Sony launches PlayStation Vita handheld to reclaim mobile gaming



  • Reply 141 of 223
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I'm going to introduce a radical thought here, which is that there are no "hard core gamers," there are just people who like to play games.

    Only insomuch as the term is ambiguous.

    However there are most certainly gaming enthusiasts who have a passion for gaming and are always looking to immerse themselves in the gaming experience.

    These gaming enthusiasts may spend thousands on gaming rigs to blow stuff up in a virtual world, or they may be trying to do their best to complete the endless Skyrim side-quests or maybe they are even running through Mario Galaxy the second time as Luigi.

    My point being someone who loves war games may or may not be an enthusiast.
  • Reply 142 of 223
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by tyler82 View Post

    It's clunky, it's ugly, it's old fashioned, it's outdated, it's cheap looking.

    It's Sony.

    Thats a problem with this place.

    Many think if it does not come from Cupertino, it automatically sucks.
  • Reply 143 of 223
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by DeanSolecki View Post

    I bought a PSP and took it back a week later, since I only played with it for a few hours and lost interest.

    I have an iPhone 4, iPad 2, and Macbook Air, and I pretty much have at least two of these with me at all times, occasionally three. I am absolutely a fan of Apple mobile devices.

    That said, you Fanboi's are SOOOOOOO stupid, and SOOOOOO cheesy. Just because Sony makes a device that can do things an iDevice can't you start throwing out all this irrelevant market nonsense as if Sales are the true mark of Quality (Cause we all know the Big Mac is the best Quality hamburger money can buy, right you simpletons?)

    Dual analog controls on a mobile device?? That was why I took back the PSP; without six axis controls FPS games were unplayable ("Auto-Aim" is wretchedly boring.)

    Sony makes something that does something an iPad doesn't. STOP CRYING Fanbois! It is so embarrassing being associated with you. I feel like if you were sitting at the unveiling of the Veyron you'd be pouting and screaming at everyone, "BUT IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE EMAIL! BUT GUYS! BUT GUYS LISTEN! IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE EMAIL!!! IT ISN'T APPPPPPPLLLLLEEE!!! WWAAAAAAAAA!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

    That's you. That's what you sound like. Honestly, even "hardcore gamers" are a cooler crew than you wingeing babies. Angry Birds is crap and you know it.

    Funny how the teen whiners are out in force.

    First, what does the Vita do that the iPhone or iPad doesn't do? It plays different games, but it is a game playing device - which is only one of the many things that the iOS devices can do.

    Does it do it better than the iOS devices? Entirely possible - and I don't think anyone denied that. But to argue that it does something entirely different is absurd - just the sort of thing I'd expect from some loser sitting on his couch arguing about whose gaming rig is a few tenths of an FPS faster.

    And it's funny how it's the anti-Apple crowd that's doing all the whining here.

    Originally Posted by matthijst View Post

    So what? Should we just put the whole world on hold for 5 years, so Apple can finally make mobile gaming controls comparable to what Sony will do with the Vita?

    Please. Like the poster above said: you fanboys are pathetic. I assume most of you are 40+ guys that never played games to begin with but now all of the sudden think they're he experts cause Steve jobs made them shoot little birds on their iPhone.

    Hardly. People pointed out that they didn't see a need for another dedicated device to play games a little better than iOS devices when it is so limited in so many other ways. How is that pathetic? Seems to me that pathetic would be the little boy whose entire life revolves around playing games a little faster than someone else which allows him to shoot a few more bad guys than someone else.

    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    Cool, since you have a Vita, what's your opinion?

    The Vita has the best hardware - it's far far more powerful than the A5.

    It has all the buttons that many types of game require, and the accelerometers, etc, for the rest.

    And a tasty OLED display too (unless it's PenTile...). The problem is the games catalogue right now - hopefully it has the ability to run the Android games on the Android market (or via Sony's own market).

    As for Nintendo, they've always made plasticky portable systems, and the first year or two of sales have always been a bit poor, and then three years later everyone seems to have one. But I think they're too far behind the curve with the 3DS, they always cheap out on the CPU/GPU, and they did it again this time round at a time when they needed to make it count. Then they went and priced the system really high, and wondered why people didn't buy it.

