I think "IDC" is some college drop-out's garage business. He just sends crap out like this with graphs, goofy sources and no real data to back it up... Just for kicks.
So exactly what mathematical model do you use to predict that something that has almost no traction now will manage to beat everything else out there in 5 years?
[LIST=1] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST] Let's not forget that MS has already stated that current wp7/7.5 handsets will NOT be able to upgrade to wp8, which is one reasOn wp7 isn't selling.
So exactly what mathematical model do you use to predict that something that has almost no traction now will manage to beat everything else out there in 5 years?
Wishful thinking is not math.
Heh -- yeah, I'd like to see the functional form of the regression model that concludes from Windows' plummeting sales and the soaring sales of iOS and Android that these trends will suddenly, almost magically, reverse at some point just over the horizon.
this is not possible a cheaper alternative to iphone is already there : Android.
But Microsoft is probably safe in the enterprise market. However, the way IPADs are selling Microsoft will take further hit in business in the consumer market.
It looks like the people at IDC are smoking something?
Like everyone else said, RIM will be lucky if they are still around by 2016, and same with Microsoft, they'll be lucky if they are selling at least 1 windows phone a week. They were late to the game, you snooze you lose, fair and square. Windows has always been behind, at least that is what i thought, when i got my first Laptop on Vista, i hated it from the day i got it to the day i killed it on purpose to get a Mac. I will never go back to a windows product in my life!
this is not possible a cheaper alternative to iphone is already there : Android.
But Microsoft is probably safe in the enterprise market. However, the way IPADs are selling Microsoft will take further hit in business in the consumer market.
I live in a County where we the people at the education board are Anti-Apple, and over the last few weeks they have been buying iPads THANK GOD! for the special education departments so they can learn that it is a big part and will do great things, we have windows XP desktops still.... STILL in 2012, XP and DESKTOPS and we have a few flat screen monitors, supposedly will all be flat screen monitors next year.... and we are finally getting iPads now, id say Microsoft needs to watch its back, everyone is starting to love the one they were hating on before, Apple.
Oh, and the cheaper, crappier iPhone is definitely Andriod, or if you want an iPhone wanna be, preferably something from Samsung!
IDC has absolutely no credibility. They have predicted this in the past with Symbian and also in 2010, predicated that by 2013 Windows would command the mobile platform, ahead of Apple and Android. They are obviously being 'sponsored' to make these statements.
"Market analysts at IDC estimate that the share of handsets running Microsoft's Windows Phone will grow to take nearly 20 percent of the market by 2016 at the expense of Apple's iOS and Google's Android."
oh yes........and I am going to win the lotto tomorrow too.......
when i got my first Laptop on Vista, i hated it from the day i got it to the day i killed it on purpose to get a Mac. I will never go back to a windows product in my life!
The fact that you tried Windows Vista explains all of that... though I must say (as much as I love my iPhone, Apple TV, Macbook Pro, etc etc) I far and beyond prefer Windows 7 to any windows version and in MY OPINION the OSX desktop operating system doesn't hold a candle to it, but just because I don't care for OSX right now doesn't mean I pledge to never use it again... Products change. I try to give them another chance every few years at least or keep an eye on it. Of course I may think OSX sucks but I am only a general user on it where I have used windows since version 3.1. I know every living detail of windows where I don't know the innards of OSX enough to even mention. Just saying, don't try one version of something and try to act like OSX or Apple is the only way to go for the rest of your life...
It's amazing what one can do (and the amount of bullshit one can sling) when handed the keys to all the cute little forecasting features, along with the cool 3D graphics, of Excel.
IDC predicts that in 4 years Microsoft will beat Apple by 0.2%. They do not give margin of error for their "prediction" because it is at least an order of magnitude greater than 0.2%.
But this is good enough to make headlines that Microsoft will beat Apple by 2016. This is the same tactics IDC/Microsoft used in previous "predictions". I am too lazy to dig out all of them but they will be good enough to sue IDC and everybody that publishes them
Originally Posted by asdasd
IDC were predicting Symbian to do this two years ago.
And I believe last year they said that Windows Phones would do the same thing in 2015. I wonder if next year they will say 2017
So exactly what mathematical model do you use to predict that something that has almost no traction now will manage to beat everything else out there in 5 years?
