Apple's iPad has 84% satisfaction rating, 17% of users install 80+ apps

in iPad edited January 2014
A new survey has found that an overwhelming majority of iPad owners are satisfied with their tablet from Apple, and also offers some insight into how, when and where people are using their iPad.

The new study from the Software Usability Research Laboratory was highlighted on Thursday by Jim Dalrymple of The Loop. The study, entitled iPad Usage Patterns On-the-Go and at Work, polled 52 respondents ranging in age from 23 to 80 on a 75-item survey.

The survey found that 83.65 percent of respondents were satisfied with the iPad, while 62 percent ranked Apple's device as "excellent," 10 percent said "best imaginable," and 21 percent said "good."

Beyond satisfaction levels with the iPad, the survey also aimed to find out how people are using the device. The study found that 52 percent of participants reported they carry their iPad only when traveling, while 21 percent carry their iPad every time they go out, and 17 percent only carry it on them for work.

The survey also offers a glimpse at application usage amongst iPad users, and found that 17 percent of respondents reported having more than 80 applications on their iPad. Another 29 percent said they have between 1 and 20 applications installed, while 33 percent have 21 to 40 applications.

While many users have a large number of applications installed on their iPad, regular use of those applications is a bit less. Among the respondents, 35 percent said they regularly use between 1 and 5 applications, while 40 percent said they frequently use between 6 and 10. Just 4 percent said they regularly use more than 20 applications.

The survey also found that the most common place for people to use their iPad is the living room, followed by the bedroom, kitchen and dining room. The most common use is browsing the Web, followed by checking e-mail, reading news, and social networking.

The new survey isn't the first to show evidence of high satisfaction among users with the iPad. One poll conducted soon after the first-generation iPad was released in 2010 found that Apple's new product category carried a 91 percent satisfaction rating.


  • Reply 1 of 43
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    What idiotic comment will Slappy say to this I wonder?
  • Reply 2 of 43
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    Only 52 respondents? That is a minuscule sampling.
  • Reply 3 of 43
    Idiotic question: how many apps do you have installed.

    With iCloud you don't have all apps installed all the time. You install the apps you need and delete those you don't need.

    Image that they ask how many apps Kindle Fire users have installed with 6 gig free space.
  • Reply 4 of 43
    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    Only 52 respondents? That is a minuscule sampling.

    Minuscule? Maybe.

    I'd bet, though, that even if they surveyed 52,000 people the results would be ± 3% of what this survey found.
  • Reply 5 of 43
    [QUOTE=AppleInsider;2013140]A new survey has found that an overwhelming majority of iPad owners are satisfied with their tablet from Apple, and also offers some insight into how, when and where people are using their iPad.

    The new study from the Software Usability Research Laboratory was highlighted on Thursday by Jim Dalrymple of The Loop. The study, entitled iPad Usage Patterns On-the-Go and at Work, polled 52 respondents ranging in age from 23 to 80 on a 75-item survey./QUOTE]

    This would be a lot more interesting and informative if the 52 had 3 or zeros after it. Even 2 zeros would make it more credible.
  • Reply 6 of 43
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Minuscule? Maybe.

    I'd bet, though, that even if they surveyed 52,000 people the results would be ± 3% of what this survey found.

    You really need to go back and retake that statistics 101 course that you skipped or slept through.

  • Reply 7 of 43
    mhiklmhikl Posts: 471member
    21 percent use their iPad in the bathroom. Now that is suspect and probably a joke answer.

    Still, if the survey is ±3%, it does bode well for the iPad. I may get the iPad 3 when it comes out, though the MBA 13 would be more practical, possibly.
  • Reply 8 of 43
    I <3 iPad 2! 8^ ]
  • Reply 9 of 43
    Originally Posted by mhikl View Post

    21 percent use their iPad in the bathroom. Now that is suspect and probably a joke answer.

    Still, if the survey is ±3%, it does bode well for the iPad. I may get the iPad 3 when it comes out, though the MBA 13 would be more practical, possibly.

    You're right. It's undoubtedly a lot higher than that.
  • Reply 10 of 43
    Originally Posted by mhikl View Post

    21 percent use their iPad in the bathroom. Now that is suspect

    Yep. Should be more like 21% are willing to admit they use it in the bathroom
  • Reply 11 of 43
    Originally Posted by atsysusa View Post

    You really need to go back and retake that statistics 101 course that you skipped or slept through.


    How is my statement wrong?

    I mentioned nothing about credible but I did mention that I'd bet the results wouldn't be that much different even if you added 3 zeroes to the number.

    Can you prove me wrong absolutely?

    If I seem to lack in statistics then you seem to lack in comprehension.

