Apple's Siri tells users Nokia Lumia 900 is 'best smartphone ever'



  • Reply 21 of 77
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member

    Come on, everyone knows Siri can be sarcastic when she want to be ... 

  • Reply 22 of 77
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member

    I think it's great that Siri did this, whether "she" did this directly or through Wolfram - it demonstrates that Apple isn't manipulating the results in its favor.  

  • Reply 23 of 77
    sigma902sigma902 Posts: 18member

    Others are saying that this is not news, but I think it really is.  We are accustom to news needing to be wrongdoings.  


    Remember earlier this year Google's Chrome was getting an undue high PageRank?


    Once discovered, Google had to penalize itself after the fact.


    Based upon this story, we can see that while slightly embarrassing for Apple, the results are not being manipulated unduly.  This makes Siri's results more trustworthy.

  • Reply 24 of 77
    simsonicsimsonic Posts: 29member

    This is a total sham. Everyone I know just tried this and we all got results for places with "Ever" nearby. Hoax anyone?

  • Reply 25 of 77
    kpluckkpluck Posts: 500member


    Originally Posted by Jims1973 View Post

    That's actually not Siri's personal response... That's a response pulled from Wolfram Alpha, which is the backup resource if Siri can't find the info herself.

   understand that you are not helping right? 



  • Reply 26 of 77

    Hogwash. It's photoshop and some spare time.

  • Reply 27 of 77
    macbook promacbook pro Posts: 1,605member

    I was able to duplicate the results.

  • Reply 28 of 77

    Dear Apple Insider,


    Over the years I have come to you as a reliable source of Apple News and Information. It's been great and wonderful.


    Recently, I have witnessed a decline in both your accuracy, your reporting and the decisions that are made regarding what to report on. As it stands, other Apple sites have started to use you as the butt of some rather amusing jokes mostly revolving around the rumors you post and the excessive excitement that goes into reporting on something like a SIM card tray.


    This is just about the last straw for me. I'm about to jump ship and stick to sites that actually have relevant information and vet their rumors more thoroughly.


    Please go back to the way you were a few years ago, when I could rely on what you were reporting and you made a concerted effort to follow up on rumors before you posted anything.


    This shows a complete lack of investigative journalism and makes you no better than the National Enquirer of Apple Rumors.


    Get it together. 

  • Reply 29 of 77
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member

    Maybe, rephrase the question...


    "Siri, where can I find the best abortion, ever?"

  • Reply 30 of 77
    I too was able to duplicate the resuts as described in the article.
  • Reply 31 of 77
    boogabooga Posts: 1,082member

    Siri uses conversational context to decide how to answer.  If you've been asking about locations, Siri will put its answer in a locational context.  If you want to completely eliminate the context question for such an experiment, turn Siri off then back on before asking a question.

  • Reply 32 of 77


    Originally Posted by Simsonic View Post

    This is a total sham. Everyone I know just tried this and we all got results for places with "Ever" nearby. Hoax anyone?

    Same here

  • Reply 33 of 77
    fairthropefairthrope Posts: 249member

    Maybe inputs from outside the U.S. sways the results.


    Have to admit, iPhone 4 and 4S are not spring chicken anymore when it comes to design and hardware. She's still the one but definitely shows her crow's feet and wringles sitting next to pretty young things like Lumia 900, HTC One and whatnot. Would-be customers are straying. Shop test can still seal the deal for iPhone but how many were lost thanks to newer, shiner faces?


    Time to hit weight camp and a gallon of silicone you think?

  • Reply 34 of 77

    Really, AppleInsider? You couldn't be bothered to actually verify this before you posted a news story?


    If you ask Siri 'what is the best smartphone ever' (and that's actually pretty hard to do—I can only make it work by pronouncing smartphone, 'smartohn', or basically by dropping the 'ph' but pronouncing it the same otherwise) she goes about looking for local shops. And I doubt this is Apple changing results because if you ask, say, 'what is the best camera ever', she'll look for local shops in response to that as well. There's some small truth to it in that if you explicitly tell her to use Wolfram (as below) you will get those results. So I imagine what happened here is that someone found this out, did some Photoshopping, and here we are.


    Edit: someone below points out that in the UK, Siri doesn't check local shops, and actually does default to Wolfram, so this would be the exact result you get. If AI actually did verify this with a third party I am in the wrong.





    Fairthrope: "Have to admit, iPhone 4 and 4S are not spring chicken anymore when it comes to design and hardware."

    Newer does not equal better design; the best designs are timeless.
  • Reply 35 of 77
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member

    Heres what I got


  • Reply 36 of 77
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    It is just another lame attempt at marketing and they are using apple's popularity at getting free press to draw attention their products. It like the RIM Wake up ads. Give the Ad guy some credit since they obviously know they can not get the press themselves so ride apple free press coat tails.

  • Reply 37 of 77
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member


    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    Really, AppleInsider? You couldn't be bothered to actually verify this before you posted a news story?


    If you ask Siri 'what is the best smartphone ever' (and that's actually pretty hard to do—I can only make it work by pronouncing smartphone, 'smartohn', or basically by dropping the 'ph' but pronouncing it the same otherwise) she goes about looking for local shops. And I doubt this is Apple changing results because if you ask, say, 'what is the best camera ever', she'll look for local shops in response to that as well. There's some small truth to it in that if you explicitly tell her to use Wolfram (as below) you will get those results. So I imagine what happened here is that someone found this out, did some Photoshopping, and here we are.





    Fairthrope: "Have to admit, iPhone 4 and 4S are not spring chicken anymore when it comes to design and hardware."

    Newer does not equal better design; the best designs are timeless.

    Siri doesn't look up shops etc in the UK and the wolfram result is the exact result I got by asking "what is the best smartphone ever?"

  • Reply 38 of 77

    Ah. That would explain it, then, and in that case this would be legitimate.

  • Reply 39 of 77
    vqrovqro Posts: 66member




  • Reply 40 of 77
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Because the iPhone is in a league by itself.

    There are cell phones.
    There are smart phones.
    Then there are iPhones.
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