Next-gen iPhone design in limbo, October launch date remains likely



  • Reply 21 of 47
    fairthropefairthrope Posts: 249member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    The point of your post? Obviously noone is sure of anything, just like everything else in life, and noone can predict the future, or Apple's future. But so far, Cook has shown promise, and has performed extremely well. Obviously he's no Steve Jobs, but he never claimed he was, and will have to make due with his own qualities. 

    The point is he is not good enough. Which means he is a great and capable CEO, but doesn't have presence and gravitas Jobs as to keep all these restless, disparate geeks and engineers to pull in one direction. Without it, the team will falls apart when everyone want it their ways and no one big enough to have a final say. What Steve Jobs did at Apple was not just a CEO, he was the greatest Nerd Whisperer of our time. Just like Ceasar Milan to dogs.


    Gates, for all his fault, is a great Nerd Whisperer. Ballmer cannot keep those egotistical geeks from running in all directions and Vista was the result. They don't listen to him, thinking 'Nah, just a lapdog Bill hired. What harm could he do? I built this place alongside Bill, Steve is just a hired bean counter! He can't be bigger than me and he can't tell me what to do!'


    It took Bill's threat to leave Foundation and come back to the board to quell the mutiny and get Windows 7 out the door. And Ozzie was gone.


    Just like generals of yesteryears who had to brought the sword from the Emperor with License to Execute to keep his men in line. Only founders have the power to yell 'Knock it off!' when opinions and arguments get out of hand. Including license to perform career executions to the highest executives of the firm. They have power to pull out the gun, execute the CEO and any wrangling top brasses right there and then, and order his men to say 'Sir! Yes Sir!', fall back in line and get the project done. Toyoda Clan and Ford Clan have that power.


    Does Cook or the real man in charge has the same kind of gravitas to keep them point in one direction, put priorities straight, and keep internal rivalries in check? I don't know if he can but I have my doubts.


    Corporate politics is a curse of all large firms, and Apple is going to run into one now. Competitors may not be enough to knock Apple from the top of the hills, but internal politic intrigue can.

  • Reply 22 of 47
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Fairthrope View Post

    The point is he is not good enough. Which means he is a great and capable CEO, but doesn't have presence and gravitas Jobs as to keep all these restless, disparate geeks and engineers to pull in one direction.


    Fortunately, that's not his job. It's Forstall's.



    Does Cook or the real man in charge has the same kind of gravitas to keep them point in one direction, put priorities straight, and keep internal rivalries in check? I don't know if he can but I have my doubts.


    Corporate politics is a curse of all large firms, and Apple is going to run into one now. Competitors may not be enough to knock Apple from the top of the hills, but internal politic intrigue can.


    Left to be seen.

  • Reply 23 of 47
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Wow, was it really October 2011 when the 4S came out? It seems newer than that. I guess the iPad 3 gives away most of what it will have in terms of hardware. iOS 6 will be the source of surprises and that will probably run fine on previous gen.

  • Reply 24 of 47
    waybacmacwaybacmac Posts: 309member

    Reading this thread, two thoughts occurred to me:


    1) The talk here touches on the possibility of multiple prototypes of as new iPhone in contrast with threads I've read about the so-called iTV seem to refer to a single prototype. If I remember the Isaacson book correctly, Apple tended to try out lots of different forms and features. All the variations and contradictions in iPhone sightings would seem to confirm this. And the lack of variations and contradictions in iTV sightings leads me to disbelieve and reports of its "pending" unveiling.


    2) If a new iPhone is sufficiently wider, then it would make any discussion of compatibility problems with a smaller dock connector mute.

  • Reply 25 of 47
    waybacmacwaybacmac Posts: 309member


    Originally Posted by waybacmac View Post

    Reading this thread, two thoughts occurred to me:


    1) The talk here touches on the possibility of multiple prototypes of as new iPhone in contrast with threads I've read about the so-called iTV seem to refer to a single prototype. If I remember the Isaacson book correctly, Apple tended to try out lots of different forms and features. All the variations and contradictions in iPhone sightings would seem to confirm this. And the lack of variations and contradictions in iTV sightings leads me to disbelieve and reports of its "pending" unveiling.


    2) If a new iPhone is sufficiently wider, then it would make any discussion of compatibility problems with a smaller dock connector mute.

    Let me try that first paragraph again (my bad...long day already)


    1) The talk here touches on the possibility of multiple prototypes of a new iPhone in contrast with threads I've read about the so-called iTV that seem to refer to a single prototype. If I remember the Isaacson book correctly, Apple tended to try out lots of different forms and features. All the variations and contradictions in iPhone sightings would seem to confirm this. And the lack of variations and contradictions in iTV sightings leads me to disbelieve reports of its "pending" unveiling.

