Apple's iPhone now the 'digital camera of choice' among consumers



  • Reply 41 of 69
    2oh12oh1 Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Secular Investor View Post

    the 4S is a quantum leap better. Absolutely awesome and better than even professional Nikons of just a few years ago!

    No offense, but no. It's ridiculous to even suggest it. In fact, the fact that you say "professional" shows you don't know what you're talking about. Pro Nikons are full frame and require lenses that can support full frame (fx). The (wink) "professional" Nikons you're probably thinking of are entry level cropped sensor (dx) consumer DSLRs like the D40/D50/D60. Speaking as a guy who owned a D50 (which dates back to 2005, those images blow away what an iPhone 4S can do.

    That's not a slam on the iPhone. iPhones are amazing cameras considering the limitations based on lens and sensor sizes... but to suggest a tiny camera in a phone is better than a pro Nikon from just a few years ago is ridiculous to the point of being laughable.
  • Reply 42 of 69
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    C'mon. The 4S might have a decent camera for a cellphone, but I have never heard that it is anywhere NEAR "better than even professional Nikons of just a few years ago" overall.

    Are you picking some obscure spec? Where did you hear anything like what you said?

    I well remember how just a few years ago 6 megapixel cameras were considered almost "Professional". The iPhone 4S has almost double that, well within the Professional definition of just a few years ago. These professional cameras did have much better lenses, but were/are far more unwieldy. As has often been said, the best camera is the one you have at that moment.

    I can't think of any Video camera which comes close to the 4S definition - even professional HD Cameras would struggle. Do you know of any except perhaps than professional standard video cameras costing thousands of dollars? But again they are far more bulky and heavy.

    As for tablets or even HD TV screens, none are in the same ball park as the new iPad's 3 million pixels. An HD TV has only 2 million!. Android tablets? Probably less than a million or even less!

    I repeat, there is NOTHING to compare with the COMBINATION of the 4S and new iPad, whether as still or video individually, but especially as a combination still/video camera and viewer!

    If you can name a higher quality combination, please do so!
  • Reply 43 of 69
    cpr1cpr1 Posts: 41member
    Originally Posted by Secular Investor View Post

    I well remember how just a few years ago 6 megapixel cameras were considered almost "Professional". The iPhone 4S has almost double that, well within the Professional definition of just a few years ago. These professional cameras did have much better lenses, but were/are far more unwieldy. As has often been said, the best camera is the one you have at that moment.

    I can't think of any Video camera which comes close to the 4S definition - even professional HD Cameras would struggle. Do you know of any except perhaps than professional standard video cameras costing thousands of dollars? But again they are far more bulky and heavy.

    As for tablets or even HD TV screens, none are in the same ball park as the new iPad's 3 million pixels. An HD TV has only 2 million!. Android tablets? Probably less than a million or even less!

    I repeat, there is NOTHING to compare with the COMBINATION of the 4S and new iPad, whether as still or video individually, but especially as a combination still/video camera and viewer!

    If you can name a higher quality combination, please do so!

    Professional cameras have never been defined by the number of pixels. And professional HD cameras do not "struggle" to come close to the 4S definition. If you want to compare the 4S to other smartphones or consumer equipment, fine.
  • Reply 44 of 69
    2oh12oh1 Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Secular Investor View Post

    I may qualify as close to being the world's worst photographer ... However, the 4S is a quantum leap better. Absolutely awesome and better than even professional Nikons of just a few years ago!

    Yup. You probably do qualify as close to being the world's worst photographer. Perhaps part of the problem is that you don't understand the tools you're using. If you did, you'd get much better pictures.

    Don't get me wrong... I own a $1400 DSLR body and have multiple lenses/filters/etc for it. I love my DSLR! But I still shoot with my iPhone sometimes, and love it as well. They say that the best camera is the one you have with you (meaning, no matter how amazing your full frame kit is, it won't do any good if it's sitting in your camera bag at home). That's the iPhone's true strength. It's a really good camera and it's always with you. I've gotten plenty of shots I would have otherwise missed because I didn't take my DSLR out that day. But, again, the iPhone is no DSLR.

    The more you learn the true capabilities of your gear, the better photographer you'll be. Photography is art, so you've either got the eye or you don't... but along with having the eye for it, you need to understand your gear (and light, of course). I strongly suspect that you don't.
  • Reply 45 of 69
    2oh12oh1 Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Secular Investor View Post

    I well remember how just a few years ago 6 megapixel cameras were considered almost "Professional".

