Samsung fails to convince court to stay Galaxy Tab injunction

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Samsung has been unsuccessful in a bid to have an Apple-sought injunction against its Galaxy Tab 10.1 put on hold while it appeals the ban.

Reuters reported on Monday that a district court in the U.S. denied the South Korean electronics maker's request. Samsung had hoped to have the injunction put off until its appeal had been heard.

Judge Lucy Koh handed down the Galaxy Tab injunction last week after Apple won an appeal to have a design patent reevaluated for validity. Though Koh had ruled that the patent in question was obvious, the appeals court reversed the decision and paved the way for the injunction.

Samsung will still have a shot at having the injunction lifted via the appeal it filed with a federal appeals court.

In addition to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 ban, Samsung was hit with an injunction against its Galaxy Nexus smartphone last week. The sales ban is a heavy blow to Samsung, as the Galaxy Nexus is the flagship device for the Ice Cream Sandwich release of Android and one of the company's top-selling smartphones.

Some industry sources have suggested that Samsung could lose as much as $60 million from the Galaxy Tab injunction and $120 million from the Galaxy Nexus ban.

Samsung's situation has become sufficiently dire that the company announced it was "working closely" with Google to defend itself. Though Google publicly declared support for its partners at the start of the legal confrontation between Apple and several prominent Android vendors, the company had stopped short of a declaration of support for Samsung in the past.

Galaxy Tab 10.1

Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White said on Monday that Samsung could have "big problems on its hands" if Apple succeeds in a third injunction against the company. Apple took aim at the new Galaxy S III shortly after it was announced, but Judge Koh said she couldn't fit the device into the near-term schedule.

Recent developments in Apple's legal disputes have begun to give shape to late co-founder Steve Jobs' vow to "destroy" Google Android. According to Jobs' biographer, the executive promised to go "thermonuclear war" on the rival operating system because he felt Google had betrayed his company and stolen its innovations. Apple's current CEO Tim Cook has been less dramatic in his public statements about the litigation, but he has repeatedly voiced a strong commitment to defending the company's intellectual property.


  • Reply 1 of 44
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    "What do they care? They're two versions on now; this one is worthless to everyone."
  • Reply 2 of 44
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
  • Reply 3 of 44
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member

    Samsung is profitable and will survive this setback. And consumers will get something good out of it: products that are more original! More variety and choice in the market. Less lazy following/copying. Other companies besides Samsung may be pushed in that direction too for fear of legal costs—and with any luck that will mean more Microsoft-style innovation in the tablet/touch market! (Would have sounded crazy in years past, but these days it’s true! Surface + Windows 8 is a response to Apple that wouldn’t have happened without the iPhone and iPad, but they are NOT me-too lazy copycats.)



    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Ha! (I love everything Mitchell and Webb EXCEPT the snookers thing. Ah well, I’m not British.)

  • Reply 4 of 44
    drealothdrealoth Posts: 79member



    I consider myself both technically savvy and pretty up to date with technology, and I mistook the Galaxy Tab for an iPad at first glance ("That's a strange looking iPad... wait a second, that's not an iPad at all!"). It's a complete knock-off. Other Android tablet manufacturers have proven that they can manufacture tablets without being derivative (look at Asus's Transformer series - oh how I would love for Apple to do something like that with the MacBook Air).


    I'm a pretty reasonable guy, and I am not a fan of software patents or really even patents in general. While I'm not too happy with the Galaxy Nexus injunction, Samsung deserves everything that they get with the Galaxy Tab.

  • Reply 5 of 44
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,111member

    Samsung getting EXACTY what it deservers.  An epic smack-down.  I hope this serves as a lesson to all copyists that unless you're prepared to go all the way legally and just let the lawyers get rich, be prepared to do your own products and not use Apple as your R&D department.

    Crossing fingers tightly that the Galaxy/Nexus phones are next on the chopping block!

  • Reply 6 of 44
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    nagromme wrote: »
    Ha! (I love everything Mitchell and Webb EXCEPT the snookers thing. Ah well, I’m not British.)

    I'm right there with you. I can't stand it but they have so... many... damn skits with it that I've decided to post that every time Samsung loses some court skirmish against Apple. It's quite fitting.

    PS: I'm not British either. My ancestry is British and I've spent enough of time in the UK that one could describe me as Britishish but that's about itish.
  • Reply 7 of 44

    Why would Google defend Samsung? If Samsung hadn't infringed, they wouldn't be in this mess. This is Samsung's mess.

  • Reply 8 of 44
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 862member

    Customers getting tired of Samsungs copying. Really shows where Samsung is at in their technology revolution. The answer is nowhere. If Samsung is so intuitive and great why don't they design their own Smartphones, tablets etc.