    Pricing will also be the hurdle the Vita has to overcome. The economy isn't brilliant so are people going to put down that amount of cash up front?

    Funny how people are talking about Vita in the present tense. Unless you're a beta tester for Sony, you don't have one - and neither do the "Vita uber ales" people here. At this point, it's a promise of a future product. Until it comes out and people see how it works, it's far to early to judge.
  • Reply 144 of 223
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    Airplay is a pretty powerful feature. Hard to compete with that.

    Its cool but still does not give you physical controls.
  • Reply 145 of 223
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Funny how the teen whiners are out in force.

    First, what does the Vita do that the iPhone or iPad doesn't do? It plays different games, but it is a game playing device - which is only one of the many things that the iOS devices can do.

    Does it do it better than the iOS devices? Entirely possible - and I don't think anyone denied that. But to argue that it does something entirely different is absurd - just the sort of thing I'd expect from some loser sitting on his couch arguing about whose gaming rig is a few tenths of an FPS faster.

    And it's funny how it's the anti-Apple crowd that's doing all the whining here.

    Hardly. People pointed out that they didn't see a need for another dedicated device to play games a little better than iOS devices when it is so limited in so many other ways. How is that pathetic? Seems to me that pathetic would be the little boy whose entire life revolves around playing games a little faster than someone else which allows him to shoot a few more bad guys than someone else.

    Funny how people are talking about Vita in the present tense. Unless you're a beta tester for Sony, you don't have one - and neither do the "Vita uber ales" people here. At this point, it's a promise of a future product. Until it comes out and people see how it works, it's far to early to judge.

    Its out in Japan so that makes it "present".
  • Reply 146 of 223
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Funny how the teen whiners are out in force.

    First, what does the Vita do that the iPhone or iPad doesn't do? It plays different games, but it is a game playing device - which is only one of the many things that the iOS devices can do.

    Yeah, iOS can do it, but Vita does it better.

    iOS can record voices and video, yet I don't see people recording CD's and TV shows with it. Just because iOS can do something,doesn't mean all other dedicated devices are nog longer needed


    But to argue that it does something entirely different is absurd - just the sort of thing I'd expect from some loser sitting on his couch arguing about whose gaming rig is a few tenths of an FPS faster.

    You obviously haven't got a clue. I assume the only thing you ever get to play with is that pathetic little weener your wife traded in for a big black dildo?

    Calling people losers, real classy. And yeah, I know. Now you're going to whine about the dildo comment.


    And it's funny how it's the anti-Apple crowd that's doing all the whining here.

    What the fuck are you talking about? 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, 2 iMacs, AppleTV...

    Nothing to do with being anti Apple when you say gaming on iOS sucks ass.

    It just does.


    Seems to me that pathetic would be the little boy whose entire life revolves around playing games a little faster than someone else which allows him to shoot a few more bad guys than someone else

    Go call the nurse to wipe your ass again grampa.


    Funny how people are talking about Vita in the present tense. Unless you're a beta tester for Sony, you don't have one -

    It's been at numerous gameshows already stupid.

    But I guess you were too busy sitting on the couch with your lazy ass.

    You need to get out more.
  • Reply 147 of 223
    Originally Posted by matthijst View Post

    The above

    Four posts in and you're doing a bang up job.
  • Reply 148 of 223
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Both shampoos have their uses and supporters, but to say that a specialized shampoo will fail just because you don't have dandruff is is silly and uniformed.

    I'm sure they will sell 1 or 2, but it aint gonna "reclaim' anything.

    The business model is so last decade.
  • Reply 149 of 223
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by matthijst View Post

    Yeah, iOS can do it, but Vita does it better.

    iOS can record voices and video, yet I don't see people recording CD's and TV shows with it. Just because iOS can do something,doesn't mean all other dedicated devices are nog longer needed

    You obviously haven't got a clue. I assume the only thing you ever get to play with is that pathetic little weener your wife traded in for a big black dildo?

    Calling people losers, real classy. And yeah, I know. Now you're going to whine about the dildo comment.