    No, they weren't. I get that you're an enthusiast, but you simply have no idea what you're talking about.

    The Nikon D50 was a 6 megapixel DSLR from 2005. If you wanted that body with a decent lens back then, you were spending over $1,000. Nobody in their right mind thought that was even close to being a pro body. A Nikon D50 with a prime lens would still outperform an iPhone today. Again, that's not a slam on the iPhone. It's a reality of lens size and sensor size. iPhones are absolutely awesome for what they are and can do... but to compare them to (wink) professional Nikons from just a few years ago is silly.
  • Reply 46 of 69
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    Android users most likely use Google's Picasa. If iPhone was a camera of choice there, it would mean something. Although I do not have the stats.

    Exactly. This whole thread is a little too self-stroking. Actually I'd like to know what the consumer's 'digital camera of choice' really is.
  • Reply 47 of 69
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    Originally Posted by Secular Investor View Post

    I can't think of any Video camera which comes close to the 4S definition - even professional HD Cameras would struggle. Do you know of any except perhaps than professional standard video cameras costing thousands of dollars? But again they are far more bulky and heavy.

    I have a Sony video camcorder from 4 years ago that takes better pictures than my 4S and in 16x9 mode. But I agree it's too bulky to use all the time . BTW, it cost me $650.
  • Reply 48 of 69
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post

    Great, iOS not only dumbing down Apple now it can do the same to Photography in general

    This is as sad as crayons becoming the tool of choice for drawing - And they say iOS is not for the lowest common denominator.

    What an idiotic post. The quality of the 4S camera on average rivals most compact cameras. What's your point? DO you think if these people weren't taking photos with their iPhones, they would be using SLRs that cost thousands of dollars instead? Nothing is being 'dumbed down'. You're one of these angry elitists that gets raged whenever anything becomes accessible to more people. Nothing is going to happen to photography, and I don't see how the fuck you can fault Apple for putting an emphasis on photography and including some of the best photo experience in their phones. You won't see National Geographic photographers using iPhones as their main camera anytime soon, so chill the fuck out. The people who are satisfied with using an iPhone would not be getting photos with an SLR anyway.

    Anyway, just perused your post history and it seems you're nothing but a damn troll, with 100% of your posts being negative about Apple, and containing the words 'dumbing down'. What a fucking broken record. iOS didn't rape your dog. [insult removed]. You seem to want Apple to focus solely on the professional market, an absolutely idiotic strategy, which is why you're so butthurt with their consumer success. Just switch another platform if you're so offended and enraged and spare yourself the pain, and us your incessant whining. iOS is the most successful platform of the last few years, it isn't going anywhere, and is clearly the future of Apple's consumer platform. They've sold more iOS products in a YEAR than they have Macs in the entire history of the company. The battleground is in mobile. If you're not cool with that, just jump ship now. Maybe you can switch to Windows 8, I heard they're slapping a tablet interface with massive tiles on the desktop, maybe that's more towards your 'anti-dumbing down' philosophy? As for OSX, I use it on a daily basis for professional work, and nothing has been made worse by newer version- Lion is the most powerful version yet, and Mountain Lion won't change that. Apple is selling more Macs than it ever has before. Enough with your concern trolling, Apple is looking towards the future and is making hundreds of millions of people happy with their products, and couldn't care less about [insult removed] like you who want the 'good old days' back so that you feel special.
  • Reply 49 of 69
    rabbit_coachrabbit_coach Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    What an idiotic post. ....... !

    Sometimes there is nothing but a good lengthy rant. Thanks for your post! I feel better now.

    Whatever Apple does, some nerds will always be there to complain.
  • Reply 50 of 69
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    I'm certain I read at least a year ago the iPhone was already the top camera on Flickr. The best camera is the one you have with you.

    Very true, but people would have more 'real' cameras with them if the ones on the iPhone weren't good (particularly if the 4s wasn't so good - I drag the DSLR and point-and-shoot around a whole lot less now).
  • Reply 51 of 69
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post

    Great, iOS not only dumbing down Apple now it can do the same to Photography in general

    This is as sad as crayons becoming the tool of choice for drawing - And they say iOS is not for the lowest common denominator.

