Google voice search and/or Vlingo have been around for some time and on my new Galaxy S2 work great. Example: I say "Navigate to nearest CVS Pharmacy" and presto. So far the iPhone does not even have navigation built in. Or "Whats the capital of Austria"? But I am sure Apple managed to polish voice input up a bit and add some bells and whistles.
Google voice search and/or Vlingo have been around for some time and on my new Galaxy S2 work great. Example: I say "Navigate to nearest CVS Pharmacy" and presto. So far the iPhone does not even have navigation built in. Or "Whats the capital of Austria"? But I am sure Apple managed to polish voice input up a bit and add some bells and whistles.
Can the Google stuff track the context of an object, like an appointment? I was impressed in the video when Siri tells the guy running that he has an appointment conflict. The guy says, "Move it to 2." And Siri knows he's talking about the previously mentioned appointment when he says it.
That kind of natural interaction could set Siri apart.
Can the Google stuff track the context of an object, like an appointment? I was impressed in the video when Siri tells the guy running that he has an appointment conflict. The guy says, "Move it to 2." And Siri knows he's talking about the previously mentioned appointment when he says it.
That kind of natural interaction could set Siri apart.
You are right, that where the magic Apple pixie dust comes in.
You are right, that where the magic Apple pixie dust comes in.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Does Google do that or not?
People often discount Apple advances as trivial. But then everyone else implements them later. There are often complaints about things like Magsafe and the button-on-board trackpad as being no big deal.
The fact is, they're advances. And they are often implemented by Apple first, regardless of who invented them.
I'm happy to have a more functional trackpad and magsafe. And if Siri is a step forward that's good too, whether or not Google has something similar.
Walt should test Siri himself in this video. Testing it is better than talking about it; It would probably work very well. But I can see why he wouldn't, because he cares more about making Apple look good to get great access for future products than potentially having the thing fail on camera (which it probably wouldn't do). Although now that Steve is dead and gone he might be a little more brave in the future - just like those Infinity Blade guys shouting the release date of that app from stage-left. They wouldn't have dared doing that with Steve there. Steve was a true visionary, a genius and remarkable many with many talents, but he could also be temperamental, childish, pig-ignorant and cruel and you just know he would have punished those guys for doing that - somehow!
Claiming that Mossberg wouldn't do Siri on-camera because it might fail seems like a bit of a stretch. After all, if he's as concerned about making Apple "look good" as you suspect, it would be easy enough to do multiple takes until he got the results he wanted, or cherry pick a question that never failed.
And why this strikes you as an occasion to indulge in a little Steve bashing eludes me.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Does Google do that or not?
No sarcasm here. I am sure that Siri will have an edge. I actually would have bought the new Iphone had it featured a couple more innovations like a better/bigger screen. As is now, the Galaxy S2 set a new standard.
Claiming that Mossberg wouldn't do Siri on-camera because it might fail seems like a bit of a stretch.
It's not a stretch. When he often talks about these things pre-review even, he literally repeats word-for-word Job's lines and Apple's marketing sentences. Even Gruber doesn't do that.
After all, if he's as concerned about making Apple "look good" as you suspect, it would be easy enough to do multiple takes until he got the results he wanted, or cherry pick a question that never failed.
That would make him more of a liar, he's not a liar.
Remarkable how negative Walt Mossberg is in his seemingly positive review.
If he was hired to temper iPhone enthusiasm and thereby reducing iPhone sales he would do a great job.
That's sort of the way he reviews all of Apple's products. When he's on TV interviews though he's heavily positive; seemingly endlessly regurgitating Apple marketing speak.
Siri is a paradigm shift in the time line of personal computers. A major one.
I think so too. I can't wait for Siri to become part of iPad.
Originally Posted by digitalclips
I also sincerely hope Apple have an iPad version close at hand not to mention OS X! The later maybe a non starter for many reasons (although I hope not) but iPad seems a logical path.
I can see iOS 6 getting Siri and it supporting the iPhone 4. The reason I think it doesn't come as part of iOS 5 is the fact that it's in Beta, and that Apple isn't ready for 100,000,000 potential users at once.
Has everyone forgotten about this already, all these reviews and not one mention of the grip issue? Does the 4S lose signal by gripping without a bumper or not?
Seriously? My personal experience... (and all of my iPhone owning friends too) the grip of death was a myth.
