Workers' rights petitions delivered to Apple's Grand Central store



  • Reply 21 of 137
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    Actually, no. What it "clearly demonstrates" is that I've read the reports before.

    Fact of the matter is that, contrary to your stance, there have been complaints regarding Apple's second-hand exploitation of workers well before their first published response:

    And you believe something printed in the Daily Mail? You must be the only one!
  • Reply 22 of 137
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Truly disgusting and despicable people. And I'm not surprised that there was more media in attendance than deranged activists, as most people are sane enough to not get involved in such scams and ignorant behavior.
  • Reply 23 of 137
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    If you own products by Acer, Amazon, Asus, Barnes & Noble, Cisco, Dell, HP, Intel, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, Motorola, Netgear, Nintendo, Nokia, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Vizio?. and are protesting Apple, then you are a hypocrite. They all use the same factories. Oh, and don't forget all your clothes that are made in China, in what I would assume to be worse conditions. I just looked at my box of toothpicks..yup, made in China. As much as Apple fans must admit to being Apple fans, some others must admit that they care more about hating Apple than giving anything remotely close to a shit about Foxconn workers. The fact that Apple is doing more than all these companies combined on this issue makes you not only a hypocrite, but an idiotic and ignorant one at that.

    Because Apple is the most profitable company ever, mix that with a holier than thou attitude and you get held to a higher standard than everyone else.
  • Reply 24 of 137
    Originally Posted by astrubhar View Post

    Who does Foxconn work for?

    If Apple says "we need more iPhones" why doesn't Foxconn say "we can't possibly work our employees any harder"

    If Foxconn's working conditions suck... it seems like that's Foxconn's problem.

    I don't understand how Apple is the only company at fault here.
  • Reply 25 of 137
    Originally Posted by Tinker15 View Post

    And you believe something printed in the Daily Mail? You must be the only one!

    What's not to believe? It addresses the same kind of issues that are still relevant 6 years later. Not much has changed.

    Nice try at poisoning the well though.
  • Reply 26 of 137
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Because Apple is the most profitable company ever?

    Wait, are they? I can think of a dozen oil companies to which that title could go?


    ?mix that with a holier than thou attitude?

    And? they have that?
  • Reply 27 of 137
    afrodriafrodri Posts: 190member
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    It's crystal clear by now that the European style socialist ideals are a complete failure, and we need to get back to the way things were in the '50s and grow this country again.

    The way things were in the 1950s? So you're calling for much higher marginal tax rates on the rich, and higher union memberships? :-)
  • Reply 28 of 137
    How about this for a solution...

    When you buy an Apple product online they let you choose an option:

    "Please increase the cost of this item by 25% and send the extra money to the workers in China"

    Then if you are feeling guilty and want to feel like you are making a difference you can check that box and pay 25% above the normal retail cost.

    Those people who think that the Chinese workers are glad to have an above average paying job in their country and don't think there is a problem, can choose not to pay an extra 25%.

    Apple could even send you a special sticker you could stick on your Apple product that denotes that you paid an extra 25%. That way you could use your iPhone or iPad at the next OWS rally and not feel guilty?

    In fact you could feel like you are better than everyone else. Oh wait, you already do.
  • Reply 29 of 137
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    How about this for a solution...

    When you buy an Apple product online they let you choose an option:

    "Please increase the cost of this item by 25% and send the extra money to the workers in China"

    Then if you are feeling guilty and want to feel like you are making a difference you can check that box and pay 25% above the normal retail cost.

    Those people who think that the Chinese workers are glad to have an above average paying job in their country and don't think there is a problem, can choose not to pay an extra 25%.

    Apple could even send you a special sticker you could stick on your Apple product that denotes that you paid an extra 25%. That way you could use your iPhone or iPad at the next OWS rally and not feel guilty?

    In fact you could feel like you are better than everyone else. Oh wait, you already do.

    Brilliant idea.