  • Reply 9 of 44
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    In future history books, when they write about significant technological innovations and game changing devices, you can safely bet your ass that the iPhone and iPad will be mentioned. However, Android will be nowhere to be found in those books, besides maybe in a little footnote or two, where they happen to mention how Apple's breakthrough devices changed the whole industry and triggered a whole slew of pathetic and miserable copycats, including Android. If Fandroids are mentioned, they will be described as stingy, fanatical, root happy, cultish, delusional beings with a shaky grasp on reality and possessing the combined intelligence of a raving group of zombies who've all been lobotomized.

  • Reply 10 of 44
    bighypebighype Posts: 148member

    Hhahaha.. finally some justice is served!!!


    Samsung got samsunged! LMAO!



  • Reply 11 of 44

    Apple needs to go after Google now for corporate espionage since Eric Schmidt was on Apple's board of directors when the iPhone was in development and had a first look at all ideas.  The people who talk about Apple for buying and improving on as not being inventive should look at android, Google didn't invent android they bought android.  

  • Reply 12 of 44
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Some industry sources have suggested that Samsung could lose as much as $60 million from the Galaxy Tab injunction
    What "industry sources"?
    Samsung employees/lawyers/PR people?
  • Reply 13 of 44
    sensisensi Posts: 346member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    Some industry sources have suggested that Samsung could lose as much as $60 million from the Galaxy Tab injunction

    Again, isn't the bond figure precisely set to cover the penalized company loss if the injunction is overturned afterward? If yes those 'industry sources' claim doesn't make sense. Moreover the loss for the Galaxy Tab injunction was claimed to be $80 million in your earlier article...

  • Reply 14 of 44
    sensisensi Posts: 346member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    stingy, fanatical, root happy, cultish, delusional beings with a shaky grasp on reality and possessing the combined intelligence of a raving group of zombies who've all been lobotomized.

    We have reached a new low.

  • Reply 15 of 44 Posts: 340member


    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Samsung getting EXACTY what it deservers.  An epic smack-down.  I hope this serves as a lesson to all copyists that unless you're prepared to go all the way legally and just let the lawyers get rich, be prepared to do your own products and not use Apple as your R&D department.

    Crossing fingers tightly that the Galaxy/Nexus phones are next on the chopping block!


    yeah, because it's not like Apple has copied ideas from Android or anything. Oh wait, forgot about that notification center thing or alert banners, or turn by turn navigation... so, are you prepared for the epic smack down on Apple, since they copied? or are you a hypocrit?

  • Reply 16 of 44
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    In future history books, when they write about significant technological innovations and game changing devices, you can safely bet your ass that the iPhone and iPad will be mentioned. However, Android will be nowhere to be found in those books, besides maybe in a little footnote or two, where they happen to mention how Apple's breakthrough devices changed the whole industry and triggered a whole slew of pathetic and miserable copycats, including Android. If Fandroids are mentioned, they will be described as stingy, fanatical, root happy, cultish, delusional beings with a shaky grasp on reality and possessing the combined intelligence of a raving group of zombies who've all been lobotomized.





    Dude, you're very insulting to zombies!


    What have they ever done to us?


    (Other than eat our brains)

  • Reply 17 of 44
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post


    yeah, because it's not like Apple has copied ideas from Android or anything. Oh wait, forgot about that notification center thing or alert banners, or turn by turn navigation... so, are you prepared for the epic smack down on Apple, since they copied? or are you a hypocrit?


    But isn't Apple allowed to copy from Android?


    Isn't it open? ;-)

  • Reply 18 of 44 Posts: 340member
    gtr wrote: »
    But isn't Apple allowed to copy from Android?

    Isn't it open? ;-)
    Nope. Google filed a patent in 2009 for a notification bar and drop down list. It still hasn't been approved, which is why Apple can steal the idea. However, once the patent is approved, Apple will be in for a world of hurt.

    And yes Android is open source, but it is still licensed.
  • Reply 19 of 44
    blursdblursd Posts: 123member wrote: »
    yeah, because it's not like Apple has copied ideas from Android or anything. Oh wait, forgot about that notification center thing or alert banners, or turn by turn navigation... so, are you prepared for the epic smack down on Apple, since they copied? or are you a hypocrit?

    Google invented turn-by-turn navigation ...? That's sure news to me :s
  • Reply 20 of 44 Posts: 340member
    blursd wrote: »
    Google invented turn-by-turn navigation ...? That's sure news to me :s

    Didn't say they invented it. However, baking it into the OS is copying an Android feature that has been incorporated into the OS for years. But I'm sure all the Apple faithful will hail turn by turn mavigation on the iphone as 'innovative and new', just like they did with the notification center in ios5.
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