Apple to kick off 2012 Worldwide Developers Conference on June 11

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple on Wednesday announced that its annual Worldwide Developers Conference will run June 11 through 15 at Moscone West in San Francisco, Calif., and tickets to the conference are now on sale.

Apple has promised that this year's WWDC will show developers "the future of iOS and OS X, allowing them to build incredible new apps." The five-day conference will also feature more than 100 technical sessions presented by Apple engineers.

"We have a great WWDC planned this year and can?t wait to share the latest news about iOS and OS X Mountain Lion with developers," said Philip Schiller, Apple?s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. "The iOS platform has created an entirely new industry with fantastic opportunities for developers across the country and around the world."

The conference will also feature the Apple Design Awards, which showcases the most outstanding applications created for Apple's iOS and OS X platforms in the last year.

WWDC 2012 will allow developers to explore the latest innovations, features and capabilities of iOS and OS X Mountain Lion. Apple has promised that developers will learn how to "greatly enhance the functionality, performance, quality and design of their apps."

Developers can also bring their code to the labs for the conference to work directly with Apple engineers, who can apply their development techniques and best-practices to help enhance the software.


Activities at this year's show highlighted by Apple are:
  • more than 100 technical sessions presented by Apple engineers on a wide range of technology-specific topics for developing, deploying and integrating the latest iOS and OS X technologies;
  • 100 hands-on labs staffed by more than 1,000 Apple engineers providing developers with code-level assistance, insight into optimal development techniques and guidance on how they can make the most of iOS and OS X technologies in their apps;
  • the opportunity to connect with thousands of fellow iOS and OS X developers from around the world?last year more than 60 countries were represented;
  • engaging and inspirational lunchtime sessions with leading minds and influencers from the worlds of technology, science and entertainment; and
  • Apple Design Awards which recognize iPhone, iPad and Mac apps that demonstrate technical excellence, innovation and outstanding design.
Tickets for this year's WWDC can be purchased from the official website, at Updates and information will also be provided there.


  • Reply 1 of 70
    smiles77smiles77 Posts: 668member

    Very excited to see what iOS 6 brings in, as well as to get my hands on a completed build of Mountain Lion.


    Btw, any speculation on the invitation? I hate the color scheme, but I can't think of it showing significance beyond apps...

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  • Reply 2 of 70
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    Hell yeah. iOS 6.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 70
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member
    smiles77 wrote: »
    <p> Very excited to see what iOS 6 brings in, as well as to get my hands on a completed build of Mountain Lion.</p><p>  </p><p> Btw, any speculation on the invitation? I hate the color scheme, but I can't think of it showing significance beyond apps...</p>

    Oppenheimer mentioned on the conference call yesterday that mountain lion will be available late summer. Late summer is not June.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Smiles77 View Post

    Btw, any speculation on the invitation? I hate the color scheme, but I can't think of it showing significance beyond apps...


    Mountain Lion is going to get a completely new UI, and it's covered in DIAMOND tiles, just like those.


    Microsoft can't sue, see, because their tiles are squares.

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  • Reply 5 of 70

    Let the speculation begin.....


    Will they or won't they announce.....?


    iOS 6

    iPhone 5

    new iPod touch with bigger screen, or iPad mini



    MacBook Pros Airs.....


    It's going to be fun.


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  • Reply 6 of 70
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member



    Originally Posted by AppleGreen View Post

    Let the speculation begin.....


    Will they or won't they announce.....?


    iOS 6

    iPhone 5

    new iPod touch with bigger screen, or iPad mini



    MacBook Pros Airs.....


    It's going to be fun.



    iOS 6?  Yes.  

    The new iPhone?  No.

    I am not interested in the rest.

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  • Reply 7 of 70

    One observation, one inquiry.


    First - Apple sure is bringing the colors back into its logo/branding, huh?  We saw the color splashes after the announcement of the New iPad, and now the WWDC invite continues that.


    Second - With the WWDC a month away, do we think APPL will use this opportunity to release the new MBPs and/or Airs, or will they announce them before hand?





