Apple could collect $10 for every Android device sold, expert says



  • Reply 61 of 217
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    Apple's strategy is 1) a losing one, and 2) doesn't make sense. It is costing Apple millions in attorney fees, years in times, and to date Apple has had little success. Meanwhile, Microsoft is 1) spending little on attorney fees, and 2) is getting a pay day on practically every Android device sold.

    If what you say is true, then eventually, the suits on Wall Street who own Apple will talk to their buddies who are on Apple's Board of Directors. Probably over a game of golf or dinner in a fine restaurant.

    The BOD will then talk to Tim.
  • Reply 62 of 217
    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post

    Well, it would be more like less than 5% of Samsung's business. You know there are other customers Sony (#1), HP (#3), Dell (#4), Verizon (#5) still in good relation with Samsung.

    And not one of them are friends with Apple and would not shed a tear if Apple dissappeared.
  • Reply 63 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    I agree, right now the companies are doing what companies do but if say Samsung gets backed into a wall by Apple it would not suprise me if they pulled the plug. Sure many companies may never trust them again but since Samsung is one of very few manufactures producing LCD display's their business would be ok. Plus, Apple is suing EVERYONE and making many enemies, I do not think MS, Motorola, HTC ect.... would care if Samsung hung them out to dry. And as I stated before, many of these companies have strong "national" roots, China especially, what happens if Chinese companies pull the plug, Apple sues and China tells them to pound sand, not much. Apple is a US company and as we all know, the US has very few friends and may not find much help. This is a risky game being played and I can only see it getting ugly and ending badly. Corner a dog and it will bite.

    Well, LG is a very large panel provider for Apple, and Sharp appears to be supplying panels for the iPad3, using a new, and better version of the LCD. It wouldn't surprise me if Apple moved to someone else for phones as well.

    Samsung, of course, is a S. Korean company, as is Hon Hai, their main manufacturer. Apple indirectly employs hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers. The Chinese government isn't about to allow any of their companies to do anything stupid. The Chinese love Apple products, and the government even had a ceremony on Jobs' passing. Ours didn't. Perhaps they value Apple more there than we do here.

    Apple isn't suing everyone, just a few companies. MS has threatened more companies than Apple has, and over 55% of Android makers are paying them royalties as a result, from their numbers. now, they're going after the rest.
  • Reply 64 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    And none of them are in the US. Start backing foreign companies into a corner and see what happens. It is already well known that China will quickly put money into one of its "private" companies if they need too. US companies have already filed suit against China for dumping, selling products at a massive loss inorder to gain market (solar panels). The companies taking these losses are compensated by China. The lawsuit goes nowhere because China is backing the companies. If the US doesnt want Chinese stuff, India, Pakistan and other up and coming economies do. The US used to be the major market but that is quickly going away. Apple is playing a very dangerous game.

    Also, Apple is buying up tons of plants and manufactures, again on Chinese soil. Look at venezuela a few years back. Kicked out all the foreign oil companies, took all their stuff and started a state run oil company. Nothing anyone could do about it, nothing.

    Exactly which companies and plants has Apple bought that are Chinese companies. And what companies and plants on Chinese soil has Apple bought? We would really like to know!

    Don't go from reasonable to unreasonable. Up to now, your arguments have been reasonable. This one is not
  • Reply 65 of 217
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by chasedcook View Post

    Let's make this real simple so these so called analysts can understand it and try to understand Apple.

    1) Microsoft is failing and Apple is succeeding

    2) Apple is succeeding in a recession and even there home computer mrket is making money when PC sales are rapidly declining.


    See? Very simple

    Microsoft is not "failing". They are very strong.

    PC sales are not declining, rapidly or otherwise.

    Apple is not the most valuable company on the planet.

    Welcome to the forum. I think you'll be able to make some truly unique contributions.

  • Reply 66 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post

    Well, it would be more like less than 5% of Samsung's business. You know there are other customers Sony (#1), HP (#3), Dell (#4), Verizon (#5) still in good relation with Samsung.

