Samsung pegged as top mobile, smartphone vendor in March quarter



  • Reply 41 of 45
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member



    Originally Posted by Jack99 View Post


    Gotta love the bitterness and the denial that's oozing out around here.



    Like it or not, people are buying these phones. You guys can keep on bleating the same tired, old "Shipped vs sold" talking point. It still doesn't stop the rally we've seen Samsung making even during the recession. You guys will probably still be rehashing that line during q2, q3, and q4 of 2012 and on as Samsung's fortunes continue to rise. 



    Let's try to have some logic in the way we approach this issue. Samsung can't "pad" retain channels by (somehow) forcing retail stores to just buy their phones several consecutive years. Never mind there's no "force" involved! Retail stores will only accept phones they expect to sell. Judging from the number of years they've been selling dumbphones and smartphones worldwide and garnering market share, I'd say those B&M stores have had high expectations of selling those phones, and they're repeat customers.



    You don't need to be an MBA to figure this out. 


    Agree, by and large.


    Apple supporters do not need to be defensive. Samsung apologists need not brag (or be defensive).



    No one gains anything from finding the right optics to look at any spreadsheet just so they can say their favorite is atop the heap. But everyone benefits from a healthy competition.


    Let Apple, Samsung go at it.  Hopefully, Moto, RIM and Nokia will all rediscover their stride too.


    That's a winning scenario for all of us.


  • Reply 42 of 45
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member



    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post



    Apple is not like BMW.



    Apple is like Ferrari.


    Both analogies are wrong.  But does it matter?

  • Reply 43 of 45
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member



    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post



    Agree, by and large.


    Apple supporters do not need to be defensive. Samsung apologists need not brag (or be defensive).



    No one gains anything from finding the right optics to look at any spreadsheet just so they can say their favorite is atop the heap. But everyone benefits from a healthy competition.


    Let Apple, Samsung go at it.  Hopefully, Moto, RIM and Nokia will all rediscover their stride too.


    That's a winning scenario for all of us.



    Yay the first rational thought that I've seen on this thread. We need more company's to do well, a lot more. Apple as much as we love them shouldn't have that much market share, no one ever should creativity always suffers. The company with the monopoly starts to get lazy and the underdogs start to make cheaper products just to gain whatever shares they can get a hold of. We need more competition so company's bring it all to the table when they release a new product. I love that Samsung released a crazy phone like the Note and are giving all that they have in the up coming SGIII. I love that HTC is now getting that design and function can coexist in one piece of tech, they're going to kick butt with the One series. Nokia, time to make Windows phone a secondary product sorry it's not working out, please bring back Meego, it's a great OS and it needs to be developed. Maybe consider joining forces with Samsung to develop that Bada-Titzen-Meego OS their coming out with, that would be great, maybe even beating Android someday. Mozilla, just counting the days till I get to play with your OS, a Linux kernel with a complete HTML5 desktop manager, where do I sign up.


    Exciting times people.....

  • Reply 44 of 45
    majjomajjo Posts: 574member



    Originally Posted by Baka-Dubbs View Post



    Apparently you are not a car guy, or you would realize the BMW is without a doubt the best comparison.  Suberb engineering, incredible attention to detail, highly refined and great performance are all thoughts that come to mind when I think of BMW and Apple.  Ferrari I think more insane performance, but not reliable, not practicle and not affordable.  Apple, like BMW, is on the high end of the(relatively) affordable spectrum, with products that can range into the stratosphere.  Ferrari, not so much.


    Actually, I think Lexus is the best comparison to Apple.

    Reliable, practical, economical, high quality, easy to use / drive, high consumer satisfaction, less emphasis on the horsepower "spec" war, and meant to appeal to the non "techie" or "car guy."


    Android is probably more like a Porsche--

    Much more emphasis on power and the "spec" war, harder to use / drive, worst fuel economy, and no where near as reliable or practical.

  • Reply 45 of 45
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member



    Originally Posted by majjo View Post



    Actually, I think Lexus is the best comparison to Apple.

    Reliable, practical, economical, high quality, easy to use / drive, high consumer satisfaction, less emphasis on the horsepower "spec" war, and meant to appeal to the non "techie" or "car guy."


    Android is probably more like a Porsche--

    Much more emphasis on power and the "spec" war, harder to use / drive, worst fuel economy, and no where near as reliable or practical.


    I'll go along with the Lexus/Apple comparison but if Android was like Porsche we'd be seeing way more of them on the road. No, I think Android is like an SUV. Big, lots of horsepower, not very efficient, but capable of anything (ie file system, open software, SD card etc.) but not very easy to park (doesn't fit in your pocket)

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