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  • Reply 8 of 70
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Cool logo.
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  • Reply 9 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by AppleGreen View Post

    iOS 6

    iPhone 5

    new iPod touch with bigger screen, or iPad mini



    MacBook Pros Airs.....


    1. Yep.

    2. rumblerumblerumblerumblerumblerumblerumblerumblerumblerumblerumblerumbleRUMBLERUMBLERUMBLERUMBLE

      3. No.  

    4. … 

    5. They'll have been out for about a month.

    6. Same with these, unless the Air chips take longer, then both might come out the week before WWDC.



    Originally Posted by ttollerton View Post

    First - Apple sure is bringing the colors back into its logo/branding, huh?


    Not really. They're not going back to stripes any time soon. I rather like the single color, minimalistic design.



    Second - With the WWDC a month away, do we think APPL will use this opportunity to release the new MBPs and/or Airs, or will they announce them before hand?


    I can't believe they'd wait, given that the iMac should easily be out by then and the MacBook Pro chips will have been out for over a month. We haven't had new hardware at WWDC for six years, so I can't imagine there being a reason for it. Except the Mac Pro, of course. It should show up at WWDC.

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  • Reply 10 of 70
    hittrj01hittrj01 Posts: 753member

    iOS 6? Definitely

    new iPhone? no

    iPod of any kind? no

    iPanel? no

    iMac? no

    any new hardware? no


    This will be about delivering the GM seed for Mountain Lion and the first developer preview of iOS6, nothing more.

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  • Reply 11 of 70
    s4mb4s4mb4 Posts: 267member

    i wonder if IOS 6 will finally kill off the iPhone 3GS.

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  • Reply 12 of 70



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    I can't believe they'd wait, given that the iMac should easily be out by then and the MacBook Pro chips will have been out for over a month. We haven't had new hardware at WWDC for six years, so I can't imagine there being a reason for it. Except the Mac Pro, of course. It should show up at WWDC.


    The fact there hasn't been new hardware at WWDC in six years is probably the most telling indicator about not seeing new iMacs or MBPs at the event.  I didn't realize that.  Thank you.  Hopefully that means new hard is on the horizon very soon.  I've got my MBP's original HD reimaged with a clean version of OS X and ready to sell as soon as the new ones are evident!




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  • Reply 13 of 70
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    We haven't had new hardware at WWDC for six years, so I can't imagine there being a reason for it. Except the Mac Pro, of course. It should show up at WWDC.


    My fingers are crossed.

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  • Reply 14 of 70
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    I got my ticket. Anyone else going?

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  • Reply 15 of 70



    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    I got my ticket. Anyone else going?


     Pppfffffffffffffff.  Actually GO to the WWDC?  Who does that?  I just like to know that its happening and that new cool stuff is coming out!!


    ;)  J/k.  Thanks to you and all the other talented developers who help make Apple's stuff so cool!

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  • Reply 16 of 70

    Trying to figure out if I can afford to - how much do typical accommodations run?

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  • Reply 17 of 70
    ghostface147ghostface147 Posts: 1,629member



    Originally Posted by slinberg View Post

    Trying to figure out if I can afford to - how much do typical accommodations run?


    Tickets are sold out itself, but I am sure you can pitch a tent in the park.

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  • Reply 18 of 70



    Originally Posted by s4mb4 View Post

    i wonder if IOS 6 will finally kill off the iPhone 3GS.


    It's an excellent question. No doubt the hardware is getting long in the tooth, but considering AT&T and Apple are still selling new with contract, it's hard to imagine it wouldn't be supported.

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  • Reply 19 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Tickets are sold out itself, but I am sure you can pitch a tent in the park.


    Just claim you're a 99 percenter and they'll let you off. Probably free food, even.



    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    It's an excellent question. No doubt the hardware is getting long in the tooth, but considering AT&T and Apple are still selling new with contract, it's hard to imagine it wouldn't be supported.


    When it's discontinued in October, future iOS updates won't be given to it. And since iOS 6 will be out in October, it's not getting iOS 6. 

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  • Reply 20 of 70
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,251member

    With that banner, the Mac Pro is dead.

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