Apple unveils Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion coming this summer with 100+ new features



  • Reply 61 of 273
    So much for the stupid, "Lion will be the last version of OS X," meme. Apple just put a bullet in that meme's head.
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  • Reply 62 of 273
    Originally Posted by loveandcapture View Post

    Superficially, I'm all about the speedy, steady updates from Apple. Now that they don't have to ship a box of software/OS, they can be much more regular and cheaper, and that's great...


    not to re-open the whole issue of creative professionals feeling a bit stranded, but it usually takes a good 6 - 8 months for an operating system to get its bugs ironed out and become stable. It usually takes developers that long to update their apps or plug-ins to work with said OS. I use Final Cut (7 and X... will 7 no longer work in Mountain Lion??). I use Logic as my primary recording software, but what about all my instrument plug-ins and effects? Some of them haven't even been modified to work for Lion yet (I still run Snow Leopard), so I was waiting a bit longer. And now, a new OS in a few months.

    So, with this constant cycle of a whole new OS every year, will there ever be a "stable" operating system which has been given a chance to mature before a new one washes it away, and how the hell will developers be able to keep their plugins, etc updated on such a continuous cycle (considering the past)? I hope it's not as doomy as I think it is.

    I'm guessing the OS infrastructure will remain the same. The updates will probably be "on-top" of what the OS is already doing. I can't imagine Apple being that stupid to start fresh every year.
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  • Reply 63 of 273
    Originally Posted by malax View Post

    Nittany Lion perhaps?

    The Nittany Lion is just a mountain lion who makes its home on Mount Nittany
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  • Reply 64 of 273
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by msuberly View Post

    By iOS-esque I hope he means price too. The last OS X upgrade cost $29. iOS upgrades don't cost a thing.

    I don't think it will be free but I would not be surprised if it was cheaper than Lion, since this is essentially an iOS-feature port.
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  • Reply 65 of 273

    I am particularly interested in the intersection of iCloud and the Pro apps -- especially FCP X.

    Scenario: At an event in the field:

    1) capture with iPhone or camera

    2) ingest into iPad for first edit/rough cut

    3) simultaneously send source media to iCloud

    4) publish rough cut to...

    5) simultaneously edit pro cut on Mac from source on iCloud

    6) publish pro cut to...

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  • Reply 66 of 273
    Originally Posted by Sevenfeet View Post

    That's the big question. Apple historically orphans old Macs when a new release comes out. Lion demanded Core 2 Duo support which begins in 2007 for iMacs and Macbooks and were shipped in Mac Minis as late as the first half of last year. So that cannot be criteria if Apple wants to drop support for older machines.

    Lion dropped support for the original Core Duo because those weren't really 64-bit. Core 2 Duo is, and will continue to be supported for quite a while.
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  • Reply 67 of 273
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    I don't think it will be free but I would not be surprised if it was cheaper than Lion, since this is essentially an iOS-feature port.

    Funny how Lion has now become "expensive".

    Folks, it's $29. For a desktop OS. What do you want, $19? $9? $0.99?
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  • Reply 68 of 273
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by Pendergast View Post

    Folks, it's $29. For a desktop OS. What do you want, $19? $9? $0.99?

    Personally I don't care; I was just replying to the other poster.
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  • Reply 69 of 273
    Originally Posted by nalwaub3 View Post

    "enhanced migration against buffer overflow attacks" -- folks, the word you are looking for is "mitigation".

    While we are looking at dictionaries:

    Synonyms for cougar: mountain lion, puma, panther, painter, or catamount.

    puma (10.1) and panther (10.3) are taken.

    So 10.9 will be catamount and 10.10 painter?

    I don't think they can use cougar...

    (informal) an older woman seeking a sexual relationship with a younger man.


    LOL. White Tiger and Wild Cat are still available...

    I hope they ditch the cats already. Birds of Prey maybe...
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  • Reply 70 of 273
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by techguy911 View Post

    I do think that Gatekeeper is a good security architecture update. Though I hope Apple makes it easy enough to allow non app store apps to be installed where average users can do it. If you have to do some complex ctrl-option-apple clicking to open downloaded apps or a hard to find setting option, it's going to put the hurt on people trying to distribute apps outside of the store.

    putting he hurt on non MAS developers is the whole point... under the guise of security. I'm a bit upset with it at the moment because its going to play major havoc with people making Wineskin apps. I can register and get Wineskin Winery and config an ok, but none of the apps people make with it will be, and will be super annoying to people trying to port programs for personal use, or share wrappers with other people.
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  • Reply 71 of 273
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Wow I wasn't expecting this news so soon and so silently.
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  • Reply 72 of 273
    Originally Posted by bluevoid View Post

    Lion dropped support for the original Core Duo because those weren't really 64-bit. Core 2 Duo is, and will continue to be supported for quite a while.