Has everyone forgotten about this already, all these reviews and not one mention of the grip issue? Does the 4S lose signal by gripping without a bumper or not?
hadn't noticed this until you mentioned it. i find it hard to believe that the iphone 4 would be unable to handle this feature. [since my iPhone 4 is handling this feature just fine with the siri app]
seems like a dirty ploy to get people to upgrade. i will wait until the next model refresh and hope that iOS 5 doesn't break the Siri app.
edit: Nope, this pisses me off. if i want to continue to use the app that i use EVERYDAY, i need to upgrade my phone. total BS.
Ah, you're concerned that Apple needs help in antenna design.
You're not fooling anyone. Don't you have a Consumer Reports review to write?
They have video evidence of a single finger bridging the gap causing significant signal loss.
Was it severely blown out of proportion? Yes. But the death finger touch was not the same as the choke holds and unnatural hand placements shown on the videos Apple offered as some sort of odd rebuttal.
Funny is they also slyly mentioned a I believe 300% dropped call increase (from like 1% to 3%)
The newer antenna I believe fixes the issue but to deny it ever existed even if overblown is disingenuous.
Siri is a paradigm shift in the time line of personal computers. A major one. While many Android fans are saying they have had this for a long time they simply haven't begun the realize that they call voice recognition compared to Siri is like comparing Microsoft DOS to OS X. I wonder how much of the new Apple facility is dedicated to Siri compared to the more well understood iCloud services.
The really big question for me is how much of a lead has Apple over all those that will be hard at work trying to copy Siri at this very moment? In the coming months Siri is going to be the single biggest reason many will move to an iPhone 4s.
I also sincerely hope Apple have an iPad version close at hand not to mention OS X! The later maybe a non starter for many reasons (although I hope not) but iPad seems a logical path.
Google and Samsung, I think will be working overtime in their speech labs And we will see comments like, "Samsung didn't copy Siri, Siri copied Star Trek" from the fandroids; it's how they roll.
Google voice search and/or Vlingo have been around for some time and on my new Galaxy S2 work great. Example: I say "Navigate to nearest CVS Pharmacy" and presto. So far the iPhone does not even have navigation built in. Or "Whats the capital of Austria"? But I am sure Apple managed to polish voice input up a bit and add some bells and whistles.
Can the Google stuff track the context of an object, like an appointment? I was impressed in the video when Siri tells the guy running that he has an appointment conflict. The guy says, "Move it to 2." And Siri knows he's talking about the previously mentioned appointment when he says it.
That kind of natural interaction could set Siri apart.
Can the Google stuff track the context of an object, like an appointment? I was impressed in the video when Siri tells the guy running that he has an appointment conflict. The guy says, "Move it to 2." And Siri knows he's talking about the previously mentioned appointment when he says it.
That kind of natural interaction could set Siri apart.
You are right, that where the magic Apple pixie dust comes in.
You are right, that where the magic Apple pixie dust comes in.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Does Google do that or not?
People often discount Apple advances as trivial. But then everyone else implements them later. There are often complaints about things like Magsafe and the button-on-board trackpad as being no big deal.
The fact is, they're advances. And they are often implemented by Apple first, regardless of who invented them.
I'm happy to have a more functional trackpad and magsafe. And if Siri is a step forward that's good too, whether or not Google has something similar.
Walt should test Siri himself in this video. Testing it is better than talking about it; It would probably work very well. But I can see why he wouldn't, because he cares more about making Apple look good to get great access for future products than potentially having the thing fail on camera (which it probably wouldn't do). Although now that Steve is dead and gone he might be a little more brave in the future - just like those Infinity Blade guys shouting the release date of that app from stage-left. They wouldn't have dared doing that with Steve there. Steve was a true visionary, a genius and remarkable many with many talents, but he could also be temperamental, childish, pig-ignorant and cruel and you just know he would have punished those guys for doing that - somehow!
Claiming that Mossberg wouldn't do Siri on-camera because it might fail seems like a bit of a stretch. After all, if he's as concerned about making Apple "look good" as you suspect, it would be easy enough to do multiple takes until he got the results he wanted, or cherry pick a question that never failed.
And why this strikes you as an occasion to indulge in a little Steve bashing eludes me.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Does Google do that or not?
No sarcasm here. I am sure that Siri will have an edge. I actually would have bought the new Iphone had it featured a couple more innovations like a better/bigger screen. As is now, the Galaxy S2 set a new standard.