    [even at ± 10% it still bodes well for Apple... so my comment still holds because at 52,000 the rate is still around ±2%... and the results are still excellent for Apple even at a ±8% difference from 52 to 52,000]

    [Oh... and by the way... one zero is all you'd really need to make this really credible, not 2 zeroes, and 1000 people would be absolutely more than enough... not 5200... just in case you missed that in statistics class]
  • Reply 12 of 43
    Originally Posted by mhikl View Post

    21 percent use their iPad in the bathroom. Now that is suspect and probably a joke answer.

    Still, if the survey is ±3%, it does bode well for the iPad. I may get the iPad 3 when it comes out, though the MBA 13 would be more practical, possibly.

    I listen to podcasts or watch Rachel Maddow while I'm getting ready for work in the morning, so I would have answered yes to that.
  • Reply 13 of 43
    Originally Posted by mhikl View Post

    21 percent use their iPad in the bathroom. Now that is suspect and probably a joke answer.

    Still, if the survey is ±3%, it does bode well for the iPad. I may get the iPad 3 when it comes out, though the MBA 13 would be more practical, possibly.

    You'll have to ask Dick about that... he's the resident expert in bathroom use.
  • Reply 14 of 43
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post


    How is my statement wrong?

    I mentioned nothing about credible but I did mention that I'd bet the results wouldn't be that much different even if you added 3 zeroes to the number.

    Can you prove me wrong absolutely?

    If I seem to lack in statistics then you seem to lack in comprehension.

    It's just math.

    Assuming a sample size of 52 (the number of people surveyed), random selection, and a hypothetical population of 10M users, the margin for error is +/- 14%.

    You need a sample size of about 1,100 respondents to get a margin of +/- 3%.

    If you "added 3 zeros" to the sample size you may or may not get different results, but you would get a much smaller margin of error. You wouldn't, though, need a sample anywhere near as large as 52,000 to get that outcome.
  • Reply 15 of 43
    Originally Posted by Porchland View Post

    It's just math.

    Assuming a sample size of 52 (the number of people surveyed), random selection, and a hypothetical population of 10M users, the margin for error is +/- 14%.

    You need a sample size of about 1,100 respondents to get a margin of +/- 3%.

    Oh... I get that. Don't worry.

    What you're not getting is that I'm going outside the boundary of statistical analysis and putting my own number out there of ± 3%.

    Hell.. I've gone out on a limb before and sometimes I win and sometimes I lose.

    Not that it's something that any of us can prove.
  • Reply 16 of 43
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    [even at ± 10% it still bodes well for Apple... so my comment still holds because at 52,000 the rate is still around ±2%... and the results are still excellent for Apple even at a ±8% difference from 52 to 52,000]

    [Oh... and by the way... one zero is all you'd really need to make this really credible, not 2 zeroes, and 1000 people would be absolutely more than enough... not 5200... just in case you missed that in statistics class]

    You're missing the point that 52 users is too small to get a statistically significant sample.

    You said that the results would likely be the same in a much larger sample, and that is simply not true. You are assuming that the margin of error for 52 users is much smaller than it actually is.

    I'm serious. I have a degree in this shit.

    Also, the margins can and have been proven. You can count out populations of M&Ms, colored beans, etc., draw them out randomly, and hit the margin of error for the measured populations more than 90% of the time.
  • Reply 17 of 43
    Originally Posted by mhikl View Post

    21 percent use their iPad in the bathroom. Now that is suspect and probably a joke answer.

    Still, if the survey is ±3%, it does bode well for the iPad. I may get the iPad 3 when it comes out, though the MBA 13 would be more practical, possibly.

    Originally Posted by Sacto Joe View Post

    You're right. It's undoubtedly a lot higher than that.

    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Yep. Should be more like 21% are willing to admit they use it in the bathroom

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    You'll have to ask Dick about that... he's the resident expert in bathroom use.

    When the battle stopped and the smoke cleared, There was thunder from the throne...


  • Reply 18 of 43
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Yep. Should be more like 21% are willing to admit they use it in the bathroom

    I use my iPad in the bathroom all the time!

    Books and magazines have all been replaced by the iPad.

    I even take my iPad with me sometimes when I take baths and put a movie or tv series on to watch.

    And this survey doesn't surprise me at all. I bet if they polled a bunch of Android users who aren't liars, then very few people would be satisfied.
  • Reply 19 of 43
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    84%? What's wrong with the rest 16%? Why spend $500+ on something you don't even need, and be unhappy with it?
  • Reply 20 of 43
    Originally Posted by Porchland View Post

    You're missing the point that 52 users is too small to get a statistically significant sample.

    You said that the results would likely be the same in a much larger sample, and that is simply not true. You are assuming that the margin of error for 52 users is much smaller than it actually is.

    I'm serious. I have a degree in this shit.

    Also, the margins can and have been proven. You can count out populations of M&Ms, colored beans, etc., draw them out randomly, and hit the margin of error for the measured populations more than 90% of the time.

    Okay... you win.

    ... but I am right that you don't need anything over 1000 people to get a credible sample... right?
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