iOS Google+ app gets major overhaul



  • Reply 21 of 36
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member

    Note that a new EU "Cookie Law" goes into effect later this year. It won't be good enough for web sites to have a opt-out option any longer. Users must be given on opt-in offer, giving them a more transparent view on what they've agreed to share and what their privacy options are. 




    95% Don't Comply

    A survey from KPMG last month showed that 95 percent of major UK organisations in the public and private sectors still did not comply with the new EU cookie law. Meanwhile, mobile service providers and other companies providing geo-location services that are equally unprepared, and maybe believe they are immune, should think again.

    Last year, the Article 29 Working Party, an independent data protection body representing the EU’s data protection authorities and the European Commission, issued an opinion defining the impact on geo-location services.

    “The Article 29 Working Party clarified that consent for processing of location data must be express to be valid and cannot be obtained through implied consent to general terms and conditions alone,” warns Belinda Doshi, partner and head of the technology and privacy practice at law firm Nabarro LLP.

    “Location services should be switched off - an opt-out mechanism would not constitute an adequate mechanism to obtain informed user consent.”

  • Reply 22 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    What is Google + anyway?




    Their social networking.


    It is a Fake facebook...

  • Reply 23 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member

    For web privacy issues, cookies, and trackers plus all of googles junk check out "privacy plus" it's a very efficient free service and works on all browsers. they also have "delete me" and "google sharing" which stop a bunch of other stuff in it's tracks (pardon the pun) all free just go over there and look the place over I think you'll be surprised :-)


    I'll have to add it is so efficient it renders some sites un-usable so there is a button on the corner of your browser to turn it off for that site if you need to. this button also shows what is being blocked on each site. I was amazed at how many cookies, trackers etc. where on so many sites some have 15-20 on one site. Like I said though some sites wont work with it on; seems they have set it up where they either track you or you dont use their service... google search is one of them...

  • Reply 24 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member

    Here is what it showed right here

    Capture AI blocking.JPG

  • Reply 25 of 36
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by not1lost View Post

    Here is what it showed right here

    Capture AI blocking.JPG

    Odd that you'd be comfortable with Facebook tracking apparently. Was that an oversight or am I reading the screenshot wrong?

  • Reply 26 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Odd that you'd be comfortable with Facebook tracking apparently. Was that an oversight or am I reading the screenshot wrong?

    I'm not so much concerned about being tracked as much as what they are doing with that info. It's not up to me or you anyway, it's just what this site is allowing... the service just shows the activity on each site and what you can do or not do about it. At least you will know what is going on behind the scans. and most are blocked. that screen shot was from my firefox browser I was using because I wanted to see the video of Woz and it wouldn't play in Chrome so far in about two weeks the blocked number on Chrome is showing 4755 blocked... so it is helping block many and the others, well at least I know what is going on behind the scenes. these things are what the webmaster allows; I build websites and on my main website you can go there and there is ONE tracking cookie which I allowed for my site stats or I wouldn't be able to see where my traffic is coming from. It helps to know who your visitors are; so some of the tracking is legit.

  • Reply 27 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member

    To answer your question about facebook here on this site; it's one of those cases where if I dont want facebook tracking me here then I just cant use the site.... there is nothing I can do in this case if I want to visit Apple insider. Actually it's the "Like" button they put on here and the auto-login with facebook that is doing it. I understand though that is very useful in the way the web works nowdays...

  • Reply 28 of 36
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by not1lost View Post

    To answer your question about facebook here on this site; it's one of those cases where if I dont want facebook tracking me here then I just cant use the site...


    Does it matter if you don't have a Facebook account?


    And what's that extension of yours? Seems interesting. 


    I use these five, plus AdBlock and Ghostery.


    Screen Shot 2012-05-11 at 8.14.04 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2012-05-11 at 8.14.13 PM.png

  • Reply 29 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Does it matter if you don't have a Facebook account?


    And what's that extension of yours? Seems interesting. 


    I use these five, plus AdBlock and Ghostery.