I've read somewhere that Target is accepting iPhone 4 trade-ins towards a spanking new 4S.
Claiming that Mossberg wouldn't do Siri on-camera because it might fail seems like a bit of a stretch.
It's not a stretch. When he often talks about these things pre-review even, he literally repeats word-for-word Job's lines and Apple's marketing sentences. Even Gruber doesn't do that.
I'm not sure if I want to upgrade to the 4S - although Siri (Personal Assistant) is a nice bonus feature.
I've read somewhere that Target is accepting iPhone 4 trade-ins towards a spanking new 4S.
How much will it cost you? We'll you feel the pinch? If you won't feel the pinch upgrade to the 4S, if you will then don't. Simple.
After all, if he's as concerned about making Apple "look good" as you suspect, it would be easy enough to do multiple takes until he got the results he wanted, or cherry pick a question that never failed.
That would make him more of a liar, he's not a liar.
And why this strikes you as an occasion to indulge in a little Steve bashing eludes me.
I wouldn't call what I said "Steve bashing", that's the way Steve was.
Regardless, this article should say Siri makes iOS 5 a worthwhile upgrade. not the iPhone 4S.
Siri is not part of iOS 5.
Remarkable how negative Walt Mossberg is in his seemingly positive review.
If he was hired to temper iPhone enthusiasm and thereby reducing iPhone sales he would do a great job.
That's sort of the way he reviews all of Apple's products. When he's on TV interviews though he's heavily positive; seemingly endlessly regurgitating Apple marketing speak.
Siri is a paradigm shift in the time line of personal computers. A major one.
I think so too. I can't wait for Siri to become part of iPad.
I also sincerely hope Apple have an iPad version close at hand not to mention OS X! The later maybe a non starter for many reasons (although I hope not) but iPad seems a logical path.
I can see iOS 6 getting Siri and it supporting the iPhone 4. The reason I think it doesn't come as part of iOS 5 is the fact that it's in Beta, and that Apple isn't ready for 100,000,000 potential users at once.
Has everyone forgotten about this already, all these reviews and not one mention of the grip issue? Does the 4S lose signal by gripping without a bumper or not?
Seriously? My personal experience... (and all of my iPhone owning friends too) the grip of death was a myth.
Has everyone forgotten about this already, all these reviews and not one mention of the grip issue? Does the 4S lose signal by gripping without a bumper or not?
Well everyone isn't an Antennagate troll
Siri is not part of iOS 5.
hadn't noticed this until you mentioned it. i find it hard to believe that the iphone 4 would be unable to handle this feature. [since my iPhone 4 is handling this feature just fine with the siri app]
seems like a dirty ploy to get people to upgrade. i will wait until the next model refresh and hope that iOS 5 doesn't break the Siri app.
edit: Nope, this pisses me off. if i want to continue to use the app that i use EVERYDAY, i need to upgrade my phone. total BS.
Denying that there was ever any problem with the iPhone 4 or claiming that it's the same for all phones is sticking your head in the sand
If anything, I just want them to help Apple by commenting that bumpers are not needed anymore.
You're not fooling anyone. Don't you have a Consumer Reports review to write?
You're not fooling anyone. Don't you have a Consumer Reports review to write?
They have video evidence of a single finger bridging the gap causing significant signal loss.
Was it severely blown out of proportion? Yes. But the death finger touch was not the same as the choke holds and unnatural hand placements shown on the videos Apple offered as some sort of odd rebuttal.
Funny is they also slyly mentioned a I believe 300% dropped call increase (from like 1% to 3%)
The newer antenna I believe fixes the issue but to deny it ever existed even if overblown is disingenuous.
Siri is a paradigm shift in the time line of personal computers. A major one. While many Android fans are saying they have had this for a long time they simply haven't begun the realize that they call voice recognition compared to Siri is like comparing Microsoft DOS to OS X. I wonder how much of the new Apple facility is dedicated to Siri compared to the more well understood iCloud services.
The really big question for me is how much of a lead has Apple over all those that will be hard at work trying to copy Siri at this very moment? In the coming months Siri is going to be the single biggest reason many will move to an iPhone 4s.
I also sincerely hope Apple have an iPad version close at hand not to mention OS X! The later maybe a non starter for many reasons (although I hope not) but iPad seems a logical path.
Google and Samsung, I think will be working overtime in their speech labs