CNBC: New York a 'key location' for unveiling Apple' quad-core 'iPad 3' with 4G [u]

in iPad edited January 2014

The city of New York will play a "key" role in the Apple's unveiling of its third-generation iPad next week, a device expected to pack a quad-core processor and 4G LTE connectivity, financial news network CNBC claimed on Tuesday [updated].

In a live report Tuesday morning, the network cited anonymous sources who indicated an event will be held in New York to announce the third-generation iPad. Those same people reportedly indicated Apple's next tablet, which it said will have a quad-core CPU, will go on sale on March 9.

The network also reaffirmed earlier reports that have claimed the next iPad will offer compatibility with high-speed 4G long-term evolution networks. Earlier rumors had pointed toward an event being held next Wednesday, March 7, to unveil the new iPad.

However, Jim Dalrymple of The Loop immediately took to Twitter to declare CNBC "wrong." Dalrymple has a proven track record with respect to Apple's plans.

Update: CNBC's Jon Fortt later took to the air to clarify that he has heard that New York City will be a "key location" in next week's anticipated iPad event. He did not have any further details as to how New York would play into Apple's announcement.

If Apple does in fact hold an event in New York, it would be the first time the company has unveiled a new version of the iPad on the east coast. Unveilings of the last two iPads have taken place at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, Calif.

While Apple's major product unveilings typically occur in California, the company has held some events in New York in recent years to make relatively minor announcements. Most recently, Apple held an event at the Guggenheim Museum to unveil iBooks 2, iBooks Author and iTunes U for iPad in January.

It was said that Apple chose New York for its publishing-related announcements in January because the publishing industry is based in New York. CNBC did not indicate on Tuesday why Apple would hold an event for its so-called "iPad 3" in New York, however.

Apple also held two media events in the Big Apple in early 2011: one to unveil The Daily, a publication from News Corp for the iPad, and a second held last January to announce a Verizon-compatible iPhone model.

[ View article on AppleInsider ]



  • Reply 1 of 48
    Oh, right, the invites should be going out tomorrow, shouldn't they?

    These guys need to be fined for lying, though. Heck, all TV media needs to be fined for lying.
  • Reply 2 of 48
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Oh, right, the invites should be going out tomorrow, shouldn't they?

    These guys need to be fined for lying, though. Heck, all TV media needs to be fined for lying.

    Call me suspicious, but like you, I doubt very highly that anything will happen. Too late to get an announcement out.

    AND, if Apple does announce the iPad3 next week, it will likely be an understated affair from Cupertino. They don't need to make a big splash these days with all of the hype surrounding its impending release.
  • Reply 3 of 48
    See, here's the problem: CNBC doesn't know jack about the iPad 2X.
  • Reply 4 of 48
    Excited about whatever they release, this will be my first iPad, but skeptical about '4G' in general. The coverage is so little and the speeds are so not as advertised, it's still little more than a gimmick.

    I'll likely go WiFi only.
  • Reply 5 of 48
    Originally Posted by SixPenceRicher View Post

    Call me suspicious, but like you, I doubt very highly that anything will happen. Too late to get an announcement out.

    They always do it a week in advance…

    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    Excited about whatever they release, this will be my first iPad, but skeptical about '4G' in general. The coverage is so little and the speeds are so not as advertised, it's still little more than a gimmick.

    And yet Apple released an iPhone 3G in 2008…
  • Reply 6 of 48
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    New York? Apple is [updated] NOT doomed.
  • Reply 7 of 48
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Could it be becoz NY gets better 4G connection then California?
  • Reply 8 of 48
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Since much of the media is located in NyC invites need not go out early. Further the invites might already be out there, I mean honestly how do you think CNBC came up with the projection in the first place.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Oh, right, the invites should be going out tomorrow, shouldn't they?

    These guys need to be fined for lying, though. Heck, all TV media needs to be fined for lying.

