Apple may be squeezed by Retina Display shortage at 'iPad 3' launch

in iPad edited January 2014

It may take Apple more than a month to fully ramp up supply of its third-generation iPad, due to a rumored limited supply of high-definition Retina Displays, according to a new report.

Citing sources in Apple's supply chain, DigiTimes reported that an "insufficient supply of high resolution displays" could restrict Apple from providing sufficient iPad supply at launch. The so-called "iPad 3" is expected to be introduced at an Apple media event in San Francisco next Wednesday.

Retina Displays for the next iPad will reportedly be supplied by Sharp, LG Display and Samsung Electronics. But it was said that the "whole supply chain has failed to substantially ramp up" supply of the high-resolution screens.

"As a result, iPad 2 will remain the mainstream in shipments in the most part of the first quarter before shipments of the iPad 3 start gaining momentum in the second quarter," the report said.

The same publication has also claimed that Apple plans to introduce a new 8-gigabyte iPad 2 as an entry-level model at next week's event. It was said that the lower-capacity iPad 2 would be $349 and $399, and would be targeted to take away sales from devices like Amazon's $199 Kindle Fire.

Strangely, the DigiTimes report also reiterated its claims that the new iPad will come in 16- and 32-gigabyte versions, and made no mention of a 64-gigabyte iPad. That would be a change from the current iPad 2 lineup, which maxes out at 64 gigabytes.

The new third-generation iPad is expected to feature a QXGA Retina Display panel with a resolution of 2,048 by 1,536 pixels, amounting to 264 pixels per inch. That compares to the previous-generation iPad's 1,024-by-768 screen.

The new iPad is also expected to have 4G LTE connectivity for high-speed wireless data plans, along with improved cameras and a faster, custom ARM-based processor. In addition, the device is said to be slightly thicker than its predecessor, and there have been claims that the new iPad will feature Siri voice control like the iPhone 4S.

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  • Reply 1 of 59
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    It may take Apple more than a month to fully ramp up supply of its third-generation iPad, due to a rumored limited supply of high-definition Retina Displays, according to a new report.

    This should serve as further evidence of a price hike.
  • Reply 2 of 59
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Sucks if true. Again, Apple's success/performance potential limited by the capabilities of others. I always thought a mass launch of such a screen would be akin to a small miracle, considering there's nothing yet like it out there even on a NICHE tablet, nevermind the most popular one in the world. I wasn't planning to lineup/pre-order, so hope I don't have to wait several months before purchase.
  • Reply 3 of 59
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
  • Reply 4 of 59
    brutus009brutus009 Posts: 356member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Sucks if true. Again, Apple's success/performance potential limited by the capabilities of others.

    This strikes me as a rather odd statement. Rather...


    Sucks if true. Again, Apple's success/performance potential limited by the capabilities of reality.

  • Reply 5 of 59
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    This should serve as further evidence of a price hike.

    If there was a way to vote comments down, I'd vote yours down. And the article.


    I mean its the same damn thing every product launch. They rehash one or two points that we're all already aware of, then make up 5 more points that never had any basis in reality, just to stir the pot and get that ad revenue pumping. This site and others are guilty of aiding them in that fraudulent endeavor.

    There will be no shortage. There will be the standard "delays" as Apple tries to keep up with demand. However, they've been ramping up for this release for months. There will be no "shortage".

    And there absolutely will still be a 64 GB model. If this doesn't tell you DT is simply making things up without any sources, I don't know what will.

    And as for price hike? LMAO. Nope.
  • Reply 6 of 59
    rattyukrattyuk Posts: 15member
    Fear, uncertainty, doubt. Although in this case it will play into Apple's favor. People who have the money ready will start queuing early and in greater numbers, otherwise its a 2-3 week wait for the next gen hardware.
  • Reply 7 of 59
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    I agree. IMO this is meant to feed coming rumors of a limited supply to be quickly gobbled up by a "crushing demand" for the newest iPad. If you see it for sale anywhere you better not hesitate at all, just grab it while you can.

    The rumors that the build was underway started weeks ago. I personally believe Apple will have plenty of units available to them, tho the volume released to the channel may be controlled. It benefits Apple more for there to be an appearance of (not an actual) scarcity rather than there being ample stock at all Apple resellers and company stores. You're much more likely to buy today if you think you might not find it in stock later in the week. It also attracts the eBay resellers, who seem to scoop up a whole lot of new product just to put them up for resale.
  • Reply 8 of 59
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    This just in: supplies of a new cutting edge technology may not be unlimited. Next up: Are kittens fluffy? Two experts will debate.
  • Reply 9 of 59
    ahrubikahrubik Posts: 80member
    Got love FUD.

    GET IT NOW! LIMITED SUPPLY! THERE WON'T BE ONE IN ... wait ... errr ... uh ... two weeks. That's cool. I can wait two weeks.
  • Reply 10 of 59
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member
    Apple's new iPad3 will be powered by miniature unicorns genetically engineered in Apple's top secret labs.


    Steve Jobs isn't really dead he is living on a commune on Mars with Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, and the Loch Ness Monster.

    Look Ma, I'm a DigiTimes' reporter.

