LCD iMac "Confirmation"



  • Reply 61 of 93
    Those are very realistic specs, Applenut. However, I think if they do get a G4, it will be faster than 733 MHz. Usually the iMac tops out around the low end of the powermac line. So I'd guess that the iMac will be closer to 1 GHz, because the new low end powermac will be at least 867 MHz, probably more. However the 133 MHz bus is probably exactly what the iMac will have.

    Also, based on rumor, Steve Jobs reportedly said that Apple will throw some sort of GHz party for it's employees since all desktops are going to be 1 GHz or more. I forget where I read that so I don't have a link. I know it's probably BS, but it sounds good!

    What keeps me wondering is that the original iMac had specs that were very close to the B&W fact the iMac had the same G3 processor back when the G3 was a new chip. So it seems odd that Apple would release a G3 iMac now, with the G4 being towards the end of it's development cycle. The i
  • Reply 62 of 93
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I think if Apple decides to throw in a G4 (based on what they do with their professional line), they're bound to use a 933 MHZ processor.
  • Reply 63 of 93
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    What happened to all the "Gigahertz coming out party" ? I think the iMac will be as close to 1ghz as possible.
  • Reply 64 of 93
    tarbashtarbash Posts: 278member
    LOL, great comment about AI, JD.

    When AI said the iMacs were going to get G4s, they got G3s, so now since they're saying the iMac is gonna get a G3, it'll probably get an Apollo G4.

    I would guess around 867 MHz, or if Jobs' quote is correct, 1 GHz, with SuperDrive on the $1499 model. This would kick some major ass.
  • Reply 65 of 93
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by JRC:

    <strong>I'd like a SMALLER LCD screen. Small footprint. Put in more places than an iMac of today.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    buy an iBook.

    no one else wants what you want
  • Reply 66 of 93
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    It wouldn't even have to house the electronics in a 'base', they could be on a 'back' that encloses the rear of the machine. We're only talking about 2 extra inches of bezel around the screen. They make both enclosures exactly the same size, the 15.1" just has a 1" thicker border all the way around the front bezel. Easy. Everything is exactly the same for most of the case, they just snap a different bezel/screen combo on th efront.
  • Reply 67 of 93
    [quote] It wouldn't even have to house the electronics in a 'base', they could be on a 'back' that encloses the rear of the machine. We're only talking about 2 extra inches of bezel around the screen. They make both enclosures exactly the same size, the 15.1" just has a 1" thicker border all the way around the front bezel. Easy. Everything is exactly the same for most of the case, they just snap a different bezel/screen combo on th efront.<hr></blockquote>

    Matsu, I bet that would work fine, too. Plus it would serve as a nice reminder to all the 15" iMac owners that a 17" version is available if they can pony up the cash As long as it's easy to manufacture, then Apple doesn't have to invest much in having different display sizes--with the added bonus that Apple could discontinue a size very quickly and without much cost in the event that one of the sizes is selling poorly.

    I do think that if the display was modular, it would present fewer problems with inventory and such. But if the new macs are just a thick LCD enclosure, then
  • Reply 68 of 93
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:

    <strong>my guesses on specs

    733 Mhz G4

    133 Mhz Bus

    4X AGP with nVidia geforce 2 MX 16 MB

    256 MB RAM

    60GB HD

    15.1 inch LCD (1024 x 768)

    Combo slot loading drive


    $1499 model has Superdrive</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sounds good. Maybe a little faster G4 though.
  • Reply 69 of 93
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    yea, the G4 could be faster.

    I but I'd rather predict low and get high than predict high and get low
  • Reply 70 of 93
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    These all sound great, but I don't know. I think we're hoping unrealistically for stuff that ain't gonna all happen and then we're going to be pissed, come MWSF.

    I can definitely see an LCD iMac. I can see a very high MHz G3 iMac. I can see a Combo Drive-equipped new iMac (gee, about ****ing time...) and I can CERTAINLY see a more substantial, up-to-date video card.

    But the high-ass G4 talk (800MHz-plus? Are you kidding me?) AND a SuperDrive?

    THIS January's MWSF? The one in about 30 days?

    But, like 'nut said, better to expect low and get high, so...

    I'll be completely shocked (albeit pleasantly so) if this new iMac gets a G4. And I'll eat an elephant turd if it gets the G4 AND a SuperDrive.

