NYT profiles Apple's retail stores, says employees are 'short on pay'



  • Reply 21 of 130
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by RegurgitatedCoprolite View Post

    The NYT has clearly made it their mission to create and spread the "Apple-is-evil" meme.  


    As "Tallest Skil" notes, reality does not have anything to do with what the "media" writes.  They are on their mission, facts be damned.


    Yep. Trouble is that the truth may be very different than what they paint and when they go get facts they may have just gone someone fired. 

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  • Reply 22 of 130
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Link to NY Times article. I read it and it's not a hatchet job. Factual.



    The only way you can say that it is factual is if you have access to the pay amounts of every Apple employee along with their cost of living etc. 

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  • Reply 23 of 130
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member

    I do not `get` you USA citizens.


    A country that have expressed an unfavorable opinion regarding universal healthCare, allow lowTaxes for the superRich … get all raunchy about Apple retail store employees salary?

    Just because apple is making money, big money?


    Do you have to be suck-essFull in order to be a samaritan?

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  • Reply 24 of 130
    dawdledawdle Posts: 1member

    I don't know where people got the idea that Geniuses make $30 per hour. That's entirely inaccurate. The average is closer to $16, and depending on the market, a Genius's starting wage can be as low as $13. The only Geniuses who earn $60K are the ones who started when Apple retail launched in 2001 and never left, of which there are a couple dozen at most.

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  • Reply 25 of 130
    ktappektappe Posts: 825member

    I would also like to point out that many who replied here have their chronology wrong. Newspaper articles that aren't breaking news often do not just get written overnight. This article was probably in the works for weeks, long before Apple announced it was giving its store employees a raise. In fact, it may even be possible Apple got wind of the story and accelerated its announcement to head off the story. So for you to be denouncing the NYT is unfair and likely simply incorrect. It is the press that often makes corporations move in the right direction. A society without the press writing stories like this would be a stagnant society.

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  • Reply 26 of 130
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member

    How do Apple's retail wages compare to retail wages for competitors or similar industries?

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  • Reply 27 of 130
    geoadmgeoadm Posts: 81member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Funny how Apple is doing so horribly at Chinese work conditions after having just drastically improved Chinese work conditions.

    Funny how Apple is putting out so much pollution after having just building the green energy plant for its servers.

    Funny how Apple is short-changing its retail employees after having just drastically increased pay for retail employees.

    Why can't we get some overseeing body to shut down these idiots in the media? That wouldn't be stifling free speech. It would be stifling lies.


    that is what I was thinking. Reporters these days are so lazy.

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  • Reply 28 of 130
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    john.b wrote: »
    How do Apple's retail wages compare to retail wages for competitors or similar industries?

    That doesn't matter. All that matters is that Apple is evil because they are profitable in a recession. ????
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  • Reply 29 of 130
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    After considering the NYT's logic, I just feel really sorry for all those folks working for companies that are actually losing money...

    They must have to pay their employers in order to work there, huh?

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  • Reply 30 of 130
    cycomikocycomiko Posts: 716member

    Man, I dont care.

    Its better if the workers are earning as little as possible.  Then they are likely to give me the best possible service. 

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  • Reply 31 of 130

    The more you read about the company, the less I like it and I buy everything mac so I'm vested in the ecosystem. 


    There is no denying the products are great as was the Steve Jobs Biography but when you read the book, hear about the treatment of authorized dealers who find themselves locked out of a market that they helped to create, coupled to the general store approach, Tim Cook should take note. There were many great companies that failed the test of time through general arrogance to their customers, their own people and with their products. Tim Cook might look across the ocean to Sony for a lesson or two in what not to do. 

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  • Reply 32 of 130
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Since the NYT is releasing there ieconomy articles about a month before the earnings it looks like they have an agenda to manipulate the stock.
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  • Reply 33 of 130
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by crunchingnumber View Post

    The more you read about the company, the less I like it and I buy everything mac so I'm vested in the ecosystem. 


    There is no denying the products are great as was the Steve Jobs Biography but when you read the book, hear about the treatment of authorized dealers who find themselves locked out of a market that they helped to create, coupled to the general store approach, Tim Cook should take note. There were many great companies that failed the test of time through general arrogance to their customers, their own people and with their products. Tim Cook might look across the ocean to Sony for a lesson or two in what not to do. 