    As we suggested might happen in our Lion review, Mountain Lion's developer preview appears to do away with support for any Mac that cannot boot into OS X's 64-bit kernel. I'll link you to that page of our Lion review again if you'd like deep technical information about what that means, but the short version is that a wide range of Apple's products from 2007 and 2008 are being dropped regardless of whether they include a Core 2 Duo processor. The list of supported Macs includes:

    ? iMac (mid 2007 or later)

    ? MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, 2008), (13-inch, Early 2009 or later)

    ? MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later), (15-inch, 2.4/2.2 GHz), (17-inch, Late 2007 or later)

    ? MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)

    ? Mac Mini (Early 2009 or later)

    ? Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)

    ? Xserve (Early 2009)

    The cutoff happens in different places for different products, but here are some rules of thumb: if your Mac uses the ATI Radeon X1600 graphics card or the Intel GMA 950/X3100 integrated graphics chips, you're out of luck. If you're got a white iMac or one of the very first Mac Pros, you're out of luck.
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  • Reply 73 of 273
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member
    This is probably obvious to many of you who are developers, but I didn't understand it until I started developing for iOS last year: many of the most important "features" in a new version of an OS invisible to end-users, they are new APIs and capabilities given to developers. This is more obvious on the iOS side (since it's a younger, more evolving OS) but it still applies to OS X. I don't know how many times I've installed a new OS and been underwhelmed. The only things you see are the new apps and new eye candy. You don't see the capabilities that the OS gives to developers to make better apps.

    For example, this iCloud stuff. When you upgrade to Mountain Lion on day one, you you'll notice a few things--the stuff the Apple apps implement, but the real impact will be when third parties roll out the apps that incorporate this.

    As I said, this is no-brainer stuff to many of you, but it's not necessarily obvious if you don't develop applications.
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  • Reply 74 of 273
    Originally Posted by bluevoid View Post

    Lion dropped support for the original Core Duo because those weren't really 64-bit. Core 2 Duo is, and will continue to be supported for quite a while.

    Agree. The last duo cores came out less than 2 years ago, no way they're dropping support for those.
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  • Reply 75 of 273
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I am particularly interested in the intersection of iCloud and the Pro apps -- especially FCP X.

    Scenario: At an event in the field:

    1) capture with iPhone or camera

    2) ingest into iPad for first edit/rough cut

    3) simultaneously send source media to iCloud

    4) publish rough cut to...

    5) simultaneously edit pro cut on Mac from source on iCloud

    6) publish pro cut to...

    Sounds to me like you'd want integration with iMovie then. No format with a data rate low enough to be able to beam that fast would be anything close to a pro format. Besides they've already got iMovie for iOS
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  • Reply 76 of 273
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    hold on Apple, I just got Leopard for my imac g5!

    10.9 will be named Kitten

    10.10 will be named LOLcat.
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  • Reply 77 of 273
    Originally Posted by hypercommunist View Post


    As we suggested might happen in our Lion review, Mountain Lion's developer preview appears to do away with support for any Mac that cannot boot into OS X's 64-bit kernel.

    And all Core 2 Duos can boot into a 64-bit kernel. So if they're dropping support for some Macs that happened to ship with a Core 2 Duo, then they are doing it for a different reason.
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  • Reply 78 of 273
    Originally Posted by doh123 View Post

    putting he hurt on non MAS developers is the whole point... under the guise of security. I'm a bit upset with it at the moment because its going to play major havoc with people making Wineskin apps. I can register and get Wineskin Winery and config an ok, but none of the apps people make with it will be, and will be super annoying to people trying to port programs for personal use, or share wrappers with other people.

    I think Gatekeeper is a feature to developers who go through the approval process of the Mac App Store. It gives consumers an outlet that is even more reliable option (ie. shopping at the Apple Store vs. Craigslist). The option to make apps and distribute them out of the App Store is still available, but it's looking a lot less desirable now...
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  • Reply 79 of 273
    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Apple will now compete with Game Consoles:

    [*]Game Center lets users personalize their Mac gaming experience, find new games and challenge friends to play live multiplayer games, whether on a Mac, iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

    And when the WiiU comes out late this year, Apple will actually have a single competitor in this space.

    I dare say… Apple is doing what the Big Three consoles have refused to do, even within their own ecosystems: Gameplay between their handhelds and their big boxes!


    Anyone else believe that this is not only an excellent move for the Mac by capitalizing on Apple's current strengthens but also sets up many features that are desirable in an AppleTV?

    No. I do see some of this stuff getting put in an A6 1080p Apple TV BOX, however.

    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post


    What's wrong with it?

    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Wow, still only 720p. Sad.

    Of course it is. The existing Apple TV only does 720p. They're not going to leak the next Apple TV in a preview when it doesn't exist yet. The page will be updated when it does.


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  • Reply 80 of 273
    Just before its public release, and if the server farm can support it--they will announce "one more thing..." -- Siri!
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