    No, no. If Samsung cut off Apple, most all of their contract business, which is estimated to be about 40% of their business,would be in danger of leaving. I didn't say that Apple was 40% of Samsung's business. But they are more than 5% of their contract business, closer to 15%.
  • Reply 67 of 217
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Exactly which companies and plants has Apple bought that are Chinese companies. And what companies and plants on Chinese soil has Apple bought? We would really like to know!

    Don't go from reasonable to unreasonable. Up to now, your arguments have been reasonable. This one is not

    You are right, I thought the last company was but it was Isreali. So Apple does not own any Chinese property but they realy heavily on Chinese manufactures.
  • Reply 68 of 217
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Well, LG is a very large panel provider for Apple, and Sharp appears to be supplying panels for the iPad3, using a new, and better version of the LCD. It wouldn't surprise me if Apple moved to someone else for phones as well.

    Samsung, of course, is a S. Korean company, as is Hon Hai, their main manufacturer. Apple indirectly employs hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers. The Chinese government isn't about to allow any of their companies to do anything stupid. The Chinese love Apple products, and the government even had a ceremony on Jobs' passing. Ours didn't. Perhaps they value Apple more there than we do here.

    Apple isn't suing everyone, just a few companies. MS has threatened more companies than Apple has, and over 55% of Android makers are paying them royalties as a result, from their numbers. now, they're going after the rest.

    LCDs are just one part of Apple products, Chinese companies pretty much produce and assemble everything else. My point, which is getting overlooked, is that Apple is starting to play hardball with companies that belong to the Chinese government. Sure they are "public" but they will do as they are told and be compensated for it. And if China ever decides to punch Apple in the face they will and it will hurt. Sure China loves Apple, it is pouring money into its economy but do not let that fool you, they are not democratic and will do what ever they deem neccesary to defend their country. If China feels Apple is getting to big for its britches they could easily stop it. Again this is worse case scenerio stuff but not impossible and as Apple makes enemies, the likely hood grows. Even if countries get tired of their companies getting sued, they could easily stop the sale of Apple products and no one could do anything about it.
  • Reply 69 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    And not one of them are friends with Apple and would not shed a tear if Apple dissappeared.

    Well, Sony, for one, is now making most of the cameras for the 4S. At an estimate of almost $20 a pop, that will be at least 100,000,000 modules Sony will be selling to Apple this year. Considering Sony's business problems, this will add significantly to their profits. Since this module is more expensive than others, Sony might not have customers for it if Apple left, as it is a custom model, using Apple's own lens design. Somehow, losing $2 billion in business would not be happy for Sony. Others have business with Apple on that list as well.
  • Reply 70 of 217
    I think a lot of the people here suggesting Apple should take a cut of each Android sale in exchange for dropping the lawyering haven't read Walt's book. If they had they would know that Steve was a very binary guy - something either was a piece of crap or it was friking amazing. There is no middle ground.

    When Steve said he was willing to go thermonuclear he meant it. Thermonuclear war is, as we all know Mutually Assureed Distruction. Steve was willing to burn everything to the ground if it meant killing Android/Google as well, because they betrayed him, and they stole great ideas instead of producing them like an artist. I hope the Board will feel the same - as I agree with Steve.

    For the Fandroids, please don't go talking about PARC and Xerox etc and say that Apple stole as well. If you read your history you would know that Xerox were well aware of what was going on and they were paid for it. Everything was legal and above board. Stupidity is not illegal. If it was, we wouldn't have a Congress. Or a Senate.
  • Reply 71 of 217
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Well, Sony, for one, is now making most of the cameras for the 4S. At an estimate of almost $20 a pop, that will be at least 100,000,000 modules Sony will be selling to Apple this year. Considering Sony's business problems, this will add significantly to their profits. Since this module is more expensive than others, Sony might not have customers for it if Apple left, as it is a custom model, using Apple's own lens design. Somehow, losing $2 billion in business would not be happy for Sony. Others have business with Apple on that list as well.

