Rumor: Apple wants to launch 'iPad 3' on Feb. 24 birthday of Steve Jobs



  • Reply 41 of 60
    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    how could it hurt holiday sales if they announce it in february...

  • Reply 42 of 60
    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    How could it hurt holiday sales if they announce it in February...

    Originally Posted by Y.M.S.BUSHAN View Post


    Valentines? St Paddy's? Easter?

    I worked with a guy at IBM that always scheduled his vacation so that he returned on Easter....
  • Reply 43 of 60
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Q:When is the minimum date they can sell in the year for this not to happen?

    A: There is none. These devices are all year with most buyers not being the ones that need to buy it opening weekend. The previous iPads were March and April and there is a whole slew of Apple products that have been released in January and February. Even the first iPad was announced in January so it was assumed the next one would be announced the next year in January. One thing Apple isn't accused of is poor marketing skills.

    I wasn't saying I agreed, I was just answering the user's question as to why a very early release date might hurt holiday sales. If Apple got into a cycle of releasing iPads every January 1st, I'm pretty sure it would hurt holiday sales once people cottoned on, and people are pretty savvy these days.

    Originally Posted by Eluard View Post

    Look at the calendar. It's Christmas Eve, at least where I am. Do you seriously think this rumour is going to travel back in time and prevent people shopping for an iPad for Christmas? It's too late and its a rumour anyway.

    Thanks for the reminder. I think I need a new calendar because it's the 23rd where I am. I wasn't suggesting this rumour would hurt this year's holiday sales, I was explaining to someone who asked that if Apple get into a habit of releasing new iPads very early in each calendar year then consumers buying iPads would probably be less inclined to buy one in the holiday season knowing it would be the old model very soon afterwards.

    I know it's a rumour. I was just answering a query about how it might affect next year's holiday sales if it turned out to be true, which it won't.

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Mmm... Last I heard, $500 Tablets and $650 Smart Phones were selling pretty well in most places.

    And there are ways (there always are ways) that financially stressed entities can improve their situation.

    For example, Brazil is negotiating rights to manufacture iPads (This currently appears to be stalled).

    As I understand it, Brazil has very high import tariffs on the iPad -- that result in very few sales and users in the country.

    If a mutually-benificial deal could be resolved, then Brazil, its economy and citizens could be better off -- more/better jobs and the infrastructure required to sell, service and support the "Brazil" iPad industry.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Except for the fact that Apple has posted record revenue and record sales every single quarter since that started, your point is pretty good. But as it stands…

    Yes they are selling very well. How is this relevant to government or NGO spending? You try getting any authority to agree to buy hundreds of thousands of iPads as part of such a scheme as that you suggested in this climate. I live in the UK and local authorities can hardly afford to keep libraries open (literally) yet alone buy iPads for kids.

    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    But imagine the extra free editorial marketing this 'sentimental' gesture might produce. Every newspaper, magazine and blog will run this story and coming on the back of SJ biography which has opened Apple and SJ to a whole new audience this may not be an entirely sentimental move. I would call it a strategic move which has a certain emotional resonance.

    You could be right that it might work, but I really doubt Apple will try it. Apart from anything else it could easily be seen as crass to use SJ's birthday to sell a product.
  • Reply 44 of 60
    Originally Posted by Magic_Al View Post

    There are some rumors that can be dismissed out of hand because they resemble nothing Apple has ever done or ever would do, and this is one of them.

    probably need to file this one as possible but extremely unlikely

    nice if they could pull it of though...
  • Reply 45 of 60
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    Possibly announce the next iPad but I doubt they'd jump in that quick with releasing it.
  • Reply 46 of 60
    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post


    Yes they are selling very well. How is this relevant to government or NGO spending? You try getting any authority to agree to buy hundreds of thousands of iPads as part of such a scheme as that you suggested in this climate. I live in the UK and local authorities can hardly afford to keep libraries open (literally) yet alone buy iPads for kids.

    You should follow Fraser Speirs -- he's Scotts you know... Schlanga [sic]

    The iPad Project: Day One

    Fraser Speirs Blog Index

    Fraser Speirs
  • Reply 47 of 60
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    You should follow Fraser Speirs -- he's Scotts you know... Schlanga [sic]

    The iPad Project: Day One

    Fraser Speirs Blog Index

    Fraser Speirs

    That was extremely interesting. I enjoyed watching his 4-year-old trace an image in Brushes. Incredible really to watch her skill at such an age.