    Screen Shot 2012-05-11 at 8.14.04 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2012-05-11 at 8.14.13 PM.png


    "Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out" (TACO) it is by Abine they have a video about it here - 


    as far as facebook tracking, I'm not sure if it matters if you have an account? that is an interesting question...
  • Reply 30 of 36
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by not1lost View Post

    "Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out" (TACO) it is by Abine they have a video about it here - 


    Ah, I already had it. How nice.



    as far as facebook tracking, I'm not sure if it matters if you have an account? that is an interesting question...


    Well, if you don't have an account with them, you don't use their services, and you've no presence with them, where's the milage in them tracking what you do to serve you ads? They can't serve you ads because you're not there to serve. And they can't know about your existence at all without some way to connect you to them. Sure, they can worm their grimy little mitts into every site (like here now, apparently, for whatever reason…), but unless they're just following you from your account with them, their use of information you give to that site would be illegal.


    On that, what DOES Facebook do here, anyway? Can people post using their Facebook account or something? I didn't even know there was a Facebook button here until I saw someone complain about it. I turned off my extensions and there it was, up by the username button. 


    If they can post from Facebook, then I'm not even going to be able to see any of those posts since my extensions block that sort of thing. They can make fun of me all they want and I'll never know. image

  • Reply 31 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Ah, I already had it. How nice.



    Well, if you don't have an account with them, you don't use their services, and you've no presence with them, where's the milage in them tracking what you do to serve you ads? They can't serve you ads because you're not there to serve. And they can't know about your existence at all without some way to connect you to them. Sure, they can worm their grimy little mitts into every site (like here now, apparently, for whatever reason…), but unless they're just following you from your account with them, their use of information you give to that site would be illegal.


    On that, what DOES Facebook do here, anyway? Can people post using their Facebook account or something? I didn't even know there was a Facebook button here until I saw someone complain about it. I turned off my extensions and there it was, up by the username button. 


    If they can post from Facebook, then I'm not even going to be able to see any of those posts since my extensions block that sort of thing. They can make fun of me all they want and I'll never know. image

    Yeah, that was what I was talking about when I said it renders some sites unusable. I should have added it renders some "parts" of some sites unusable. I turn it off now and then just to see what is there then turn it back on.... That's how I knew it was here. Users like you and I with this stuff running, like you said would never know... I like to know even if I can't do anything about it but most of the time I can and do. 

    for those of you that would like to know more about the "TACO" extension here is the developers website: but really all you need to do is go to and download the whole privacy suite.


    And, Hey! that's right they could be saying all kinds of stuff about me and I wouldn't know it... LOL! I dont care


    Yep, your right about facebook, there would be no reason for them to track you if you didn't have an account...

  • Reply 32 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member

    Looks like they have pulled the video about TACO for now. Seems it is not fully functioning in the newest version of firefox "yet" that's why there were some showing in my screen shot that were not being blocked.... Although Abine's "Do not track plus" works well by itself. I have it installed on IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. you have to go to the site and install it individually on each browser. For anyone who would like to know more here is a video That Works explaining Abine's Do Not Track Plus:

  • Reply 33 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member

    Here is a YouTube video link I found that tells more about Do Not Track Plus: 



  • Reply 34 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member



  • Reply 35 of 36
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by not1lost View Post

    To answer your question about facebook here on this site; it's one of those cases where if I dont want facebook tracking me here then I just cant use the site.... there is nothing I can do in this case if I want to visit Apple insider. Actually it's the "Like" button they put on here and the auto-login with facebook that is doing it. I understand though that is very useful in the way the web works nowdays...

    No Scripts add-on with Firefox blocks Facebook AFAIK, and still lets me use AI. I'm on Chrome now or I'd confirm that, but to the best of my knowledge I've blocked nearly all scripts. A very few are needed for the site to deliver results.


    Oh, and those "Like" buttons...


  • Reply 36 of 36
    not1lostnot1lost Posts: 136member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    No Scripts add-on with Firefox blocks Facebook AFAIK, and still lets me use AI. I'm on Chrome now or I'd confirm that, but to the best of my knowledge I've blocked nearly all scripts. A very few are needed for the site to deliver results.

    Oh, and those "Like" buttons...

    Yep, your right that works, and yeah I know about those like buttons......
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