Samsung official claims Apple plans to release 7.85-inch iPad this year



  • Reply 101 of 134
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    Maybe take the time to read the initial article before falling into allegations and conspiracy theories... The unnamed official is mostly speaking of part sales, mentioning the mac book and a mini Ipad on the margin. For the later it will nonetheless be funny to see those who used to ridicule such screen size now buying it.

    If you find that "funny" you need to get out more.


    Constant and systematical free advertisement, then bandwagon mentality? Who knows.

    Yeah, that must be it. I mean, what else could it be?
  • Reply 102 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Do you have any actual evidence to back up the assertion that they've sold (not shipped) millions?

    Is that crickets I hear?

    What? No crickets here. Now it's no where near what Apple has shipped but Samsung has shipped more the 20 million units. Barnes and Noble more then 10 and Amazon more then 15. Give me a little time and I will give you more links. I really have to know what did you think that these company's were loosing money hand over fist. No one goes into this industry if their going to loose money. I like Apple to buddy but to believe that they are the only company that makes money is just down right silly. You really amaze me sitting up there on your thrown of ultimate condescending posts.
  • Reply 103 of 134
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    What? No crickets here. Now it's no where near what Apple has shipped but Samsung has shipped more the 20 million units. Barnes and Noble more then 10 and Amazon more then 15. Give me a little time and I will give you more links. I really have to know what did you think that these company's were loosing money hand over fist. No one goes into this industry if their going to loose money. I like Apple to buddy but to believe that they are the only company that makes money is just down right silly. You really amaze me sitting up there on your thrown of ultimate condescending posts.

    Quit it. You're as clueless as the rest. Here's Lesson 101: "Shipped" means zilch.

    Just deal with the realization that there's a reason why no one - other than Apple - reports sales. It's because they don't want to.

    You Android apologists can wallow your self-made reality all you want, but the real world is what it is. Most of the rest of us prefer to live in in the latter.

    PS: Btw, don't waste your time coming up with more links. You won't find what you're looking for.
  • Reply 104 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I'm really starting to think you're a paid shill. I don't usually make that accusation, but pretty much every one of your posts read like ad copy for various Samsung products.

    Nah I just happen to own quite a few of them. I did get a little overboard but I'm just tired of reading Samsung sucks on this board when that is farthest from the truth. I will defend Samsung because every product I've bought from them is not only really good but their support is bar none some of the best I've encountered in the industry.

    I was stupid the other week and flashed my Note to ICS 4.03. There was a Chinese leak for it and I really wanted it. Well long story short I bricked it and bricked it good, fried the mother board. My fault all the way but I sent it into Samsung anyway. 3 days later they sent me a new one with a letter I shit you not that said we will be releasing ICS by the end of the month do you think you can wait till then. I haven't felt that embaresed in a long time but they could have easily said sorry Maam flashing your own device with a third party rom is not covered on your warranty. No, I got a new phone, not only a new phone but a flip case as well.

    Sorry but that's class. Apple has always been good to me as well as long as you don't expect them to replace a screen that's cracked or scratched.

    I didn't mean to sound like a poster girl for Samsung. I won't talk about them anymore. You made it clear that it isn't tolerated here.
  • Reply 105 of 134
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    Samsung Electronics recently spun-off its display division. So Apple isn't doing business with Samsung Electronics anymore.

    Yes I know, they announced it quite recently, probably because of this deal with Apple.
  • Reply 106 of 134
    rmb0037rmb0037 Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Nah I just happen to own quite a few of them. I did get a little overboard but I'm just tired of reading Samsung sucks on this board when that is farthest from the truth. I will defend Samsung because every product I've bought from them is not only really good but their support is bar none some of the best I've encountered in the industry.

    I was stupid the other week and flashed my Note to ICS 4.03. There was a Chinese leak for it and I really wanted it. Well long story short I bricked it and bricked it good, fried the mother board. My fault all the way but I sent it into Samsung anyway. 3 days later they sent me a new one with a letter I shit you not that said we will be releasing ICS by the end of the month do you think you can wait till then. I haven't felt that embaresed in a long time but they could have easily said sorry Maam flashing your own device with a third party rom is not covered on your warranty. No, I got a new phone, not only a new phone but a flip case as well.

    Sorry but that's class. Apple has always been good to me as well as long as you don't expect them to replace a screen that's cracked or scratched.