  • Reply 26 of 47


    Originally Posted by Kimk69 View Post

    Oh my god. So basically there's no info. I thought the phone was supposed to be Steve Jobs last design. This seems like crap. The way it sound, like apple's running around

    Like a chicken with its he'd cut off. Not!!!

    September now October maybe.

    Here comes the roomers. I don't know why but I do like to read some of the roomers.


    That's how rumors work. Apple might have a plan, and plans might change, but they're not going to tell you. If you follow every rumor, you don't get info--you get noise.


    BTW: Is there any good reason the "rich HTML editor" in the forums have to upend the right-click functionality normally provided by the OS?

  • Reply 27 of 47
    quantzquantz Posts: 94member

    Anyway, home button is a disaster.

    We have four iPhone 3 GS and 2 iTouch 4-th generation, and they all have home button lagging, forcing us to push several times on the button to have any reaction from the device.

    No matter how we tried, resets, reinstall, etc., nothing solved this. The iTouch are 18 month old ! image

  • Reply 28 of 47
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Quantz View Post

    Anyway, home button is a disaster.

    We have four iPhone 3 GS and 2 iTouch 4-th generation, and they all have home button lagging, forcing us to push several times on the button to have any reaction from the device.

    No matter how we tried, resets, reinstall, etc., nothing solved this. The iTouch are 18 month old ! image


    You've brought this up with Apple? What'd they say?


    Aside from the fact that you brought them two Logitech keyboards… [wink.jpg]

  • Reply 29 of 47
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Fortunately, that's not his job. It's Forstall's.
    Last time I checked Forstall is responsible for software, not hardware. Cook is CEO and from all we know very popular with Apple employees. The last thing Apple needs is one of Cook's underlings playing pretend CEO, or pretend Steve Jobs. Cook is doing just fine.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Last time I checked Forstall is responsible for software, not hardware. Cook is CEO and from all we know very popular with Apple employees. The last thing Apple needs is one of Cook's underlings playing pretend CEO, or pretend Steve Jobs. Cook is doing just fine.


    All right, then. It's Ive's job. He has the vision that Cook "doesn't". Problem solved.

  • Reply 31 of 47
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    slurpy wrote: »
    The point of your post? Obviously noone is sure of anything, just like everything else in life, and noone can predict the future, or Apple's future. But so far, Cook has shown promise, and has performed extremely well. Obviously he's no Steve Jobs, but he never claimed he was, and will have to make due with his own qualities. 
    yep. There is only one Steve Jobs. He can't be replaced. But it was his recommendation to the board that Tim Cook take over as CEO. I don't get how people can say Apple is doomed with Cook when it was Jobs who recommended Cook take over for him.
  • Reply 32 of 47
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    All right, then. It's Ive's job. He has the vision that Cook "doesn't". Problem solved.
    Well then why didn't Jobs recommend Forstall or Ive for CEO? I trust Steve knew what he was doing in recommending Cook for CEO. What evidence do we have Cook has no vision? Just because he's not the most thrilling speaker? What I like about Cook is I don't get the impression of any ego there. I get the impression he's good at managing egos and getting out of the way so his guys can do what they do best (Forstall on software, Ive & Mansfield on hardware).
  • Reply 33 of 47
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Well then why didn't Jobs recommend Forstall or Ive for CEO?


    The same reason Woz didn't want an executive position. They can do far greater things when they're actually working on them. Jonathan Ive as CEO. Ha!



    What evidence do we have Cook has no vision?


    Ask the guy that said he didn't.



    What I like about Cook is I don't get the impression of any ego there. I get the impression he's good at managing egos and getting out of the way so his guys can do what they do best (Forstall on software, Ive & Mansfield on hardware).


    Same here.

  • Reply 34 of 47
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Well then why didn't Jobs recommend Forstall or Ive for CEO? I trust Steve knew what he was doing in recommending Cook for CEO. What evidence do we have Cook has no vision? Just because he's not the most thrilling speaker? What I like about Cook is I don't get the impression of any ego there. I get the impression he's good at managing egos and getting out of the way so his guys can do what they do best (Forstall on software, Ive & Mansfield on hardware).

    Forstall will never be CEO(of apple) because he is not directly responsible for making billions of dollars for apple ( apps are written by others) but he is an awesome manager for the software side... (and is a VERY inportant role... stick to what you are good at)

    Steve Jobs had Billions of dollars...(thus he could do what ever he wanted; and he was correct also!)
    Tim Cook is/was responsible for earning 100's of BILLIONS of dollars via his COO position...
    Meaning Mr. Ive (and his team) is perfectly capable of producing new devices for Apple...
    Efficiently plotting to make Zillions of product is what Tim Cook is a genius at thus the reason he is the CEO.
  • Reply 35 of 47
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    fairthrope wrote: »
    OR, it could also hints that Apple without Steve is like Beatles without John...

