PC makers losing interest in tablets, hope Ultrabooks will improve margins



  • Reply 21 of 72
    What manufactures need to start doing is creating tablets without Android and take a risk, even if it means having small number of Apps at the start. And sell it as a revolutionary new start-up company that knows about what a tablet should do.
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  • Reply 22 of 72
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by jm6032 View Post

    Another commented on people walking around with laptops open and horizontal: That happens here as well. The answer I got when I asked is that everyone is terrified that if they close the lid and cause the laptop to go to sleep it may. like, never wake up.

    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    It is a real issue on a lot of laptops, you can't bring them back out of sleep. Perhaps there is an esoteric key combo but it mostly isn't the power or even sleep button. It is really weird.

    It has been like it for years.

    Not trying to defend Windows here, but I think the reaction is a throwback to Windows XP's inability to come out of hibernation. I myself, marveled at my 1st Mac's ability to do what no other Windows machine was ever able to do, come back reliably from sleep mode. It wasn't until recently that Windows machines started to be able to do this with Win 7. But even that isn't always reliable. So, those users are still afraid that sleep mode, even on Win 7, will be like it always was, unreliable.
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  • Reply 23 of 72
    "Hey, we aren't doing so well ripping off Apple's iPad idea, let's try ripping off their MBA instead. That will be sure to work!"
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  • Reply 24 of 72
    Originally Posted by gprovida View Post

    Interesting - Fundamental Problem - there is NO good margin PC business

    Exactly right. The sad reality for the PC guys is that consumers have such a dim view of their brands that they *have* to sell their products for a lower price than Apple's because people assume that the Apple product is better and that the only advantage of a PC is that it's cheaper. What a sh!tty situation to be in if you're a PC maker. But they did it to themselves.
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  • Reply 25 of 72
    I love it when people talk about how MS is just a product away from taking over the world. This year, it is W8. Last year, it was W7, the finger friendly OS. Today, you can get a W7 tablet in just about any formfactor you can imagine. You can scoop them up for free in landfills all over the world. Having used W8, I can tell you that it will not move the needle at all. In fact, I think it is a step backward. It is a steaming mess of bad ideas and poor implementation. Good luck with that.
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  • Reply 26 of 72
    Originally Posted by henniman View Post

    In 2013 every hardware sold needs to fit into a cloud based ecosystem, which is serving the full range of services and device form factors. If MS stays at 1% in the mobile market then even desktop Windows will be irrelevant in 2016.

    Unless all enterprise software starts to run on non-Windows machines, and somehow manage to scale themselves down to work on tablet/phone size screens (impossible IMO), Windows desktops will be around long after 2016.
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  • Reply 27 of 72
    Originally Posted by jm6032 View Post

    The answer I got when I asked is that everyone is terrified that if they close the lid and cause the laptop to go to sleep it may. like, never wake up.

    It may be force of habit in these days windows 7 and (almost!) reliable wake from sleep, but the first thing I do on any windows laptop I am using long term is turn off the "sleep on close of lid" option in the power settings...

    I've had far too many bad experiences in the past...
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  • Reply 28 of 72
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by gprovida View Post

    Apple has sown up the high end laptop and desktop market where the profits are, Apple has sown up the high end iPad market. Amazon has sown up to low end [and running at a loss] for tablets and probably nailed the non-Amazon Android tablet market to oblivion....

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  • Reply 29 of 72
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Seems to me it should be the phone makers, not PC makers who concentrate on tablets. After all, they're just big smart phones.
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  • Reply 30 of 72
    Originally Posted by xavier83 View Post

    What manufactures need to start doing is creating tablets without Android and take a risk, even if it means having small number of Apps at the start. And sell it as a revolutionary new start-up company that knows about what a tablet should do.

    Uh, that's what Palm did. They got bought out by HP who released one tablet and promptly killed it off after the marketplace yawned.
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  • Reply 31 of 72
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Why would these guys give up on tablets... they were doing so well...