    I await a 'yes' from socially conscious folks such as redbachetta (or whatever).
  • Reply 30 of 137
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    "Please increase the cost of this item by 25% and send the extra money to the workers in China"

    I bet that 99.87% of the hypocrites who whine about Apple and China would never choose that option. It's like the retards who say that everybody should be taxed more. Nothing is stopping them right now from paying more in taxes! It's fully legal and quite easy to do if somebody wishes to contribute more to the govt, if they feel that the current taxes are too low and they're outraged by that social injustice. If these morons truly think that they are paying too little in taxes, then they should just STFU and pay more. They never do, being the whiny, little douchebags that they are.

    I wouldn't mind two separate lines when I go to get my iPad 3 though. I'm all for that idea.

    (1) Line 1 = normal priced iPad 3 for normal people

    (2) Line 2 = 25% higher priced iPad 3 if your name was found to be on that ignorant petition. The Apple sales people will check your identity at the checkout counter. A portion of the extra proceeds will go to starving Chinese workers and it will cover at least 3 weeks worth of Ramen noodles, enough to feed a family of five and 1 medium sized dog.

    I know which line I'd be on.
  • Reply 31 of 137
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Originally Posted by Tinker15 View Post

    And you believe something printed in the Daily Mail? You must be the only one!

    Well said.
  • Reply 32 of 137
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    What's not to believe? It addresses the same kind of issues that are still relevant 6 years later. Not much has changed.

    Nice try at poisoning the well though.

    Oh come on, seriously? The Daily Mail is a tabloid rag only one step up from the tabloid check out counter trash from Murdoch.

    p.s. That is not political, it's journalistic.
  • Reply 33 of 137
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Truly disgusting and despicable people. And I'm not surprised that there was more media in attendance than deranged activists, as most people are sane enough to not get involved in such scams and ignorant behavior.

    Did they threaten your Constitutional Right to Freedom of Movement? Were you compelled to let their blood flow in defense?

    If not, then c'est dommage. Maybe next time.
  • Reply 34 of 137
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    Did they threaten your Constitutional Right to Freedom of Movement? Were you compelled to let their blood flow in defense?

    If not, then c'est dommage. Maybe next time.

    Nope. Luckily for them, I didn't visit any Apple stores today.
  • Reply 35 of 137
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Oh come on, seriously? The Daily Mail is a tabloid rag only one step up from the tabloid check out counter trash from Murdoch.

    p.s. That is not political, it's journalistic.

    Refute the points, not the source.

    How do you explain why the very issues they raise are still largely issues today? Coincidence?
  • Reply 36 of 137
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Because Apple is the most profitable company ever, mix that with a holier than thou attitude and you get held to a higher standard than everyone else.

    ...which sounds awfully like 'Tall Poppy Syndrome' to me.

    Anybody else love the irony of delivering a petition to a company embracing using as little paper as possible with a nice thick sheaf freshly cut from the Amazon basin?

    They probably shouldn't have gone with the larger font to make it look like more people had signed...
  • Reply 37 of 137
    Originally Posted by redbarchetta View Post

    Refute the points, not the source.

    How do you explain why the very issues they raise are still largely issues today? Coincidence?

    What do you think they should do?
  • Reply 38 of 137
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    If you own products by Acer, Amazon, Asus, Barnes & Noble, Cisco, Dell, HP, Intel, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, Motorola, Netgear, Nintendo, Nokia, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Vizio?. and are protesting Apple, then you are a hypocrite.

    Nobody is claiming these other companies aren't also at fault. This is just a start. Apple does a better job than all these other companies but it doesn't mean they can't do better. Especially with all this cash laying around. This misconception that the price of Apple products will go up is wrong. It will just make Apple slightly less profitable.
  • Reply 39 of 137
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    What do you think they should do?

    Shut down the manufacturing. Nuke the site from orbit.

    It's the only way to be sure.
  • Reply 40 of 137
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    Shut down the manufacturing. Nuke the site from orbit.

    It's the only way to be sure.


    Now lets see what Red has to say. I want to see if he/she is as naive as what I'm expecting.
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