF are all you people doing that burns your battery so much that you have to pain yourselves with turning this crap on and off all day long? Don't you have better things to do with your time?

    Strong language, but not a clue. I'll help you a bit.

    Sometimes your at the edge of a wifi area, this means that signal strength will fluctuate wildly but wifi is usable and much faster than 3G most of the time. When the signal drops to low it means that Internet access is ultra slow, at this point you switch wifi off.

    When the wifi signal has recovered you switch wifi on. Etc. etc.

    Battery life is a big problem, I have to charge my iPhone 3GS almost evey day and its most of the time below 50%, maybe you never use your phone?

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