    What the fuck are you talking about? 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, 2 iMacs, AppleTV...

    Nothing to do with being anti Apple when you say gaming on iOS sucks ass.

    It just does.

    Go call the nurse to wipe your ass again grampa.

    It's been at numerous gameshows already stupid.

    But I guess you were too busy sitting on the couch with your lazy ass.

    You need to get out more.

    Wow. All those words and not a single intelligent phrase among them.
  • Reply 150 of 223
    Originally Posted by JazHunt View Post

    How many iPhones do you have?

    4, but then I'm a developer, I need them for testing.
  • Reply 151 of 223
    What Apple needs to do to not be vulnerable in this space is to overhaul the Touch based around a screen that makes sense for a portable computer/gaming console as opposed to making the Touch essentially a smartphone minus the phone.

    Being that the Touch works with a touchscreen, it's easy for Apple to use a screen similar in size to the Vita and yet to offer a device that is easier to pocket than the Vita will be. As for the Touch not being a good gaming device, what a load of nonsense. Sure, for serious gaming it has its limitations but there are far more consumers who are looking for a fun, casual gaming device than hardcore gamers who want to have an identical experience from a handheld to what can be achieved with a full-blown gaming system.

    As others have pointed out, the Touch is more versatile than the Vita is going to be plus more portable with access to far less expensive games. The one big edge for the Vita is a five-inch screen that will have a significant impact on how gaming will be perceived on the device. It's like the difference between gaming on a small screen vs. a big-screen gaming experience.

    The thing is that Apple can address this without losing all the advantages the Touch would have over the Vita. I think Apple could easily respond to this threat in a timely manner. After all the update to the Touch we got in September was exceedingly anemic so it would not be outrageous for Apple to unleash a new Touch built around let's say a 4.7-inch touchscreen around the same time that the new iPad is likely to be introduced not to mention the same time frame as the anticipated Vita rollout in North America.

    It is possible, though, that Apple might just keep it's powder dry, so to speak, and just let this play out to figure out where the Touch fits into this scenario using its current form factor. Personally I think that would be a mistake but it certainly does appear that Apple could opt for that approach. If so we could be waiting until a September 2012 response based on the Vita's impact.

    I realize that it hasn't been Apple's MO to compete on specifications in terms of an our-screen-is-bigger-than-your-screen sort of approach but the Touch's uses have outgrown screen real estate. It's overdue for such an overhaul and with products like the Vita trying to shake up the portable gaming market, making such a change really makes sense.

    By the way, even if Apple retained the 960X640 resolution of the current Touch but used it on a screen approximately an inch larger, such a device would still have a higher PPI count than the Vita's 960X544 resolution on a 5-inch unit.
  • Reply 152 of 223
    Originally Posted by Zozman View Post

    The vita will separate the gamers from the posers.

    I love the iOS devices but as far as gaming goes, they don't come close to a dedicated gaming console, don't fool yourselves people.

    Sales numbers would show that in fact you are the one fooling yourself. People are more than happy to pay, and pay well, for a device that covers many areas including gaming. Rather than paying for a phone, a PDA, a gaming device, an ipod and so on.
  • Reply 153 of 223
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    If I want a quick time waster, I will use my phone.

    And there's the catch. 99% of game play is quick time wasting, young kids etc. NOT hard core folks that generally want to play games on big fast computers with super high def displays etc.

    And that is why things like the Vita will NOT reclaim mobile gaming. The audience for mobile is more than happy to waste a little time on a game on their iphone, hand their iphone to their kid that is whining cause his dinner is taking too long in the restaurant etc.

    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    What Apple needs to do to not be vulnerable in this space

    Are you sure they are 'vulnerable in this space'. The touch may not be a huge seller but the ipad and iphone are. And the developers seem to be more than happy with the money they are getting from their iOS games.
  • Reply 154 of 223
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Funny how people are talking about Vita in the present tense. Unless you're a beta tester for Sony, you don't have one - and neither do the "Vita uber ales" people here. At this point, it's a promise of a future product. Until it comes out and people see how it works, it's far to early to judge.