    I didn't mean to sound like a poster girl for Samsung. I won't talk about them anymore. You made it clear that it isn't tolerated here.

    I'm not sure what's tolerated here, but i will speak for myself and say that i respect your opinions. But there are some samsung haters.
  • Reply 107 of 134
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    Why would a Samsung source tell the media some rumor like this? It could adversely affect any Android tablet sales and have those consumers waiting for the lower-cost mini-iPad. It wouldn't hurt current iPad sales at all, because most iPad users likely want a 9.7" display. I don't know why these sources are always letting these types of rumors slip. For the most part, I think they're practically useless rumors, though.

    I disagree. Such a rumor can cause some iPad buyers to put off making a decision until this Fall.
  • Reply 108 of 134
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I'm just tired of reading Samsung sucks on this board when that is farthest from the truth. I will defend Samsung because every product I've bought from them is not only really good but their support is bar none some of the best I've encountered in the industry.

    You are clearly incapable of understanding the substantive view that people have of Samsung in this Forum. No one here - except the Samsung shills - gives a hoot about Samsung products or their support. Heck, most people here don't even own one, I'll bet. Most here couldn't be bothered, no offense.

    The negative views of Samsung expressed have to do with views of the company, and people's belief (and that's now being tested in courts with Apple finally taking the gloves off) that Samsung has a propensity to knock off Apple's IP shamelessly and persistently.

    People here are perfectly capable of separating the company and its apparent modus operandi from its products and service.
  • Reply 109 of 134
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    In 2010 Steve Jobs stood before an audience and proclaimed that Apple saw a potential category of devices between a smartphone and laptop. This was born the iPad. Are they going to tell us now that there's a market for something between a smartphone and tablet?


    When asked about the upcoming 7" tablets during Apple's earnings call this afternoon, Jobs said "It's meaningless unless your tablet also includes sandpaper, so that the user can sand down their fingers to around one quarter of their present size." According to Jobs, tablets smaller than 10 inches just don't make sense.

    "Apple has done extensive user testing and we really understand this stuff," Jobs said. "There are clear limits on how close you can place things on a touchscreen, which is why we think 10 inches is the minimum screen size to create great tablet apps."
  • Reply 110 of 134
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Bring it on, Apple. They will sell like hot cakes. Won't be long before Apple has $150 Billion in the bank.
  • Reply 111 of 134
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post


    When asked about the upcoming 7" tablets during Apple's earnings call this afternoon, Jobs said "It's meaningless unless your tablet also includes sandpaper, so that the user can sand down their fingers to around one quarter of their present size." According to Jobs, tablets smaller than 10 inches just don't make sense.

    "Apple has done extensive user testing and we really understand this stuff," Jobs said. "There are clear limits on how close you can place things on a touchscreen, which is why we think 10 inches is the minimum screen size to create great tablet apps."

    Why does someone always bring this up every time.

    Last time I checked I didn't get any sandpaper in the box when I bought my iPhone and in case you hadn't noticed that has an even smaller screen.

    It's called marketing - you talk up your product and talk down the competition.
  • Reply 112 of 134
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    Why does someone always bring this up every time.

    Last time I checked I didn't get any sandpaper in the box when I bought my iPhone and in case you hadn't noticed that has an even smaller screen.

    It's called marketing - you talk up your product and talk down the competition.

    listen to what he said. the iPhone ISN'T an iPad. they're completely different experiences.
  • Reply 113 of 134
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Bring it on, Apple. They will sell like hot cakes. Won't be long before Apple has $150 Billion in the bank.

    There is no doubt that it will sell well. Certainly much better than the competition.

    The main issue, if it's successful - which remains an unknown, since no one seems to have any evidence of success with that form factor - is whether it will be at the expense of cannibalizing the 9.7" iPad, especially because it'll be much cheaper and people might think they're getting the real thing.
  • Reply 114 of 134
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    It's called marketing - you talk up your product and talk down the competition.

    When Apple introduced the iPad, there was no "competition" to talk to (for that matter, there may still be none now).

    If Apple thought that the 7" form factor made sense (especially since they had apparently tested it), don't you think it's likely they would have introduced it as well? Is it possible that the competition jumped into that form factor because they saw a niche that Apple had not taken yet (but didn't realize that it was something Apple had experimented with, and turned down)?
  • Reply 115 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Quit it. You're as clueless as the rest. Here's Lesson 101: "Shipped" means zilch.