    I do think his school is unusual though. PFI is something schools are weary of using endlessly and is writing cheques our country cannot afford. It's very controversial here. I hope other schools can benefit from something similar to what he's done though, I'm just skeptical.
  • Reply 48 of 60
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    What I'd rather see is for Apple to introduce a special iPad program to deliver on the promise of OTPC (One Tablet Per Child).

    ...where opportunity and infrastructure could be provided to qualified, needy individuals and communities in developing cities and countries.

    This could truly honor Steve and his wish to "change the world".

    There are a lot of challenges to do this well -- but Apple can do this sort of thing better than anyone...

    Here... I'll start the ante with:

    The one iPad per Child program -- buy one at full price and Apple (and participating Countries/Communities) will give one for [well-managed] distribution in to a qualified user.

    Now, that's what I'd call a worthwhile program for the post-pc era!

    Where can I sign up -- Who's with me?

    I'd love to track the demographics, activations and accomplishments of a program like this!

    Seriously, do you actually live on this planet or not?
  • Reply 49 of 60
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Tired a$$ rumor.

    How much you want to bet Apple pays this site to pump this trite up people's rear end.

    I am so effing tired reading about another goddamn iPad.

    I'll take that bet for any amount that you willing to wager. Are you giving odds? An Apple announcement or any product rumor, for that matter, would only serve to impact sales of today's current product. What possible advantage would there be for Apple to do what you suspect they are doing?
  • Reply 50 of 60
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    iPad launched on April 3

    iPad 2 launched on March 11

    February 24 could be a possible launch date for iPad 3. Whenever it is launched I'm buying it.
  • Reply 51 of 60
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    What I'd rather see is for Apple to introduce a special iPad program to deliver on the promise of OTPC (One Tablet Per Child).

    ...where opportunity and infrastructure could be provided to qualified, needy individuals and communities in developing cities and countries.

    This could truly honor Steve and his wish to "change the world"...

    I hate to be so negative on Christmas day of all days, and in regards a post about needy children too, but ...

    The OLPC project is a boondoggle that never worked, and never will work towards it's stated goals. There is no factual basis for believing that handing out laptops (or now tablets) in developing countries for free to poor kids will do anything at all to actually help them, their communities or their situation.

    All it does is help make a lot of first world people feel better about themselves and pad the bank accounts of some corporations.

    The third world is already afloat in underpowered computers. Any third world kid who really wants to get into computers can find mountains of them in the trash that we export to some of these same countries.

    Building roads, and schools and houses, providing a decent education, or promoting women's rights and democratic government, would all do far more for the third world than handing out a lot of underpowered plastic computers for them to fool around with or buy angry birds with or whatever.
  • Reply 52 of 60
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A new rumor from the Far East claims Apple is looking to launch a third-generation iPad next year on Feb. 24, which is the birthday of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs....

    A nice gesture, but if true this is two months ahead of schedule. That would leave all of 2012 between February and October (the next iPhone), with no iOS announcement at all.

    It doesn't seem likely to me. I think this has more to do with the decidedly Asian tradition of honouring the birthdate of one's ancestors than Apple's plans.
  • Reply 53 of 60
    Idiotic rumor. The latest version of the iPad is 1.2.

    Never will they skip a version number
  • Reply 54 of 60
    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post

    Idiotic rumor. The latest version of the iPad is 1.2.

    Never will they skip a version number

    I'm sorry, what in the world is this supposed to mean?
  • Reply 55 of 60
    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post

    Idiotic rumor. The latest version of the iPad is 1.2.

    Never will they skip a version number

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I'm sorry, what in the world is this supposed to mean?

    All your iPad versions are belong to us!
  • Reply 56 of 60
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    By the way I have no doubt that solid computer technology could help in the third world, where an educational system is in place, but the OLPC program wasn't about that. The bigger problem is that good portions of the world don't have an educational system at all. In the end boondoggle is an understatement and a sign that even college professors can't grasp the nature of the problem.

    It isn't pretty to think about these things around this time of the year but many parts of the world are so far behind educational wise that any computer would be a waste.

    The in between economies like Brazil and parts of Africa wouldn't want to saddle their children with what came out of the OLPC movement either. Here you have people working aggressively to better their communities and educational systems and focus on proven cost effective methods.

    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I hate to be so negative on Christmas day of all days, and in regards a post about needy children too, but ...