    Pretentious much?
  • Reply 52 of 69
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Apple is looking towards the future and is making hundreds of millions of people happy with their products...

    Apple is the 'crack' of this decade. People who don't even have jobs will do whatever they can to get an iPhone. And once they get them they stare at them and walk around tripping over curbs and walking into fountains, and texting while driving. They've become obsessed with their devices to the exclusion of nearly everything else in life. They are like the kids with video games who'd rather play a BMX game on TV than to actually go outside and ride their bikes. People used to engage others in conversation while in public. Not anymore. they just stare at their devices texting dumb LOLs and never even make eye contact with anyone else.

    Excuse me while I go check my other Apple fanatic websites.
  • Reply 53 of 69
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    I recently spent some time going through pictures I've taken over the course of my life. Without exception the pictures I get even on any of ny iPhones, including the 3GS, are far better than 99% of the photos in my album. Better even than those from my Olympus OM1, the last film camera I owned.

    We're talking SMAPSHOTS here folks, not professionally lit studio photos. Moments from our lives. Having the camera with you to get 'that photo' FAR outweighs any staged 'high quality' picture.

    It's not about pixels... It's about sharing memories.
  • Reply 54 of 69
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by mrstep View Post

    Very true, but people would have more 'real' cameras with them if the ones on the iPhone weren't good (particularly if the 4s wasn't so good - I drag the DSLR and point-and-shoot around a whole lot less now).

    No they wouldn't. They'd just bemoan having lost the opportunity to get the picture.
  • Reply 55 of 69
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I'm surprised the 4S isn't ranking higher.

    The first model was US-only, so I guess the 3G got off to a great start in 2008 worldwide, then when the 3Gs came people were probably halfway their two year contract. When that expired, everyone got the forth generation and have skipped the 4s because of that contract. This is what I hear from a lot of people here in Europe. That is also the reason I think it makes sense that the 3G is more popular than the 3Gs.

    Frankly I think these telco contracts are a total ripoff. They look like it's a cheap way in getting an iPhone, but if you calculate it you are better of getting it at full retail price and get a SIM-only 'contract' or whatever it's called in your country.

    I for one am not getting a new iPhone simply because my contract expires; I'll buy new and resell my one year old. Every year.

    So yeah, strangely, the order of 4, 4s, 3G, 3Gs makes sense to me.
  • Reply 56 of 69
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    For those whiny people whining about how the headline is "misleading", please use reading comprehension. Please. It's for the good of everyone.

    The headline is clearly paraphrasing a direct quote in the article; the quote contains the now infamous "camera of choice" line.

    Read that again: a quote. From an industry analyst.

    If you disagree, criticize him, not AI. And stop with the whining.
  • Reply 57 of 69
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    Frankly I think these telco contracts are a total ripoff. They look like it's a cheap way in getting an iPhone, but if you calculate it you are better of getting it at full retail price and get a SIM-only 'contract' or whatever it's called in your country.

    I for one am not getting a new iPhone simply because my contract expires; I'll buy new and resell my one year old. Every year.

    So yeah, strangely, the order of 4, 4s, 3G, 3Gs makes sense to me.

    That may make sense in Europe, but in the U.S., plans are the same whether you sign a contract or not. So it makes sense to get a subsidized phone.
  • Reply 58 of 69
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    I'm certain I read at least a year ago the iPhone was already the top camera on Flickr. The best camera is the one you have with you.

    Greatest photo tip?

    f8 and be there.
  • Reply 59 of 69
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    What an idiotic post...

    awesome! i feel better now, too.
  • Reply 60 of 69
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    Sadly, yes.

    Apple and its customers would be better off with a camera that has better low light sensitivity rather than more pixels. A smartphone camera module really won't benefit much from a 12MP sensor. The resolving power of a lens of this size is pretty much maxxed out.

    Cameras in general are going this route. Going forward for the moment, higher dynamic range and better signal to noise ratio would bring a lot more improvement than simply adding more pixels. With the currently available digital backs and some of the high end dslrs, you've got more than enough detail for even storefront advertisements, yet it's still nice to see captures without a lot of noise or an overly processed look from its removal. Even Canon is starting to go this route. It surprised me slightly given the numbers posted by Nikon. For some reason I thought the D3s was a bit higher. I just looked it up. The files are beautiful anyway.
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