    Just deal with the realization that there's a reason why no one - other than Apple - reports sales. It's because they don't want to.

    You Android apologists can wallow your self-made reality all you want, but the real world is what it is. Most of the rest of us prefer to live in in the latter.

    PS: Btw, don't waste your time coming up with more links. You won't find what you're looking for.

    Either will you. Samsung, Motorola, Asus, Acer, Toshiba, HTC, Arhos, etc.

    They all make good products, not all them but some. Sure you might not like Android 3.2 or 4.03 but a lot of us do. I can do things with Android that just aren't possible with iOS. In fact if I had all the apps that were available for the iPad on a Android 4.03 device I would never even consider Apple.

    I love Apple products been using them since Apple II. Their iOS though is designed for one thing to sell content threw iTunes. The lack of a miniSD card, proper File Manager or the ability to be mounted as a drive in OSX or Windows is proof of that fact. In fact Apple makes it down right miserable to get foreign content not purchased threw their channels on the iPad. That's fine if your into their content but I'm not.

    Android 4.03 is an open OS that gives me the power and freedom to do what I want on my device. Sure it might not be as pretty as iOS but it can defiantly run cirlcles around iOS when it comes to OS features. There is nothing in OS that I can't do in Android. There are many features however that are missing from iOS that I can do in Android.

    I own a iPad 2 and just ordered a iPad 3, oh excuse me a iPad because I absolutely love the music creation apps that I can have on that platform. I will always have a iPad in my life if the app situation continues. However my Asus Slider and now my new Samsung 7.7 are my true loves. Multimedia capabilities alone put the iPad in the dunce corner. Upon opening up my Samsung I was not only able to play every codec available but stream my media to my TV wirelessly. I was able to connect an external drive to it and started playing movies starting with A section. I could never imagine doing that with an iPad.

    Again though I could never imagine doing half the things the music apps I have for the iPad can do on any Android device. So for the time being I love both platfoms. Man those music apps are awsome.
  • Reply 116 of 134
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    There is no doubt that it will sell well. Certainly much better than the competition.

    The main issue, if it's successful - which remains an unknown, since no one seems to have any evidence of success with that form factor - is whether it will be at the expense of cannibalizing the 9.7" iPad, especially because it'll be much cheaper and people might think they're getting the real thing.

    Sure, there will be cannibalization. But it won't be at the expense of Apple. Because when someone's in the market for a 7" tablet, they will pick iPad and when they are in the market for a larger canvass, they will still pick iPad. If Apple can reach the $199 price point, it's lights out for the competition.
  • Reply 117 of 134
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    However my Asus Slider and now my new Samsung 7.7 are my true loves. Multimedia capabilities alone put the iPad in the dunce corner. Upon opening up my Samsung I was not only able to play every codec available but stream my media to my TV wirelessly. I was able to connect an external drive to it and started playing movies starting with A section. I could never imagine doing that with an iPad.

    Gosh. At this point we're just going around in circles, aren't we?

    If you think the above is true, please tell us: why are Android tablets the ones in the real-world "dunce corner", while the iPad repeatedly keeps breaking sales records, befuddling all expectations and attempts to belittle it?

    Why are you people unable to respond to this simple question!?

    Is there any chance that it's because 55 million people are stupid, and you are smart? /s
  • Reply 118 of 134
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Gosh. At this point we're just going around in circles, aren't we?

    If you think the above is true, please tell us: why are Android tablets the ones in the real-world "dunce corner", while the iPad repeatedly keeps breaking sales records, befuddling all expectations and attempts to belittle it?

    Why are you people unable to respond to this simple question!?

    Is there any chance that it's because 55 million people are stupid, and you are smart? /s

    I'm surprised you continue to read his posts. Just skip past them like I do.
  • Reply 119 of 134
    mikeb85mikeb85 Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    Samsung Electronics recently spun-off its display division. So Apple isn't doing business with Samsung Electronics anymore.

    They spun off their LCD display division. They're going to concentrate on OLED displays.
  • Reply 120 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    I'm surprised you continue to read his posts. Just skip past them like I do.

    Normaly I do but I'm in the hospital and I can't sleep. I'm going under the knife tomorrow to remove a tumor and arguing with someone makes me feel better at the moment. I guess I'm scared.
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