    You sure that Cook and Co. can keep the team together and their egos in check without Steve put his foot down?

    He maybe a CEO, but employee is EMPLOYEE. He is not the FOUNDER. 

    There are a number of problems with the accusation that Cook is inadequate in some way. It assumes that:
    1. Cook has no experience running Apple. Are you forgetting that he ran Apple and Apple continued to do quite well during the times Jobs was inaccessible?
    2. It assumes that Jobs was some great visionary with a super-human ability to discern the 'right thing' for the company, but that he had a blind spot when it came to Cook or his successor.
    3. It fails to recognize that nothing bad has happened in the time since Jobs passed away and things seem to be going on just as normal.

    Jobs worked side-by-side with Cook for years. If you assume that Jobs knew what was best for Apple, the corollary is that Cook is the best available choice. And the available evidence backs that up.
  • Reply 36 of 47
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,445moderator
    rogifan wrote: »
    Well then why didn't Jobs recommend Forstall or Ive for CEO? I trust Steve knew what he was doing in recommending Cook for CEO.

    Jobs brought Sculley in to be CEO at one point so bad judgements can be made. Cook is not like Sculley though, he has proven himself for 12 years and was interim CEO back in 2004. I think he's the Apple employee with the most emotional control. Forstall is great but a bit like a teenager, lots of drive and energy but too excitable. Schiller is a sales guy, happy-go-lucky and not focused enough. Ive is an artist and wouldn't make decisions quickly. Out of the group, Cook is the logical choice for management.
    rogifan wrote: »
    What evidence do we have Cook has no vision? Just because he's not the most thrilling speaker? What I like about Cook is I don't get the impression of any ego there. I get the impression he's good at managing egos and getting out of the way so his guys can do what they do best (Forstall on software, Ive & Mansfield on hardware).

    Cook is an operations guy, I don't see him as a visiionary but he doesn't need to be. He's there to make sure the work of designers and artists are realised without compromise. He appears to have strong values and I don't think he would override a creative vision in the way that Rubinstein might.

    The next iPhone won't be Cook's vision, it will be Ive's.

    The good thing about making it out of aluminium is they can probably carve out 1 iPad and 4 iPhones from the same block. They'll probably want to avoid metal for the phone unless they can figure out how to make it scratch-resistant. I'd like to see it get a bigger screen but 4" at the absolute maximum. The current design has a lot going for it though - good use of space, probably easy to manufacture the two sheets of glass in volume, durable design (aside from the possibily of shattering). I'd rather not see the same design again but it doesn't seem to affect sales.
  • Reply 37 of 47

    What's this iPhone thing I keep hearing about?

  • Reply 38 of 47
    hmm888hmm888 Posts: 23member

    Huh? What source? The National Inquirer?  Oh, my bad...if something is posted on the net, it must be true!


    Any way, logic and common sense dictate that Apple is quite aware of the design of their new product design.  This is just another article which is really just a red herring to keep people guessing. In my opinion, I dont think the screen size and even design won't be much different than the size of the first iPhone 6 years ago. If Apple does go with a larger screen, which I think is huge quantum leap in assuming they will, it shall be no larger than 4 inches. This is puny in my opinon. Apple may step up their marketing and have a 3.8 inch screen which was rumoured a few years ago and call it a 4 inch screen. The size of the screen alone will cause me to skip my iPhone upgrade and I will have no choice but to go with Android. The screen size of 4 inches on my current Android device and  my 3.5 inch for my iPod Touch is completely unacceptable. It makes no difference to me if my display screen is HD or this or that. Give me a 4.6 + large screen please --and no, I dont want a tablet ;)

  • Reply 39 of 47
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Hmm888 View Post

    The size of the screen alone will cause me to skip my iPhone upgrade and I will have no choice but to go with Android.





    The screen size of 4 inches on my current Android device and  my 3.5 inch for my iPod Touch is completely unacceptable.





    Give me a 4.6 + large screen please --and no, I dont want a tablet ;)


    How is that a phone?

  • Reply 40 of 47
    hmm888hmm888 Posts: 23member

    Why? Unlike most people. I use my smartphone as a portable puter first. Viirtually every new Android device produced nowadays is 4.3 inches and higher. Samsung and HTC do see the need for larger screen.

    Have you seen the Samsung Note? That's more in line what I need. I spend very little time on my phone.  Given that most people use bluetooth headpieces, the size of the device is not terribly important as long as it stays at or near the sweetspot of 4.5 - 5 inches.


    I've been waiting two years for Apple to give us a larger screen for the iPhone. I can't wait any longer. 

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