    The OLPC project is a boondoggle that never worked, and never will work towards it's stated goals. There is no factual basis for believing that handing out laptops (or now tablets) in developing countries for free to poor kids will do anything at all to actually help them, their communities or their situation.

    All it does is help make a lot of first world people feel better about themselves and pad the bank accounts of some corporations.

    The third world is already afloat in underpowered computers. Any third world kid who really wants to get into computers can find mountains of them in the trash that we export to some of these same countries.

    Building roads, and schools and houses, providing a decent education, or promoting women's rights and democratic government, would all do far more for the third world than handing out a lot of underpowered plastic computers for them to fool around with or buy angry birds with or whatever.

  • Reply 57 of 60
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    A nice gesture, but if true this is two months ahead of schedule. That would leave all of 2012 between February and October (the next iPhone), with no iOS announcement at all.

    Funny I was left under the impression that iPad 2 was late last year. Beyond that there is no public schedule for anything from Apple.

    One reason for moving up the iPad might be a late arrival of Ivy Bridge for the Macs. If there are no Mac updates until the second quarter Apple might want to push out the iPad now. Beyond that we have all the rumors about new processors and displays already in production so the end of February seems possible.


    It doesn't seem likely to me. I think this has more to do with the decidedly Asian tradition of honouring the birthdate of one's ancestors than Apple's plans.

    I'm not sure what to think. I can see something's adding up to this being a reality. Too many people get obsessed with product release dates when talking about Apple products which I think is silly. The Mac Pro comes to mind here, all one needs to do is look at what Intel has available hardware wise to figure out roughly when a new Pro will come out. In the past we might expect a laptop update in Janurary but it appears that Intel has nothing for that.

    So to keep the engine running I can see Apple moving things around release wise. It doesn't have to be about Steve but it would be a nice gesture.
  • Reply 58 of 60
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    Originally Posted by Interdyne View Post



    No way.

    Moving the date up would eat into Holiday sales as customer wait for the new model. If they released a new model in February, December's sales would be strongly hurt by customers waiting for the next iPad.



    December's over. Not an issue. That's not to say I agree with the rumor, but holiday sales would only have been an issue if the rumor came out around Thanksgiving. And even then, it would only affect potential customers who populate sites like this one.

    The bigger issue is how many iPad2s does Apple have in inventory and how many do they project to have in February.
  • Reply 59 of 60
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    What I'd rather see is for Apple to introduce a special iPad program to deliver on the promise of OTPC (One Tablet Per Child).

    ...where opportunity and infrastructure could be provided to qualified, needy individuals and communities in developing cities and countries.

    This could truly honor Steve and his wish to "change the world".

    There are a lot of challenges to do this well -- but Apple can do this sort of thing better than anyone...

    Here... I'll start the ante with:

    The one iPad per Child program -- buy one at full price and Apple (and participating Countries/Communities) will give one for [well-managed] distribution in to a qualified user.

    Now, that's what I'd call a worthwhile program for the post-pc era!

    Where can I sign up -- Who's with me?

    I'd love to track the demographics, activations and accomplishments of a program like this!

    I don't know what this obsession is with giving kids computers. It's a solution in search of a problem. Elementary school students don't need a machine to search Google or play games or to waste their minds on Facebook or Twitter or Angry Birds. What they need are the basics: reading, writing, math, history, geography and science plus art/music/creativity, which at that age level should be learned with physical materials: putting pen to paper or playing a real instrument, not a simulation of one.

    And an iPad doesn't work by itself. So where are the computers going to come from to sync it? In really poor countries (where they don't even have electric water pumps), where is the electricity going to come from to charge the batteries?

    Most kids would be better off if their parents took their devices away from them. We're already raising a generation of hyperactive kids who don't read much, can't write and can't think in longer than 160-character paragraphs.

    Many nations of the world, including some third-world nations already beat the U.S. in Math, Science and History.


    The three-yearly OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report, which compares the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in 70 countries around the world, ranked the United States 14th out of 34 OECD countries for reading skills, 17th for science and a below-average 25th for mathematics.

    The problem is that many parents (and politicians) equate any use of computer devices (since they themselves know so little about them) with computer literacy. They don't understand that playing Angry Birds or tweeting is not computer literacy and has nothing to do with learning.
  • Reply 60 of 60
    I call BS on this specious rumor. You nuts?

    'nuff said.
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