Google, Asus expected to unveil $199 tablet this week at I/O conference



  • Reply 41 of 58


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post



    That is not factual.  Android phones outsell iPhones about 3:1.

    (i) You have no evidence to back up this silly claim (that you people regularly make), other than for consulting firm estimates; (ii) A large amount of Android's share comes from China and India, most likely; these are markets that Apple has barely begun to tap, and when it does, Android share will sink like a stone;  (iii) Both things said, the market share is completely irrelevant, given the volumes involved. It's the profit share that matters, and Android's profit share is embarrassing.

  • Reply 42 of 58
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    headrush69 wrote: »
    Although you are technically right, it is still taking aim at the iPad market.

    The simple reason is there is a huge market of dumb, uninformed consumers who ignore facts like this. They will think: "I got a tablet for 1/3 the price of an iPad", ignoring all the differences.

    The only part of your comment I disagree with is the use of the word 'think'. /smile
  • Reply 43 of 58
    johndoe98johndoe98 Posts: 278member
    Google Nexus 7, 200$ for 8gb and 250$ for 16gb, 7 inch 216 ppi screen. Surpisingly, it looks quite nice. I think this will sell rather well.
  • Reply 44 of 58
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    I'm watching the i/o conference live. The new Android is looking really nice. I especially like the new public transit capabilities. 

  • Reply 45 of 58
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member


    Originally Posted by Headrush69 View Post

    Although you are technically right, it is still taking aim at the iPad market.


    The simple reason is there is a huge market of dumb, uninformed consumers who ignore facts like this. They will think: "I got a tablet for 1/3 the price of an iPad", ignoring all the differences.

    i agree that was true last Xmas when the Kindle Fire was sold to several million such suckers. but that exhausted most of the US sucker market. until next Xmas anyway.

  • Reply 46 of 58
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    New tablet Nexus 7 ( apparently does not have cellular option)


    Offline Maps, save an entire city.


    quad core CPU with 12 core GPU


    $199 available to pre order today along with $25 gift certificate for content


    Shipping mid July


    Now they are demoing the new Nexus Q is a cloud content computer for your home.


    Has a streaming from cloud the new tablet used as the remote control


    Sort of an aTV AirPlay rip off.

  • Reply 47 of 58
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    So called journalism these days is about stirring the pot, not reporting the news. This is especially true in the world of tech journalism where the fanboy wars generate thousands of clicks adding up to more revenue from ads. So the idea is to title articles, find contrarian analysts, splatter charts all over the place in such a way as to stir controversy and argument. I offer as proof the recent blather about Orbitz offering Mac users higher priced options vs PC users. This has stirred the fanboys up into a frenzy. Need I say more?

    yeah, sad but true.


    AI is just as guilty for re-posting so much of this "analyst" crap. there are much better articles written around the web with intelligent observations, but AI rarely features those. it should be searching them out as a service to its readers. re-posting all this "analyst" BS is sheer laziness instead.

  • Reply 48 of 58
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Keep in mind the only way they can sell this at $199 they had to take a lot out of it, like memory and possible other features as well. Keep in mind the Kindle fire is estimated at a cost of $230 there about and Amazon gives them away at $199 and makes up the difference with other services. Keep in mind Apple makes a profit on every one their products they do not give anything way.

  • Reply 49 of 58

    Really digging this, it looks like Google has a bit of game in them after all, I am surprised. It seems like they took a lot of inspiration from Metro too, without being derivative.


    The Compass feature looks especially nifty.

  • Reply 50 of 58
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Keep in mind the only way they can sell this at $199 they had to take a lot out of it, like memory and possible other features as well. Keep in mind the Kindle fire is estimated at a cost of $230 there about and Amazon gives them away at $199 and makes up the difference with other services. Keep in mind Apple makes a profit on every one their products they do not give anything way.

    Other estimates at the time put the Kindle Fire BOM as low as about $150. Could be much less than that by now.

  • Reply 51 of 58
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post

    That is not factual.  Android phones outsell iPhones about 3:1.


    Fair enough.

  • Reply 52 of 58
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    The new Android is looking really nice. I especially like the new public transit capabilities. 


    Pity most Android users will never get to enjoy it, at least for 12 months.

  • Reply 53 of 58
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by ChuckD View Post

    Two words: iPad Mini.

    That is all.


    or like the last 2 years the iPad at it's current size will still take the market and Apple will continue not to copy the other boys and their tactics. 


    And remember that Steve made a very public proclamation that a 7 inch iPad would suck. That proclamation was likely based on actually testing various sizes (which could be the reason for all the rumors about Apple having prototypes of all sorts of sizes around the campus labs). Apple isn't likely to turn that around, particularly any time soon given that they have about 5 years of product plans they are already in the middle of. Instead they focus on making folks realize they need the current design. Like that education event back in January

  • Reply 54 of 58
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post



    That is not factual.  Android phones outsell iPhones about 3:1.


    yes but how many of those 'sales' are actually BOGO items, how many of those 'sales' are from the Samsung definition (i.e. channel sales not end users) and how many of them are returned within the month for something else including sometimes an iPhone. 

  • Reply 55 of 58
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Other estimates at the time put the Kindle Fire BOM as low as about $150. Could be much less than that by now.

    Which would put the break even cost at about $230 for a BOM of $150.

    As for Google choosing Asus that was a great choice. They use quality displays and have a history of making quality products for the cost. I don't see 7" tablets being a runaway success (shit, Android phones are in the 5" range as it is) but they should certainly put a dent in Kindle Fire sales which are heavily impacting Google's Android ad revenue return rate and data mining.
  • Reply 56 of 58
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Which would put the break even cost at about $230 for a BOM of $150.

    As for Google choosing Asus that was a great choice. They use quality displays and have a history of making quality products for the cost. I don't see 7" tablets being a runaway success (shit, Android phones are in the 5" range as it is) but they should certainly put a dent in Kindle Fire sales which are heavily impacting Google's Android ad revenue return rate and data mining.

    iSuppli did an initial estimate pegging the Nexus7 BOM as low as $130. Of course it's always an estimate with any of the teardowns. I have no idea how Google is distributing this, but if it's only thru Google Play then the break-even could be significantly less than you're guessing. . .


    or higher. We're all guessing. image

  • Reply 57 of 58
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    gatorguy wrote: »
    iSuppli did an initial estimate pegging the Nexus7 BOM as low as $130. Of course it's always an estimate with any of the teardowns. I have no idea how Google is distributing this, but if it's only thru Google Play then the break-even could be significantly less than you're guessing. . .

    or higher. We're all guessing. :lol:

    Regardless of what the BOM is the cost to bring the device to market is BOM plus more money. That was my point.
  • Reply 58 of 58
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Regardless of what the BOM is the cost to bring the device to market is BOM plus more money. That was my point.

    And a fine point it is. 

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