Apple rumored to issue iOS 5.0.2 for battery woes, iOS 5.1 with Siri additions



  • Reply 81 of 97
    Originally Posted by airnerd View Post

    Make Siri able to interact with apps, like ESPN. I want to be able to ask Siri what the score of a game is, and if ESPN is loaded and running in the background she can tell me.

    Just ask it to web search the game. If you just type the team names in a Google search, typically the current score is the first thing that pops up.

    (Similarly if you type flight info into Google search, that flight's current status and estimated arrival pops up - there's zero need to use flight tracker apps or websites any more.)
  • Reply 82 of 97
    frykefryke Posts: 217member
    The article says "aufwendig", which can mean both money and/or energy consuming. In this context, it means that it takes a lot of work, which results in "requiring more time". Makes sense, no?

    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    Seriously? So Apple need to postpone a Siri update because it's too expensive for them? Who else find this ridiculous?

  • Reply 83 of 97
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Siri is designed to plug in "providers" on the backend through their API so as it continues to grow it's going to be important for applications that want to provide the best Siri response to have their own custom API link in.

    I suspect that we may see an open API for Siri next WWDC and then all He Double Hockey Sticks will break out because then Siri will suddenly go all Mensa on us with her knowledge about various things.

    The Big Bang will be once Siri can be used to purchase products. I'm betting that the Apple Store will be the first place that you can complete a sale with merely your voice.

    Originally Posted by malax View Post

    Yes please. I was frankly surprised when she/it couldn't answer questions like "Who won the Super Bowl?" or "What's the score of the Rangers game?" Seems like a no brainer for the next round of expanded functionality. I take it that Jobs wasn't a sports fan.

    In that vein - Siri's supposedly tied into Wolfram Alpha, but I can type a question in the W.A. search box and get an answer, then ask Siri the same question and she can't reply. Example - "what is the average flight time between Boston and London?" W.A. provides an answer; Siri first says she can't make travel reservations [which I wasn't trying to do], then when I rephrase the question as "flying time" she doesn't object, but still can't answer.
  • Reply 84 of 97
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    Siri will go down in history as the beginning of a disruptive computer interface change on par with the creation of the GUI. It's too bad that Majel Barrett-Roddenberry wasn't alive to provide Siri's voice.

    That. Would. Be. Awesome!

    [pardon me while I try to shove the inner Trekkie back in the box...]
  • Reply 85 of 97
    Originally Posted by Sierrajeff View Post

    I hate to sound negative, I love my 4S, but - my battery issues seem worse with 5.0.1 than with 5.0. I reduced mail fetch to 30 minutes from 15 minutes, all other settings the same as under 5.0 -- in 24 hours I've gone from 100% to 33% with moderate (at most) usage (less than a dozen emails; about 50 minutes aggregate in reading an iBook, some minimal other surfing; no phone calls nor GPS-related functions).

    That's strange...not seeing any problems with iOS 4.3.5. That thing is rock solid. Maybe there's a bug in 5.0.1??? I'm speculating. Can anyone help this person?
  • Reply 86 of 97
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    more and more will be given over to siri

    i'd like to see

    siri max battery and she dims screen turns off bt wifi etc what you set up in a pref list

    siri coordinate meeting with smith jones, for thursday 15th at 4pm and all the background work done

    siri is the bomb i do most of my texting with siri she types faster than i do
  • Reply 87 of 97
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    more and more will be given over to siri

    i'd like to see

    siri max battery and she dims screen turns off bt wifi etc what you set up in a pref list

    siri coordinate meeting with smith jones, for thursday 15th at 4pm and all the background work done

    siri is the bomb i do most of my texting with siri she types faster than i do

    Adding more to Siri would be nice but Smart Actions 'on' the device would be better for what you mention. For an example check out The Verge's Motorola Droid RAZR review for Smart Actions. Sorry, I don't have a link.
  • Reply 88 of 97
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,556member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Adding more to Siri would be nice but Smart Actions 'on' the device would be better for what you mention. For an example check out The Verge's Motorola Droid RAZR review for Smart Actions. Sorry, I don't have a link.

    A Youtube demo of the RAZR's Smart Actions
  • Reply 89 of 97
    llamallama Posts: 103member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Pfft. You can all beta test 5.0.2. I'm waiting until at least 5.1 before I switch from 4.3.5.

    Oh, you'll be there, heck you upgraded to 4.3.5 so you'll install anything.
  • Reply 90 of 97
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    No, 'aufwendig' means 'costly'?

    "Aufwendig" means "complex", not costly.
  • Reply 91 of 97
    Originally Posted by linkgx1 View Post

    Apparently some people need a life....

    Let he who has a life cast the first stone...

    Trust me, if any of us had a life, we wouldn't be on this forum.
  • Reply 92 of 97
    Originally Posted by Llama View Post

    Oh, you'll be there, heck you upgraded to 4.3.5 so you'll install anything.

    With 4.3.5, Steve promised me unicorns.
  • Reply 93 of 97
    am8449am8449 Posts: 392member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    You: "Siri, Take a picture"

    Siri: "Say cheese..... click!"

    Nice final touch.
  • Reply 94 of 97
    I never had a battery with my 4S as it was shipped with 5.0 iOS so I didn't think I needed to update to 5.0.1 iOS. As a matter of fact, my 4S battery far out lasted my 3GS battery, I was amazed.

    I did update to 5.0.1 iOS and I've had battery draining too quickly problem since.

    I called Apple, got a supervisor and got the diagnostic software installed on my phone so they could check and monitor. They went over some things to change/turn off (which I did), but the 4S with the 5.0.1 update still drains much faster than the phone did with the pre installed 5 iOS.

    I'm waiting for the next update...........
  • Reply 95 of 97
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    A Youtube demo of the RAZR's Smart Actions

    While Smart Actions may be a great feature -- you couldn't tell from that video:

    1) At about 1 minute in he talks about all the things you can do -- but doesn't actually do any of them.

    2) At about 2 minutes in he tries to demonstrate customizing a suggested Smart Action -- but spends the next 40 seconds tapping the + button in a vain attempt to add a customizing action (the taps are ignored and nothing happens)

    Finally, in the last 20 seconds, he just gives up and just talks about all the wonderful things you can do.

    I do like the idea of Smart Actions -- and see them as an iOS feature -- implemented as a by-product of an enhanced Siri release.
  • Reply 96 of 97
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by foxhunter101 View Post

    I never had a battery with my 4S as it was shipped with 5.0 iOS so I didn't think I needed to update to 5.0.1 iOS. As a matter of fact, my 4S battery far out lasted my 3GS battery, I was amazed.

    I did update to 5.0.1 iOS and I've had battery draining too quickly problem since.

    I called Apple, got a supervisor and got the diagnostic software installed on my phone so they could check and monitor. They went over some things to change/turn off (which I did), but the 4S with the 5.0.1 update still drains much faster than the phone did with the pre installed 5 iOS.

    I'm waiting for the next update...........

    what did they tell you to turn off???
  • Reply 97 of 97
    I had upgraded to a 4S from a 4, setting it up with the backup from the iPhone 4 through iTunes. Even with all the settings set to max efficiency the battery life sucked and the phone ran hot. OTA 5.0.1 update only made things worse. Usage and standby times were the same so the phone was clearly stuck in a loop of some kind. This morning I was going to nuke the phone with a clean install but before doing that I deleted my iCloud account, power cycled the phone and then configured iCloud again. Battery life is back to normal now, the phone runs cool and the usage/standby times are accurate - currently showing 2hrs usage, 10hrs standby and 80% battery left.
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