This study did not reveal any surprises and does not indicate any sort of shift in the UK market or any other. Here are a couple corrections/clarifications.
1) Android sales weren't down from a year ago for the quarter ending Oct 30. They were up from 34.2 to 46%
2) Android sales were at 49% for the quarter ending Sep 30, just prior to 4S sales.
3) iPhone 4S sales for the month of October accounted for 43% of smartphone sales compared to Android's 35%. This is the up side, showing boost in sales immediately following an annual release delayed for 4 months.
If November/December's numbers are still close to 43%, that will be newsworthy.
I'll speak for myself here and say all I was trying to do is educate you in a friendly, non condescending manner. (except for the :roll eyes: emoticon, which you deserved for not taking the time to look up the term....which I did for you) And then you slam me for posting two citations demonstrating the use of the word/term in context?
You see, when one doesn't come across like an illiterate, the other members tend to take one more seriously and show more respect for one's argument.
I'll speak for myself here and say all I was trying to do is educate you in a friendly, non condescending manner. (except for the :roll eyes: emoticon, which you deserved for not taking the time to look up the term....which I did for you) And then you slam me for posting two citations demonstrating the use of the word/term in context?
You see, when one doesn't come across like an illiterate, the other members tend to take one more seriously and show more respect for one's argument.
That's only if you hold an extremely positive view towards Apple. I can't pick up humor here, it's the internet.
I also can't look things up here, as I'm at work and this happens to be one of the only sites that isn't blocked.
Besides that, congratulations(?) for the most deftly executed thread jacking and derailing the Internet has ever seen. If there was a trophy to award ? which probably isn't a good idea since the winner would likely get bludgeoned with it ? you'd have won it.
That poster (troll) just reeks of a banned poster from a while back. Certainly has traits as one of his disciples, if not the preacher himself.
You should come up with original responses. Adds more to the discussion and makes you look more educated.
True. I was pretty slow on this one, in hindsight. You made an easy target for just about everyone! You might want to just walk away from the computer for a while, this is clearly not going to be a good night for you.
True. I was pretty slow on this one, in hindsight. You made an easy target for just about everyone! You might want to just walk away from the computer for a while, this is clearly not going to be a good night for you.
True. I was pretty slow on this one, in hindsight. You made an easy target for just about everyone! You might want to just walk away from the computer for a while, this is clearly not going to be a good night for you.
1) Android sales weren't down from a year ago for the quarter ending Oct 30. They were up from 34.2 to 46%
2) Android sales were at 49% for the quarter ending Sep 30, just prior to 4S sales.
3) iPhone 4S sales for the month of October accounted for 43% of smartphone sales compared to Android's 35%. This is the up side, showing boost in sales immediately following an annual release delayed for 4 months.
If November/December's numbers are still close to 43%, that will be newsworthy.
So what is the point you are trying to make?
I'll speak for myself here and say all I was trying to do is educate you in a friendly, non condescending manner. (except for the :roll eyes: emoticon, which you deserved for not taking the time to look up the term....which I did for you) And then you slam me for posting two citations demonstrating the use of the word/term in context?
You see, when one doesn't come across like an illiterate, the other members tend to take one more seriously and show more respect for one's argument.
I'll speak for myself here and say all I was trying to do is educate you in a friendly, non condescending manner. (except for the :roll eyes: emoticon, which you deserved for not taking the time to look up the term....which I did for you) And then you slam me for posting two citations demonstrating the use of the word/term in context?
You see, when one doesn't come across like an illiterate, the other members tend to take one more seriously and show more respect for one's argument.
That's only if you hold an extremely positive view towards Apple. I can't pick up humor here, it's the internet.
I also can't look things up here, as I'm at work and this happens to be one of the only sites that isn't blocked.
Besides that, congratulations(?) for the most deftly executed thread jacking and derailing the Internet has ever seen. If there was a trophy to award ? which probably isn't a good idea since the winner would likely get bludgeoned with it ? you'd have won it.
That poster (troll) just reeks of a banned poster from a while back. Certainly has traits as one of his disciples, if not the preacher himself.
Don't alter my replies.
I also can't look things up here, as I'm at work and this happens to be one of the only sites that isn't blocked.
Sooooo, that Android phone you're sportin' doesn't have a dictionary app?
(Did you pick up on that humor?)
nice meme!
Sooooo, that Android phone you're sportin' doesn't have a dictionary app?
(Did you pick up on that humor?)
Too bad I got rid of it!
My 4S is great. My only complaint is.............I didn't get it in white.
And I don't use the dictionary on my iPhone thank you. I like taking screen shots more....
Don't alter my replies.
What are you talking about?
nice meme!
That's a very old meme. At least 7 years old. Great originality.
You need to read more. (And broadcast your ignorance less!)
This ^^^
This ^^^
You should come up with original responses. Adds more to the discussion and makes you look more educated.
Again, that could have been ignored. If I don't know something, then why am I being attacked for it? Everyone here knows everything, apparently?
What about the fact that what he said was totally hilarious?
What about the fact that what he said was totally hilarious?
I'm a comedian now? What gives? Soliphism said I wasn't funny...
That's only if you hold an extremely positive view towards Apple. I can't pick up humor here, it's the internet.
I also can't look things up here, as I'm at work and this happens to be one of the only sites that isn't blocked.
C'mon dude, 675 posts in a little over a month? Where would he find the time???!
I know dude. all the Google, Samesung, Microsoft, and Amazon marketting droids astroturf these pages hard core anymore...
You should come up with original responses. Adds more to the discussion and makes you look more educated.
True. I was pretty slow on this one, in hindsight. You made an easy target for just about everyone! You might want to just walk away from the computer for a while, this is clearly not going to be a good night for you.
True. I was pretty slow on this one, in hindsight. You made an easy target for just about everyone! You might want to just walk away from the computer for a while, this is clearly not going to be a good night for you.
This ^^^^
True. I was pretty slow on this one, in hindsight. You made an easy target for just about everyone! You might want to just walk away from the computer for a while, this is clearly not going to be a good night for you.
BRING.IT.ON (Good movie BTW)
This ^^^^
This^^^^ isn't original, even to your self.