    Why does anyone pay any attention to what these yahoos say? They are the tech equivalent of the checkout rags.
  • Reply 11 of 59
    thehectathehecta Posts: 77member
    Brutus009, what do you think is reality and what's your basis for your prediction? Because I'm pretty sure no one knows the truth. We will all just have to wait and see
  • Reply 12 of 59
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Shhh!!! You don't tell people that DigiTimes is guessing, and AppleInsider re-reports it as rumor, then 70% of the people reading it take it as a secret fact. All the while nobody but Apple knows the truth.
  • Reply 13 of 59
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    If they're smart they'll launch first only at high capacities at raised price. Let the early adopters with deep pockets pay the premium price to allow production to ramp. They can say they're only launching 64 or 128 gb with availability today and in two weeks the rest. That way no one is surprised and no one is upset.
  • Reply 14 of 59
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The same publication has also claimed that Apple plans to introduce a new 8-gigabyte iPad 2 as an entry-level model at next week's event. It was said that the lower-capacity iPad 2 would be $349 and $399, and would be targeted to take away sales from devices like Amazon's $199 Kindle Fire.

    We might want to revisit the strategy that Apple used when it differentiated the iPod products. Did they raise the price on the new design or just create newer lower-cost entry products (iPod mini, nano, etc)?

    I seem to remember that the kept the top pricepoint constant and filled in the lower price points. They have been doing the same with the iPhone (iPhone 4 at $99, iPhone 3GS at $0).

    I am hoping that the new iPad 3 stays at $499, and the iPad 2 drops to $399 with an 8GB $349 version.

    That would really put tremendous pressure on the other tablet manufacturers (including the Kindle Fire).

    Assuming that a 8" iPad shows up for Christmas at $299 (8GB), then Apple wins across the board.
  • Reply 15 of 59
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    There will be no shortage. There will be the standard "delays" as Apple tries to keep up with demand. However, they've been ramping up for this release for months. There will be no "shortage".

    It's not a shortage. We just can't meet demand.

    There was a shortage of the iPad and of the iPad 2. They changed strategies when they came out with the iPad 2 to try and mitigate the problems they had with the iPad (1). By putting it for preorder the first time, it did experience tremendous shortages in the brick&mortar stores. Nearly all the initial supply was gobbled up by online buyers, and people had a very hard time buying it in real life, many places. Personally, I knew to order it online as soon as it was available. Lots of people didn't, though. They waited for it to hit stores. Then they waited, and waited. I'll try not to pretend it was worse than it was, if you agree not to pretend it was better.

    Keep in mind that no one but Apple and whoever makes these retina displays has any idea what quantities they're going to be able to make them in.
  • Reply 16 of 59
    simtubsimtub Posts: 277member
    There wasn't an issue with Retina Displays for iPhone 4
  • Reply 17 of 59
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member
    Originally Posted by cwoloszynski View Post

    We might want to revisit the strategy that Apple used when it differentiated the iPod products. Did they raise the price on the new design or just create newer lower-cost entry products (iPod mini, nano, etc)?

    I seem to remember that the kept the top pricepoint constant and filled in the lower price points. They have been doing the same with the iPhone (iPhone 4 at $99, iPhone 3GS at $0).

    I am hoping that the new iPad 3 stays at $499, and the iPad 2 drops to $399 with an 8GB $349 version.

    That would really put tremendous pressure on the other tablet manufacturers (including the Kindle Fire).

    Assuming that a 8" iPad shows up for Christmas at $299 (8GB), then Apple wins across the board.

    Oh my lord! You stepped in it now.

    I hope that you are prepared for the flood of replies decrying anyone who states that the iPad has any competition or needs to do anything to address even the possibility of future competition.

    I mean why in the world should a company be proactive when they should obviously be reactionary. After all, Apple can simply address the problem of competitors after they arrive and start to steal sales from Apple. That is sound business practice, after all, and anyone who doesn't know this is an idiot and shouldn't comment on things that they don't understand. (Please not sarcasm.)
  • Reply 18 of 59
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    If there was a way to vote comments down, I'd vote yours down. And the article.


    I mean its the same damn thing every product launch. They rehash one or two points that we're all already aware of, then make up 5 more points that never had any basis in reality, just to stir the pot and get that ad revenue pumping. This site and others are guilty of aiding them in that fraudulent endeavor.

    There will be no shortage. There will be the standard "delays" as Apple tries to keep up with demand. However, they've been ramping up for this release for months. There will be no "shortage".

    And there absolutely will still be a 64 GB model. If this doesn't tell you DT is simply making things up without any sources, I don't know what will.

    And as for price hike? LMAO. Nope.

    You are correct that quoting Digitimes as a source for anything is ridiculous. In fact, one could argue that the most accurate prediction would be to say the exact opposite of Digitimes.

    That said, I disagree with your conclusion that there will be no shortage. What's the difference between a 'delay' and a 'shortage'? There isn't one. Like any hot new product from Apple, demand will exceed supply at first. Supply will be limited by a large number of factors - availability of components, manufacturing experience, amount of time available to stockpile product before the launch, need to fill the pipelines, etc. So there will be a shortage at first - I just don't think anyone knows how much of that will be due to displays.
  • Reply 19 of 59
    jims1973jims1973 Posts: 24member
    So a rumor of shortage about a rumor of a component. Nothing else to talk about??
  • Reply 20 of 59
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    This should serve as further evidence of a price hike.

    Why would you think that? I would think they have agreed a contract price on the displays Apple has ordered, and not that Apple was buying the displays on the open market. Did I miss something?
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