Wishful thinking is not math.
Let's not forget that MS has already stated that current wp7/7.5 handsets will NOT be able to upgrade to wp8, which is one reasOn wp7 isn't selling.
IDC should take a shot at predicting who will be making profit and how much.
Originally Posted by jakeb
So exactly what mathematical model do you use to predict that something that has almost no traction now will manage to beat everything else out there in 5 years?
Wishful thinking is not math.
Heh -- yeah, I'd like to see the functional form of the regression model that concludes from Windows' plummeting sales and the soaring sales of iOS and Android that these trends will suddenly, almost magically, reverse at some point just over the horizon.
this is not possible a cheaper alternative to iphone is already there : Android.
But Microsoft is probably safe in the enterprise market. However, the way IPADs are selling Microsoft will take further hit in business in the consumer market.
It looks like the people at IDC are smoking something?
Like everyone else said, RIM will be lucky if they are still around by 2016, and same with Microsoft, they'll be lucky if they are selling at least 1 windows phone a week. They were late to the game, you snooze you lose, fair and square. Windows has always been behind, at least that is what i thought, when i got my first Laptop on Vista, i hated it from the day i got it to the day i killed it on purpose to get a Mac. I will never go back to a windows product in my life!
Originally Posted by lala123
this is not possible a cheaper alternative to iphone is already there : Android.
But Microsoft is probably safe in the enterprise market. However, the way IPADs are selling Microsoft will take further hit in business in the consumer market.
I live in a County where we the people at the education board are Anti-Apple, and over the last few weeks they have been buying iPads THANK GOD! for the special education departments so they can learn that it is a big part and will do great things, we have windows XP desktops still.... STILL in 2012, XP and DESKTOPS and we have a few flat screen monitors, supposedly will all be flat screen monitors next year.... and we are finally getting iPads now, id say Microsoft needs to watch its back, everyone is starting to love the one they were hating on before, Apple.
Oh, and the cheaper, crappier iPhone is definitely Andriod, or if you want an iPhone wanna be, preferably something from Samsung!
IDC has absolutely no credibility. They have predicted this in the past with Symbian and also in 2010, predicated that by 2013 Windows would command the mobile platform, ahead of Apple and Android. They are obviously being 'sponsored' to make these statements.
IDC is paid MSFT PR. This is disgusting. No ethics whatsoever.
"Market analysts at IDC estimate that the share of handsets running Microsoft's Windows Phone will grow to take nearly 20 percent of the market by 2016 at the expense of Apple's iOS and Google's Android."
oh yes........and I am going to win the lotto tomorrow too.......
when i got my first Laptop on Vista, i hated it from the day i got it to the day i killed it on purpose to get a Mac. I will never go back to a windows product in my life!
The fact that you tried Windows Vista explains all of that... though I must say (as much as I love my iPhone, Apple TV, Macbook Pro, etc etc) I far and beyond prefer Windows 7 to any windows version and in MY OPINION the OSX desktop operating system doesn't hold a candle to it, but just because I don't care for OSX right now doesn't mean I pledge to never use it again... Products change. I try to give them another chance every few years at least or keep an eye on it. Of course I may think OSX sucks but I am only a general user on it where I have used windows since version 3.1. I know every living detail of windows where I don't know the innards of OSX enough to even mention. Just saying, don't try one version of something and try to act like OSX or Apple is the only way to go for the rest of your life...
Anyone know what was their prediction on the success of the Kin phone? Wasn't that an iPhone killer?
Was someone given free crack to the analysts at IDC? These bozos can't predict what the market will look like tomorrow.
It's amazing what one can do (and the amount of bullshit one can sling) when handed the keys to all the cute little forecasting features, along with the cool 3D graphics, of Excel.
Relax, folks. I am sure it's April 1.
IDC predicts that in 4 years Microsoft will beat Apple by 0.2%. They do not give margin of error for their "prediction" because it is at least an order of magnitude greater than 0.2%.
But this is good enough to make headlines that Microsoft will beat Apple by 2016. This is the same tactics IDC/Microsoft used in previous "predictions". I am too lazy to dig out all of them but they will be good enough to sue IDC and everybody that publishes them
Microsoft also said they would beat iPhone by 2012.