    Because Samsung makes more profit from notebooks then tablets. Tablets are very expensive to make comparing to a notebook. The reason why Apple makes so much money is because iPad is tied into Apple's eco-system of iTunes, App Store and Apple's software products. This allows Apple to directly tie profit from its eco-system into profit from iPads. Samsung does not get any kind of income from Android, they package their hardware and send it off, never gaining any profit in the future.
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  • Reply 32 of 72
    Originally Posted by DaveMcM76 View Post

    I'm wondering where exactly they see these margins in ultrabooks coming from - aren't these the same manufacturers who a few months ago were begging intel for price cuts because they couldn't even get their BOM to be lower than the selling price of the macbook air?

    I wondered the same thing. The entire premise is that "ultrabooks" will raise PC margins, and yet, last we knew, they couldn't be built at decent margins.

    Something fishy here.
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  • Reply 33 of 72
    The PC OEMS are a lazy group. They don't control jack s*** on the PC. MS controls 5000 patents pertaining to the PC. The only thing the PC makers do is crank out some else's intel property, pass them their royalties and pocket what's left. This is why I have always blogged about why it is so good that apple controls their software and most of the hardware.

    I told so many that apple is an engineering company at its core.

    If apple gets that Isreli flash drive company they are on their way to becoming like Samsung. Now they need a monitor outfit. So the trifecta for them would be chips, flash and video panels. Damn!
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  • Reply 34 of 72
    Dear <insert clone computer maker here>,

    Thanks for all those fat checks. I realize you have next to nothing left in your pocket after cutting me the check, but think of all the new sales you will get with <insert windows version here> in the future. Keep racing to the bottom, that is your ticket! I don't mind of course because i know you will keep sending me those fat checks for the pleasure of using <insert windows version here>. In the upcoming <insert windows version here> you will have the ability to differentiate your cloner computers by changing the background color! Keep up the good work


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  • Reply 35 of 72
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    Tablets are very expensive to make comparing to a notebook.

    Actually, ultrabooks aren't that cheap to make either, and with Apple's cheapest Macbook Air going for around $900-$1000, it's going to be difficult for others to make people choose their copy instead.

    As the developer of the ultrabook platform, Intel previously stated that the target retail price is below $1000. However, only a fraction of the first crop of ultrabooks hit that target with most costing more. Digitimes? sources stated that the current cost of components makes the target difficult with a 13-inch?s bill-of-materials generally around $690.

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  • Reply 36 of 72
    Originally Posted by AHrubik View Post

    I'm going to label this the most premature article of the decade. Windows 8 is being developed for tablets and computers. I think all the Windows OEMs will be gearing up for tablets for or after the Windows 8 launch.

    Haha..Good Joke...Windows..keep it rolling....lol
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  • Reply 37 of 72
    Ask companies what business they are in. If they answer "computers" their downfall has begun. If the answer is building an environment and not machines, they will succeed, in much better shape. If the answer is "telephones" and not "communications", they died, as Ameritech. If the answers "logistics" and not "package delivery", they have a good chance, as in UPS vs Railway Express, a long time back. That is part of the success of a Steve Jobs.
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  • Reply 38 of 72
    Originally Posted by jm6032 View Post

    They appear to be centered under the space bar. I have two laptops in front of me at the moment. One has a numeric keypad that moves the whole keyboard to the left and the trackpad is under the space bar. On the other, the right side has the navigation keys. Again, the keyboard, space bar, and trackpad are off to the left a bit.

    Another commented on people walking around with laptops open and horizontal: That happens here as well. The answer I got when I asked is that everyone is terrified that if they close the lid and cause the laptop to go to sleep it may. like, never wake up.

    I always take an opportunity to clearly display my iPad and rub it in that they should be carrying one of them instead. Heh.

    It's past experience of the sleep mode or hibernation screwing things up. My work's Toshiba resumes 80% of the time, which I assume is down to their drivers. In my experience it's the only time I still see the blue screen from Windows 7.
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  • Reply 39 of 72
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    OFF TOPIC - but just want to comment on the fact that this and the previous thread have reached 40 posts and the discussion is civil and hasn't degenerated into and endless stream sarkiness.

    Can anyone spot why?
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  • Reply 40 of 72
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Can anyone spot why?

    Because the usual suspects haven't yet posted in this thread?
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