    Well I played devils advocate above but frankly I agree with you. One of the reasons I don't watch TV much is due very much to the lies, distortions, ignorance and bias that passes for news. It comes from all sides to the benefit of none. The bad reporting isn't always malicious so fining people for being stupid may be an exercise without results. I think it is fair to say that today's news is about looks, not about reporting from individuals with a strong grasp of the subject matter. Of course that does not excuse out right lying, bias or distortion.
  • Reply 9 of 48
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Does CNBC actually know shit? The cynical part of me says shit like this is an attempt to tank the stock, when the 'dissapointing' dual-core, non-LTE iPad3 is revealed. I can see the headlines now. 'Underwhelming', 'below-expectations', 'less than expected', etc. I find it very hard to swallow we'll get a quad-core AND LTE. Seems like a damn stretch, but it's what these news sites are trying to make us believe we're getting.
  • Reply 10 of 48
    Does CNBC even know what quad-core means...?? Or does it just sound cool to them...
  • Reply 11 of 48
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Does CNBC actually know shit? The cynical part of me says shit like this is an attempt to tank the stock, when the 'dissapointing' dual-core, non-LTE iPad3 is revealed. I can see the headlines now. 'Underwhelming', 'below-expectations', 'less than expected', etc. I find it very hard to swallow we'll get a quad-core AND LTE. Seems like a damn stretch.

    I hate it when this happens. But this was exactly my first thought when I read the article. It could be written to intentionally harm Apples reputation by raising false expectations. So I try to believe a iPad 2S or 3? will be introduced with 3G connection with a very speedy dual core CPU in combination with 2-3 times faster GPU.
  • Reply 12 of 48
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    I don't care if Apple decides to hold the event in the middle of nowhere, or on the freaking moon. As long as they hold an event, that's all that matters.

    The announcement will be made today or tomorrow I'm guessing, because as of tomorrow, there's exactly one week to go until march 7, if that date happens to be true.
  • Reply 13 of 48
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    These guys need to be fined for lying, though.

    gizmodo them for this event.
  • Reply 14 of 48
    Originally Posted by ko024 View Post

    Does CNBC even know what quad-core means...?? Or does it just sound cool to them...

    It needs to be quad-core and 4G to be fully buzzword compliant.
  • Reply 15 of 48
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Since much of the media is located in NyC invites need not go out early.

    There's just as much tech media in Cali as New York and Apple is more likely to do a small event with those folks on their own campus (similar to the iPhone 4s announcement) than fly across country.


    Further the invites might already be out there,

    And we didn't hear about anyone else getting one.


    I mean honestly how do you think CNBC came up with the projection in the first place.

    someone pulled it out of his 'hat'
  • Reply 16 of 48
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I don't care if Apple decides to hold the event in the middle of nowhere, or on the freaking moon. As long as they hold an event, that's all that matters.

    I'll counter and say they do not have to hold an event. They could take down the home page around 9pm tonight with a banner that says "come back tomorrow at 10am (Pacific) for some very exciting news" and then just post the videos etc and folks will still be freaking out, folks will be banging the server to make their reservations etc. And even if the specs are vastly under the rumors and the stock goes down $20 or so, the moment that Apple announces that they sold 10 million in the first 3 days, the stock will shoot up again so no biggie.

    Meanwhile Samsung etc will be scratching their balls trying to figure out how the heck Apple does this and it works
  • Reply 17 of 48
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Does CNBC actually know shit? The cynical part of me says shit like this is an attempt to tank the stock, when the 'dissapointing' dual-core, non-LTE iPad3 is revealed. I can see the headlines now. 'Underwhelming', 'below-expectations', 'less than expected', etc. I find it very hard to swallow we'll get a quad-core AND LTE. Seems like a damn stretch.

    While I think it possible to have 4G, 4 cores(iPad 4x4?); you bring up an interesting question-

    If reporter x reports 'rumors' etc on company Y's new product Z (knowing full well it maybe BS and overhyped) and then shorts the stock (is that the right term?)... is that legal? Are they even allowed to report on stock they personnally own? I would think at a minimum ethics say disclose or not own.

    Then again, it doesnt necessarily have to be them, but their wives buddies etc.

    Has Apple stock price dropped after new product announcements?
  • Reply 18 of 48
    blah blah blah blah
  • Reply 19 of 48
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    Has Apple stock price dropped after new product announcements?

    Yep, just about every time.
  • Reply 20 of 48
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    They always do it a week in advance?

    And yet Apple released an iPhone 3G in 2008?

    I didn't say they wouldn't release a 4G. Also, I bought a 3G in 2008. There was much more coverage for 3G then, than there is for 4G now. Here and abroad. I spent a month in Europe with my 3G, late that year.
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