    Yeah, well name a "great" company who currently is the poster boy for humanism. There are none and I'm sick and tired of all this drivel about how corporations are somehow obligated to share the wealth. The world has NEVER EVER worked that way and NEVER WILL. The human condition is all about sex, wealth, and power, and the accumulation there of. And people like yourself go on and on about "fairness" and "equality" ad nauseum until of course it hits you personally in the pocketbook. It's always somebody else, some corporation who's duty it is to redistribute wealth, not your wealth of course. Somebody else's wealth.

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  • Reply 34 of 130
    markbyrnmarkbyrn Posts: 662member
    [quote]The NYT definitely has been running with a lot of negative press about Apple recently. Does anybody know what originally caused this 'falling out'?[/quote]

    I'd be curious to know about the current relationship between the NYT and Amazon. Here's a picture of Bezos (Amazon CEO) and Sulzenberg (CEO NYT) getting chummy about a deal with Kindles back a few years ago.


    Me wonders if the NYT is closely identifying the pay stubs of Amazon employees.
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  • Reply 35 of 130
    diggitidiggiti Posts: 15member

    "ex-Apple retail store employee Jordan Golson, who said it was "tough" when he sold three-quarters of a million dollars worth of devices in a three-month span

    but was earning just $11.25 per hour. He noted that in Christmas 2010, he and other employees were given gifts of a fleece blanket and insulated coffee thermos"


    Ignore it all you want and be a FANBOY, But things like this will come back to bite Apple

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  • Reply 36 of 130
    gumashowgumashow Posts: 70member
    Politics aside. NYT is a very liberal paper -- to be very liberal is to spread the worth around, among other ideologies of course. Apple is rich, NYT wants Apple to share he wealth. Maybe they'll be an 'ocuppy Apple' movement. This is just to answer a few that wondered why Apple was under the gun of the NYT. This has been my opinion.
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  • Reply 37 of 130
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    diggiti wrote: »
    "ex-Apple retail store employee Jordan Golson, who said it was "tough" when he sold three-quarters of a million dollars worth of devices in a three-month span
    but was earning just $11.25 per hour. He noted that in Christmas 2010, he and other employees were given gifts of a fleece blanket and insulated coffee thermos"

    Ignore it all you want and be a FANBOY, But things like this will come back to bite Apple

    Since you're such and objective non-fanboy could you explain why Apple's retail pay is so bad?
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  • Reply 38 of 130
    Funny how Apple is short-changing its retail employees after having just drastically increased pay for retail employees.
    Why can't we get some overseeing body to shut down these idiots in the media? That wouldn't be stifling free speech. It would be stifling lies.

    Sorry but I think that's just your Apple Fanboism speaking. I love Apple products just as much as the next man (that's why I signed up for this form) but I read the entire article at NY Times and I found it very informative. Apple needs to do something about it's over worked and highly stressed employees. The raises just happened. This does not erase the long history of shitty pay Apple employees have been getting nor does it even begin to erase the stress and over demanding pace of the job.
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  • Reply 39 of 130
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Oh, so there IS a way for the employees to earn more money. Get the skills and experience to become a Genius and make over $60 K.
    Yep. It's pretty routine.

    From what I understand that hasn't been true for several years.

    They offered that much because the first couple of years you had to pay from all the certification etc yourself before you could get an interview. And in some cases they demanded college degrees, even graduate level ones. They don't do any of that anymore. Pay now is more like $15-20
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  • Reply 40 of 130
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    mj web wrote: »
    Link to NY Times article. I read it and it's not a hatchet job. Factual.

    Factual? Then why are there no facts other than a few anecdotes? Even the $25 K figure cited above isn't relevant - they said that "Many Apple employees make $25 K". So what?

    If you want to present a factual piece, post the average salary for people in similar jobs which require similar work experience in similar locations. Without that, it's nothing more than a hatchet job.
    The more you read about the company, the less I like it and I buy everything mac so I'm vested in the ecosystem. 

    There is no denying the products are great as was the Steve Jobs Biography but when you read the book, hear about the treatment of authorized dealers who find themselves locked out of a market that they helped to create, coupled to the general store approach, Tim Cook should take note. There were many great companies that failed the test of time through general arrogance to their customers, their own people and with their products. Tim Cook might look across the ocean to Sony for a lesson or two in what not to do. 

    I see. So the fact that Apple pays enough that people are lined up trying to get jobs at the Apple stores somehow makes them evil. The fact that they've created many thousands of jobs makes them evil. The fact that they've created products that millions of people want to buy - and most of their competitors want to copy makes them evil.

    Why not be specific? What is it that makes Apple a bad company? But be sure to use facts, not fact-free nonsense from NYT.
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