    But if Apple shut its doors today, Several other areas of Sony would gain life again. PSP, Phones, Computers ect...... With the big dog out of the picture, many would smile.
  • Reply 72 of 217
    Originally Posted by lostkiwi View Post

    I think a lot of the people here suggesting Apple should take a cut of each Android sale in exchange for dropping the lawyering haven't read Walt's book. If they had they would know that Steve was a very binary guy - something either was a piece of crap or it was friking amazing. There is no middle ground.

    When Steve said he was willing to go thermonuclear he meant it. Thermonuclear war is, as we all know Mutually Assureed Distruction. Steve was willing to burn everything to the ground if it meant killing Android/Google as well, because they betrayed him, and they stole great ideas instead of producing them like an artist. I hope the Board will feel the same - as I agree with Steve.

    For the Fandroids, please don't go talking about PARC and Xerox etc and say that Apple stole as well. If you read your history you would know that Xerox were well aware of what was going on and they were paid for it. Everything was legal and above board. Stupidity is not illegal. If it was, we wouldn't have a Congress. Or a Senate.

    Steve also said "We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas".
  • Reply 73 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    You are right, I thought the last company was but it was Isreali. So Apple does not own any Chinese property but they realy heavily on Chinese manufactures.

    So? These manufacturers rely on Apple, you mean. And most are not Chinese. You'd be surprised at where Apple gets most of its parts. Most of the companies Apple does business with in China are not Chinese companies, but Japanese, S. Korean, Taiwanese, etc.

    But, as I said, they employ hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers to build Apple products.

    The agreement between the Chinese government and the Chinese people is that the government will raise their standard of living and supply them with cheap and popular goods in return for allowing the Party to keep control. If something was done to disrupt that agreement, it would not be a happy time. Kicking out a company that indirectly employees hundreds of thousands, and sells extremely popular products would not be a happy time. They've got enough unrest there so that the government does not want more.

    With all the piracy, it was interesting that they shut down all those fake Apple stores, and are helping Apple to find manufactures that copy their products. Apple is an increasing ly important company in China, and the government seems to want to keep them happy. Seeing as the Prime Minister was noted as using an iPad, I'm not surprised.
  • Reply 74 of 217
    Originally Posted by lostkiwi View Post

    I think a lot of the people here suggesting Apple should take a cut of each Android sale in exchange for dropping the lawyering haven't read Walt's book. If they had they would know that Steve was a very binary guy - something either was a piece of crap or it was friking amazing. There is no middle ground.

    When Steve said he was willing to go thermonuclear he meant it. Thermonuclear war is, as we all know Mutually Assureed Distruction. Steve was willing to burn everything to the ground if it meant killing Android/Google as well, because they betrayed him, and they stole great ideas instead of producing them like an artist. I hope the Board will feel the same - as I agree with Steve.

    For the Fandroids, please don't go talking about PARC and Xerox etc and say that Apple stole as well. If you read your history you would know that Xerox were well aware of what was going on and they were paid for it. Everything was legal and above board. Stupidity is not illegal. If it was, we wouldn't have a Congress. Or a Senate.

    Everyone says Android is stolen from iOS...yet no one can actually point to how it is stolen from iOS...and I'm not talking some vague patent on a "method" I'm talking actual point by point "iOS had this then Android TOOK IT" because such a thing does not exist. (with the exception of folder creation in Android 4.0 but that is a good trade off for Apple's new innovative notification center)

    iOS is a lot more polished and the software is designed for the hardware...evidenced by reality. But Android does do things better than iOS in some regards...sharing for one.

    Also if you feel the board should agree with Steve's notion of mutually assured destruction then thank God you're not on any board.

    Also Apple came into PARC labs as potential investors...(a lie) and took the idea (not illegal IMO and not immoral as I feel good ideas should be shared and adapted or licensed so the originator gets paid for his advancement of things - something Apple seems to be against) of the GUI and made it their own. Taking an idea and adapting it into your own is how advancement least that's how it use to work before software patents.
  • Reply 75 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    LCDs are just one part of Apple products, Chinese companies pretty much produce and assemble everything else. My point, which is getting overlooked, is that Apple is starting to play hardball with companies that belong to the Chinese government. Sure they are "public" but they will do as they are told and be compensated for it. And if China ever decides to punch Apple in the face they will and it will hurt. Sure China loves Apple, it is pouring money into its economy but do not let that fool you, they are not democratic and will do what ever they deem neccesary to defend their country. If China feels Apple is getting to big for its britches they could easily stop it. Again this is worse case scenerio stuff but not impossible and as Apple makes enemies, the likely hood grows. Even if countries get tired of their companies getting sued, they could easily stop the sale of Apple products and no one could do anything about it.