    Its the kind of thing that you have to hold in your hands. Then you will know whether or not it is Magical. Like an iPad.
  • Reply 155 of 223
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    When one bottle of shampoo does dandruff and the other is standard shampoo.

    Both shampoos have their uses and supporters, but to say that a specialized shampoo will fail just because you don't have dandruff is is silly and uniformed.

    Why buy shampoos? I say buy real poo.

    Oh, wait...
  • Reply 156 of 223
    Blablabla... What a bunch of idiots in here.

    The Vita is made for gamers, the iPhone happens to be able to do games as an extra.

    Some games will do extremely well on a touch device, some suck ass.

    People who want to play games like gta3 or fps without the annoyance of seeiing your own fingers all the time get a Vita...

    Its not like you HAVE to carry both devices with you all the the time, but if you want some serious gaming at least you have the option totake the vita...
  • Reply 157 of 223
    And do i think sony will reclaim mobile gaming?

    Nope, there are far too many cheap bastards out there for that, that would rather have a crappy gaming experience for $5 on iOS than an excellent one on the VIta for $40
  • Reply 158 of 223
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Four posts in and you're doing a bang up job.

    Please send him a private email, as an Admin, letting him know that only verified Apple fans are allowed to speak that way.

    He doesn't realize that unless you are a verified Fan, you cannot defend yourself, and you certainly CANNOT stoop down to the level of the regulars, or you will be kicked.

    That is the first rule here. Non-iFans must behave. Rabid fans can do or say just about anything they want.
  • Reply 159 of 223
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    As others have pointed out, the Touch is more versatile than the Vita is going to be plus more portable with access to far less expensive games. The one big edge for the Vita is a five-inch screen that will have a significant impact on how gaming will be perceived on the device. It's like the difference between gaming on a small screen vs. a big-screen gaming experience.

    The thing is that Apple can address this without losing all the advantages the Touch would have over the Vita. I think Apple could easily respond to this threat in a timely manner. After all the update to the Touch we got in September was exceedingly anemic so it would not be outrageous for Apple to unleash a new Touch built around let's say a 4.7-inch touchscreen around the same time that the new iPad is likely to be introduced not to mention the same time frame as the anticipated Vita rollout in North America.

    They should release a bigger iPod Touch because it would be a better iPod Touch. It won't make any difference against Vita or any other dedicated gaming system. They wipe the floor with iOS devices due to the controls. Some 90% of games are not optimal on touchscreen. The other 10% just hasn't shown up on iOS. Developers apparently do not believe iOS users will pay for good strategy games, etc.


    I realize that it hasn't been Apple's MO to compete on specifications in terms of an our-screen-is-bigger-than-your-screen sort of approach but the Touch's uses have outgrown screen real estate. It's overdue for such an overhaul and with products like the Vita trying to shake up the portable gaming market, making such a change really makes sense.

    I'm pretty sure if the Vita does some shaking of the market, that shaking will be in the form of the new touch controls which enable the device to do things the PSP was not capable of and (3)DS is not capable of.

    It's no threat to iOS devices because non-gamers won't carry a Vita, and iOS devices are no threat to it because iOS games are garbage and even good games which could conceivably be released on iOS are only a small part of the market.


    By the way, even if Apple retained the 960X640 resolution of the current Touch but used it on a screen approximately an inch larger, such a device would still have a higher PPI count than the Vita's 960X544 resolution on a 5-inch unit.

    The best current consoles render AAA games at lower resolutions than that. PPI is completely irrelevant to mobile gaming.
  • Reply 160 of 223
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    As for the Touch not being a good gaming device, what a load of nonsense. Sure, for serious gaming it has its limitations but there are far more consumers who are looking for a fun, casual gaming device than hardcore gamers

    Yes indeed. In its attempt to be most things to most people, Apple has cultivated a following of people who will accept mediocre performance.

    True aficionados of each dedicated device reject the mediocrity of Apple products, but those who don't really care about quality think that their "Swiss Army Knife" is the tops.

    Grandma does NOT play console games. Grandma plays Angry Birds. Grandma buys an iPad. Apple makes more profit than Sony.

    Case closed.
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