Steve Jobs was ?annoyed and depressed? over initial reaction to iPad launch



  • Reply 41 of 222
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    There were quite a few people who mocked the original iPad when it first came out, and guess what, each and every one of these people are fucking morons. They were also dead wrong, not to mention being totally clueless and ignorant of new technology. No wonder Steve Jobs was pissed at retarded people with shit for brains who only spoke trash about the iPad.

    These people lacked the insight and vision to see just how truly revolutionary a device such as the iPad was when it was first introduced. The naysayers were wrong back then and they're still wrong now, but that's how it goes when somebody is a closeminded individual. When the electric lightbulb was first introduced, the great grandparents of the people who mocked the iPad were busy mocking and laughing at the lightbulb, while they were holding candles in their hands, with hot wax melting down unto their hands.

    In contrast to these knuckledragging neanderthals, there were also many millions of smart people who know an amazing device when they see one, and these people went out and snapped up iPads as fast as they could.

    The Ipad has currently sold more than anybody's wildest estimates. What is it? Over 40 million so far and counting?

    And meanwhile the knuckledraggers will continue dragging their knuckles until the next revolutionary device comes along which they also won't comprehend or understand, and the story continues.
  • Reply 42 of 222
    ikolikol Posts: 369member
    Well. There really isnt any reason now with an A5 processor we at least can't have an option to turn on or off Flash. Lack of Flash does cripple the device somewhat.
  • Reply 43 of 222
    pokepoke Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by tdws View Post

    "With Apple now being run by Tim Cook and the executive team Jobs assembled and orchestrated, it remains to be see if the media will continue to mock and denigrate its products while enthusiastically recommending alternatives that are almost always inferior, poorly designed and deeply flawed. "

    You have GOT to be kidding.

    People who have been around for longer than a few years will remember that every Apple launch of ANYTHING is greeted with squealing ecstasy from fanboys, magazine cover stories bordering on outright fellatio, and standing ovations from everyone else.

    The idea that Apple is the underdog in the media coverage department is flat-out false.

    Even Apple would agree with me -- and I'm a total fan.

    He's 100% correct about the tech media and, increasingly, the mainstream media. Look at how Android 4.0 has been received. If Apple released a major iOS version with Android 4.0's anaemic feature list, they'd be utterly torn to shreds. You are absolutely, utterly delusional if you think the media isn't harder on Apple products than it is on Android.
  • Reply 44 of 222
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    But the original criticism was warranted, it basically was a giant ipod Touch at launch and Apple improved the iPad immensely since then. They launched a tablet that initially couldn't even multitask. Now it's world class leading product.

    WRONG. It was awesome from DAY 1. I bought one on day 1 and I don't ever recall being let down. I was amazed from day 1. Multi-tasking? Whatever.

    As for the "big iPod" comment. That is such a stupid criticism. That's like saying a swimming pool is "just a big bathtub".
  • Reply 45 of 222
    ikolikol Posts: 369member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    No. This is historical revisionism you are indulging in here.

    The "missing multi-tasking" is a function of the OS not the iPad and was available within a month of it's launch anyway. The iPad sold like gangbusters from day one regardless of that fact. It wasn't hobbled, missing any parts, or incomplete in any way.

    No one denies SJ's brilliant showmanship. He could sell you the Brooklyn Bridge if you believed it. He was DaVinci - yes but also he was PT Barnum.
  • Reply 46 of 222
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    This article appears to be more about the [real or imagined] slights that DED has received over the years -- rather than Steve's disappointment with the initial reception of the iPad.

    I'm with you on this, Dick. DED suffered the slings and arrows of an unending barrage of outrageous comments, and this may be his opportunity for a huge counterattack. Perhaps it's overdone, but he does have a point. Some of the critics in the media had it coming.

    Aside from that, let me share an iPad experience. We were in Florida on April 30, 2010 the day the first 3G iPads went on sale - halfway through a 3,000-mile vacation road trip, visiting our kids and their families. With that portability and wireless capability, I can assure you that the second half of our road trip was a lot richer and more interesting than the first. For almost 18 months now, our two iPads have performed flawlessly. When we're away from home, they let us navigate, search for local food and lodging, stream Internet audio, and use apps like EyeTV Remote and StreamToMe to access digital entertainment on our IMacs at home. MobileMe and iDisk have let us keep our address book, contacts, calendar and files synced and current wherever we are and on whatever iDevice we're using. I don't need the photo and movie capability of an iPad 2 since we can shoot content and transfer from our iPhones. Depending on what features will be incorporated in the iPad 3, then will be the time we will probably upgrade.

    So when the revisionist historians make claims that the first iPads were crippled and that it took a software update like multitasking to make them worthwhile, my wife and I can put the lie to their claims. We were there. We used the iPads from 3G Day One. Our experience was awesome from the git-go and has only gotten better.
  • Reply 47 of 222
    pokepoke Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post

    This article said a lot of things I feel too.

    I find the general attitude towards Apple to be very symptomatic of society as a whole right now. It's cynical, twisted, self-important and self-serving. Apple are positive, relentlessly so, and some people just cannot stand that. That says more about them than it does about Apple.

    Yes, what are lot of people are forgetting when they say "it was a disappointment" is that the reaction wasn't just "it's disappointing" it was months of frothing insanity and outright gloating that Apple had finally fallen. The media went crazy for several months and just heaped scorn on the product. It wasn't coverage, it was madness. I'd never seen anything like it from the tech press (actually, you rarely see such an outpouring of cynicism and hatred even in politics). It was obvious the "pundits" had been waiting for Apple to trip up and were gleefully bashing out article after article about why it was a failure. It didn't stop until the first sales figures were reported.
  • Reply 48 of 222
    ikolikol Posts: 369member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    WRONG. It was awesome from DAY 1. I bought one on day 1 and I don't ever recall being let down. I was amazed from day 1. Multi-tasking? Whatever.