    Now, you're just making things up. Which companies that Apple is playing "hardball" with are Chinese companies?
  • Reply 76 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    But if Apple shut its doors today, Several other areas of Sony would gain life again. PSP, Phones, Computers ect...... With the big dog out of the picture, many would smile.

    The PSP is dead. Their phones never did sell well. Their computers are Windows machines and are too expensive for most Windows users, etc.

    They are losing billions on Tv's, and have lost $9 billion over the past few years on that. How would Apple leaving rescue that business? Sony even let their half of an LCD manufacturing venture go.
  • Reply 77 of 217
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Everyone says Android is stolen from iOS...yet no one can actually point to how it is stolen from iOS...and I'm not talking some vague patent on a "method" I'm talking actual point by point "iOS had this then Android TOOK IT" because such a thing does not exist. (with the exception of folder creation in Android 4.0 but that is a good trade off for Apple's new innovative notification center)

    iOS is a lot more polished and the software is designed for the hardware...evidenced by reality. But Android does do things better than iOS in some regards...sharing for one.

    Also if you feel the board should agree with Steve's notion of mutually assured destruction then thank God you're not on any board.

    Also Apple came into PARC labs as potential investors...(a lie) and took the idea (not illegal IMO and not immoral as I feel good ideas should be shared and adapted or licensed so the originator gets paid for his advancement of things - something Apple seems to be against) of the GUI and made it their own. Taking an idea and adapting it into your own is how advancement least that's how it use to work before software patents.

    It's said because Eric Schmitt, you know, the CEO, and now Chairman of Google said that at first, they were going to copy the Blackberry, but changed to copying iOS as it looked as though it would be more successful. he said that publicly, and it's a well known statement.

    Steve Jobs was invited to PARC, as is also well known.

    Apple did license the properties they used, and vastly improved upon them for stock in Apple. This is also well known.

    It's also interesting to note that while Apple failed with the too expensive Lisa, based on these technologies, they bounced back with the Mac. Zerox came out with the twice as expensive Star, and failed with that. It was the end of their computer hopes, and they abandoned computers shortly after. They briefly came back with their own brand of PC, but again abandoned it.
  • Reply 78 of 217
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    $10 / android phone - or $250 per every iPhone sold instead of an offending droido.
  • Reply 79 of 217
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It's said because Eric Schmitt, you know, the CEO, and now Chairman of Google said that at first, they were going to copy the Blackberry, but changed to copying iOS as it looked as though it would be more successful. he said that publicly, and it's a well known statement.

    He really said they were going to COPY Blackberry, then they were going to COPY iOS? Or was it they were influenced by those two? There's a heck of a difference.

    I'm not saying definitively that he didn't use the word "copy", but I personally think you might be putting an editorial spin on the actual statements if there were any.
  • Reply 80 of 217
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    I wonder whathappens when all these Chinese and Korean companies get tired of Apple's antics and decide not to renew contracts? Who then builds Apple LCDs and memory, cases ect..... Apple manufactures nothing. I understand that Apple is a payday for many but all these lawsuits will play a toll, plus some of these companies will do as they are told by their countries (China). It is a dangerous game. If Samsung pulled the plug right now on all Apple LCDs, Apple would be screwed. So would Samsung with lawsuits but Apple would be hurting while Samsung went on producing Samsung products and battle the courts for years and during those years Apple would lose billions.

    Japanese companies e.g. Sharp.

    Samsung would be screwing themselves, NO-ONE could trust them enough to enter into contracts with them, if they were so cavalier with existing Apple contracts.

    This is why stupid fandroid argument No. 22 is such a total fail.
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