    (P.S. - Just kidding about that whole elephant thing...)
  • Reply 71 of 93
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I think that if Apple charged what they should for the Superdrive right now then it would definately be possibl to have it in an iMac.
  • Reply 72 of 93
    rbaldrbald Posts: 108member
    What apple should do is drop the imac altogether! The line is played out! It dosen't sell anymore! Why beat a dead horse? An LCD imac is not going to be a big deal! Apples problem is that they can't expand beyond their user base. Not wasteing money on a new imac model right now would be a good idea! Remember the cube! An LCD imac would go the way of the cube! Put money into advertiseing and try to expand beyond their pathetic 3% market share! <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: rbald ]</p>
  • Reply 73 of 93
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by rbald:

    <strong>What apple should do is drop the imac altogether! The line is played out! It dosen't sell anymore! Why beat a dead horse? An LCD imac is not going to be a big deal! Apples problem is that they can't expand beyond their user base. Not wasteing money on a new imac model right now would be a good idea! Remember the cube! An LCD imac would go the way of the cube! Put money into advertiseing and try to expand beyond their pathetic 3% market share! <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: rbald ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't agree at all. I think a new iMac would be great for Apple, as long as it has decent/good specs and a good price. The iMac converted many PC users back in '98 and '99, why won't a totally new iMac do it again?
  • Reply 74 of 93
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    I've been saying all along (for a good two years now...check the archives) that if Apple EVER gets around to addressing the shortcomings of the iMac and does so in a striking, well-designed way, then it will indeed be 1999-2000 all over again.

    1. The 15" LCD (or even a 17" CRT) with a native resolution of 1024x768 is essential. The 15" CRT and the whole 800x600 thing was long in the tooth 1-2 years, it's positively a deal-killer for many.

    I personally know six people who WON'T buy an iMac right now because of this one issue alone.

    2. Then there's the video card thing. Gotta be something that can handle the games well. Personally, I don't give two damns about gaming, but tons of other people do and they're being left out of the party. Since most of them aren't going to opt for a high-end G4 AND a monitor, just for gaming, they're not even considering a Mac and are going to PCs or actual gaming consoles.

    3. The combo drive is such a cool thing and hangs together with the whole "clean and simple" vibe of the iMac. One drive, many uses. I'm going to be completely pissed off if the DVD/CD-R combo drive is NOT on this new iMac, at least as an option.

    4. Whether it comes with a G3 or G4 probably, in all honesty, doesn't matter THAT much to the iMac's target audience (although for guys like me who ARE doing more on an iMac than surfing and e-mail, I certainly wouldn't squawk at a G4-based all-in-one), but it just has to be speedy and powerful enough to look good and do the job.

    I guess, if going by past history, the new iMac might have an 800MHz G3 (they seem to be bumping them up 100MHz at a time with each revision). But who knows...a big surprise jump of 200MHz-plus might be in the wings, to finally get to that elusive and oh-so-important GHz barrier.

    5. The pricing. The iMac, in its current form and specs, is horribly overpriced, in my opinion. I don't blame people for looking at it and its specs (MHz, screen size, video card, etc.) and then looking at a PC in the same price range and seeing HOW MUCH MORE they're getting!

    THAT'S the thing Apple has to address and fight. If Apple, by opening up all these retail stores and so forth, is truly wanting to expand their marketshare and all, they can't always be the exclusive, nichey "boutique" computer.

    Something is going to have to give somewhere because most people who AREN'T diehard Mac users and Apple loyalists are NOT going to consider things like the OS (X or otherwise), ease-of-use, cool stuff like iTunes and all. Instead, they look at the MHz (they shouldn't , but we all know they do), screen size, etc. to make their decisions.

    And in this arena, Apple is getting trampled.

    Like I said, I know several people who feel as though the iMac in its current state is a piss-poor value and too underpowered and small (screen wise) for the money.

    I've convinced a couple of them (who weren't in a "gotta have something now" hurry) to wait a bit and see if this much-rumored new iMac DOES make its debut within the next 1-2 months.

    Hopefully, they'll be rewarded with their patience and feel better about sinking $1299 or so into an iMac that justifies the price...because right now, they don't.

    [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: pscates ]</p>
  • Reply 75 of 93
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Great post, pscates. I think that finally Apple will be addressing those issues and the iMac will actually sell good again.
  • Reply 76 of 93
    I totally agree Eman. I think we'll see a huge success, like the iBook back in May.
  • Reply 77 of 93
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    [QB]This is unlikely, but here is the iMac I want to see:

    Give all of the iMacs lots of RAM:

    Low end 999 iMac: 128 MB RAM

    All others: 256 MB RAM.

    Uh...this is the amount of RAM that *current* iMacs have. I doubt Apple will do it, but we ought to see double these.
  • Reply 78 of 93
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by grombat:

    <strong>[QUOTE]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    [QB]This is unlikely, but here is the iMac I want to see:

    Give all of the iMacs lots of RAM:

    Low end 999 iMac: 128 MB RAM

    All others: 256 MB RAM.

    Uh...this is the amount of RAM that *current* iMacs have. I doubt Apple will do it, but we ought to see double these.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I also doubt it. It'd be so un-Apple like to give us more RAM.
  • Reply 79 of 93
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Ok, wasn't the Apollo rumored to be for the portables? Why, because of it's size and heat dissipation as well as speed?

    Question- Wouldn't that be the perfect chip for a new iMac?
  • Reply 80 of 93
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>Question- Wouldn't that be the perfect chip for a new iMac?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, it would. That's why if the iMac goes G4 it'll use them.
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