    As for the "big iPod" comment. That is such a stupid criticism. That's like saying a swimming pool is "just a big bathtub".

    No it's not- what did it do that the iPod Touch couldn't? Except display larger images?
  • Reply 49 of 222
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    No it's not- what did it do that the iPod Touch couldn't? Except display larger images?

    3G. Pages. Numbers. Keynote. Tons of apps like weather radar in motion that were especially suited to a larger screen. That's for starters. Want more?
  • Reply 50 of 222
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    This article appears to be more about the [real or imagined] slights that DED has received over the years -- rather than Steve's disappointment with the initial reception of the iPad.

    Yes. It is a classic.

    And clearly DED == Apple.
  • Reply 51 of 222
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    fucking morons

    dead wrong

    totally clueless


    pissed at

    retarded people

    shit for brains

    spoke trash


    closeminded individual.

    When the electric lightbulb was first introduced, the great grandparents of the people who mocked the iPad were busy mocking and laughing at the lightbulb, while they were holding candles in their hands, with hot wax melting down unto their hands.

    knuckledragging neanderthals


    My favorite part is the hot wax melting down "unto the hands" of elderly people laughing (hysterically, I imagine) at the light bulb.

  • Reply 52 of 222
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Why would a visionary care what people initially think? I saw most of the potential when it was introduced. The iPod was criticized even more than the iPad.

    Yeah, it's enough to make a genius depressed. They always seem to be missing the point, trashing Apple until they make a boatload of money, then they're fine. The amount of Jobs-worship by the pundits since his death is somewhat sickening.

    I'm getting the 4S next month, his valedictory product.
  • Reply 53 of 222
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    You had to have an iPad 1 to have an iPad 2.

    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    But the original criticism was warranted, it basically was a giant ipod Touch at launch and Apple improved the iPad immensely since then. They launched a tablet that initially couldn't even multitask. Now it's world class leading product.

  • Reply 54 of 222
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    My theory is this.

    If you put your pants on one leg at a time and report to work for some Boss in the hopes of collection a check two weeks later then don't tell me SH** about what you think it hot or not.

    What did Jobs expect? He could have stopped working years ago and would have lived comfortably. You don't go the to lackey for advice...what do they know? They aren't even smart enough to put themselves in a position where they don't have to work.

    Amen brother. I could not have said it better myself.
  • Reply 55 of 222
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    Well. There really isnt any reason now with an A5 processor we at least can't have an option to turn on or off Flash. Lack of Flash does cripple the device somewhat.

    Tell me how that will be in a year. In two.

    Why waste precious cycles on crap? Do you enjoy the security leaks more, or the slowness?
  • Reply 56 of 222
    Originally Posted by haruhiko View Post

    This is absolutely stupid. If Microsoft introduces an application store software for Windows it won't be on Windows XP too.

    Not because Microsoft said so.

    But because it is life!.

    Why should it be different?

    XBox is a closed system, PS as well, but people are annoyed that iOS is not licensed, as if Apple has NO right to think different.
  • Reply 57 of 222
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    No it's not- what did it do that the iPod Touch couldn't? Except display larger images?

    it opened the door to the future that the iPad has become, dummy. some of us were smart enuff to see that coming - as it did fairly quickly - while the boo-birds obsessed on what it hadn't done yet that second. that is always the Apple story, which is DED's point.

    Siri is the same today - it's a beta! do you think Apple is going to stop here in terms of what it can do? get a clue!
  • Reply 58 of 222
    cmvsmcmvsm Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    But the original criticism was warranted, it basically was a giant ipod Touch at launch and Apple improved the iPad immensely since then. They launched a tablet that initially couldn't even multitask. Now it's world class leading product.

    It was only warranted by those who had no imagination or insight as to what the device was actually capable of accomplishing. That's what separates the great from the mediocre, and someone like Jobs from Michael Dell or Bill Gates.
  • Reply 59 of 222
    tinman0tinman0 Posts: 168member
    Originally Posted by iKol View Post

    No it's not- what did it do that the iPod Touch couldn't? Except display larger images?

    So it's an iPod with a bigger screen? So what?

    It's a brilliant device and the bigger screen just opens the opportunity to do so much more with it.

    No matter how you haters swing this and rewrite history, iPad1 was amazingly successful the moment it shipped.
  • Reply 60 of 222
    I'm surprised Steve Jobs was depressed by the general reaction to the iPad. It seems to me a definite case of "future shock".

    Even I will admit that I was puzzled by and disinterested in the iPad at first. And I sort of resented the direction it appeared to lead us, away from the power and flexibility of a desktop computer. Luckily, I'm married to someone who doesn't give a rat's butt about the direction technology goes and she wanted an iPad because it looked convenient. I bought it for her and have since come to realize that it fills the same mobile, light-use, quick-access gap that laptops used to fill before they grew powerful enough to compete with desktop PCs. The iPad has almost replaced my laptop at this point, and that's something I would never have foreseen.

    Jobs and Apple were just way ahead of the curve with the iPad and the reactions (mine included) were simply people not realizing it was something they actually did want. I'm surprised Jobs didn't realize that and treat it as something to be proud of.
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